Say Something I'm giving up on you

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David blinked as the door shut. It sent a sinking feeling in his stomach, but he knew that this was the best thing for them. He headed back to his hotel, inviting his secretary over for a talk.
Arla threw the papers on the dinner table then went back to eating chips and dip. She wasn't going to let him ruin this one day that when she saw or even thought of him didn't make her cry. This was going to be her carefree day.
It was a long day for David, but eventually it was mostly over. He decided to go out to the bar for once, drink away his worries of her deciding not to sign the papers.
Arla had actually forgot all about papersand whatnot. She had finished her night alone by eating ice cream then she cleaned up and went to bed.
He walked back to his room completely trashed. David fell onto the bed and slept facing down, content with how his night went.
She woke up in the morning and didn't cook breakfast like she always did. She was full from the junk food from the night before. Arla laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling til it was time for work.
The next morning was rough, but David managed to make it to work. He didn't get much work done, which didn't matter that much since there wasn't all that much to be done.
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