Sailing in the Sky (Sign Ups and OOC)

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Name: Arvid Firdaus

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Species: Slalin

Appearance: XO Arvid

Position on Ship: Communications Officer, Senior Officer (making him XO when the Captain isn't aboard).

Personality: Hard-Working, Intelligent, Loyal and Short-Tempered.

Back Story: A Slalin who trained to be a communications officer, but signed up with a mercenary crew because he didn't like the state and strictures of the Slalin navy. He gained experience and eventually caught the attention of Auriana Belarus, who hired him before coming to the Hub as her Comms Officer.

Strengths: Communicating, Languages, Negotiations.

Weaknesses: Idiots, Combat,
He'll have some trouble with Feng right off the bat then. Even though they're Lizard brotherssss.
ah jeez, sorry I've been absent, had a truck load of stuff to do.
all of this sounds good though, and the XO looks really cool.
Alright, guys on the ship wait for me to get up another post.

Guys in the bar, if you've been accepted you can head to the ship at any time but adhere to the above statement, if not I apologize for the wait I'll send a PM to @Navi Jay while tagging her there so it's doubly sure she saw.
Alright, guys on the ship wait for me to get up another post.

Guys in the bar, if you've been accepted you can head to the ship at any time but adhere to the above statement, if not I apologize for the wait I'll send a PM to @Navi Jay while tagging her there so it's doubly sure she saw.
I cant get Marcus to the ship until you post anyway, he spoke to her the last time I posted so he is waiting on a response, I await your post patiently :)
Alright, thanks. I'll be on in the morning to wrap up this bar scene to the best of my abilities. If Navi isn't in by then, we can have a flashback scene to cover it.
I'm gonna have flashbacks of this for a while.
"Slalin biology doesn't support intoxication, you should know better." -Arvid, Probably
I kinda felt like expanding upon Slalin info because I'm just so full of creative juices.

I'll probably add to this at random but I just felt compelled to type this sloppy piece of information up.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Biologically Slalin don't differ too greatly from humans. They share almost he same internal organs. Their livers have a harder time processing toxins, due to this many Slalin are careful of what they eat and how much alcohol they consume. Because of this, their bodies don't handle being inebriated very well and they tend to have the alcohol tolerance of a human child. Slalin have scales, and are prominent on the head and face, the joints, chest, back of the neck and the upper back. Usually in different patterns that vary from person to person. The rest of their body is covered in a nonporous 'skin' very rough and scale like but not as thick and pronounced as their actual scales. Many Slalin resemble humanoid versions of earth reptiles, but rarely just one (For instance; Feng resembles a cross between a Ball python and a horned lizard.) and usually have dark scale/skin tones and markings but this again, varies from person to person. Because of this Slalin were originally believed to be some sort of experiment from earth, however no research or tests have proved this to be true.

Slalin bodies are meant for dry, desert climates due to this they require considerably less water than most species and more often than not (depending on diet.) get most of the water required to survive from what they eat. Because of this Slalin do very poorly in cold climates and, unless properly heated, can go into a state of shock and die with prolonged exposure. Slalin life span is just above that of the average human, around one-hundred-and-thirty being the average life expectancy for most, but it is not uncommon for them to live to one-hundred-and-fifty. The tell-tale sign of an aging Slalin is the lowered potency of color in their eyes.

HOME PLANET: Slalin's homeworld is that of Grandphos; An expansive desert planet boasting some of the largest deserts, and tallest sand dunes yet discovered. Prone to sand storms and unbearably hot days. ( 341 Kelvin. approx. 155 Fahrenheit or 68 Celsius.) Most places on the planet receive less than 10inches of rainfall annually. Small bodies of water can be found dotting the planet, more often than not cities are built around or next to these bodies of water despite Slalin not requiring very much of it to survive, this is believed to be a habit from their ancestors who settled close to water as-well. Slalin are the majority of the population of the planet and most cities, however many races, usually desert dwelling species reside there as well. The human population is incredibly low, and consists mainly of archeologists and researchers. There is however a small, yet prominent human settlement called New-new Mexico New Mojave.
Year 3,000, average life expectancy has more that double in two hundred years so I expect by 3K the average human lifespan to exceed two hundred.

Irrelevant to the rest of the info, though.
@Mari and @egglegg

I'm going to have to ask you to pretend that Arvid escorted you to Feng's room, there is no way you would have found it on a ship that size without directions of some sort. You would have met him at the airlock and he would have guided you through the ship from there.
Ahhh you know I had thought about that but didn't want to make any huge leap and bounds on my own, I'll fix that in time.
It's alright, just a simple mistake we can correct now.
you know the best part of getting a new job? knowing Ill finally get a paycheck soon XP ive been broke too long
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@Mari and @egglegg

I'm going to have to ask you to pretend that Arvid escorted you to Feng's room, there is no way you would have found it on a ship that size without directions of some sort. You would have met him at the airlock and he would have guided you through the ship from there.

Alright, sounds good to me. But now that you mention it you are right, it is a pretty big ship.
Alright, sounds good to me. But now that you mention it you are right, it is a pretty big ship.
That will serve us in the future, as an ex-cruise ship it has a lot of luxury installations.
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