Saphir Academy For The Demonically Gifted

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Toby Lorlitz- Fallen angel

A boy walked in the halls no one recognized him no one had ever seen him he was that person that you see but you forget that guy you know exists but for some reason end up forgetting about with no friends he walked in the halls with a small limp if you saw a glimpse you saw what was wrong the face of innocence but yet the face of sin
Ragnar stood there for a moment and kept the same concerned look to him as he kept mentally arguing himself over mostly random stuff for a while. Eventually he realized she spoke to him, and once she did he realized that she heard his thoughts without getting faced by it very much. He nodded to himself and her, and raised his finger as if giving a lecture before clearing her throat. "Because any Female of your age and curves have a right to be seen as True women... " He replied bluntly and he and his cat nodded together. He then snorted slightly "Oh no, Its not the same at all... The Squishiness... Softness, and Perfect fit in my palm... Along with the warmth can't be simply compared with that of a balloon" he stated almost valiantly, he then starred at her eyes for a moment not minding their red glow. He then smirked slightly "But the blush on your face... Is a sign of perfection and innocence.... When you fall in a stair and wait for your hero to save you, you should always wear a skirt... " He said crossing his arms slightly
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Shade was starting to loose her patience. "Who do you think you are? Yes, I'm grateful you saved me before, but that doesn't give you any right to speak about... My... Squishness... Or softness..." She mumbled blushing again to then look away annoyed. "First, I'm not a feline. In fact I'm the contrary. Second. Not even if an apocalypse destroys any form of pants, jeans, or shorts, I would never use a skirt. At all. And dresses, no. Unless another freaking family member is getting married or possibly for my graduation. If I can pass math that is." She huffed looking back at him at the cat over his shoulder slightly curious. 'Perfection and innocence...' She couldn't deny she was flattered but she had to stop thinking about it or she would stay like a tomato for the rest of the day. "I wasn't expecting to have a hero saving me. I don't have that luck." Turning around she sighed, secretly smiling softly before stating climbing up the stais again looking at the steps over her books.
Lyall heard what Ragnar was saying, and turned to Kimberly, "Combat class was... Interesting... By the way, what do you think the chances would be that an Orc has managed to pass for a Demon in this school?" He spoke quickly, a hint of aggression was in his voice, and his thumb was testing the sharpness of his claws through his gloves. He took a single bite of the bread he had taken from his bag, and began to wrap it up back in the cloth. Any trace of a shine his eyes had was now gone, and they appeared as bottomless wells, the darkness reaching far back into his head.
[Sorry, I have to beg forgiveness, it was supposed to say Females xD... Not sure how that happened o.o" thought the reaction was quite fun too xD]

Ragnar chuckled slightly at her snapping at him and shrugged slightly, all he was trying to do was to actually compliment her and tell her that her nice jugs couldn't be compared to how anything else felt. "Aah So your that kind of Woman... I see, I see... That's okay too. Besides... It was you that started reading my personal thoughts and implying that they could be compared to water filled balloons... But anyway... " he said and chuckled gently as he watched her start to leave. "Well, you may fall as much as you like, I won't mind at all actually... Oh, you got a nice butt too... I figured you might read my mind hearing me think that anyway... So I decided to just spill it... " he said and smirked slightly as he started to walk in the other direction 'Not lucky huh?... Well I definitely think this is my lucky day... Now should I go back to the dinning hall?... hmm, yeah I should do that... Must carry my plate away I guess, and teasing that Succubus might prove fun' he thought to himself and Glanced to the woman walking up the stairs. "Oh, Names Ragnar... And this is Airtimes... Hope to see you around more~ "he said and clapped his hands again to vanish again into thin air and soon appear back where he left his chair.

