Return of the Dragon Tamers: The Plague of Ogual

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    Return of the Dragon Tamers
    The time has come for the dragons and the humans to join forces once again...


  • Hunting the Blackshire Stags

    Narien, Illyria, Avren, Pomona

    Reverie, Xylia, Alder, Saira

  • Terria has been rescued and returned safely to the meadow. Her retrieval came at the cost of another talented tamer: Goliath, and his dragon Hezekiah. Terria slumbers in sickness of the body and the mind even as Merrik has spent more than a week at her side, healing her thrice daily, doing everything in his power to bring her back to the Order.

    The party that ventured to eastern Galidus to sort out the issues in Kibran returned with a new stranger who turned out to be the bondmate of the Valor dragoness, Andraste. Alder Grey has joined the ranks of the Order and now works to find his place.

    Shortly after the Order's reuniting in the meadow, a council was called the a vote was ordered for the army's next tactical move. With the votes in, the Order is now set on unlocking the memories of the strange man Bren and travelling to Galidus to meet with the new king, Kylvest Brohn of Trespa while simultaneously meeting with the People of Dragons elders.

    Before the Order sets off once more, they are taking time to return to their training at the meadow and heal their hearts and bodies. At current, Merrik has chosen to mix things up and brought the Order out to the north-eastern woods to hunt for Obsidian Nova's favorite game: Blackshire Stags. After a great deal of drama in Kibran regarding Merrik's decisions on leadership, he hopes that the Order will begin to sort itself out within the ranks and grow to trust each other more deeply in a time when trust among comrades is a necessity.

  • Character Hex Colors
    Aerarya is #800080
    Saira is #33cccc
    Merrik is Red
    Nova is Black with Shadow and Italic.
    Avren is Green
    Viridian is Yellow Green with Italic.
    Terria is Dark Azure
    Taega is Medium Gray with Glow and Italic.
    Requiem is Maroon
    Aleria is Dark Green.
    Agni color is #999999
    Narien is #0092b3

    Soulserenity20 ---- Merrik Tetra ----- Obsidian Nova, Nightmare Dragon
    Soulserenity20 -----Terria Tetra ----- Ataegana Kuu'iah, Lunar Dragon
    Soulserenity20 -----Avren Lebram ----- Viridian, Forest Dragon
    Rainjay -----Saira Rinien ----- Aerarya, Atmosphere Dragon
    Rainjay -----Illyria Rowena Renthir ----- Mirazh, Desert Dragon
    Firejay1 -----Narien Ki'ila ----- Angi, Arcane Dragon
    White -----Rèverie Gray ----- Celeste, Celestial Dragon
    Mowkie ----- Pomona Ayelet Muldell ----- Katla, Vanity Dragon
    Mowkie ----- Alder Balthazar Grey ----- Andraste, Valor Dragon
    Crimson77 ----- Xylia Kalei Iwalani ----- Deventh, Swamp Dragon

  • Tetra Estate - Coliseum, 8:17am

    The morning air was cool and crisp, the last signs of Winter nipping at Spring's hold on the lands. There was a deep fog rolling in over the eastern forest, blanketing the ancient trees with an eerie, chilling veil. A pair of deep green eyes scanned the surrounding landscape from a hundred feet in the air. Their owner felt no fear, no discomfort of the altitude, being as much at home in the skies as he was on the earth. While the height and the crisp morning air did not bother him, a deep concern was festering within the corners of his mind. It was not unusual for worry and concern to waft about in his thoughts, but the intensity of today's concern was unprecedented.

    There was a silence that surrounded him, cocooning him in its peaceful tendrils, broken only by the steady whoosh of powerful wings. With each heavy downbeat, the man in the sky would exhale, taking in the pristine air the ancient woods provided and letting it out in a meditative manner. His dark hair swayed gently, not by breeze, but by wing-beat. The man was concentrating on the legend that was about to begin a hundred feet below him. The man was sorting out his thoughts, organizing his concerns, perfecting his plan of action. Worrying. Concerning himself. Stressing.

    The mind is of no use when it is tangled and knotted with stress and worry.

    Merrik Tetra opened his eyes as a wave of reassurance swept into his mind, settling what had been stirred up, putting his last lingering thoughts in the right place, and shouldering the mental burden that so commonly threatened to crush him.

