[Samuel x Roman]

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Roman's eyes never left Samuel's as his husband-to-be gave his vows. It was like there was no one else there at all, like they were the only people who existed anymore. Roman knew that his entire life had lead up to this moment. He knew that this was the peak of his existence and he didn't know if it could ever be topped.

Roman had not told himself not to cry, so he wasn't disappointed or embarrassed when he did. The tears just rolled down his cheeks silently but did nothing to remove the gentle smile he wore, the smile full of happiness and joy. This was their wedding — he was the opposite of sad on this day.

It became time to give his own vows, and Roman inhaled slightly, wearing the same smile. He had given a lot of speeches in his time, but this was the most important of his life.

"Samuel," he said in a steady and clear tone. There was no reason to be nervous. There was no reason to be afraid. This was their wedding. It was their day.

"I remember the first time I ever truly met you. I would be lying if I said I liked you right off the bat." Roman gave a little chuckle and their audience did the same because it was genuinely amusing. "But, you know, my mother always told me not to judge someone before you truly got to know them, and I'm so glad I listened to her, because if I hadn't then I wouldn't be standing here with the love of my life today."

Roman paused and let go of one of Samuel's hands, only to wipe the tears off his cheeks with his thumb. He wiped his thumb clean on his handkerchief and immediately took Samuel's again.

"It was always technically an option for me to get married to a woman if I wanted to," Roman continued, "but for the last seven years I haven't even been able to consider it. For the last seven years marriage hadn't been an option because I was unable to marry the only person I wanted — you. You're the single best thing that has ever happened to me, Samuel.

"You're the best part of my past, you're my present and you're my perfect future. I vow, from the bottom of my heart, to never let you forget how much you mean to me and how much I cherish and value you. I vow to never let you feel invalid or unimportant or expendable, because you're all I have ever needed and all I will ever need for the rest of my life."

Roman's voice broke and he was properly crying but he continued anyway. "And I vow, Samuel John Colin Ortega, to spend each and every one of my days ensuring your total and perfect happiness, because that is what you deserve."
Roman's vows did nothing to ease Samuel's tears, or dull his smile or stop that happiness. It only made him feel more amazing. Hearing those promises, those vows of love and being treated right were all Samuel wanted and needed, and he both hoped and knew he would be all Roman wanted and needed too. That was why they were there after all.

After the vows the officiant continued to talk for a while, and Samuel tore his gaze from his fiancé for just a second to glance out over the people watching the occasion, Roman's parents and relatives, his own mother and Ollie. Susan was crying softly. And all of their friends.

Then he went back to just looking at Roman, there could be no one there watching and it would be the same, this was about him and Roman. But he was still glad they all were there to witness their wedding, all supportive, all standing by their side.

Then finally the officiant got to the exchanging of the rings. Just like they had decided delivering the black wedding bands would be London's job. Knowing this, Allison adorably tugged a little in her mother's dress, excited to see the next part of her uncles wedding. Samuel smiled softly at them before looking back at Roman, tears still trickling, knowing they were close now, close to officially getting to the end of the ceremony, close to officially being wed.
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London chuckled at her cute little daughter and stepped forward to hand her brother and brother-in-law the rings. They were matching, and black, with their new initials — R.H.O and S.H.O — engraved on the inside of the bands. They were perfect and Roman loved them.

"Thank you," he murmured to London as he accepted Samuel's ring. It was tailored to perfectly fit the finger of his fiancé. It would sit below the ring he already wore. Roman slid off his own engagement ring and handed it to Samuel so he could stack the two pieces of jewellery onto his finger when the time came.

Since Samuel had gone first with the vows, Roman was to go first with the rings. He began once he had been handed the promise ring he had given Samuel all those years ago.

"I give you this ring as a reminder of how much I love you," Roman told the beautiful man before him, gently taking Samuel's hand and sliding on the wedding ring, followed by the promise ring. Roman's heart was thudding in his chest. They were so close.
The feeling of those little pieces of metal being slid on Samuel's finger was probably the best in the world. It was a amazing how something so small and technically meaningless could mean so much.

And then it was Samuel's turn to give Roman his rings.

"I give you this ring to remind you that we'll always be together," his voice was a little thick from the tears still making their way out his eyes but his words were still said with confidence because it was the absolute truth.

