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Wow that sounds interesting! :o Are you taking a filming class?

I wonder if I should just continue Leif's conversation with Chibiusa...what do you guys think? Should I wait?
I'm a certified camera operator, editer, director, and writer. Worked with one of the large tv production companies that makes and originally thought up programs such as The Voice, Big Brother, Idols.
Last year I took a short acting course, which is when I met the director and camera operator of a team that was going to partake in the 48 hour film project. And apparently I was good at the continuity so they asked if I wanted to join.

Also, unless your conversation partner doesn't want to continue, you can just react to her/him (this goes for everyone) :)

Dang, thats amazing! :D what are you aiming for exactly regarding your career? Are you planning on getting into a lot more acting or are you going to pretty much do it all? Sorry for asking so many questions ^^; I'm just asking because I'm really curious about that kind of work, although I'm not cut out for any of that stuff myself XD

Okay, I'll post again then
Dunno what I want, I like acting but I'm not sure if I'm cut for it, especially with only so little experience and the only two things I played on screen are that of a motionless ghost, and of a woman that found out her husband was cheating on her, stabbed him (he's still alive) and is being sent to a mental institution...
And someone gave me the compliment of 'you look good as a ghost' which kinda can can be seen as awkward XD

But aside from that, I want to try all kinds of things, see where I'll really fit in. What works best for me.
I guess you won't know for sure unless you try acting a little more. I like acting, but I don't think that I could make a career out of it myself ^^; Lol, I bet that was awkward XD thats a good thing though :D

Cool poster! Is that the 48 hour film project? The words look it german? //is hoping its german
It's actually Dutch, but it's related to German in many ways. And that was the poster for our film, not for the entire project, that was simply the one kind of representing out film XD

Anyway, I can imagine, getting into a character can sometimes be tricky
Darn I was wrong ^^ Ah, okay :D cool. Yeah I haven't used Leif for quite some time so it was a little difficult ^^;

But asking if a girl wants to be roomies with him...oh dear, hes only half serious but still XD
Oh wait, no. The rooms are simply the same stone basic rooms with two beds, and two cupboards to store stuff. How the rooms are decorated afterwards is up to the people that take up the rooms ;) especially since the Resistance doesn't know who will come when and how. For all they knew the girls would never come, and they could use any space they want.
Once they settle in, they can decorate it however they want :) be it pink, purple, blue with a golden rim, or polkadot yellow, full of teddy bears, flowers, sports themes, books, or whatever else they can find.
Ah okay. So there's no chance that he got stuck with an older room? Wait, does that mean that the guys have a roomie too?
In theory, yes, but for the heck of it it could be an NPC or team up with one of the other guys here, or go along with the notion that their roommate either moved out for whatever reason, haven't gotten a roommate yet, their roommate died, etc.

But yes, some rooms could be much older or simply more damp than others. Some could be more filthy for some reason yeah. But the basic design is the same. I just had to make it clear that it wasn't a fancy room for the girls :)
Okay, I guess I should have asked first. I'll tweak the post a little bit. Leif's probably just going to have a random guy as his roommate.
Sorry, I'm not always clear with what I'm saying and stuff and forget all kinds of things ^^' nay way yeah there are a bunch of rooms in the older parts that could be moldy, damp or whatever, or newer that are still fairly clean save for maybe some dust. The numbers within the resistance have varied from great to almost over and anything in between, now they're average sized, maybe a tad smallish, but will grow in numbers a little when things in the city get better.
So in other words, the guys don't need to have a roommate at the moment, but yes, all rooms are (at least) double rooms.
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