RWBY: Grimm World (OOC/Sign Up All Slots Filled Until Next School Year)

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Decided, @Hirohashi has until Saturday morning to post, hate doing this though >_<.

@Sepdemonium if it does end up with Hirohashi being kicked would you like to take his spot with your character? Once you get his past done that is ^^
@ShiroKiyoshi yea watching it now XD (just got back to apartment >_<)
Is there any we can continue without Hirohashi having to post? I'd love to continue, but at the same time I do not want to see him go. Maybe I'm just being selfish; our characters are related and I'm hoping to have them develop much from this.
Yeah we dont have to let him go. You could NPC him if he's pissed it's better than being kicked.
@Vegnya if we can find a way for that to happen then i would be all up for it (the RP would just pause before the Initiation though, because we need all 9 in order for the teams to be formed)
Well, i'm worried about NPCing his character because i might not do the his character justice, besides it's not my character, it's his >_>
Is it safe to assume that you will follow along with Volume 1 episodes and allow some bit of interaction (such as slumber party in the halls) before beginning the Initiation? If so, I suppose I could take limited control of his character, buying him just enough time.
Also if you guys want to download and play the RWBY game (the version of it before it got picked up by roosterteeth) then heres the link: (Just click the orange download button, you need Winrar to extract and play it though, but winrar is also free) i made it to wave 8, what wave can you make it to?
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Is it safe to assume that you will follow along with Volume 1 episodes and allow some bit of interaction (such as slumber party in the halls) before beginning the Initiation? If so, I suppose I could take limited control of his character, buying him just enough time.

That was actually exactly what i was gonna do >_>, was gonna post the initiation post once everyone set their characters to sleep. Also are you sure he's okay with you taking over his character?
No problem @RareSecret i was trying to get it too and found that link earlier today while looking at RWBY stuff.
no, it's okay :] I'm sure he's just really busy, but thank you for the offer :]
Hmmm. Pokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Hey it's past saturday what do we do now?
Idk. Should we just press on? The longer we wait, the higher the chance this will die
I agree. Then Kitsune just NPC your headmaster and make a student and be part of the fun. kukuku >:D
Well that's up to you guys? Do you want me to just be Headmaster, and make a student? Just so we can continue this RP? I waited this long so that Vegnya would reply but that hasn't happened and i can't let more time pass. I'm perfectly fine and able to create a new Student and play all 3 Roles of Headmaster, Student, and GM if you guys need me to^^. I have a little over 36 OC's already created that i could use XD
Vegnya posted.
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