[Samuel x Roman]

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Those words were enough to bring Roman to tears. They were silent, but they were there, trickling down his cheeks and dampening his neck and collarbones. He looked at his fiancé with a pained expression on his beautiful facial features, not liking those terrible words at all. They were very similar to what Roman thought when he was in the midst of an anxiety attack, and therefore he understood the kind of mindset Samuel was currently in.

And that was not a mindset one would want to be in at all.

"Samuel," Roman said softly, reaching out to very gently touch his fiancé on the arm. His voice was steady, surprisingly enough. "Samuel, please. I know how hard it is when you're thinking like this and I know that you're embarrassed, and I don't blame you for that at all. But please, listen. You're not controlled by your mental illness. I'm not, and neither are you. They just inhibit us. It doesn't mean you're weak or there's anything wrong with you that messes you up. It's just a flaw, and I love you for all your flaws and I always will, okay?"
Roman was saying the kind of things Samuel usually said to him, during his anxiety attacks and extreme moments of low self-confident that often followed. And he knew that had the words that just escaped his lips come out of Roman's mouth he would have felt horrible knowing Roman felt like that.

He carefully detangled himself from his own tight grip and sat up, the tears were still flowing, but slower now, it could be due to Roman's reassuring words or just because his body was starting to get fed up with all the crying, his head hurt a little, the pain from falling from soccer was long since gone so it was due to the sobbing.

"I love you too," he said, voice weak and breaking, even at this state Samuel wouldn't let Roman tell him he loved him without Samuel saying he loved him back, because he did, right in that moment he was the one thing that made him feel at least a small grain of happiness, knowing that he was there to break up the lock when he shut himself in.

"It's just... It's hard," he wiped some of the tears away, he knew what Roman was saying was true, Samuel wouldn't have hesitated to say the same to him had their roles been reversed. But it was really hard to see it that way, he felt weak, he felt like there was something wrong with him, it felt like this one flaw just inhibited his entire being and made all the things he felt good about himself for just disappear, leaving nothing but the things he didn't like about himself. He didn't know how to express all of this, but he was fairly certain roman understood, his fiancé had battled with mental illness all his life after all, so he repeated, "It's hard,"

It was around that moment Samuel heard the door open and Lady bark, Evans voice speaking softly with London as he got caught up on the situation, Samuel looked at the bathroom door with a somewhat blank stare, then down at the floor in shame, Roman not blaming him from being embarrassed wouldn't stop him from feeling it, when he spoke he looked up at Roman, the shame still present on his face but his tone lightly panicked, "C—Can you ask them to leave, I… I can't? And I really do wanna shower for real I don't like not showering after soccer, I'll keep the door unlocked, I just… I can't have anyone else here right now... please?"
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"I know it's hard, babe, I know," Roman said quietly, rubbing Samuel's leg very softly. And he did know. There were times when Roman was certain that he would never get out of his depressive states. There were times when he absolutely hated himself. But he also knew that those times were only dark patches in the otherwise bright and happy timeline of their lives.

And he wasn't going to let Samuel dwell on those dark times too much.

He nodded and rose to his feet, going outside to gently tell London and Evan that Samuel was fine but wanted to be left alone. They nodded and obliged, calling out well wishes to Samuel as they walked through the front door. Roman then returned to his fiancé and searched the bathroom cupboards until he found a body wash that was supposed to calm down the user, from Lush, of course.

"Here. I'll be in the living room if you need me." Roman kissed Samuel on the forehead very softly, not wanting to overstep his boundaries but also wanting to make sure his fiancé knew that he was there for him. "I love you."
Samuel waited until he was sure he had heard Evan and London leave before removing his clothes and stepping into the long since warm shower. He didn't like pushing his friends away like that. HE knew Evan would understand though. Throughout their years as friends Samuel had broken down crying in front of Evan once or twice, but they had never been the kind of friends who shared feelings a lot with each other, it wasn't their thing and the one person Samuel could really be at his worst in front of without feeling worse about it later was Roman.

The shower did make him feel just a little better, he still felt incredibly horrible, but the most intense emotions had dulled down, actually, he felt quite empty in general, like he had cried it all out and was left with nothing. He quietly washed his hair with the nice smelling shampoo, got rid of all soccer dirt and sweat from his body and made sure to get to try to get rid of any first that had made its way into the shallow wounds on his knees. When he was all done he dried himself and put on the clothes he had brought in before, he did not at all regret the decision to take one of Roman's T-shirts, it smelled like him and that was very nice.

