Riverside Academy

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
lol okay cool i edited my character
Going to update the Accepted Character list- this new version will display the spots that people have chosen.


The character list is updated into a new version! Now you can click your character's name for a quick link to the post they are on :3
Wait, since Sayaka's the first networker.. Is she the leader? x3;;
So... being off topic here, how many members is this RP aiming for now? :)) //might make another person later :3
Wait, since Sayaka's the first networker.. Is she the leader? x3;;
So... being off topic here, how many members is this RP aiming for now? :)) //might make another person later :3

Since this is a mass RP, I'm looking for 18 players (crazy?) and 15 is a minimum. Sayaka can be a leader if you want, I created Magnus for Paul to have a good friend. It is up to you to make her leader or make a leader yourself. It's your call ;)
Might make another chari
Full Name: Brooklyn Holiday

Age: 17

Birthday: October 4

Year: Senior

Group: Artiste (Leader)

Gender: Female

Nationality: American

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Dark blue



Clothing: Brooklyn is always wearing dark clothing, but her trademarks are her elbow length, fingerless gloves and her black leather jacket. She has a special purple chocker which her camera is attached to when it's not being over-used in an over-excited attempt to capture a paranormal entity.

Hobbies: Researching anything supernatural, collecting Lolita clothing, writing, dancing, singing and following every single critic on Youtube.

Likes: The CreepyPasta Website, The Slender Man, Youtube critics (i.e. Nostalgia Critic, Cinema Snob, Todd in the Shadows.) Ghost Hunters (TV Show) and Photography

Dislikes: Normality, limits, seriousness, jocks, superficial people, mean spirited people, heavy metal and anything bitter


Charity Holiday (Mother)
Robert Holiday (Father)
Ren Holiday (Older brother, deceased)

Biography: Brooklyn's love for the crazy and strange came from her older brother Ren, who would be a master of telling scary stories. When Brooklyn got old enough to use a computer, she was on the internet looking for anything supernatural out there in the big wide world. Of course she hit the gold mine when she stumbled on Creepypasta.com. Every night, giggles and little yelps could be heard from her room. Brooklyn has never had an early night since she was 12 years old, scaring herself to death with descriptions, pictures and videos.

When she was 14 years old, Ren died in a car accident and she was devastated beyond belief. She would stay in her room, the cold light of a laptop screen keeping her company for a whole two months. Finally, she regained her spirits and wanted to be just like her older brother and even carry on his passions; Photography and painting. Brooklyn dedicated her life to cracking every single story had every thing she had watched on the net. It even turned out that she was almost just as skilled as her brother when it came to photography and painting. People have had a hard time telling the different between the taken photo and the painting. With her inquisitive nature, a strong passion and a camera in hand, a paranormal investigator was right up her street. But she isn't obsessed. She lives an every day life, but lives it completely differently to the rest. Seeing, not just looking. Listening, not just hearing. Absorbing, not just being "there".

Write what you know, draw what you see? To Brooklyn, that's BS. Her paintings range from abstract to other ungodly worlds to the everyday world, but through her eyes... And what dark and imaginative eyes they are.
Great! Our first Artiste! :D I'll start posting random sound clips to make the mood more suspense or comical.
o uo Is it possible to make characters that are up for grab?
You know like make a character and put him/her out there for anyone who claims him/her?

> w< It's so darn fun to make characters.
o uo Is it possible to make characters that are up for grab?
You know like make a character and put him/her out there for anyone who claims him/her?

> w< It's so darn fun to make characters.

As much as you like it- I go against it. It may be troublesome for people to adjust your choices to their likings.

By the way, we have 7 players :3
^ ^ It's all good~ Just wondering and all.
As of now, on the top of my head- we have:

1 Networker
3 Ruggers
3 Maestros
1 Artiste
2 5 Stars
1 Staff

We have so many rugby players and musicians xD
@AwkwardKhajiit, @Kronas17, @SilverJayStorm, your leader doesn't need a full on character template, but full points go to @iEatWhiteRice for doing so- the leader or captain of your group is the most skilled and talented player there is in the team/group. They can only be a mention (e.g. Oh he's/she's the captain for (Group/Club) but they can be your secondary character if you wish. SilverJayStorm, this only applies if you have already chosen a group to fall into.

