Rohad Acadamy (School of the Element Wielders)

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I'll make 2 males and a female character if you're still accepting~

Name: Allen "Lao" Xaljer

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Birth Place: Surcoth Empire

Weight: 146

Height: 5'11"

Personality: Lao is confident to a fault, it could be said that it is his "fatal flaw". He hates being wrong, or being reveled for what he truly his, an uneducated, horse breeders son. He will do whatever it takes to attain the power needed to crush the ones that looked down on him as a child. Despite this, Lao is surprisingly kind and a quick learner, unfortunately, his overconfident nature and lust for power, may end up leading him in the path of destruction.

Bio: Lao was born in the rival City State of Ladria, the Surcoth Empire. He came from a long line of horse breeders who served all kinds of noble families in Va'siel. Lao's childhood was spent tending to the well being of horses, obeying the nobles orders despite the wounds that it created on his pride. How Lao wished to yell back at there masters, insult them, but he kept his mouth shut, knowing that it would bring trouble upon his family.

By the time Lao was 15, his family had gained a job in Ladria, hired my the Stall family. Lao was bullied by the noble families son day and night. He could never escape the boys rath, and he could never do anything about it. Lao would never raise his hand up against the boy, or insult him, without risking his families well being. By the time Lao turned 20, he was ready to fight the noble boy, to kill him. This was when he developed his ability to wield, with the possibility to get out of the noble families home and do something with his life, he immediately ran to his father, to tell his his idea of enrolling in the Rohad Academy.

Unfortunately his father was furious, yelling and spitting, screaming at his son, telling him that he was dishonoring the family. But Lao ignored him anyway, he simply away from home and joined the Academy anyway.

Wielder or Duel Wielder: Single Wielder

Element(s) Fire (Has signs of developing black fire)

[fieldbox="Maderra Fontanne' de Haven, blue"]

Her pose is so sexual but dammit her appearance was perfect...

"Our family holds a close bond... Nothing that can be broken by a harsh phrases or physical torment."

"There's awful things about this world, but there's things that's worth protecting too... Like the water that surrounds us, or the trees that flourish all around the land."

Name: Maderra Fontanne' de Haven

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Birth Place: Ladria

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 127 lbs

Personality: Maderra is a sweet and compassionate young woman with a passion for the environment. She is an extremely passive girl who prefers talking it out rather than violence. While she is sweet and passive, she tends to be much too forgiving when hurt physically or emotionally. Her brothers say she is much too kind for her own good, which is why they try to protect her or drop hints that something isn't right.

Bio: Maderra's mother died during childbirth, leaving herself and her father alone. Her father had been driven into depression after the death of his first true love, causing him to fall under major financial issues. He decided that in order to keep his daughter from a life of poverty, he put her up for adoption while she was only a baby, where the only thing about him that would come with Maderra's certificate would be his name. During her time there, she discovered her water ability, but had no one but herself to understand the basics of water itself and the deeper elements within it.

Six years later she was adopted by the de Haven family, and by the age of eight, Lionel gave her the scarf he used to wear as a present. He told her on that day that she could see the scarf as a symbol of their family bond; that from now on, she was a true de Haven.

Single Wielder: Single

Element: Water

Weapon: Keeps a dagger hidden for dire situations.


[fieldbox="Lionel de Haven, red"]

"Here Maderra, this is for you. I uh... didn't "get" you a present, at least not ahead of time, but this scarf should do! Hand knitted by mom! You can see it as a symbol of being an honorary de Haven; You're officially our little sister, and we'll protect you no matter what!"

"I'll keep up my element wielding no matter what! My weaknesses only make me stronger!"

Name: Lionel de Haven

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Birth Place: Galio

Weight: 143 lbs

Height: 5'7"

Personality: Enthusiatic and excitable, Lionel is the much more cheerful child of the de Haven family. He is often seen as the "ignorant" twin out of himself and Aohda because the elder of the two was faster at learning than he was. Lionel refuses to quit at any task given to him unless Aohda can't do it because he didn't want "quitter" to compliment "ignorance" as people are so quick to judge him as.

