Run away love.

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Faith couldn't wait any longer, her eyes suddenly taken over by a bright blue flash as she threw an all consuming fire at the two. Yet not a single flame touched Griffin, as if he had been covered in a rode that protected him from it
Griffin winced as he stumbled to his feet. He pressed his hand to his side. "We need to move." Griffin told her. He grabbed Faith's hands and started moving him again. He needed to get through the shadows to her sacred ground before he clasped.
Faith moved to stand next to Griffin, trying to help him stand even though she was suddenly snapped from trapping her powers like she had "we need to get you to a doctor" she said quickly
Griffin snorted. "I'll be fine. I just need to rest. Besides they don't usually have doctors on sacred ground." He pointed out. "Couple more jumps and we should be there."
Faith nodded "then at least let me look you over when we're safe. I know the basics when it comes to healing" she replied, she wasn't gonna risk it
"We'll see." Griffin agreed. He lead her through the next couple of shadows. He was pale and weak when he pulled her out of the shadow realm. They were on the steps of a church. "Sacred ground."
Faith looked up at the church and smiled brightly "yes! I know this church! It's the home of the mindful monks. They're able to read someones thoughts and personality in less then 5 seconds" she informed Griffin before running up to the large door of the beautiful building and knocked loudly
"Great just what I need. More people in my head." Griffin growled. He would have left if he could. But he was bleeding and weak. He wasn't going to get far in his condition. He didn't bother getting up. The monks could answer the door or not he didn't care.
The door soon opened and Faith was instantly hugged tightly by a cloaked monk. The monk and Faith spoke quietly before a few monks rushed out and helped Griffin to his feet "we shall take you to the healing room and restore you" one said softly
"Good luck with that. Healing spells don't work well. they did I would have used one." Griffin told them he allowed them to help him inside. He was too drained to fight them even if he wanted to. He put up mental walls. He didn't know if they would keep the monks out but having them made him feel better.
Faith smiled at Griffin as they walked past "the mindful monks don't use magic" she told him, walking in behind them with the other monk "May I go to your garden?" she asked and then was gone when she received a nod. The head monk turned to Griffin "I think we need to talk"
"Talk Im not going anywhere." Griffin told the monk as he laid on one of the cots. He needed patched up and to rest. He was stuck for atleast a few hours. So he might as well listen to whatever the monk wanted to tell him.
The monks moved around Griffin, patching him up slowly as the head monk kept silent for a moment and when he spoke his voice sounded much younger than before but had a sharper edge "you are a liar. I do not know what you are lying about but you are lying" he stated "Now, you are going to tell me everything you know about my dear girl and if I deem you are a threat to her I teach you the reason no one has tried to oppress us"
"Im not lying." Griffin denied. He tried to lie as little as he could. He hated liars. "I am simply not telling her everything thing. Her parents are looking for her. They have posters with her pictures with her picture up everywhere. I offered to lead her home. I got them to agree to take the posters down. I know what it is like to be hunted. I want to get others off her trail. I havent decided if I will take her to her parents or not. I want to get her side of the story first."
The monk listened closely and waited for the other monks to finish before waving them away, shutting the door behind them. The monk pulled his hood down to reveal a 20 something male with clouded eyes and almost white hair "This is the only chance you will have" he told him "you have the time Faith is no longer in the building to ask any questions you may have"
"Ask questions about what?" Griffin asked him curiously. He didnt have any questions. Atleast none that the thought the monk could answer for him.
The monk shrugged "any questions. I may look young but I am hundreds of years old and have seen and done more than you may think possible" he answered smoothly "
Griffin shook his head. "Cant think of a single question that you might be able to answer for me. Thank you though. I will take care of Faith as best I can. If I decide it is in her best interest to take her to her family I will. If I think otherwise I will help her hide. That is all you need to know."
The monk nodded slowly then looked at Griffin, his eyes flashed a deep green for a moment "a warning. Many will try and stop you along the way for more than just the bounty and if you fail to protect her from the enemies and her own heart only one shall walk away from the quest with a still beating heart"
"HUH?" Griffin asked honestly confused. "If you are going to give me a warning you might want to do it in a way that makes sense to me. I am not an educated man. I have no idea what you said."
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