Before leaving the bathroom he let himself linger to look in the mirror, his face was still a little puffy from all the crying and his eyes still a little red, he looked about as miserable as he felt and he honestly couldn't bare looking at himself in the moment, it made his stomach twist with shame. He averted his eyes from the mirror and headed out, keeping his eyes on his feet as he walked the short bit to the living room. He looked up only to see where Roman was, as promised he was there, so, Samuel mad his way over to the couch where he laid down. He placed his head in Roman's lap, facing his Fiancé's stomach, and once again he curled up with his knees close to his chest.

He debated not saying anything at first, he didn't really know what to say, he had already worried Roman enough with his words and he didn't know how he would express himself differently, except for one thing, "I didn't mean it when I said I don't want to be me," he murmured, he was clearly in a much less frantic state of mind now, able to say complete sentences without breaking down sobbing, but his voice was still quiet, he was still hurting, "I do want it to stop and I don't want to be like this and all of that, but I love you and I love being with you and I love teaching and living next doors to Evan and London and Allison and all of that, so I want to be me, just not every part of me,"
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As soon as Samuel returned and rested his head in his lap, Roman began to carefully run his fingers through his fiancé's gorgeous brown hair. He knew it calmed himself down when he was in a panicked state and hopefully it would do the same for Samuel. Roman just wanted, more than anything, for his beautiful fiancé to be happy.

"I wish you didn't have to feel that way," Roman said softly, sighing as he continued his reassuring fingers through Samuel's hair. "I really do. I wish that none of us had to feel that way. But sometimes we do and that's okay."

And it was okay. Everyone had down days, everyone had slumps and times when they weren't as happy as they may have liked to be. They just had them more than others.

"I love you too," Roman told his fiancé in the softest voice imaginable. "God, I love you so much, Samuel, I can't even begin to describe it. And when you're feeling sad, you can just remember that, remember that I love you more than anything else in the entire world. And soon, we'll be husband and husband."
"Thank you," Samuel murmured, he needed to hear those kinds of things now, and since he was able to think a little more rationally at that moment things like Roman telling him it was okay that they didn't always feel on top was very nice, just like those soothing fingers in his damp hair, "I love you,"

Samuel didn't go to work the next day, or for the rest of the week, he just couldn't, something in him was now really scared of what would happen if he ended up with a severe flashback at work, which made him not want to go, it was also the simple fact that he still kind of just felt bad. It was pretty okay to miss a week though, Samuel rarely got actually physically sick so the times he was home was to support Roman on his bad days and on his own bad days.

But as the days went on he was starting to feel a little better, had it not been for Roman he probably wouldn't have. But Roman was there and Samuel could hug him whenever he needed It and he could remind himself that they were getting married soon, that their life going to progress past this one incident and that it wasn't the end of the world.

Come Friday he was still down, but he wasn't berating himself over what had happened too much, he had texted some with Jake and it turned out most people in the team were mostly just worried about his well-being and wondering when he could come back to kick some ass on the field, people weren't as quick to judge as Samuel thought.

Currently Samuel was just kind of sitting on the couch, he wasn't doing anything really, because he didn't know what to do, he couldn't really focus on reading, and honestly, he didn't really truly want to do anything anyways. But the TV was on quietly, although he wasn't really watching what was on, and he was petting Lady's soft fur, so at least he was kind of trying to do something and that too made him feel a little better about himself, that he was making some kind of effort. He really wanted to go back to the happy state he had been in before last Sunday.
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It was just sort of an unspoken agreement between the two of them that if one was having a bad mental health day — or week — the other would take as much time off work as possible in order to take care of them. So that was what Roman did while Samuel was feeling down. He was in a position at work where he could basically choose his shifts, so he appealed to his manager to have the week off. He was granted that spare time, and therefore he spent it taking care of his beautiful fiancé.

Of course, he couldn't speak every waking moment with Samuel. On this particular day he had had to run down to the store to pick up a few things, and since Samuel seemed to be in a healthy enough state that he could be left alone, Roman had gone by himself. He walked through the front door carrying a few plastic shopping bags and sent a warm smile over to his fiancé, who was sitting on the couch.

Samuel just looked so ... down. It was horrible to see. Roman identified well with the mental state his fiancé was in at that current moment. He had experienced it a lot over his years of living, but that had never made it easier. And he had never been able to find a way to really get himself out of his slump.

But that didn't mean he wasn't going to try to help Samuel.

