Saphir Academy For The Demonically Gifted

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"Wow... That's a cool power," she said, smiling. Reaching for the door, she tugged on the handle. It was locked. "I think we have to wait for the teacher," she said, and leant back against the wall nearby, slim arms crossed. "My mind power... Well, it's kind of like all animals have a brain capacity which depends how strong they are mentally. It's kind of like a feat of strength crossed with a puzzle. For example, mice and rats have low mental strength letting me easily break into them. The more I do it, the better I learn how to do it. So far a kitten is the most difficult creature I've successfully broken into. It took a few hours, and I was attacked when it realised it was me. The better I do at getting into their mind, the more control I have over them too," she summed up her power, finding it difficult to explain
"Sounds interesting maybe i can let you practice on me some if we get some off time" He offered wanting to help her improve. Also as thanks for helping him get around school. "Also tell me some more about this mind control, do you see through their eyes or do you just watch them from where you stand?"
"It's kind of confusing to explain, I can see both through the animals eyes and in my vision. It's hard to explain," she said sighing. "I have to move my body and the animal seperately, for example if I a, moving the animal I can't move myself, and vice versa," she managed to translate into a sentence.
"Very interesting, and will you allow me to help you better your mind control by being a 'test subject'" he offers again for he was inclined on helping her for she was nice enough to help him. "Also how much longer till class starts?" He ask he rest against the wall next to her handS his sides
Shadow looked at her watch. What time did classes start? "I don't know... Not too much longer I don't think," she said with unsurity. "We might be just a bit early," she added playfully.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock..
Nothing happened. No teacher, no other students, just Maulnar and a few crumbs on the ground left over from his breakfast inside the classroom. Was he really that early to enter the classroom, or did he misjudge the time at which his class started? The boy retrieved his schedule to check once more, then up at the clock that's been annoying him with its ticking for the time he'd been inside the classroom. "Shouldn't be long now, but still. Seems like I've got some time to spare." He said to himself and put the schedule away. This was Magic Analysis, he might as well analyse some magic.
There was something about this room that prevented him from teleporting in, but walking in was fine. The door had nothing notable about it at first glance and the magic aura inside the classroom wasn't any different than outside, in the hallway. Yet, there was something, something was off. There was a smell, a faint smell that could only be described as pain and death. "Demon blood." Maulnar whispered under his breath and got up from his seat to locate the source of this smell.

It took some time and moving objects around, but eventually Maulnar found the source of the smell. A small stone figurine with a faint red glow to it stood underneath the teacher's desk, undoubtedly infused with the demon blood he smelled. "But why?" He wondered aloud.
"To see how serious my students are about this class." A deep, demonic voice spoke from behind the desk. Startled, Maulnar fell to the ground before looking up at whoever it was that addressed him. A tall, horned individual stood there, smiling at the boy on the ground, still mesmerized by its sudden appearance, although calmed now. The demon looked far from threatening in its teacher clothing, the tie and the glasses really didn't suit the scary voice that accompanied them.
"Are you alright?" The teacher asked and extended a clawed hand towards Maulnar. He took hold of it and was pulled up, where he could compare the teacher's size to himself, he had to be at least 8ft. "Yes, thank you, sir." Maulnar said after taking mental note of the demon's size and how his hand felt. "So. Why did you put up that ward? It prevents any demonic entity to enter this classroom!" He continued.
"Exactly." The teacher said, narrowing his eyes as he stared at Maulnar. "But as I have already expressed. It's to see how serious my students are about this class. Fear not, it'll be negated once class starts." Teacher explained.
"Interesting." Maulnar noted as he began to write his thoughts on the matter, ways the demon might've gone about it, and ways it might be dispelled.

The place where Saki had gone to, looked nothing like the academy they were at a moment ago. The sky was pitch black, without any stars, the sun or the moon. The air smelled heavily of smoke and fire.
The two were standing on a glass-like tower, which was connected to a massive glass fortress, below them was a scorched land, one could see traces of former cities, forests and rivers below.
As the guy stepped in, and tried to grip another of Saki's barriers, she simply stepped back, outside of his grasp. Only to disappear and reappear on the far side of the tower, facing the burning world.
"This place is Makai."
She turned around to face him.
"A burning world of empty dreams, I doubt anyone would mind if I caused destruction here... You however, should be worried, western demons are weak here."
She jumped backwards, off of the edge of the tower and immediately started floating.
"I suppose you'll give up sooner or later though."
Behind her, numerous magical circles started to appear out of thin air, and their numbers continued to increase, all ominously pointing towards her opponent.​
((Per request))