He slid the rings on Roman's fingers, his own hand shaking a little because of the emotions rushing through him, the black and purple engagement ring and then the black wedding rings that matched the one Roman had already put on his finger. Then he kept his hands in Roman's and gave them a little squeeze, the rings were on they were almost there.

The officiant said a couple of more words and Samuel was honestly just waiting for him to say that last part, to finalize it. And then he did, just like that, "by the power invested in me I now pronounce you Roman Joshua Casper Hemlock-Ortega and Samuel John Colin Hemlock-Ortega married, you may now kiss,"

Samuel let out a sound that was a cross between a relieved small laugh and a sob, but but removed his hands from Roman's to place them around his neck to very gently pull him down to his level. He waited a moment, he wasn't hesitating, just lingering to give Roman a bright smile before pressing his lips to the lips of his husband.
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Roman knew that technically, marriage was just a piece of paper. He knew that it wasn't the most important thing in the world. He knew that it didn't change the way they loved each other.

But that didn't mean that hearing those words, hearing the affirmation that Roman and Samuel were now married, meant any less. It was a confirmation that their love could withstand years of being oppressed, withstand being opposed by people who were meant to love them. It meant that they and their community had triumphed over bigotry and hate and resistance and that love always won in the end.

It meant that Roman could finally call the beautiful man before him his husband.

It took Roman a few seconds to lean down to meet Samuel's lips, and in those few seconds, their entire relationship replayed itself in his mind, from their first kiss to their public debut as a couple to their first date to moving out together to the aftermath of the car crash to the proposal. This is what all the trials and hardship had been leading to -- this perfect moment, where Roman and Samuel could finally call one another husband.

And so, Roman Hemlock-Ortega's lips met those of the love of his life, in front of their friends and family and everyone who had come to support their love. They were met with applause and cheers and whistles but Roman hardly noticed. His hands lifted themselves to cup Samuel's face ever so gently, as if too much force would shatter the serenity and perfection of the moment.

They stood there, lips locked, for a few moments, before Roman pulled away to breathe and smiled down at his beautiful, beautiful husband. "We made it, baby. I love you so much."
"I love you too," Samuel managed to get out before the tears just managed to to take over and become to much for him to say or do anything else.

Samuel pressed his forehead to Roman's shoulder, just like he head before they had walked down the aisle. He let out a couple of small sniffles, he was simply too happy to do anything else. But he knew he couldn't cry into his husband's shoulder forever. They had to finish up the ceremony and then they had a reception to get to.

Samuel pulled back again, he was looking at Roman with teary eyes and blurry vision but the most joyous smile on his face, "we're married," he whispered. He said the words and they were real. They were married. Roman was his husband. His husband.

Even though they were having their wedding out doors and had no church to walk out of they still had to walk back down the aisle, so, Samuel hooked his arm with Roman's and stood to face their guests, ready to walk when the music started.

It was kind of fantastic to have almost everyone that meant a lot to them gathered in one place like this, seeing them all smile and previously hearing them cheer for them. These where the people whose opinions on them counted, these were the people who approved of them, these were the people who wanted to see them happy.

The music started.

"Let's go," Samuel murmured, glancing up at his husband again, god he was beautiful, and then they started walking down the same path they had walked up before, only now they were husband and husband. They walked down just a little bit more than the rows of dark wood benches, the forest area around them was really pretty, perfect for the pictures that would be taken of them in mere minutes.

The wedding party followed them shortly Evan with London and Fliss with Elliot for the sake of symmetry. Not long after Samuel and Roman had stopped Samuel felt a pat on the back, he turned to see Evan, "congratulations," he said simply, there was a smile on his face and his eyes looked a little wet. Then he backed off a little so the happy couple could get photographed by themselves a couple of times. Normally Samuel wouldn't like being photographed, he'd accept posing for one or two on occasion but usually it made him really uncomfortable, today was different though, he was too happy to be uncomfortable and he knew he'd regret refusing pictures on his wedding day. He wanted to be able to look back on the pictures one day and remember, show their future kids, so he'd smile like he loved it, not that it was hard for him to smile

Susan was first out with her camera, not unlike how Charlie had been, only she was a little more modest and calm about it all. Samuel was happy to see her with a camera in hand again, when he was little she had spent every wake moment documenting their little family's life, she had stopped around the time it was clear it wasn't a very pleasant family to be a part of, but this meant that family was a part of the past. Susan had her not so new anymore boyfriend and eventually Samuel would be starting a family of his own with Roman, they would be able to do that so much easily now that they were married.
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Of course, Roman was the last to refuse a photo.

