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"Best of luck my love." He said in a chipper tone seeming eager to hear good news about it, almost as if he wanted her to be pregnant so they could have a family. After washing her hair he turned her around to face in and lifted her chin and tenderly kissed her lips.
"Alright... what's for dinner?" She asked feeling hungry. "I'm starving."
"I made all of us some sauteed vegetables with diced meat.. its nothing special but its one of the few things I can make." Kurayuki stated as he held Lila in his arms and smiled down at her while he buried his face into her neck.
Lila smiled, and then got dressed heading for the kitchen.
Kurayuki got out and dried off getting dressed and then headed into the kitchen calling for Gata. "Gata.. Dinner's ready come eat with us." He said smiling and set the table for all three of them to eat together, it honestly made Kurayuki quite cheerful because it made him feel like he already had a family and had a child on the way.

(I can't find my damn Shears to shave in the morning and I'm meeting my girlfriend's mother tomorrow D: I wanna be clean shaven when I do D:)
Lila sat down at the table, and ate her food. Loving the taste of it. (Word of advice.... They are always in the last place you look.)
"It.. it's nothing special but I hope you enjoy it.. I'm not all that good at cooking yet.. but i've been practicing on the side while away.." Kurayuki said blushing and a bit bashful as he looked at Lila adorably which really let him pull the look off with how naturally beautiful he looked as a person and made him seem so moe.

(It must be in my grandparents bedroom then XP)
Lila smiled at him, and then afterwords went to bed since she had to be up early for her pregnancy test.
Kurayuki slipped into bed with her and cuddled up to her and nuzzled into her neck and whispered into her ear. "I love you Lila.. I hope we are having a child.. I would love nothing more than to have a family with my soul mate.." He whispered into her ear and closed his eyes going to sleep with her. He had no real reason to go to sleep so early with her but he wanted to just to be close to her even while she slept and kissed her lips before going to sleep.
Lila woke in the morning, slowly at first, but then the sudden need to vomit caused her to leap from bed, and head to the bathroom, to empty her stomach in the toilet. Lila groggily sat up on her knees, and looked around the bathroom.
"Lila!" Gata called from outside the room. "You know how you were wondering if you were ptegnant last night? Well you are. When you two were eating dinner yesterday I felt three presences, not two."
Lila groaned at what she was hearing... She had a thing growing inside of her. "Even though that makes me happy! It means I have a parasite inside of me!"
"A parasite? Why would you say something like that?An Iinfant is the embodiment of this world's innocence, and innocence is beauty in its purest form." Gata sounded more sure if himself at that moment than he had at any point in his stay. "Im sorry if I caused you any distress."
"No no, get in here please... I could use the comfort right now.." Lila rested her head on the toilet seat, of course it didn't help considering her face was really warm, almost warm enough to melt the plastic seat.
Gata opened the door and stepped inside. "What do you need?" He spoke softly, his face intense with concentration.
Kurayuki got jerked awake when he felt Lila bolt out of bed to the restroom and he rubbed his eyes waking up and heard her words. They pierced his heart to its core hearing her say that she had a parasite living inside of her body. "Ah.. seems she see's our child as nothing more than a parasite.." He whispered to himself and had an expression of hurt on his face as he pretended to go back to sleep.
"I mean that I kinda need a large towel soaked in cold water wrapped around ice against my back before I melt this toilet seat..." Lila's eyes dropped down to her stomach, and she cooed at it for no reason. "Your going to have a lovely mother, and a lovely father... Mommy loves you little one."
Kurayuki hadn't heard what she stated, he was to wrapped up in his thoughts and depression wondering if he should have used protection and wondering if she didn't want any children just yet or if she even wanted a child to begin with. Kurayuki sighed in bed and got up swaying his arms almost seeming like the undead as he walked out of the room and into the living room, his demeanor was definitely different than it usually was and anyone could tell that just from a glance.
Gata grabbed a towel from the closet and darted out of the bathroom towards the kitchen, where he soaked the towel in warm water, grabbed ice from the freezer, and wrapped it up inside the towel. He sprinted back to Lila and pressed the towel against her back.
Kurayuki closed his eyes once he laid down on the couch, he hadn't realized it now but when he first wakes up he is extremely susceptible to the words he hears from people and hearing something phrased the way it was when Lila was speaking about their child was like a shot straight to the center of his heart.