The bell sounded, signalling that it was time to get to class and the students only had a few minutes to do so. Shadow and Tox had already left, trying to make it to class on time since they were new, so now it was just Kimberly and Carter. She grabbed her empty cup and slid out of her seat. "See ya around, Carter." She said to him, purposely using his name since he seemed so happy that she had remembered it. She took her leave and made her way towards the exit. On her way, she saw Lyall wandering the cafeteria. She had a moment, and she was wanting to check up on him at some point anyway so she made her way towards him instead. "Hey Lyall, How are you feeling?" Kimberly asked him as she approached.
"Your class has started Cris. I've seen how some of the teachers here discipline, it's pretty brutal. I'll tell you if I find anything ok?" Celtic told his friend.
Nameless noticed the rift in the floor and calmly poked her head down into it. Seeing the student who was watching the angel yesterday getting ready to own some freak she smiled and waved to her saying, "Hey, classes already started but you seem busy. You got one class to finish this up and I'll give you a pardoning slip. If you need me just call." She then, like it was perfectly normal, pulled her head back and began sweeping the floors.
He remains calm as the bell rings but is concerned how the noise is hurting his friends ears. Then he remembered he had ear plugs in his bag. They f=were gift but he never opened the package cause he needed sound to hear "i got some earplugs that may help with your sensitive hearing and loud noises if you need?" he offers her as they walk in the class together.
"Aw, your so sweet!," she said cheekily, ready to dodge a playful punch. She accepted the headphones with gratitude, and gently folded them into her pocket. "Thank you so much Tox," she said as they found a seat and sat down. When finally the others came in, she listened intently to the teachers instructions, and attempted to start her work.
Carter was frozen. She had called him cute. An actual girl had called him cute. Woah, he was sure he was dreaming but then again, he didn't sleep. He realized that someone else had greeted him and, when he looked over to see if she was still there. She was gone. Now he felt bad. It wasn't as if he had planned to ignore her, it's just people were actually attempting to talk to him for the first time in his life. It was just him and Kimberly and right as he was about to say something, the bell rang signaling it was time for his first class. Kimberly got up and said her goodbye while putting emphasis on his name. Life was weird. Carter stood up and looked on his arm and the ink appeared from the magic of the school, revealing his next class. Magical Literature or English is what it was normally called. The ink dissipated as he touched it and Carter made his way through the hallway until he arrived at the classroom. He entered inside and realized that class had already began. He saw the girl that had said hello to him earlier and took a seat next to her as the eyes of many of the students were directed at him. The teacher gave him a glare and Carter threw his hands up in innocence. Then the teacher smiled at Carter and told him to sit down. The english teacher had always liked Carter. He was an excellent spell caster but because of his race, he relied mostly on combat and rarely used spells and magic. He looked at the girl and smiled.

"Hello, I'm Carter. I meant to say hello earlier but I struggle sometimes in social situations. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Carter stared directly at her, hoping she would not be angered because of the earlier disregard he had given her hello.
"Oh hi!" she whispered over to him cheerfully. "It's fine, I'm like that too, but when you get good friends and stuff it's easier," she gave a few words of advice. "I'm Shadow, nice to meet you Carter -" she held out her hand to shake his, but she saw the teacher turning around and she quickly snapped back to her work with a grin
Carter went to shake her hand but realized it was no longer there. He fell out of his chair and hit his head in the nearby desk. The teacher couldn't hold in his laughter. He busted out laughing and walked over to Carter, helping him up. The teacher turned toward the class and began to speak. "Class I am professor Zeke, this is Carter Lockgrove. He is one of the brightest students at this school and is a third year student. Despite his scary appearance, Carter is extremely nice and enjoys helping others. He also apparently has trouble sitting in his seat." Professor Zeke clapped Carter on the back and chuckled at his mishap. Carter rubbed his head and grinning lightly, waved to everyone. He then sat back in his seat, smiling and pulling out his magic book from his back pocket. It was tiny, the size of a notepad. He looked over at Shadow with an amusing grin "Yeah, good friends. Thanks. As you can see, being smooth is not one of my many talents." The teacher began to speak but Carter always studied only the things that he deemed to benefit him. He opened his spell book and began to read silently.
Upon hearing Kimberly's voice, Lyall's head quickly moved to her direction. "Well, I'm certainly feeling better than I was. Thank you for your concern, and the... thing... seems to be gone." Lyall thought a moment about the voice she had heard him talking to. "Was the person you were talking to the warrior from my combat class?" Lyall asked, with an eyebrow raised... he seemed hopeful it was.

Lyall was brought up to respect skilled warriors, and he would very much like to meet one who claims they are the most powerful among demons...
He sits next to her and just listens to the instructions cause he cant do much more. "So how many classes are there?" he asked shadow. Hoping the ear plugs were helping.
''I do not care, I wish to see this fight. Do you remember the girl? She watched as we...talked yesterday.''
Amon slowly walks towards the portal, weapons in hand and readying himself for a spectacle.
Grinning at Carter's fall, she turned to Tox and listened. "Uh... I lost count! Not too much though I don't think," she said. Surprised at Tox's normal sheet of paper she raised her hand. "Professor Zeke, my friend Tox here is -" She paused and turned back to her friend. Would he be embarrased about being blind? When she was embarrased he was confused so probably not. While talking, she thought of an apology if needed. "He is colour blind so he can't read the words on the paper. Could you get him something else?"
He herd her speak "don't worry i'm so-pose to get a audio tape after class starts" he reassured her not knowing exactly why she spoke up. "so what we have after this? assuming we have the same class that is?"
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