RWBY: A Grimm World (Redux)(OOC/Sign-ups)

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Tama is goto RWBY character :I
Lol Shiro, at least it's always interesting cause you keep building him up XD
TY TY sir.
Now for something completely off-topic: I just found out that I had a minecraft account for two years that I never used.
Wow, that's certainly something alright...
Hey sorry i've been gone so long i've had some housing issues come up and other things but I will be posting more in the future. I promise
Gone so long? That wasn't log at all! And you've been posting fine! I was just telling you because in the previous version of this RP someone had to get replaced because they got so behind in the RP because i wasn't warning them ^^
Yup, and i'm making a reply to it ^^, i'm thinking that after Gavin and Hayden finish off the Taijitu and walk off to find their Relic, we wait a little bit to let others post before we do so it doesn't just become a back and forth between us.

On a side note, Gavin and Hayden seem like the perfect partners so far :D
I think Gavin could work well with anyone, based off his Semblance. Could you imagine how crazy combo attacks between Gavin and Tama would be? Or the force he could generate with Salmon?
Actually yea, that is pretty cool! Combine Gavin's semblance with Haydens Semblance and we have a bad-ass combo as well! I gotta agree with you, anyone working with Gavin would be able to do crazy and cool stuff together!
For those who are a little confused on Hayden's weapon, here are a few pictures to help give you an image of it's forms.

Imagine the Spear Form the same black color and where the side blades are, instead of blades, imagine triggers for his bullets.

Also @V0calStat1c i posted btw ^^
I'll join the new one too. I want to make a chainsaw weapon.
So thats 6 people i think for the second one, which is 7 confirmed student characters, as me and zero are making two, and 1 teacher.
This one is full but im making a second one later today with a different plot, if you want to join the second one you can when it pops up if you know that youll consistently post.
Hm i guess it just seemed long to me, i have very little concept of time honestly with my work/ sleeping schedual being so crappy. I work 5pm-5am shifts at a factory ._.
That being said i have NO idea who would work well with Dyedary, his semblance is currently so useless and his style is drasticly different.
Just looking at it, right off the bat, it seems like he would make a good scout. If need be, taking over the body of an animal that died, if he can take over animals that is, he can move about mostly unnoticed by others and get a lay of the land. Beyond that there are always ways to use a person. Primarily focus on the rifle aspect of your weapon and you can easily be used as a screen for other people to set up attacks.

Even then, depending on how fast he can dig with his shovel, making traps in the ground or ambush sites later on is a big bonus for what he could do.
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