Bio: Born and raised in Galio with his older twin brother, Lionel lived an acceptable life. His parents loved him and helped teach him of his elemental wielding, though there was only so much they could do. He tried his best, but Aohda always seemed to get better with him. How, he didn't know. One day the de Haven family welcomed a little girl into their family, and Lionel was all but confused until he realized they had adopted her. He didn't notice that his parents wanted a daughter at all! Then again he wasn't the sharpest tool. Lionel was quick to embrace Maderra while his stone cold brother wasn't as willing. But when the day finally came, it was a special moment for their bond as a family, and Lionel wanted to give something as a symbolic representation (as well to make up for not getting Maderra something for her birthday).

Single Wielder or Duel Wielder: Duel

Element(s): Fire and Wind

Weapon: Bow and arrows


[fieldbox="Aohda de Haven, red"]

"Idiot... Get out of the way, let me show you how it's done."

"I won't let you hurt Maderra. Lionel... Well, he gets himself hurt no matter what I do."

Name: Aohda de Haven

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Birth Place: Galio

Weight: 156 lbs

Height: 5'9"


Aohda is often level headed and does what he can to keep himself together in front of peers, friends, and strangers. He also is a compassionate being who does do good when he can, because he doesn't want to be remembered as a horrible person. He is seen as an "older brother" figure over those he cares for and especially to his twin and adopted sister, and those that hold a special place for. Despite Lionel trying to be the protector, Aohda usually steps in. He understands he is over protective and appears cold hearted, it is something that cannot be helped.


Born and raised in Galio with his younger twin brother, Aohda lived what one might call a happy life. He was seen as the "prodigy" by neighbors because of his ability to learn quickly. Though Lionel tried his best to catch up, Aohda was always beating him at physical training or academics. Aohda had caught onto the signs of his parents wanting a daughter when he saw their eyes lingering on dresses and other girl stuff when they were out. Eventually when the twin boys were seven, they welcomed a pretty little girl into their family. Aohda had a difficult time accepting her into their family, considering she looked absolutely nothing liked them, nor did she act like either of her adoptive parents. But two years later, he finally warmed up to her and welcomed her into the family with open arms, shortly before Lionel gave her the scarf.

Single Wielder or Duel Wielder: Duel

Element(s): Fire and Lightning

Weapon(If any): A sword with a red and black grip

I'll make a character soon! Not sure what element to pick, though... any suggestions?
I'll make a character soon! Not sure what element to pick, though... any suggestions?
Not the GM, but I suggest to pick something no one else picked yet :D
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Name: Veris Blacklora

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Birth Place: Slums of Galio

Weight: 135 lbs.

Height: 6'1"

Personality: Veris keeps a calm, cool, collected aura around him most of the time. He's good in a stressful situation, often having been the one to solve a problem his father had. That being said, when the life of someone he's close to is on the line, he acts quickly, and isn't nearly as calm as he usually is. He is fairly introverted and shy, but if he does manage to make a friend, they will be someone he cares deeply about and would do nearly anything for them. Veris isn't exactly confident in himself, but he's been working on building his self-confidence and realizing he could be someone important in this world. He has a weakness towards cute animals, especially puppies and dogs, and not as much towards cats.

Bio: Veris is the son of a humble wool merchant, who wasn't by any means rich but gained enough profit to live and support his son. Veris never knew his mother - she was always a mystery to him, and the only thing about her that his father told him was that she was an element wielder such as him. She apparently was a very advanced water wielder. His father never told him how they met, or more importantly, what happened to her. She had left something for Veris, however - a glove, with a slot for an elemental emblem, lacking the actual emblem. It was as if she knew that he would be a wielder. Veris has always had an intense fascination in her, and hopes to find her someday.

