RWBY: A Grimm World (Redux)(OOC/Sign-ups)

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Well i did post who is partnered with who already ^^
He knows that shovel more than his own body, he's pretty fast with it. As for the animal thing unless its a scorpion or close relation he has to take some more time adjusting to how the body works but can controll small animals. As he gets more practice and such he'll eventually get faster and better with his semblance but i'd imagine it is quiet difficult to ready your mind to control 2 completely different bodies at once
@AllThePasta Did you? im sorry i had missed that post.
That's why, in the early going, as a scout he's a great choice. He would have the others around to back him up while they get the scoop on anything ahead. He wouldn't have to worry about keeping too much focus on his own body while doing the scouting.
See? Sometimes it just take an outside perspective on your character to get a full glimpse at what they can do.

Would your guy be able to take over the bodies of Grimm as well? Or just creatures that at one point had a soul?
With enough practice he MAY with Allthepasta's permission learn to shove his mind into the hollow where a soul would be to take control of smaller grimm but his powers are really rather limited on the size of things unless he wants to have his body go full comatose and risk not having enough of his mind in it to run the needed things.
That makes sense. But even without taking a Grimm, at least for the time being, he's actually fairly useful in a battle.
Yeah, and i went back and found who my partner is already i see myself having fun with it. Between the two of us we can scout just about anywhere
Heh. I am interested in who the full teams are. Imagine Hayden, Dyedary, Holly, and Gavin. HDGH, or Hydrogen. Hayden's brute force, Gavin's ability of Probability, with the scouting of Holly and Dyedary?

That is a ridiculous team.
That would be an AMAZING team. Not to mention that Dyedary has lived in the open lands beyond civilization most of his life he is a very VERY skilled fighter despite his unconventional weapon. He's just not a very good people person and so probably wont work well with a team untill he learns how. I'm excited to see the full team pairings now.
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Just posted. Sorry for any typos and lack of color. I'm on my phone, and I won't be at a computer for a while. I'll edit it when I get there.
Alright, sorry for not making it yesterday, i was exetremly tired and passed out right when i got home and didn't wake up until 6AM >_<. For the Duplicate should i just edit the OP of this and make a separate IC thread for the second one, or start an entirely new thread?
Alright, will post link when it's up, though should only take a few minutes since it's a duplicate :3
Alright then, i won't be making my second Char then, which is perfectly fine since i don't think i'd be able to handle it :3
Can someone please tell m how to do the boxes around your text to seperate different characters and such?
Look up iwakuroleplay bb code on. google if I can't describe it well enough.
[(Fieldset=name, color)]
At the top before you start typing without the parentheses.
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