Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter)

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Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

Go for it, man. Whenever you see fit. :D
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

While I'm at it, I got a pretty close represenation of Smiling Dreamer...

[SPOILI]Smiles! By Pachycrocuta.jpg[/SPOILI]

The picture is not -of- Smiles, but of another Coyote character. The artist, Pachycrocutta, does really amazing work: a lot of it D&D inspired. Check'm out when you get the chance.
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

Oooh, it's still well drawn, though. I'll keep that in mind, my friend.
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

There we go! My first post. My apologies for it's length: Smiles was telling of one of his adventures... vaguely. <3
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

It was entirely fun to read. xD I posted just before you did. I don't know if you back-read or not.

Think I should let LadyHarpy go first? We should probably establish some sort of order to make things less confusing.
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

Blast, I was typing while you posted that. XD

Well, I'd love it if you posted. Then we can go You-Harpy-Me.
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

Oops, looks like Harpy wasn't reading this thread as well. xD; She already posted. I'll edit my post to make it fit. And quote her to get her attention in here as well. ^^

LadyHarpy said:
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

>.> oops, I just posted...
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

It's alright. ^^; How should we go about getting the posts into order now?
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

Hmm...well I think the order that frost suggested is best.
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

So I'm next?
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

Sure. Tet's response to Haz will be a bit late, but it works.
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

There we go! <3
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

Sorry if Tet comes across as an arse at first. >> It's just how he is with guys when he first meets them.
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

So it is my turn to post right?
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

Heh. Smiles is a pacifistic bard. He likely comes off as pretty cowardly, at least until his friend's lives are at stake... and even then, he rarely risks his tail. <_< He's not very manly. Still, the party of folks I normally play him with dig him a bunch from his "save the party" abilities. XD

During one game, he managed to even "Tank" for the party... using various taunts to enrage opponents and playing a song that affected the opponents to swing innacurrately. It was pretty fun... though Smiles never wants to do stuff like that again. Being that close to damage makes him nervous. D:

Also of note! Smiles isn't the "hit on everything" sort of bard - he's even been resonsible for introducing his party members to the individuals they end up marrying. Quinn with Bottie, at least (they're mentioned on his character sheet). His rationalization being 'I love my friends. I love to see them happy... so I'm going to work to make them happy'.

Mr. Support Back Row Guy! XD

Harpy's post now, yes.
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

Alright, I posted! hope it was alright! Also I am heading to bed at the moment so i you guys wish to have a small scene between the two of you the go for it. now I am off! I have sleeping to do!
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

Damn, I was heading to bed as well. Don't want to sleep through work later today. One more post out of me, though!
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

Ohhh, I'd very much like to join! I'm new to this site, and I'm no pro RPer or anything, but your story seems interesting, and would very much like to be a part of the action. :)
Re: Scales For Hire (Character sheets, OOC RP chatter) [Accepting~]

In the meantime, I'll just go ahead and post my character thingy. :P

: Oletha

Nicknames or Aliases: The Graceful Shadow; Olly (to her siblings)

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Age: 19

Blood relatives: 3 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers.

Other close relations: N/A

Current Occupation: Thief

Physical Description: Standing at 5'8", she's fairly tall for a female. She has long, cocoa-colored hair tied up a classic ponytail, followed by neat side bangs that almost cover her right eye. She wears dark, flexible clothing coupled with a scarf that covers half her face, only revealing her deep blue eyes. However, those that are fortunate enough to have seen her face know that she is quite a beauty to behold. She attracts a lot of unwanted male attention due to her large bust size.

References: Don't have one at the moment. :(

Personal History: She grew up in a small village not too far from the city. Like everyone else in that village, her family was poor and relied on crops for income. However, their farming proved difficult due to the harsh winters and dry summers. Finally, one day when her father had had enough, he took his life and left his family behind. It wasn't long before Oletha lost her mother as well. At the ripe age of 13, Oletha's mother had run away with a nobleman that had passed through the village on the way to the city, and she never heard from her again. The second oldest only being 7, Oletha knew that she would not be able to support her brothers and sisters in her current state. It was then that she began her life as a thief, taking what she needed for her and her family to survive. She started small, only taking barely enough to feed her and her siblings. But when she realized she had never been caught, she figured why not just take anything and everything she wanted? It was then that at 15 she received the title "The Graceful Shadow", traveling from town to town taking whatever she pleased. Her siblings are unaware of her work, however, and to them she is still their caring big sister.

Tools of the trade: 2 small blades that she carries on each side of her hips, a small assortment of tools for break-ins, and a bit of invisibility, detection, and teleportation magic she learned from books.

Personality: It is here where most men are put off. Most of them are shocked to hear her tomboy like attitude after fantasizing about her beautiful feminine face and her glorious assets. She is blunt, potty-mouthed, quick tempered, and gives off an air that she could care less about anyone or anything. She tries to keep everyone at an arm's length as best she can. But her rough edges are merely due to the fact that she's never had anyone to really rely on. For in actuality, she is quite sensitive, and can be brought to tears if she lets things get to her. She can also be surprisingly caring, since she has always been partial to children, especially her siblings, and treats them all as if she had given birth to them herself. For everything she does is for her family, and her siblings have yet to see any other side of her. It is because of that fact that she goes to sleep in regret every night.

Likes: Children, drinking, and laying in an open meadow near her village in the summers.

Dislikes: People, especially perverts. Is also not a fan of meat, since from a very young age she's seen what they do to animals before they are prepared for a meal.

Any odd habits or quirks: She tends to tuck her face in her scarf when she's feeling embarrassed, and also often crosses her arms over her chest when she notices someone staring at them.

Goals: Her goal is to find a decent job where she can earn an honest living and not have to hide or feel ashamed in front of her siblings. But being so distant from people, she finds that impossible.

Fears and Beliefs: Her biggest fear is losing her family, and believes that any god that could possibly be ruling the earth must be an evil one.