RWBY: A Grimm World (Redux)(OOC/Sign-ups)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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@V0calStat1c btw i posted ^^

@Didary sorry for not answering you question. Yes i'll allow your character to use his semblance to take over Grim as well, but it has to be harder to do than humans, since humans have Aura/Souls and Grim don't.
Eh break is coming for me soon so ill be able to actually post and stuff.
I have teams, team names, and leaders decided. But you must finish initiation to find out what they are ;)
Thanks it wasn't like a very direct question anyways >.< Don't worry i had every intention of making it difficult as hell for him to controll anything non human or scorpion.

ughhh i cant wait to see who the teams are!
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Just saw this pop up in the adverts and like the look of it, sadly according to the OP you are all full though so I'll keep an eye on this thread in case a spot opens up. ^_^
@MotherOfCthulhu there's actually a duplicate of this called Remnants heroes that you can sign up for, it consists of people who wanted to join this one but this one got full. People who are already in this RP just give up their positions on that one if you want to join it, so go ahead and join that one ^^
if they want they can replace the teacher i have in this one. I dont need three characters for rwby >.<
If you want to Di, but thats only if @MotherOfCthulhu wants her character to be a teacher
I'm more than willing to give her the teacher spot if she wants it or if someone else does.
Everyone disappeared. Hope everyone has a great Valentine's day.
Nope. I'm here. I'm working on a post right now, too! Everybody else is probably eating chocolate.
Question! What type of relics are there? Are they the same as the show?
I want chocolate!

I assume they are the same as the show, since there hasn't been a message otherwise.
Yep, relics are same as show, and i would post but i'm a little busy at the moment ^^
Is there still room to join? I would like to as a half-grim student
Half-Grim Student is taken but there is a spot open for you, i was holding it for you :3
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