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Well I can't say it's that great a post, but hey, it's something! It's a start:P

Now, does anyone have a plot idea they want to do yet? Like, something specific they want to have happen to the character that needs to be checked if that can be done with the bad guys that are currently roaming around? Like deaths, being forced to not fight, turning on their friends, being recruited by the enemy(boys), stuff like that.
Quick question, there are still schools and stuff like that, right?
Yes, there are schools and the like in Crystal Tokyo
Good, because I sort of mentioned schoolwork in my totally awesome IC POST!!!! *way too excite that the RP has finally started*
same here, totally excited!

And re-reading Yuu's post… how the hell did the name Trey come into that paragraph XD fail.. that was supposed to be Kaoru haha fail XD *edits proper name in*

By the way, what say you guys, shall we keep honorifics like -kun -sama -san etc or just stick with the names and be done with it?
I thought about that, too, and personally I like going with honorifics... It somehow makes it more personal. But I didn't write 'boku' instead of 'I' when Tonbo was referring to herself as I stated in the CS because I think that would be overkill, but I dunno where to draw the line o_O
yeah… Let's stick 100% to English in terms of words/names (this includes saying sis/sister instead of onee-san), as for honorifics, well we'll see what the majority says.
*elephant trumpets* I'm excited as well ^^ As for honorifics, well it depends. I quite like using them, but I could also go the full nine yards and include any special variations like 'boku' and 'onee-san'. Oh, and not doing any of it at all is fine by me. Sorry if I didn't help with any decision making :P
Well I definitely don't want to go down that road, with boku, oji-chan etc. honorifics I don't mind, if we all agree upon it :)
Aw yiss, so very ecited for this :3 I've been watching a bunch of clips from the series, really getting my nostalgia on and hyping for Crystal :) And I agree with doing only honorifics. Normally I'd like it to be all or nothing, but I just want a decision to be made and get the show on the road already :P
same here, totally excited!

And re-reading Yuu's post… how the hell did the name Trey come into that paragraph XD fail.. that was supposed to be Kaoru haha fail XD *edits proper name in*

By the way, what say you guys, shall we keep honorifics like -kun -sama -san etc or just stick with the names and be done with it?

That was Kaoru? OwO Haha, honestly that was a bit too 'mature' for him :P Even if Yuuichi did steal something, he would just be curious to see what it was. And if it was anything good, he'd probably want to steal some for himself.
Well Yuu hadn't stolen anything, some dude just accused him of something. Yuuichi found something interesting, and wanted to show it to his friend, but then kinda ran into trouble halfway through XD
Oooooh, I thought you were referring to Kaoru as 'some man' and 'geezer' in a sort of joking way, I didn't realize it was a different person XD
Haha no, no. Yuuichi wouldn't go out and kick Kaoru in the shins XD definitely not. Or they'd have to get in a really bad row..
Ok i have read everything and did a lot of reveiw. i didnt mention if i had discovered my abilities yet. My first post will take this into account. also good job to everyone your post are amazing.
It's entirely up to you if you want to have him have his power or not yet :) looking forward to see all the posts of everyone. I'm holding off till I know everyone at least got a shot at it before I continue.
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Reactions: Demaryu
*checks the list* oh almost everyone posted by now! Yay!
(Yes, if you are currently engaged in a conversation, you can go back and forth a little, as long as it doesn't go too overboard.)
Oh and just wondering Demaryu, is your character in the cafe that leads to the Catacombs, or is it a different one that sounds similar (white rose, and rose garden)
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the one that leads to the catacombs my bad i idn't realize i used the wrong name.....the dishonor to my ancestor i have brought them much TT.TT
Haha don't worry about it, stuff like that happens often, at least you were close! I once called my own character by the wrong name in my post, now that's a fail XD
wow i can only imagine that feeling. i think if i did something like that i would delete the post and pretend it didnt happen for denial is my ninja can all shoot me for saying that line
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