Once there he sighed and looked to his half finished plate as well as the others, "Well, now that's taken care off... I believe you must've started missing me by now..."he announced as he sat down for a while to attempt to finish his plate off.
Oh, he's back. Kimberly thought with annoyance, and simply glared at his presence. She rolled her eyes at him when he spoke, assuming he just liked hearing his own voice at this point. "Absolutely not." She mumbled before Lyall spoke up. Kimberly now turned her attention to someone she actually believed was worth giving it to, especially over someone who had so blatantly insulted her. "Heh, combat training can be a little rough sometimes. I have it next, actually. I heard Desi's running it this year, guess I'll get that spar after all." She continued nibbling on her food as she thought about what Lyall said about an orc passing for a demon. Kimberly wondered if this was a serious question. Although orcs were barbaric, they weren't exactly considered demonic. "The school does have its loopholes, but I'm not really sure. I don't know much about orcs." She replied honestly.
Nameless just let the smoke drift for a bit. After the cig gave its last puff she adjusted her cap and returned to the lunchroom. Two. Fucking. Minutes. And someone pukes. Under her breath were words that would make Satin blush as she proceeded to mop the floor and struggled not to curse the kid with eternal nightmares.
Ragnar noticed that the Succubi now had changed tactics, and chuckled slightly to himself beforee glancing to the one whom seemed to need attention here. That being Saki whom otherwise seemed rather abandoned by this table. "Good, Good... can't have a bunch like you burning night oil over me"he said and shook his head slightly at Kimberly's remakr, then he looked to Saki again and turned his attention towards her "Ah, The Girl who joined us... you certainly haven't said much, and unless you want to continue ignore me I do believe your the most interesting thing at this table right now" he said and simply seemed to Ignore Kimberly being there for a while.
Lyall looked to this man's direction once more, he clutched his cane once more. "Kimberly, think of an orc as like this man, but with green skin and muscles."
(Don't worry haha. It was pretty funny.)

Shade sighed as she heard about her reading his thoughts. She was supposed to not be doing that but she couldn't help it. She just heard them like if they were speaking at her normally and when she was distracted she couldn't shut them up. She was going to apologize but then she heard about her but and cringed. What the hell? Was he always looking at some private part of her body?! ≈_≈ Damn it. She looked back at him when he introduced himself and smiled slightly, but before she could reply he was gone. She frowned softly and wondered if he appeared like that when she fell. Did he really left whatever he was doing to appear behind her just to catch her? She kept thinking on herself reaching her dorm to throw all the books on her bed. Great, now the least she would do was to focus on her studies, and math was no fun. A part of her didn't want him to go and she was even thinking on going around the school searching for him. Yes, that was smart knowing how big the place was and how he couldn't vanish at any second, and she was too proud to just be looking around for a random guy she just met. Shiging longly she closer her door and took a random book to try and understand the equations.
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Ignoring the male all together now, since he clearly wanted a reaction anyway, Kimberly continued to focus on Lyall and their conversation. She laughed at his comment. "Totally agree, but I already knew what they looked like. I just don't know what they are or aren't capable of." Although she didn't usually make it a habit of sitting around thinking about orcs, he really did have her wondering now. "But I suppose anything is possible." She added after a long pause.
Nameless glanced at the boy that had just fazed in. 'Oh your gonna get on my nerves real quick aren't you?' She thought to herself as she wiped the floor clean. Overhearing the conversation the newbloods were having about the Orc he decided to clarify things. She walked over to the table and placed her cold hand on Lyall's unsuspecting shoulder. "His name was Agun and death was a day after he came here. I was rather busy the day before." She explained with a sharp- toothed grin.
She knew she wasn't going to get any luck inside her room. Not even one single chapter done. She looked outside smiling slightly as it started to get dark. Opening her window, she stepped out and walked on the roof confident. Maybe in a more suitable arra she would be able to study. She denied to herself the cause of her distraction but she actually was never good to study. Sitting at the edge of a tall tower that had a sight of the front yard, she opened her book and took the pencil from her coat to continue reading. Making up some fire on her hand, she had enough light to see everything perfectly. The problem was that she didn't wanted to study.

Saki was still finishing up her meal while the two now switched conversations to orcs, Saki had met the creatures a few times, usually not too smart, quite smelly and very easily angered. Of course there were exceptions, some orcs were quite skilled in magic, their shamans for example.
Soon enough, the guy who was polite enough to teleport away from the table returned, no doubt to finish his meal, and after exchanging a few words with the Succubi, who decided to ignore him, seemed to turn his attention to her, she once again looked at his familiar before saying.
"Hm, I'd say you are more interesting, I'd particularly want to see the true form of your familiar... But then again, he might be the size of a building, so better not destroy the cafeteria."
She took a sip of water, before continuing.
"And then again we have a guy with a mysterious hood in the middle of the school, also very interesting, don't you agree?"
While she was looking at him, the final question had the feeling as if she asked everyone at the table, rather then just him.
Ragnar laughed at Lyall's comment about him, he had to stop just vanishing and use his legs for a while. And for a while he figured that he wouldn't squeeze out more fun from these people. Stretching out with a yawn he nodded to himself as he figured he had stuff to do and places to be anyway... At least now he could carry his plate away. He then sighed softly as he rose from his chair and pushed it back in after leaving it, but about that time Saki actually replied to him causing him to smirk slightly "Well I may show you later... Now I need to go He said and then picked up his plate and looked around on those at the table "Green Skin And Muscles huh?... Fool, not all orcs come by those standards... Well, that was dinner done... Come on Artimes... Lets leave these two non-girls and girl to their 'chatting'" he said and turned to leave the normal way this time, and he only stopped once on the way to actually put his plate away where it was supposed to go and also to look at the Janitor with a grin, "Yep~ probably~"he replied rather cheerfully before leaving.