"Hey, do you wanna play FIFA or something?" Roman suggested from the kitchen, where he was unpacking the groceries. Usually, he would have rather drowned himself in a river than played FIFA, but he wanted to help Samuel feel better so he would suck it up.
When Roman arrived back home Lady left Samuel's side in favour of greeting her other owner with some cute little yips and barks. Samuel was a little sad he didn't get to feel her comforting warmth with him but didn't mind too bad and just let his gaze follow Roman as he made his way into the kitchen. He was a lot more interesting that the TV. Not because there saws anything different with him, he was just coming home from the grocery store, but he was this constant reminder of something good, something familiar to remind him that their every day life truly was good, a light in the dark.

"Really?" Samuel's smile lit up at his fiancé's suggestion, it wasn't the largest smile in the world but a genuine and whole hearted one. Sure, playing FIFA wasn't on the top of Samuel's list of what would make him feel better, the idea of playing video games didn't really bring his mood up in any way in fact. He did feel a warm happiness bubble up inside him, though, simply because Roman was suggesting they'd play FIFA.

Samuel knew for a fact that Roman wasn't interested in playing the game at all, he was suggesting this purely because he wanted Samuel to be happy, and he had succeeded. FIFA was Samuel's favorite game and it was also a sort of thing of comfort for him. Back in high school when Samuel was feeling down Evan would notice pretty quickly and he'd invite him over, try to get him to talk about it and when that failed he'd ask if he wanted to play some video games and they'd play FIFA until he felt better.

"Sure, yeah, I wanna play," Samuel said, as if Roman suggesting it was a normal thing, as if he wouldn't have been incredibly excited about it had been feeling better.

Samuel got up from the couch, although quite sluggishly, to turn on the PlayStation. Once done he detangled chords for both controllers and headed back to the couch where he sat down by just letting all his weigh fall down in the couch, his body language matching the heaviness that had been with him all week, although it was far from as bad as it had been on Monday.

Samuel held out one of the controllers towards his fiancé, a small and almost innocent and childlike smile on his face, eyes a little wide, showing that despite his tone of voice this idea had made him quite happy already and that he just really wanted to keep that feeling for a little while, "You take the black controller, I take the red one, also, you can't play as Barcelona that's the unwritten rule of playing FIFA with me,"
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Roman felt better, knowing that his suggestion had contributed at least a little to Samuel's mood. Sure, Samuel was still rather sluggish and wasn't as bright and happy as he probably usually would have been, but he had improved ever so slightly and that was great to see. Roman brought over two large glasses of iced coffee for them, set them on the coffee table and sat down beside his fiancé, happily accepting the black controller.

"Okay. I'll play as Real so I can be my husband Cristiano Ronaldo," Roman jested. Of course, his only and soon-to-be husband was seated beside him, but Roman liked to tease said fiancé with jokes about the famous soccer player.

Roman had spent a lot of time watching Samuel play FIFA with people like Evan and Jake and occasionally even Elliot, so he wasn't completely clueless when it came to the game. Still, he would probably be annoying Samuel with questions about it every five seconds.

"So, do you play as the whole team or just one dude, I'm confused," Roman said, a small crease appearing between his perfectly shaped brows as he viewed the screen with puzzlement.
"You fucking traitor," Samuel laughed gently as his fiancé brought their inside home that had been running for years now, somehow it never stopped being funny.

He rolled his eyes at Roman's question about the game, though, and it surprised himself a little he was in a good enough mood to act like that, "You play as the whole team, but one player at the time kind of, hang on, we'll do practice game where I just show you the controls, okay? It'll be more fun that way,"

And so, Samuel proceed to show his lovely the controls of his favourite video game. He tried to keep it simple and not confuse him to much, but he knew Roman had knack for picking up things and understanding them quickly, like how he had beaten Evan without button mashing back the first time they played video games together.

After a while Samuel felt Roman had enough of a grip of the controls for him to be able to play without losing so big it wouldn't be fun. He found that while he was showing Roman how to play he was actually kind of forgetting what he was sad about, it just wasn't first thing on his mind like it had been the entire week, instead it was somewhere in the back of his head and he was able to just focus on having fun with the love of his life. He wasn't sure if this was just a momentary distraction or a good sign that he was feeling better but he honestly didn't care right then and there because it was a relief not to feel bad.