Veris was born and raised in the slums of Galio, and as such, was very immersed in the very wet environment. From a very young age, his talents as a water wielder began to show as he swam around in the pools of the inner Galio slums, when a few other kids in the slums were flinging water at him for fun, and he blasted it back at them with twice the force. When that happened, his father knew that Veris needed to be alone for some time while he developed his talents, and decided to take Veris with him on his merchanting exploits. During that time, Veris was taught by his father about trade and economics of the world. He knew his father bought wool cheap from farmers, and sold it at a higher price to people in bigger cities. There were more profitable things to buy and sell, such as spices or velvet, but his father was content with the trade he was in.

Over the years he spent with his father on the ship, Veris trained his water wielding skills alone. On his twelfth birthday, his father bought him the emblem to fit his glove, so he could finally safely practice his water wielding. One stormy night when he was 15, something happened that Veris will never forget. The sailors on the small ship, the Soft Sail, were already having trouble handling the sails, but they could never have hoped to deal with what was about to come upon them. A pirate ship sailed right along their ship, and attacked the Soft Sail. Pirates boarded the ship, quickly slaying the mercenary his father had bought, and demanded all of the wares and gold on the ship. His father, not wishing any more harm to come to his crew, let the pirates take their pick of the hold. Just when the pirates had taken all of the goods his father owned and had begun sailing away, they let loose a volley of arrows, one sticking Veris right in the leg, and another impaling his father through the neck. The image of his father's bloody face, mouth agape, on the deck has stayed in Veris' mind ever since.

Yet Veris was not about to let those pirates get away - he was going to avenge his father here and now. Trying to forget the immense pain in his leg, Veris concentrated on the waves crashing against the pirate ship slowly moving away. He manipulated their momentum, making the waves rise higher, faster, stronger... until that pirate ship began to tip. Veris could hear their cries as they desperately attempted to save the ship from capsizing, but they could not stop the waves. Their cries for help as they drowned in the deep ocean snapped Veris back into reality, and he remembered his pain shortly before blacking out. When he woke up, he was in a village, his wound being treated by a strange man. Apparently the sailors still on the ship managed to guide the Soft Sail back to shore, and docked in this tiny village, somewhat near Ladria. Here he recuperated, full of doubts and a suffering from a severe lack of self-confidence. He thought he could have saved his father if only he had taken care of those pirates sooner... but Veris knew that he had to keep going. He knew that he should try to find his mother, and so came upon a merchant passing through the village talking about some sort of academy for wielders. It was his only chance, so he journeyed to Ladria, hoping to pick his life back up in this academy, and become someone he wasn't before.

Wielder or Duel Wielder: Single-element Wielder

Element(s): Water

Weapon: Veris carries a small dagger around, for protection, but mostly just for his meals. While not trained in any weapon combat, as a child he had a fascination with spears, and would gladly learn the ways of the spear given the chance.​
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Let me know if you think I'm pushing the boundaries too much. :o

Name: Juke Peridoe

Appearance: Wherever he goes, Juke certainly draws a lot of curious stares. He lost one of his arms a few years ago in an unfortunate accident (see bio), and had it replaced with a prosthetic made mostly from wood, with an iron skeleton for structure. The elbow can be bent and locked into place manually with his good hand. Instead of an ordinary forearm and hand, his prosthetic limb has a fiddle built in, ready to be played at any time. On his good arm, Juke wears a long black glove that comes up to his elbow; there is a thin pocket sewn along its length that contains a bow, which can be retrieved at a flick of the wrist for a quick fiddle solo.

His black hair sticks up and out every which way, completely unmanageable. Several of his teeth are missing, decayed, or otherwise deformed, and he prefers to go without a shirt to show off the scar tissue on his shoulder. He isn't afraid of what people think of him; every minute of attention is a wonderful experience. Especially when he can entertain with his music.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Birth Place: Galio. His father's profession as a smith gives him a high status, allowing the Peridoes to live in one of the nicer artisan districts.

Weight: 118 lbs.

