Romantic rp (invite only)

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Renee giggled and shrugged. "Not really...I never really have any friends to play games like this with. Sometimes I think it's a little childish, but it can be pretty fun. What about you?" she asked, throwing the tennis ball to Nic.
"I dont really play these games either I'm to busy with school, programming, etc to really do these things." Nic replied.
"Ah, I see." Renee said, nodding as she threw the ball at Nic, somewhat harder than the first time. She watched as it hit his shoulder, not very hard. Her eyes widened and she started laughing, covering her mouth with her hand.
Nic went and picked up the ball. "So your attacking me now?" He asked in a suspicious voice.
Renee giggled and stuck her tongue out. "Who's to say I'm not?" she said, putting her hands on her hips. She raised an eyebrow and smirked at Nic. "What are you gonna do about it?" she taunted.
"Eh." He said tossing the ball back to her "your tosses couldnt hurt me anyway." He taunted back.
"Oh, do you really want to bet on that?" Renee asked, catching the tennis ball. "Is that all you got, Mr. Muscle?" she scoffed, throwing the tennis ball harder to Nic.
"Im throughing it for you to catch i dont attack people unlike someone else here." He said calmly but in a mocking voice.
Renee scoffed and tried holding back her laugh. "Oh, I see how it is." she said, purposely throwing the ball at Nic's other arm.
(Sorry i havent posted in a while im sick ;(. Cool new profile pic) "so you really do like injurying people huh.?" He said with a funny sneer.
(It's alright, I'm a little sick myself. Hope you feel better :)) Renee stuck her tongue out at Nic and danced around. "Ohh, what are you gonna do about it?" she taunted, smirking in his direction.
(Thanks, you too :D) before Renee could react Nic ran over and lifted Renee up hold her around her waist "now what should i do to you?..." He said still with his sneer.
Renee gasped as Nic picked her up by her waist. She scrunched her nose then smiled. "I don't know, but I hope you can run fast!" she said, wiggling out of his grasp. As she dropped to the ground, she started running, turning to stick her tongue out at him.
"don't you remember i beat you in our last race and i'll do again but this time were you going to run to?" he mocked her sarcastically and pointed to the fence around his house as he ran up to her.
Renee turned to give Nic a playful glare as he mocked her. "You think you're such a big shot now? Bring it on tough guy!" she taunted, starting to run faster. She knew how to run faster than him now, she just needed to save her energy this time.
After about an hour of them chasing each other Nic managed to corner Renee "well what... do we... have here,... your... trapped now!..." He said both of them taking big breaths from the running they had just been doing.
Renee noticed she was trapped, panting hard. "I'm...not...done...yet!" she said, taking deeps breath of air. In a flash, she tackled Nic to the ground, laughing breathlessly. "Got you!" she said, looking down at him with a victorious smile.
"I... give up... but... first... I hope... your ticklish..." He said reaching to her sides and started tickling her till she fell off him.
Renee shrieked with laughter when Nic started tickling her sides. After all, it was her most ticklish spot. "I-I still won't give up!" she laughed, trying to push him away from her. But, her being ticklish was her weakness. Instead, she laid there helpless as Nic tickled her, tears welling in her eyes from the laughter. "O-Okay! I give up! I give up!" she shouted, her gut hurting from the laughter as well.
"Good." Nic said with satisfaction laughing a bit himself. He just laying there renee still recovering from the laughter next to him. (Gotta love those ticklish spots lol :D)
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