Note: AwkwardKhajiit, due to the fact that you're going to be a teacher- and the rule above applies, are you willing enough to create the school principal?


Good Work @LxiaNi, our first Networker :D

Ok. I don't have a group yet, so ok.

I'm working on another character... Haven't finished her yet.
Ok. I don't have a group yet, so ok.

I'm working on another character... Haven't finished her yet.

Take your time, we all need time to think about it- to make them interesting and such.

@AwkwardKhajiit, I just realized who my characters act like! Paul and Magnus = March and Salsa, except the genders and the ages, not to mention Paul is a bit of a dead pan unlike March xD But Magnus is that fiery blockhead and Paul is the nice and intelligent one, although surrounded with a blunt aura.
Due to their progressing unpopularity, I will be happy to change some of the clubs who DON'T have members:

I can easily tell the:

Silver Tongues

Won't get that much attention, so I'm happy to oblige in some changes, some of the usual clubs can be:

Otaku/Harajuko Girls
Wrestling Team
Chess Club
Judo Club
Mechanics (auto or motorcycle fanatics)

And much more, please tell me your interesting ideas (PM or Visitor messages are preferred to keep this thread from flooding).

@SilverJayStorm , @Kronas17 , @roseprincess2144 , @Inspector Chloe Marlin , @LxiaNi

This applies to you guys, tell me if you thought of a wonderful idea for a group or necessary changes.
I can see if anyone wants to join
Full Name: Gina Argniski

Age: 17

Year: Junior

Group: Hardbacks

Gender: Female<o:p></o:p>

Nationality: Russian

Hair Color: Sandy Brown

Eye Color: Green


Clothing: Button up shirt, plaid vest, beat up tennis shoes, tan ribbon headband, and black stretch pants

Hobbies: Hiding in the library, Writing stories, Reading books, Re-reading books

Likes: Oranges, Fantasy Novels, Spiders, Books with amazing plots

Dislikes: Books with horrible plots, Bananas, Damaging of books

Family: Step-Mother-Alana Argniski
Father-Evan Argniski<o:p></o:p>
Younger brother-Sean Argniski<o:p></o:p>
Mother-Sasha Argniski-Deceased

Biography: Gina was born and raised in Russia for most of her life as well adored books, since her mother read her story books every night to help her sleep. Her mother gave her every book she'd ever read and even wrote new ones for her to read whenever Gina had finished at least five books. Sadly, her mother died of sickness a year after giving birth to Sean. At first, she stayed in her room for at least a week, until her father had busted down the door to get her to stop grieving. About five years later, her father moved them overseas to America in which later he met Alana, Gina's and Sean's step-mother. Gina silently detested the arrangement of her father marrying Alana, but never said a word about it and just continued to read books or write her own stories.
Wow- our first Hardback! Well done Otakufox
Here's My second character:

Name: Kate Rasti

Age: 14

Birthday: February 22, 1997

Year: Freshman

Group: TBD

Gender: Female

Nationality: American, Part German

Hair color: Light Brown

Eye color: Dark Green Hazel

Clothing: Dark Blue Tank top w/ dark grey 3/4 length sleeve jacket, dark blue jeans, black tennis shoes

Hobbies: Love to read, write, and cheer

Likes: Pretty much everything

Dislikes: Bullies, Stuck up people, Selfishness

Dad- Frank Staci- General in the Army
Mom- Jule Staci- Lawyer
Older Brother: Jake Staci- Leutenient in the Air Force
Older Brother 2: Rich Staci- College student
Older Brother 3: Brandon Staci- College Student

Bio: She seems like a nice kid, but her older brothers tease and taunt her, except for Jake, he stands up fr her when he comes home from his military services Jake comes home and spends time with her. She strives for perfection, hoping t catch her parents attention. Her grades don't help. She struggles a lot in school, but once you get to meet her, you'll see she's a friendly girl with a childish spirit. When she hangs with her friends, she's open. When she's with her family or strangers, she stays to herself. She's a Christian.