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Lila looked towards him, and then brought his head down for further inspection. "Yup... into the bathroom, you go." Lila pushed Kurayuki into the bathroon, sitting him down on the toilet.
Kurayuki reached up and touched the spot that had blood on it and looked at the blood on his hand. "Ah.. my my.. what am I to do?.. I'll get the place dirty if I don't do something about this quickly.." Kurayuki said and smiled kindly, he really did seem like the calm and collected type, Kurayuki followed her orders and headed into the bathroom and sat down as instructed.
Lila pulled out a large medical kit, and then went about cleaning the wound, and wrapping a bandage around his head. "You may have a concussion so don't do anything drastic... now if you'll excuse me I gotta get ready for my own work."
With those two going to the bathroom to clean the blood up, Gata decided to walk downstairs and relax. He sat on the couch and stared at his hands, flexing his fingers continuously. He wanted to change forms, but didnt know if this would off-put his hosts. Gata knew he should never change into his true form with just cause, but he had his other form. Deciding it didnt matter, he decided to just go ahead and change. His form slowly grew smaller as he morphed into an average sized house cat with black and white fur. Once he had chamged, the cat stretched himself to his body's limit and bounded back to his hosts.
"Alright my love.. I hid my head when I fell out of bed.." Kurayuki said as he stood up a little dizzy for a moment but then caught his balance and walked out to see Gata in his true form and instantly felt the mood to cuddle him come over him and he picked him up and hugged him. "Ahh~ Your so adorable like this.. I'm sorry but I can't help myself Gata-san.." He said and nuzzled his cold face into Gata's fur.
Lila smiled at the two of them, and then walked off to the bedroom in which she pulled on hospital scrubs, and then walked to the front door. "If you need me I'll be at the hospital!"
"Ok my love.. what time are you possibly getting off? I don't start work for another two weeks because that's when they get their project for me." Kurayuki said as he walked in with Gata and kissed Lila on the lips while holding him and cradled him in his arms. "Lets go and relax while watching some television shall we Mr. Guest?" Kurayuki asked as he left the room to go watch television with Gata after he had found out when she might get off work.
"I get off at six, home in time to cook dinner." Lila kissed him, picked up her things, and then left the house.
Gata was flustered by this sudden show of affection from Kurayuki. He decided it would be easier to just accept it and not complain. "This isnt my true form." He spoke out loud. "My true form is dangerous if I cant keep control. I have only used it twice, and voth were when my life was in danger."
"Ah alright my love I'll see you around six then.. and perhaps I'll make dinner for us.. I know how you've missed my cooking.." He said as he smiled at her and sat down on their couch and watched television with Gata. "Oh really? Well I don't mind.. this form of yours is really adorable.. and your so soft and fluffy too.." Kurayuki seemed so affectionate towards him even though he was another male and he nuzzled into Gata once more.
Gata felt slightly uncomfortable at his Host's actions. He wasnt used to people showing any sort of affection to him, cat or human. The kitty squirmed slightly into a more comfortable position in Kurayuki's arms
Lila returned home at around six, dropped her bag by the front door, and then made her way to the living room.
When it was nearly time for Lila to come home Kurayuki started to cook dinner and allowed Gata to rest peacefully while he cooked. He made sauteed vegetables with a dash of pepper and red wine mixed in and diced up meat cooked in garlic and salt and let it set to cool slightly while in the living room waiting for his beloved Lila to come back.
Lila collapased onto the couch, stripping her scrubs off. "Fucking patients..." She muttered staring down at the vomit on her work clothes, and then stench of it in her hair, made her nose scrunch up.
"Why not take a shower my love? I cooked dinner for all of us so go wash up my dear." Kurayuki said and smiled at her though avoided getting to close so he didn't have to smell her just yet while she was smelling like vomit.
"Yeah sure thanks." Lila stood up, and headed to the bathroom to clean herself off, and get rid of the stomach acid stench.
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Kurayuki got back up and walked in to her and got in with her. "Hey love.. need some help washing up?" Kurayuki asked her sweetly as he stepped into the shower behind her.
Lila leaned against Kurayuki. "Work was rough, as you can tell but besides that, I've had to help with two mother's going into labour.." Lila turned to him. "Which brings me to the biggest news... I'm late.."
"Well then.. I suppose its perfect timing I got a job that's so well payed and I have lenient hours because I choose the jobs I take from the agency.." Kurayuki didn't seem the least bit upset about it as he started to help her wash her hair and smiled tenderly, if anything he seemed excited at least as excited as a calm and collected person like himself could be.
"I don't know if it's just because I'm worried about it, or if it really actually happened... But I'm going in tomorrow, and getting myself tested."