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Saved Your Life

Wyatt held her close and they seemed to stay there for what seemed like hours. Then finally Wyatt spoke, "Are you getting tired?"
"Kinda" She replied quietly. She was, but she didn't want to leave him and go sleep alone downstairs.
He looked down at her, "Not trying to make this sound bad but you wanna sleep on the living couch with me?"
She laughed a little "well after that stunt you pulled back there I don't know..." she teased biting her lip.
Wyatt couldn't help but blush a little. He rubbed the back of his head then tried playing it off, "Well can ya blame me? You a a very attractive woman. But hey you know if you wanna sleep be yourself tonight that is cool too." He said with a smirk and casually turned around pretending to get ready to walk away.
Carmen quickly grabbed his shirt, she knew he was messing with her, but she didn't want to take a chance. "Hey! I didn't say that... but does it have to be on the couch? That's kinda small."
He looked down at her and smiled gently, "Well we can sleep downstairs or my room. Your call."
She thought about it for a moment then responded "your room would be nicer." She said softly
Wyatt nodded in understanding the gently took her hand and led her upstairs to his room.
Carmen smiled following him up the stairs, leaning against his arm tired.
Wyatt smiled down at her and gently laid her down in the bed then laid down beside her. He wrapped an arm around her and put the covers over them.
"I've never done this before" She said yawning as she closed her eyes. "It's nice"
He smiled slightly, "Yeah, it really is." He yawned as well his eyelids getting heavy. He slowly drifted to sleep.
When she woke up it was still dark outside, and she was partially on top of Wyatt, her head on his chest, and her arm wrapped around his waist. She almost bolted straight up, but remembered what had happened the day previous and calmed down.
Wyatt continued to sleep peacefully, his arm still around around her... Then suddenly Wyatt started talking in his sleep... most of it was in Swedish except for the last word. He muttered, 'Carmen...'
Her ears picked up and she adjusted herself so that she was more on him. "what about Carmen?" She asked quietly
Just like that Wyatt's eyes slowly opened and he looked down at the beautiful woman that was on top of him. He raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly, "Well hi there."
She smiled back at those beautiful blue eyes that shimmered in the darkness. "Hey. Were you having a nice dream?" She asked quietly.
He nod smiling slightly, "Yes I was actually."
The words he said was, 'Jag älskar dig.'
Of course Carmen would have no idea what that meant.
Wyatt gently touched her cheek, "How about you?"
She smiled happily, leaning ever so slightly into his hand. "Yeah. It was nice. But not as nice as to waking up almost terrified cause I forgot I was sleeping in the same bed as you." She said laughing a little at herself.