Saving Satan

"Yeah, we can just put them off to the side with our shoes," he said, smiling happily as they moved up.
"It'll be so much fun! I'll bet you never thought you'd have fun hanging out with me, huh?" Danny said, smirking playfully at Dave.
Gabe laughed a little. "I suppose not, you did seem like a fun guy," he admitted.
Danny smiled.
"Oh really," he said, more as a statement than a question. They moved up in line again and they would be the next ride up.
"You wanna hang out with me more?"
He thought for a moment before nodding. "Yes, sure," he replied, smiling.
Danny couldn't help but smile happily.
"Alright," he said, moving up. It was their turn and Danny took the Hippo from Gabe. He put them in a spot with other shoes and hates and such. He slipped off his shoes as well as his brothers before they took their seats on the ride. They put Gabe in the middle this time.
"This is gonna be so cool," the twins muttered in unison.
Gabe slipped his shoes off and smiled as he sat in the middle. "I hope so," he replied, leaning back as he waited for the ride to start.
Danny was practically bouncing in his seat because of his excitement. After a minute of it Aaron reached over Gabe's head and smacked Danny on the back of his.
"Quit it."
"Fuck you," Danny said, and finally the ride started.
"Hey now, calm down," Gabe said, raising his hands. He did not want to get caught in the middle of the fight during a ride.
Aaron and Danny chuckled, looking around as the ride started. The ride was practically a blur with a lot of water and screaming. By the end of the ride the boys were sopping wet, drenched head to toe, and so very happy.
"Holy shit, that was cool!" Danny said and Aaron got off first, stumbling a bit do to his dragging pants. They walked over and took off their socks, slipping their shoes on. anny handed Gabe his stuffed animal while his brother grabbed the tiger so they could leave.
"Sweets a'hoy!" Danny cheered and they walked out of the exit to the ride.
Gabriel shook out his hair when he got off, making him look like a porcupine, with strands sticking every direction. He shivered a little, but laughed. "That was great!" he said, taking the hippo from Danny, thanking him. "Alright, let's get going," he said, smiling and starting to lead the way to his car.
Danny and Aaron followed Gabe to the car. Along the way he took his Tiger from his brother, who then shoved his hands in his pockets, thankful to be rid of the massive toy. Once they were all buckled into the car and on the road Danny took to messing with the radio.
"Gabe, all your programmed stations are crap," he said, resorting to changing through all the channels.
Gabriel got in and set the hippo in the backseat with Aaron, starting the car and heading in the direction of the shop. He laughed gently, not looking at Danny. "Sorry, it's my parents' car. I'm just used to this music I guess," he explained, smiling.
"Bluh bluh huge fuck," he mumbled, finally finding a light rock station that he liked to listen to a lot.
"You don't mind listening to this, right?"
Gabriel shook his head, ignoring the boy's swearing. A few minutes later, he parked in front of a small ice-cream shop, with shelves of candy lining the windows. It was a cute looking shop, Gabe loved coming to it in the summer. "Alright, here we are," he said, getting out of the car.
By the time Gabe was out of the car, Danny was already out and around, waiting for the others to get out. His mouth was watering like crazy.
"God, you guys are so slow!" he said, punching his brother before he went up into the shop, shuddering as he looked around. Aaron rolled his eyes.
"Fucking candy man over here. I swear, he'll have diabetes galore when he's older."
Please behave... Gabe thought, laughing gently. The two were very funny boys and Gabriel couldn't help but be eager to spend more time with them. He hadn't talk to Danny as much as he'd wanted to, but that could wait for school. He walked into the shop after Daniel. "Alright, here's the deal, get whatever you want as long as it doesn't exceed... Thirty dollars," he told the two.
Danny pouted, looked around.
"Ugh," he mumbled, looking around for what looked best. Aaron shrugged, getting a bag and filling it. Danny finished up with about eight bags, and he just barely made it at about twenty five dollars. With his brothers bag the grand total was $28.12.
"Alright, go ahead and order ice-cream too," he said, smiling once the two had their candy. He would've gotten them more, but he didn't have a job and his neighbor's lawns didn't grow out everyday. He tried doing a lot of chores and collecting a lot of money, it still didn't bring in too much, but at least he'd had enough for the day.

Gabe went ahead and ordered chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream in a cone and he stood by the register while waiting for the other two to order.
Danny smiled brightly, ordering half watermelon and half strawberry in a cone. He was practically jumping up and down when he was given his cone. Aaron ordered plain chocolate, taking his cone with a short 'thanks'. By the time they were paid for and left the store Danny's ice cream was half way gone.
"I never realized you could be so cool, Gabe," he said, sitting in the car and buckling his seat. His tiger was pushed down and he set the candy in his lap as he finished the ice cream happily.
Gabriel sat in the car for a moment before turning it on, still eating his own ice cream. He laughed, turning to Daniel. "Thank you, it's nice to know you think I'm cool," he replied. "We'll have to do this again sometime." He started the car, finishing off his ice-cream and heading towards Daniel and Aaron's house.