After that he left the dining hall and started exploring around until he actually found the staircase from before. 'Hmm... I guess it must've been here... Yeah, I passed here earlier and that Woman fell here... Damn I didn't catch her name... ' he thought to himself as he wandered up the stairs. He had no clue where else to really go so he decided to just look where they went as he had seen the girl walk up them. Reaching the top he could see and hear Artimes sniff around before pointing in one direction, this made Ragnar nod slightly. "She went that way huh?... I see, hmm" he mumbled to himself as he followed her scent trail until he reached the dorm room. Crossing his arms he just stood there looking at it. 'So this is where she lives while staying here huh?... Pretty nice looking place I guess' he thought to himself as he wandered back to lean towards the opposite wall. He didn't really want to knock and disturb her more... It was just curiosity that drove him to find her again, yet while standing there he noticed that her scent continued and for a moment he wondered if he should continue to follow it or not.
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Lyall turned towards the new voice, "I know what an orc is, massive, dangerous... they are normally savage and tribal but can easily and quickly form an organized military if lead by a strong leader, my village fears the day Orcs will be able to access the new-age weaponry..." Lyall tapped his cane om the ground. "A few of the beasts attacked me just hours ater I left the village. I already knew that not all orcs were green skinned and muscled, that is just a common variant. The ones that roam my homeland have grey skin, fangs like a boar, and are actually thin, though it is not easily visible from the myriad wolf pelts they wear. My grandfather used to fight them, along with goblins and trolls."
She laid down on the rooftop sighing. Nope, she wasn't going to study a thing tonight. Her eyes moved to the sky as some stars started to appear. She closed her hand turning off the flame to stay in the dark with a clearer view. She smiled looking at the sky, it made her relax and felt... Happy. She wondered if that thibg about heaven and hell was true and if she was bound to go down instead of flying to the sky like the 'good' ones would do. What a stupid question, she was a hellhound, hell. Hmm...

She stood there a bit more of time just looking at the stars. Giving a glance at her book she simply sighed and took it again standing up to get back to her dorm. Maybe tomorrow. Walking back to her window she jumped inside with a loud on the wooden floor. Strangely she caught up his scent again... Sniffing at her coat she imagined she still had the scent impregnated or something.
Ragnar hummed a bit to himself and then was rather certain he heard a noise from inside the room. This made him stand on the alert for a moment as he weren't quite sure what actually happened in there ""Artimes... How big do you reckon the chance is that there is an intruder in such a hot woman's room?" he asked his cat whom wiggled his tail sighs. "Well... Considering your not in there, but wanted to go inside... I'd say its about 7 vs. 3... Then again there are no other scents here, which means it must've come from the outside" Artimes responded causing Ragnar to seriously think for a whole, no matter how much he thought about it, it was clear that if there was someone else in there they might be uninvited... And that could only mean... That it was a Bad person!.

With that conclusion Ragnar quickly walked up too and opened the door only to find the girl sniffing on her own coat and being in her own room. This made him gasp slightly and quickly sweat drop a bit, "Uhm... Never mind... I guess theres no intruders here..." He said before slowly closing the door again and beginning to try to tip-toe out of there for some reason, at least she hadn't been naked or something at the time... Wait... That would be great, why was she dressed in the first place?...
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Toby was alone in the library he sat quietly reading a novel minding his own business. He minded the others as he avoided them from time to time. He thought about random things and day dreamed about random events. he forgot his dorm room absent minded he wanted to find out because if he didn't he would be in trouble. He got up and walked out if the library hoping to find it out
O.O Her eyes widened as she jumped slightly at the sudden burst of the very same guy she was thinking about. "Well, that is weird." She mumbled slightly frowning at his words. Intruder? What the? Again, before she could speak he turned and left again. Oh no, not again! She walked out her room and after him rather quickly. "Hey! What the hell? A closed door means 'Do not enter' or at least knock. I could have been changing or naked!" She blushed slightly just by thinking on it and quickly shook her head. She would never be walking naked around. Not even in her own dorm with all the creatures around that could be on her window PR just like him bursting in. Sighing she rubbed her face and looked at him. She was actually happy to see him again, in a very weird way... But still. "Ragnar... Right?" She smiled slightly and glanced at the cat. "Hey Artimes." Looking back at Ragnar she rubbed the back of her neck not really sure what to do next. "Why are you here? Want to check my butt again?" She smirked crossing her arms over her chest.
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