He kept an arm around Samuel the entire time, simply because they were married now and Roman didn't want to let him go just yet. Once they had found their nice little spot to take the pictures they posed for the guests who wanted to take them. They also had a professional photographer for the occasion.

The first round of photos was of just the two of them, gently embracing, gazing at each other or simply smiling at the camera. The second round of photos consisted of them and the wedding party, with Elliot and London on Roman's side, Evan and Fliss on Samuel's. Then they got a picture with Allison because Roman requested it. He loved his niece a lot.

After the photos had been taken featuring the happy couple, the wedding party and other special guests were to have their photos taken so Roman lead his husband to the side a little, where they could collect themselves before they moved onto the reception. Roman rubbed Samuel's shoulders and gave him a sparkling smile.

"I don't think I told you how perfect you looked today," he gently murmured to his perfect husband. Roman had never been happier in his entire life. He could not remember a more perfect moment because he was sure it did not exist.
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Samuel would be lying if he said if taking that many pictures wasn't a little overwhelming but it wasn't anything he had to endure, he found that he was happy to take them and that was nice.

He was a little relieved to get a small moment with Roman in between the photos of the two of them and the reception. Roman's hands on his shoulders were nice, relaxing, his voice soothing and his smile beautiful. Samuel couldn't be happier.

"Thank you, you look amazing today too love," Samuel smiled and hoped it matched that of Roman's so that Roman could be as happy as Samuel got when he saw his husbands smile, "absolutely perfect,"

Roman alway looked completely and utterly perfect, but today was special and different so today he was the most perfect. Samuel stood on his toes and kissed Roman's chin but they didn't get much more time together because it was time fo the to get to the reception.

Samuel and Roman could now go in the same car since they could see each other, neither of them drove though, so they could sit next to each other as much as possible. They arrived to the place of the reception, it to was outdoors but on the outskirts of the forest in a sunny meadow close to a dirt road. There was a party tent put up, with open walls, mostly for shade because of the nice weather. Samuel stepped into the area hand in hand with his new husband. It smelled like the lavender it was decorated in and some hints of vanilla from the lit candles. It looked absolutely stunning, the purples black and dark woods and blacks.

"You did a really good job choosing the decorations," Samuel murmured to Roman, sure he had had some part in deciding, but it really was mostly Roman who had decided upon the details and he truly knew what he was doing.
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"And you did a really good job putting up with me being Bridezilla," Roman murmured back to his husband. He couldn't stop referring to Samuel with that title in his head — husband, husband, husband. It was absolutely perfect.

Roman had put a lot of time and effort into making sure that everything was going to go smoothly, so he was incredibly happy with how it all had turned out. All the tables and chairs were made of the same dark wood that the chairs of the ceremony had been made from, and the decorations were all of hues of purple, white and green. It was very floral but also somewhat dark, which Roman liked, but not too dark. All in all, it was perfect.

The perfect wedding on the perfect day.

They sat down at the table designated for them, hand in hand. On Roman's side was London, with Elliot and Matilda, followed by his parents. Roman was happy that his family and best friends were able to sit with them on their wedding.

The meal had been tricky to sort out, since Roman was the fussiest human being alive and other people had dietary requirements and allergies. But they had eventually narrowed it down to a couple of options per course, and Roman was hungry.

But the speeches were to go first.
Samuel was very happy to sit down at the head table with Roman on his right and Evan to his left, along with Fliss, who hadn't brought a date, his mother and Ollie, normally he wouldn't like to be in the center of attention like this but today was the exception to the rule, maybe because the entire day was a constant reminder that Roman would alway be by his side.

Evan was to hold his speech first and unlike how Samuel had been at his wedding Evan did not have any problems with talking in front of all of these people, he simply stood clinked his glass and spoke to grab everyone's attention,

"Hello? Excuse me?" He had the attention in the room almost instantly, "I would like to say a couple of words about the happy couple, Samuel did the same at mine so I feel like it's high time to repay the favour, and as the best man for Samuel I feel like it's my job to embarrass our dear newlyweds I am now going to tell all of you how I found out they were dating,"

Samuel gave Evan a slightly horrified expression, Evan replied with a small smirk, there was no stopping him.