"Okay, I think that's good," Samuel said, his voice was still on more mellow and tired side, but you could hear the small smile on his face in his voice, "let's start a real game, Barcelona versus Madrid,"

Samuel started to set up the game, choosing their respective teams. But didn't start it just yet, "so what do I get if I win? And what do you want if you win? Which you won't, but still,"
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Roman was a fast learner, so he was quickly able to grasp the gist of the game and to gain at least a basic level of skill regarding the controls. Meaning, he would be able to play and not totally embarrass himself. Winning wasn't the goal at this point in time. The goal was to cheer up Samuel and make him happy.

"If you win, which you won't," Roman teased back, gently flicking the trigger of the remote with his thumb, "you can have whatever you want, because I love you a lot. If I win, which I totally will, I will accept my reward in lots of hugs and kisses from my lovely fiancé." Which he would get anyway, but still, he needed a prize if he by some miracle did end up winning.

Samuel deserved the best, so even if he did end up winning, Roman would devote his time and efforts to making sure that Samuel felt happy. Though, he would do that anyway. He just loved his fiancé so fucking much.
"Well believe it or not, hugs and kisses is just what I would like as well," Samuel chuckled, "so I guess it'll be a win win situation no matter who wins,"

Samuel chuckled a little and reached for his glass of iced coffee and took a couple of sips. It tasted good, the taste made him happy, the fact that Roman had thought of making him some made him happy too.

"But I also kind of want fish soup for dinner, the Thai one I like with coconut milk, so if I win you have to make me that?"

Samuel gave Roman a small smile and didn't give him a chance to protest before he started the game, not that Samuel thought he would deny him his request, just like neither of them would deny either of them the hugs and kisses they had requested from each other.

"Prepare to get brutally pulverized,"
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Roman grimaced at the mention of fish soup but gave no other indication of protest. Even if he hated it with a fiery passion, he would make it for Samuel because he loved his amazing fiancé and would never refuse to do anything that could bring him even momentary relief in this terrible state in which he was caught. That was just the kind of person Roman was.

"Okay but I'm having leftover KFC," Roman said as they were launched into the game. He, of course, chose to play as Ronaldo, even if that wasn't what he should be doing to win. It was simply a matter of principle now.

"I would just like to say, I think this is a lot more confusing than tennis. Like, I didn't even know soccer had positions until I met you," Roman said conversationally as he tailed Samuel's player with his own, attempting to steal the ball from him. "Do they have FIFA for tennis? What does FIFA even stand for? Frog-Iguana-Frangipane-Association? Definitely."
"Not knowing things about soccer isn't cute you know," Samuel laughed, he actually found Roman's lack of knowledge in the matter cute in a silly kind of way and he knew it meant he got to explain basic soccer things to him which never failed to be fun, "it stands for Fédération Internationale de Football Association,"

Samuel had no problem talking and playing at the same time, maybe if he had been playing with Evan or Jake or someone who knew how to play he would have tried to focus more but with Roman he could easily chat while scoring his first goal. Samuel preferred it this way, it meant he could occupy the parts of his mind that wanted to go back to a sad place with the game while still joking around with Roman.

"Are you only using Ronaldo?" Samuel questioned his fiancé, his voice clearly a little amused, the further into the game they were getting the more he was able to feel like normal, the way he should be, "that's not how this game work, Roman. Okay, you know what, I'm only going to use Messi and that will prove that he is the superior player,"

And so Samuel switched over to only using Messi, which honestly made things a little more difficult because clearly he was used to playing the game the way it was meant to be played and while he still had better grip of the control this meant Roman might actually be able to have just a slight shot at scoring once or twice.
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A few weeks later, it didn't matter who was playing as Messi or as Ronaldo and who was scoring more because it was the day of Roman and Samuel's wedding.

Roman, surprisingly, was nervous. He knew that things were going to go down without a hitch, he knew things would be perfect and that nothing bad was going to happen. But, still, this was his wedding. He felt that he had the right to be a little nervous.

The ceremony was to take place in the woods, and right now, Roman was with London and Elliot in the car to the location. Even though they were going to be walking down the aisle together Roman had insisted on not seeing Samuel that day until the time, simply because he thought that that was a cute tradition and one he didn't mind upholding.

"You nervous?" Elliot asked.

"That's a stupid question."

"Probably." Elliot laughed and shrugged. He then rubbed Roman's arm. They had reached the location. "You'll be fine."

Roman exhaled and nodded. "I know."

Elliot and London got out first and made their way up to the alter to wait for the time for the ceremony to begin. Roman hesitated, before he climbed out of the vehicle and straightened out his suit, waiting for his fiancé.