Height: 5'4"

Personality: Ask anyone to describe Juke in a word, and they'll usually give you something along the lines of "unstable." He isn't dangerous, per se -- though he has been known to resort to violence on occasion -- but his moods tend to flip in the blink of an eye. Throw an insult his way and he'll send a hundred threats right back, but take it back and he'll go back to smiling and laughing like nothing ever happened. He is eager to please, but quick to take offense. He's also a hopeless romantic and tends to get overemotional about cutesy love stories.

Bio: For generations, the Peridoes had been artisans, refining their crafts to mastery and selling their wares to patrons all over Galio, and even to places beyond. Juke's father expected nothing less from his son, and as the boy grew up, he was surrounded with the tools of the smithing trade and taught all there was to know about basic forging. Juke sat patiently through his pop's lessons, going through the motions, never getting too involved with the tasks unless his father berated him for his laziness. He was never too interested in being a blacksmith. No, what he really wanted to be...was a bard.

When Juke confessed this to his father, the man was furious. He stomped around the house, knocking down tools, chasing Juke outside. He cornered the boy, ranting and raving about how important smithing was to the community, how Juke would surely become some poor homeless bum without a real means of earning income. Juke was terrified. He had never seen his father so furious in his life. Before he knew what was going on, Juke was shouting back, feeling a heat rise in him like never before. Without warning, electricity shot down his arm and out of his fingertips, shocking his father, both literally and figuratively. That put a stop to the argument, but while the older of the two walked away with nothing but a nasty scar, Juke's arm was rendered useless from the burns of improperly wielded magic.

Both of them apologized in their own ways for the incident. Juke's father, by constructing a new limb for his son after the amputation was performed, and Juke, by enrolling in Rohad Academy to refine his own craft, in his own way.

Single Wielder or Duel Wielder: Single

Element: Lightning

Weapon: Though Juke has no weapon of his own, nor formal training, his prosthetic arm is made to be easily detachable. A fiddle isn't the only thing that can be socketed into his shoulder, should another variant of the structure be prepared.

Name(Self Explanatory)
Angel Gregarious
Birth Place
127 lbs
Personality (Paragraph)
Angel is very passive. She believes she is higher above than anybody else. She has a very dry sense of humor, and in turn hardly understands laughter. Angel is a very intelligent girl, and scolds others for even the most simple mistake. She is very uncompassionate torwards others and does everything in her own intrest. She hardly ever shows any emotion and will save herself given the chance.
Bio(2 to 3 paragraphs)
Angel was born into a rather rich family, gaining the best education. She grew up around, however, violence and crime. Her parents were always around and telling her how to live her life, which resulted in her being sophisticated and uptight. Angel has had hardly any friends, due to her parents over-protectiveness. She was homeschooled, and majors in many different arts and styles. Her caligraphy is something to be adored. She learned how to fence and wield many different types of weapons. She learned how to dance in many types of styles.
Her Father, however, was a mean drunk at times. He beat her mother, but never Angel. This is the main reason why she is very uncompassionate torwards others. Her mother, however, was the complete opposite. As Angel was growing up, she realized that her Father was rubbing off and turning her into a ruthless woman. She did her best to change that, always volunteering to help at times, but it was all in vain.

Wielder or Duel
Space and Mind
Weapon(If any)

Angel's Weapon has four settings. A Broadsword measuring at 2ft. A double bladed scythe measured at 6ft. Dual weild nunchuck style blades. (omit pistols)
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Everything else if fine. There are no pistols (don't exist), the other forms are fine. If you are a Duel wielder you wield 2 elements, so Space and...

Once those are done, your accepted.
Everything else if fine. There are no pistols (don't exist), the other forms are fine. If you are a Duel wielder you wield 2 elements, so Space and...

Once those are done, your accepted.

LOL oops I thought that meant weapons oops

fixed :]
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Darkness doesn't really fit her personality, but it's fine, Accepted!
Darkness doesn't really fit her personality, but it's fine, Accepted!

I was actually looking at that just now and im having trouble finding a second element that not only fits with her personality but will be compatible with the space Element

any personal opinions on that?

I changed it to space and mind... if thats okay ;u;
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