Run away love.

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The monks pulled his hood up and turned away from the other "that is all I can say but for her sake and yours I hope you figure it out soon" he said softly before leaving the room silently
Griffin shook his head. He hated prophecies. They made no sense. He doubted that he would be able to figure out what the monk had been trying to tell him until it was too late. But there wasnt alot he could do about it. He sat up slowly. He was patched up. Although he was still in need of sleep but they could worry about that later.
Faith came in soon after Griffin had sat up with a smile and a satchel in her hand "there have some amazing herds here" she told him before tilting her head "you feeling better? They're amazing healers here"
"They batched me up. Not much they can do for the magic drain." Griffin told her.
"Are you ready to head out. Or do you still fell that dark threat?"
Faith nodded "yeah. The monks feel it too. They've said we could stay here for the night and rest" she told him then looked down before back at Griffin "what did the head monk say to you? I saw him come out"
"Just some riddle. Monks are fond of prophesies. I have no idea what he said to be honest with you." Griffin told her honestly. "I'm not good with riddles. I'm fine with resting here. The others will have a hard following our trail."
Faith moved and sat down next to Griffin "the head monk's always been full of riddles and such. Ever since I was little and I first came to this place to train for a few years he's given me riddle after riddle" she laughed fondly with a small smile
"Well I've ever been found of them. I guess Im just not smart enough to figure them. Do you think the monks will feed us? Or should I summon my bag and see what I have in it?"
Faith shook her head "I think riddles are always difficult. They're so hard to figure out but so easy to understand when you know the answer. It just takes awhile" she then nodded "they'll feed us. They may be a little odd and confusing but they're kind"
"Yea well he made it sound like if I don't figure it out in time you will be in dange. I don't like that idea. I don't want to be responsible for your safety against a threat I don't understand." Griffin told her.
Faith frowned at that "tell me the riddle. Maybe I might be able to work it out. I mean, I lived with him and his riddles for a good few years"
"A warning. Many will try and stop you along the way for more than just the bounty and if you fail to protect her from the enemies and her own heart only one shall walk away from the quest with a still beating heart" griffin quoted
Faith nodded as she listened "clearly the heart part means I'm gonna meet and come to care for someone I shouldn't" she muttered then frowned "wait 'many will try and stop you along the way for more than just the bounty' could that be the darkness I felt?"
"I suppose so. The darkness might be from someone after the bounty though." Griffin told her with a frown. Was he the person she shouldn't trust? He wasn't going to hurt her. Not on purpose.
Faith nodded slowly before shrugging "whatever comes our way I'm sure we can handle it" she answered and stood up "you stay here and rest. I'll go get you something to eat and something for the pain"
"Alright.thanks."Griffin hadn't really noticed the pain. Probably because he was used to it. He had been in pain most of his life. He closed his eyes. He didn't care what they eat. As long as he had some food. With food and rest his magic would recharge.
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Faith came back a few moments later with a tray of food, a small bowl of what seemed like green mud and a small vase that had a small blue flower in it "ok, here you go"
"Thanks." Griffin smiled his thanks. "What do you know about this darkness you felt? Can you tell me more about it? Maybe I can narrow down if it could be linked to the bounty or not."
Faith placed the food down on the bedside table and grabbed the small bowl "this will numb where the pain is worse" she told him and moved to sit on the bed "it was cold. Kinda like what drowning would feel like. I honestly thought if it got to us we'd never survive getting out of there"
Griffin nodded. He took the small bowl and set it aside. "That isn't much of a description. I could probably make you feel that way." he told her honestly. He frowned. Could his father have caused her to feel that way?"
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