"So, Roman had just preformed at the school assembly and me, Samuel and the rest of the guys were on our way out and suddenly I realized Samuel wasn't with us anymore, of course we all knew the two of them were friends by then so I assumed he stayed back with Roman and went to fetch him, only to walk in on them making out in the storage room back stage."

A couple of people chuckled a little and Samuel buried his face in his hands and leaned against his husband with a small groan.

"After reassuring them I wouldn't tell anyone I informed them I would not be making excuses if this was what they were up to when ditching, but let's just say they should be happy I'm such a good friend because I did end up making excuses for them when they didn't come back anyways,"

People laughed again, what he was saying was ambiguous enough for the children present not to understand but for everyone else to put two and two together with ease. Samuel looked up only to glare at Evan, he wasn't actually mad at him though. The story brought back good memories, it was the day he had come out at school, the day he knew he at least had Evan no matter what, so it was a good story to be told now, albeit very embarrassing.

"But really though, Samuel is my best friend, he's one of the best people I've ever known and I'm so happy to see that he have gotten this far, from that shy kid I befriended at soccer when we were seven, he's been through a lot and I just know this is where he is supposed to be. And as much as Roman and me bicker and rip on each other I know he's a good guy too, I'm happy to call him my brother-in-law and I am happy he's marrying my best friend. So, let's share a toast for Samuel and Roman and let's hope they have plenty of good times a head of them,"
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Evan's speech brought back many good memories, so Roman didn't care that it was a tad embarrassing. Honestly he wasn't that embarrassed, but he kept an arm around Samuel's shoulder because he knew his husband would be at least a little bashful. Roman honestly thought that that was totally endearing.

Everyone clapped for Evan and raised their glasses in a toast. Roman had champagne, though he would only be having one glass before resorting to Coke like always. He took a deep sip from the crystal glass before pressing a kiss to the side of his husband's head, just because he was there and looking perfect.

Then it was time for London's speech. The young woman rose to her feet and cleared her throat. Since Evan had only finished his speech moments ago, London didn't have to claim the audience's attention again, so she launched into it.

"So, I've known Roman for quite a while now," she said in a clear tone despite her lisp. Everyone laughed and this seemed to encourage her. "This September, it will have been twenty-five years and nine months. And across those twenty-five years, Roman has maintained his position in my life as my absolute best friend."

Roman was beaming up at his twin and she was smiling back down at him as she spoke to the whole room.

"Roman is kind and good-hearted. He does everything he can to make everyone around him happy before himself, and so he deserves the best. And he's found that in his husband, and I could not be more happy for him. While I've personally never experienced the troubles they have for their sexuality, I've been there, watching my brother suffer, but now that suffering has ended and I'm so unbelievably happy for him. Today he's marrying the love of his life, and he deserves all the happiness in the world."

London turned to address the whole audience now. "Today marks the beginning of a new era for Roman and Samuel Hemlock-Ortega, and I'm so glad that I could be here to celebrate it with you all. Oh, and, Samuel? Welcome to the family."
Evan was grinning sweetly at his wife as she spoke. Samuel felt himself get a little teary eyed on the behalf of his husband and squeezed his shoulder a little to show that he agreed with London's kind words about him. London's speech felt a little more personal than Evan's that mostly had been joking in nature, it fit their personalities and Samuel was glad to have them both there.

When she added that last part about him now being a part of the family Samuel grinned. He knew he always had been, but now it was truly official, Hemlock was a part of his name and identity now and that felt really amazing. He would be lying if he said that he had never felt self conscious about being the odd one out in their little Gang of Four plus Allison as the only one not officially being family with anyone, but there would be no more of that.

Third up speaking was Samuel's mother, she let a little while pass to not take the attention from the best man and woman's speeches but then stood up to speak. She wasn't shy like her son, but she wasn't one to purposefully grab the attention of everyone either so it was clear that she was a little out of her element.

She spoke about what you'd expect to hear a mother say at her sons wedding, about how she had watched him grow up from being her little baby Sammy to an adult with his own life. About how proud she was of him and the things he had accomplished and a little about what a nice guy Roman was. But then she got to a part that was even more emotional and more personal to the two of them and she switched from speaking about him in third person to second, addressing him directly rather than telling the audience about him.

