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Syelle I don't know, I'll check on that.
Mosaic I have had PM contact with, he's just waiting till I posted, I guess?

And sorry about my absence >.< I got seriously distracted by a roleplay I'm trying to set up before the end of the week and learning how to write Tengwar is very difficult >.< or at least, a challenge...

I do invite you all to come look at it once it's up XD not sure if it's anyone's cup of tea here, but meh I can still offer it XD
No, there's a logbook/journal of an Elf that describes part of the history, and I didn't want to write it in regular English, even though I'm not actually translating the text, just transliterating.
It's the end of the world, and a new era started. We (people of Iwaku) woke up not as ourselves, but as one of our own characters. We have their bodies, their powers, anything we designed them with. In some cases even their full memory, and their consciousness has taken over, leaving very little of the creator, while others are split between both personalities.
That's kinda the gist of it.
@Lady Bernkastel

I'm alive, lol. I'm just waiting for other people to post in the rp...unless its fine with you guys if I kept going.


That sounds really interesting. I'll be sure to check it out when it's up :D
I'm baccccck!
I went on holiday, but I did leave the dates of my absence in my siggy. I hope I haven't missed much?
Welcome back! You didn't miss much :) we just posted a few more times while you were gone.
Great to see you back! Hope you had a good time?
Even though there's not a lot of order, I'm still supposed to post XD sorry, will do so soon, but this weekend will be incredibly busy for me (as we speak I'm making a red velvet cake, two chocolate caramel shortbreads and roughly 125 macarons)
I fear they'd arrive damaged and spoilt(spoiled?) XD why don't you just come on over :P
Sailor moon party at my place, macarons and red velvet cakes are included :P
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I was about to say "oh yum!" When my mind hit the gutters and... Let's just say a full day of filming, playing a ghost of a shot woman in a short film that has to be thought up, filmed, and edited within 48 hours is quite a challenge for a first timer XD
But man it was fun! Edit team's still hard at work, but mine (continuity, set dressing, runner, and acting) is finished. Time to collapse *collapses into the nearest bed*
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Hahaha well good to know :P
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