Today was the day.
Samuel had had a rough week but after getting back to work and with Roman's help he managed to go back to normal, better than normal even, he was back to that state of pure happiness he had felt before, because he knew his and Roman's wedding was coming up.

And before he even knew it the day was finally there. The day of their wedding and Samuel was all suited up in a car on his way to the forest the ceremony would be held. The day was nice, beautiful and bright, absolutely perfect and Samuel couldn't be happier.

Fliss and Evan was coming with him, but also his mum, because as much as Samuel would like to be able to do this with only Evan and Fliss, he needed all the support he could get, because on top of that happiness he was nervous, so very nervous and he had to wait until they were going to walk up to the altar to see his soon to be husband.

Husband. That thought relaxed him quite a lot as well. He and Roman were getting married, they were getting married and nothing could stop them and they would be spending the rest of their lives together.

When they arrived Samuel thought he could see his lovely fiancé in a car parked ahead with Elliot and London.

"No don't look you have to wait!" Fliss practically shouted and used her hands to turn her almost-step-brother's head se he couldn't try to peek.

Susan, who was driving, stopped the car, but didn't make an effort to coax anyone out of the vehicle, "let's give them a moment," she turned to Samuel, "how are you feeling, Sammy,"

Samuel gave her a half-hearted glare because she knew he was nervous, that was also why she responded with a soft smile. It made him feel a little better.

"You don't have to be nervous," Evan insisted, "it's just Roman, you'll feel better when you are with him,"

"I know I will,"

It was around that moment London and Elliot left the car, meaning it was time for Susan, Evan and Fliss to leave as well. They did so after some more reassuring words and some awkward car hugs each. Then they headed out to hurry after London and Elliot.

Then Samuel saw Roman step out of the car, and he almost didn't want to look at him before he got out of the car himself so he got out of it too, walking up to his fiancé with half hurried steps, only stopping when he was next to him, when he could look at him properly. He looked stunning in his all black suit, he always looked stunning but today was different.

"Hey," He barely breathed, he had the urge to kiss him, but he wouldn't, not yet, he did however, take his hand and suddenly he didn't feel as nervous any more.
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Roman watched as Fliss, Evan and Susan left their car and made their way up to the reception where they could take their positions and everyone was waiting. He turned around when he heard Samuel approach him. Roman turned to see his absolutely perfect Samuel, the man who was going to be his husband in a matter of minutes.

This was happening. This was real.

"Hey," he said, linking the fingers of his left hand through the fingers of Samuel's right. He then lifted his other hand and placed it on Samuel's arm, rubbing the limb reassuringly. He knew that if he was nervous, Samuel would feel a lot worse.

But this was their wedding day. Nothing was allowed to go wrong.

"We're getting married," he told Samuel with a soft and affectionate smile. They both knew that, of course, but still, he liked saying it. It made it feel more real. "Today. Now. This is our wedding. We're getting married."

The whole thing was planned. In a few minutes, the music -- not Here Comes The Bride but a similar piano song -- would start and Allison would walk down the aisle with her flowers, just as she had done for her own parents' wedding. Then, Roman and Samuel would follow, and they would make their way up to the altar and perform their vows and be pronounced husband and husband. They would leave the altar as Roman and Samuel Hemlock-Ortega.

They had waited years for this, and it was finally happening.

"I love you," he told Samuel in the softest tone, a huge smile on his face.
Hearing Roman say that. Not just that he loved him but that they were getting married that day, the ceremony starting in just a couple of minutes, was really reassuring and rather than becoming more nervous by the minute Roman was just giving him the most positive feelings.

"I love you too," Samuel murmured and leaned his forehead gently against Roman's shoulder, his mother had tried to get him to do his hair somewhat decently but it was a lost cause so it didn't matter if it got a little more messed up, "I'm so excited, and nervous, but mostly excited,"

He leaned back and smiled warmly it Roman, because that was how he made him feel, all warm inside and it was amazing.

"We're doing this. Like, we're actually doing this. We're getting married," he was basically just repeating what Roman had just said but he needed to say it too. There weren't much more for them to say though because those couple of minutes were up, the ceremony was starting, the music was playing and Allison was probably looking adorable in her purple dress scattering purple and black petals around her.

Samuel swallowed hard, the little ball of nervousness reappearing, but still he let go of Roman's hand to link their arms instead, "Okay let's go," with Roman next to him, close to him like this, being nervous was nothing and so they started walking up to the area together, reaching the aisle they were to be walking through, The rows filled with friendly and loving faces, the area decorated in gorgeous purple flowers, the chairs the dark wood they had picked out and everything completely perfect. All eyes were on them but they all belonged to people who loved them, so it was okay, and Samuel was smiling, brighter than he ever had before.
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They stood at the start of the aisle and it all seemed so real that Roman nearly fell over.