"I know there were a lot of things I should have done differently raising you. I know I should have been open and accepting sooner, but I'm happy that at the end of the day I remembered that I am your mother and that a parents job is to love their child unconditionally. I am happy I gave you a chance to introduce your boyfriend and I am happy to be here and witness this moment today, and I honestly could not ask for you to marry anyone better because I have no doubts that your new husband is the best for you,"

By the time Susan finished her speech Samuel was properly crying again, Susan wasn't crying, but she was giving her son a soft smile and Samuel smiled back. He knew his mother was fully accepting of him and Roman at this point, he had known that for a long time now, but it still meant so incredibly much to him to see her speak at his wedding, with no doubts in her heart that she was okay with this.
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Roman couldn't refrain from crying a little during Susan's speech. He wasn't upset, but rather incredibly happy. Samuel's mother had come so far and clearly truly accepted her son for who he was. That was obviously a great improvement from the rocky beginning of Roman and Samuel's relationship.

It sort of made Roman wish that Manuel was around, if only so he could see his son so happy. But Roman wasn't stupid. He knew Manuel wouldn't want to be here and wouldn't approve. So, Roman pushed all thoughts of the man out of his mind.

The rest of the speeches went by pretty quickly. Elliot used the opportunity to embarrass Roman with lots of stories about how he had made a fool of himself in the past. Ingrid and Stellan made similar speeches about how they were sad because their baby was growing up, but ultimately happy for their younger son. Roman couldn't keep his eyes dry. He had never felt more loved on this day.

Once the speeches were done, their entree was served. After the meal would be cake, and then there would be dancing. "Are you excited to rock the dance floor with your secret ballroom skills?" Roman asked his husband teasingly as his garlic prawns were set before him.
"Well I'm going to be honest with you and say that I might technically need to practice some more but I will try my best not to step on your feet," Samuel chuckled, he was a little nervous about the whole dancing thing, but he and Roman had spent countless hours practicing at home and he was honestly confident there would be no toe stepping, and that he would be able to kept the rhythm okay without lagging behind, and he'd have Roman to lead him so it was okay.

Samuel was so happy everything was going so smoothly, he really couldn't ask for a better wedding and he had no bad feelings telling him things were going to go down from there, things could only get better, just like how life would only get better.

Samuel placed a kiss on Roman's cheek before he too dig into the food, that tasted amazing and was perfect just like everything else had been so far.

Throughout dinner he couldn't stop himself from stopping every once in a while to place a kiss or two on Roman's cheek or even occasionally turn his head to give him a quick one on his mouth before he got a chance to go in for another bite of food.

Samuel made sure not to eat himself too full because he knew there'd be cake afterwards, he made no effort to stop his husband, he loved that word, because Roman could literally lick everyone's plate dry and still be able to eat the entire cake. That might have been a slight over exaggeration but the point was that he knew Roman and there was no point in stopping him from eating.

They finniges their meals, during which plenty of guests had taken the moment to come up to them and said their congratulations. In Samuel's opinion all guest looked happy and content. It was his and Roman's day but that didn't mean Samuel didn't care about the experience of their friends and loved ones.

It was time for desert, meaning time for the gorgeous light green, white and purple cake Matilda had made for the occasion, it was beautifully decorated with different kinds of purple edible flowers climbing up the tiers. Samuel excitedly stood and headed over to the cake with Roman's hand in his, "Will you murder me if I smear it in your face?" Samuel joked as they walked and pumped his shoulder a little with his own.
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The wedding reception was going perfectly, and Roman could not have been happier with it. The food was delicious, the company was amazing, the decorations were lovely and his husband was so gorgeous that Roman was sure he couldn't be real, that he was dreaming. But, no, this was definitely real, and Roman honestly wasn't a hundred percent sure what he had done to deserve such a perfect wedding with such a perfect husband.

"Yes, I will actually murder you," Roman confirmed jokingly as they made their way over to the stunning cake. Matilda had really outdone herself on this one. Roman gave her a huge smile as he and Samuel took their positions beside the baked good that was honestly a work of art. There was a knife waiting for them; Roman picked it up and positioned his hand over the cake, holding Samuel's with the other.

