Saving Satan

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Danny finished his ice cream quickly, then digging into his candy bags. He had a few bags partially finished when they stopped in front of his house. Aaron was out first, taking the tiger so his brother could carry the candy.
"I'll see you on monday Gabe," he said, waving with candy in his hand.
Gabe smiled and waved, leaving them there.

Back home, he walked into his house to hear a shocked shout from his mom. "Gabriel! Why is your hair like that?" she asked, rushing over and trying to fix it.

He smiled a little, "We went onto one of the water rides."
Danny and Aaron's mother walked in, busy fastening a cross necklace around her neck.
"Did you have fun boys?"
"Yeah ma," they answered together, running upstairs. Aaron gave Danny the tiger and Danny gave Aaron his candy bag. After that they retreated to their own respective rooms. Their father came out after hearing his boys bounding up the stairs.
"Boys, your mother and I are going out on an adult church gathering. No parties, no girls, absolutely no boys," he said, unable to believe he has to give his boys such rules. His son Danny had disgusting habits to begin with, and Aaron had his own quirks, but not as bad. At least he wasn't gay. Though, neither were very good Christians.
After his mother's fussing, Gabriel finally made it to his little brother, Johnny's, room. He gave him the hippo and the little boy jumped around with it happily for a few minutes. He went to his room, laying on the bed and staring up at the cieling with a blank expression.

His parents opened the door, peeking in. "Gabe, we're going to the church gathering, please take care of Johnathan," his mother said, stepping and kissing his forehead.

He nodded, "Yeah sure. I mean, of course mother." He had slipped up a little there, but managed to save it. He said bye to his parents and went to Johnny's room, playing with him for a while until the boy fell asleep.
(How old is Johnny?)

Aaron and Danny pretty much locked themselves in their rooms the rest of the evening, only leaving to get food or go to the bathroom.

Their parents arrived at the gathering, taking a glass of wine and bread. They looked around before walking up to a nice looking couple to mingle with.
"Hello. You two are Gabe's parents, right?" their mother asked, smiling happily.

Danny looked through his computer, messing around a garage band for a while before he pulled out his phone, finding Gabe's number which he... acquired.

​Hey, how's it going? This is Danny by the way.
(About eight)

Gabriel's mother and father nodded, looking proud. "Yes we are," Gabe's mom said.

Gabe was falling asleep on the couch when he got the text, sitting up quickly. Oh hi Danny. I'm good, you? ​He replied.
bored out of my god damn mind. my parents went to some church gathering so my brother and i are locked away in our rooms. what are you up to?

​He replied quickly before putting his phone beside him and looking back at his unmoving computer screen. He debated looking up porn, but decided against it.
He smiled a little. I think my parents went to the same church gathering. My brother's asleep, so I was just laying around, Gabe sent the message and turned the TV on.
Danny smiled, muttering a small 'figures, before hitting reply.

You want me to come over and keep you warm? ;D

He chuckled, logging into netflix and playing Big Band Theory.
Gabriel couldn't help but laugh gently. No, but thank you for the offer, he sent, turning on the news.
Danny chuckled, thinking about what to say next.

so, when do you want to hang out next?

He thought for a minute, wondering when would be the next time. Next Saturday? Or would you like to hang out sometime during the week?
No, weekends are best. What do you wanna do?

He sent the message quickly, not wanting to miss much of his show.
Whatever you'd like, he replied, not knowing what he wanted to do.
Danny smiled a slightly wicked smile.

Alright. I have a plan, but you aren't allowed to complain about it... or know about it until saturday, for that matter. I'll see you on monday.

Gabriel bit his lip a little, sighing. Alright, just don't hurt me or something, he replied, a little worried. I'll see you on monday then.
Danny smiled, not responding after that. Once his parents arrived they told him all about their conversation with 'his good friends parents'. He then proceeded to point out to his religious parents that all his friends were good friends. They ignored the comment.

Aaron and Danny were similar in that way. Neither of them were very religious, though Aaron did believe. More or less. However, Aaron never acted out in school, whereas Danny was a rebellious type and was always looking for the next "wrong" thing to do. Aaron, being out of school but still a teenager, didn't have to deal with his peers pushing the bible in his face. Danny wasn't nearly so smart that he could skip multiple grades and open his own business.

The week went by fairly uneventful. Danny smiled at Gabe and exchanged a friendly greeting, as well as some crude lines, accompanied by terrible pick up lines. Gabe's friends (along with any other people with in ear shot) would give him dirty looks. Some would ask Gabe why he bothered trying to help Danny, or why he was hanging around with 'the son of the devil'. Nothing could phase the blond though. Absolutely nothing. However Danny couldn't help but walk with a jump to his step as soon as he woke up on Saturday. His parents figured Danny was a little stoned, but Aaron knew better. However, the quiet twin said nothing because despite the sibling rivalry, he didn't want to ruin his brothers day. Danny had a paper folded in his pocket that he kept tapping happily. He grabbed his phone after finishing his morning snack and sent a text to Gabe.

Can I have your address so I can come over now? We kinda need to get "there" early.

He still refused to tell the Christian boy about where their 'date' would be taking place.
With each passing day, Gabriel would smile or laugh a little more at Danny's dirty jokes. Of course, his friends seemed concerned and would start preaching to him occasionally. "Guys, he's very nice," he would tell them. Other than that, he tended to not let Daniel come into his conversations. Not because he was embarassed, but because he didn't like the way they talked about him, he was actually starting to get a little defensive over his new friend.

By Saturday, his parents were actually a little worried he was going out with Daniel again, but didn't make a big fuss.

Fine, fine, Gabe replied, sending his address in the same text. I still want to know where you're taking me.

Danny snickered a little, sending his final text before getting up. Aaron puled his car keys out of his pocket and handed them to his brother. He could afford his own car, but Danny hadn't started working yet so he couldn't afford to pay for his half of the car (their parents agreed to pay half of each). Danny nodded.
"Thanks prick."
"Have fun, be safe shit-for-brains." After the exchange of insults Danny was in the garage and turning on the car.

Once he arrived at Gabe's house he honked the horn a few times to let them know he was there.
Gabe smiled and grabbed his hat, a normal red baseball hat that matched his t-shirt. Gabe called a farewell to his family and ran to the door. He walked outside, hurrying to Daniel's car. "Now can I know?" he asked, laughing a little and getting in.