This was it. This was their wedding.

He was not nervous anymore, nor was he stressed or worried that it would all go to shit. No, on the contrary, he was happy, and so excited he was almost jumping out of his skin. Maybe it was the ADHD or maybe it was just happiness, but either way, this was real and it was happening right now.

He was about to marry the love of his life.

Once Allison was about halfway down the aisle, Roman lead Samuel forward, taking one step after the other. He couldn't keep his gaze on anything in particular -- his bright green eyes kept flickering between the officiant at the end to Elliot to London to Evan to Allison to the flowers to the ground to Samuel and back again. But his unwavering smile never flickered, his pure aura of euphoria never faltered.

Roman Hemlock had never been happier in his whole life.

They reached the end of the aisle. Allison had gone off to stand beside her mother and Roman gave her the biggest smile in the world. Then, he and Samuel reached the altar and ascended the steps up to the small platform upon which they would be wed. This was real.

They took their positions across from one another and Roman carefully took both of Samuel's hands in his own. He squeezed them and gave him a proud, joyous, loving and confident look. This was their wedding. This was their day.
Samuel had decided to try not to cry before the vows so he wouldn't be a blubbering mess while speaking, but as he felt his eyes tearing up the moment Roman grabbed his hands he honestly did not care at all. This was their day, and Roman loved him, he loved the emotional person he was and that wouldn't ever change, so Samuel could cry. And as the officiant began his speech about how they had gathered there to join these two men's hand in marriage he did. He let the tears slip and run down his cheeks but didn't make an effort to whipe them. His hands fit so perfectly in Roman's, he didn't want to let them go, not ever.

The officiant continued talking and Samuel could barely register it because he was busy gazing into the beautiful green eyes that belonged to his fiancé, but he knew they were words about love and commitment, and nothing at all that indicated that this had anything to do with religion because it didn't and that was the way they wanted it.

This was about nothing but the fact that the two of them were going to become married, husband and husband, for the rest of their lives.

And the all of a sudden the officiant announced that the couple had written their own vows and that it was time to say them. Samuel was starting so he didn't have time to get too nervous about saying them and so he could truly focus on Roman's that would come after his, that's the way they had planned things out, both knowing each other well enough to know it would be the best.

"Roman," Samuel's voice broke a little, but he didn't stop to repeat himself, he just took a deep breath and willed the tears to stop for a moment, somehow he wasn't especially nervous but his heart wis still beating so hard in his chest it was overwhelming, "It has been seven years since we became friends, got together and fell in love. Seven years since our first kiss. I remember it so vividly, on the bed in the spare bedroom at Bella's house back when I thought the world would end if anyone found out but I also remember the second one when nothing else in the world mattered. and here we are now, the world not ending, but our life together properly starting , and I still feel like nothing else matters.

We've been through a lot together, and we've been through a lot without each other too. But we've been there for each other. You have been there for me. You have helped me overcome so much and I cannot imagine being anything but with you, starting a family with you, growing old with you."

Apparently holding the tears back was hard and at this point they were back, a little heavier than before. Had you not known Samuel you might have thought something was actually wrong, but no, there was happiness behind every sniffle and tear, "You, with your kindness, your empathy, your willingness to help anyone who needs it. You, who truly are the most amazing person in the world.

I don't think I was truly alive until seven years ago, and that is thanks to you. And that is why I'm here with you today, that is why I'm promising to be there for you, like how you always are for me, no matter what, through every diagnosis, every bruise and cut,"
Sure the reminder of Roman's illnesses was never fun but it was important to Samuel that this was included, that Roman knew that Samuel loved all of him and never would back down despite all the pills and sick days,

"And I also vow to always be open and honest with you and I vow to treat you with the kindness you always give to those around you, the kindness you truly deserve,"
Roman had had so many people lie and treat him like garbage, stomp all over him because he was to kind to stop them and so that was very important too, and then came the most important part of all, "and I vow to love you, Roman Joshua Casper Hemlock, every day of our lives, just like I have every day before this moment. Just like I have for the past seven years."

He let out a small breath, he was done he had said it all, poured his heart out, said things that normally only Roman would get to hear in front of so many people, yet somehow when he had talked, it had seemed as if no one but Roman was there.