"You ready?" Roman asked his husband, god that word was amazing, with a sweet smile upon his face.
"Yeah," Samuel said, his smile matching Roman's, his heart was filled with so much happiness, too much happiness for it to be just from this cake. Obviously it was from the wedding in general, but the idea of cutting up the pastry with his husband just added to it, actually, most things that was happening that day kept adding layer upon layer of happiness, Samuel loved it.

He placed his hand on top of Roman's, their hand looked perfect together too, on top of the fact that it felt like they fit perfectly. And then they pressed down, together, cutting into the layers of pistachio and mocha they had requested, making one neat and perfectly cut piece that they together moved onto their plate.

Samuel was all smiles when he grabbed a small spoon, scooped up some cake and moved it up to Roman's mouth to feed him the little piece, that way they could take part in the cake sharing traditions without smearing any cake, which apparently would end in murder.
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Roman allowed his new husband to feed him some of their wedding cake. The dessert was perfect, but no surprises there. Matilda had made it. He caught her eye and gave her a little thumbs up, to show her that she had done a very good job, as if she hadn't already known that.

Ingrid bustled over in order to help dish out the cake, so Roman lead his husband back to their table and sat down by his side. They had gotten a pretty big piece of the dessert, so they could just share. Roman took the spoon, gathered up a mixture of all the different flavours and fed it to his husband.

He then quickly moved in and pecked him on the lips. "Right, our marriage rests upon your answer for this question. This is the single best cake we have ever tasted, no debates there. But which is sweeter, this cake or me?"
"Well then I better make sure I have the right answer," Samuel chuckled gently at his husband's words, now seated next to him at the head table again, he had his chair pulled so close to him their arms and legs were touching.

He took a quick and small bite of the cake, it was still amazing, and Samuel reminded himself to make sure to complement Mathilda on it later. Not right now though, no, now he swallowed the cake and then pulled Roman in for a kiss, it was a little deeper this time, but nothing too outrageous, Samuel was well aware of the fact that on this occasion there was always at least one set of eyes on them.

Roman tasted mostly like the cake he had just eaten, but actually sweeter, not just because Roman had asked and it was emotionally sweet, no, Roman's kisses were sweet most of the time due to the fact that he so often drank coke, today was no exception and Samuel did not complain at all.

"I gotta admit, you're sweeter, but the cake is a very close second," Samuel nuzzled Roman's nose a little before leaning back in his chair and taking another bite of the cake with a small grin playing on his lips.
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Roman smiled like an idiot, his husband was so perfect and sweet. Roman was a confident person, everyone knew that, but compliments from Samuel were often more than enough to make him bashful. He reached over and carefully wiped a small dollop of icing off his husband's cheek, and swiftly licked it off his own finger.

"I love you," he murmured. Samuel obviously knew that, but Roman just wanted to say it again. And again. And again.

After cake it was time for dancing, and as per wedding custom the newlywed couple was to go first. Roman knew Samuel was nervous and he didn't blame him. This was dancing, which was hard anyway, in front of a bunch of people, which made it even harder.

But Roman was going to be there for Samuel throughout the whole thing. That wouldn't change.

Roman offered his husband his hand and rose to his feet. "May I have this dance?" he asked in the softest tone imaginable.
By the end of the cake eating Samuel was starting to feel a little nervous because he knew what was about to come next, but he didn't let it get too much in the way of enjoying the cake with Roman, talking sweetly and having a nice time. And when asked Samuel took Roman's hand, it made him feel secure and safe. He smiled softly, "Of course," he said even if it wasn't the most obvious thing. Samuel wouldn't ever dream of letting his low confidence get in the way of him dancing with Roman on their own wedding, but he was still very much aware of everyone's gazes on them as he let Roman lead him out to the dancefloor.

"I'll try not to step on your feet, but I make no promises," Samuel joked quietly as they took their positions, Samuel with his hand on Roman's shoulder and Roman's on Samuel's hip, the other two hands linked together, a little tighter than needed on Samuel's part, but not tight enough to bruise Roman's hand or anything, but it was clearly signalling the little seed of nervousness grooving in his stomach.

Then the music started, a soft piano melody they had picked out together, and Samuel took a deep, albeit slightly shaky, breath and then smiled up at his husband, "Lead the way please,"