    "Your wisdom could not have been more welcome. But to execute concern would be unwise. Today the stories of the world will shift mid-sentence, a new chapter forcing its way into a tale of growing darkness. Today the legends of old will be reborn, history repeating itself at the hands of peril upon these lands." Though his lips did not move and no sound rang out into the air, his words found their way into the mind that commanded the wings beating powerfully at Merrik's sides.

    The man in the sky was not alone.

    A hundred feet above the Tetra Estate, a creature of myth lingered in the air, sustained by the grip of its thick wing membranes on the cool morning air. The creature was massive, larger than any common animal of the lands, and it wore a cloak of scales as black as a night sky devoid of any stars. Blood red eyes that made every onlooker feel like prey blinked slowly as they stared at the distant fog bank. It's vast wings, cloaked in the same obsidian scales that coated the beast's muscular body, wore rings, red as the most scalding lava.

    The creature was a dragon. A Nightmare Dragon, to be specific; a beast of legends and fairy tales from a time long ago, long before the memories of even the oldest human. For hundreds of years the sound of heavy wing-beats parting the air could not be heard in these lands, or any other for that matter. For hundreds of years, the great draconic race was thought to have been extinct, perished by the hands of elves or man or even time itself.

    Few would believe their eyes. But Merrik Tetra would not so much as blink at the site of such a creature, for the dragon of nightmares and terror that claimed the skies was his dragon, and Merrik was its human. They were soulmates, best friends, companions, one.

    More than 2 decades ago, when Merrik was just a little boy, he was brought down into a damp, dark cellar in the depths of his family's manor. There, he received an egg. From within that egg came a voice, though not one any other person would hear, unless it so chose to be heard. Within that egg was a hatchling nightmare dragon, the same drake upon which Merrik sat at that very moment. The dragon was given to him by a strange, mysterious old man who called himself The Oracle. This man changed Merrik's life, shifted his path of fate to one of severity and ultimatum. His life for the next two years was leading up to this moment, this cool spring morning.

    Today, Merrik was going to form an army, a re-birthed order of old, summoned up again to bring forth a the great protectors of Illos. Today, Merrik was going to change the lives of a group of individuals, the very same individuals that stood a hundred feet below him in the center of a coliseum. Behind the doors that lined the walls of the coliseum were more dragons. More disbelief shattered by flesh and blood. Two years ago, Merrik had once again been summoned into that musky cellar where The Oracle appeared once agian. This time, Merrik didn't receive one egg; he received an entire clutch, each one a different color, texture and size.

    From those eggs hatched dragons, one of each of the draconic species, apart from the Nightmares. Those hatchlings had spent the last two years of their lives growing and learning from Merrik and his dragon, Obsidian Nova. They were being trained and prepared for this very day, this moment. Each of the drakes behind those heavy wooden doors lacked a piece of its soul, a part of it that could never have been filled. Not until now.

    The group of people standing, uncertain in the middle of the coliseum, were chosen long ago, though they could not have known it. The Oracle had selected them at birth, when their souls entered into their bodies with their first breath. Each soul chosen, was the missing half of one of the dragons below. And today, those two souls would collide and fuse together, changing the fate of Illos forever.

    "They know so little of what is to come." Came Merrik's soundless voice from his own mind into the dragon's.
    The less they know, the less they can fear and fight what is to be. Though we know that each of the humans below is the soulmate of one of our yearlings, the yearlings do not know for certain. They believe that these are mere potential candidates for the bond. They will test them just as a wild dragon would have tested the first of the dragonlords so long ago. The humans will pass these tests, of this we have been assured by The Oracle. Everything is set into motion.

    Let their oblivion be their guide, for both dragon and human. Let the bond work in its natural ways, it will give them strength in the long run. The humans MUST prove themselves to their drake, not only for tradition's sake, but to unlock the power that hides within their blood. Tamers are not made, they are born at the very moment a dragon's soul awakens. In that moment, the two become connected, separated only by distance and time. The tamers have an ancient magic within their veins, though they do not know it yet.

    Today, the bond with unlock that magic and change their lives forever. We should not delay it any longer.

    Obsidian Nova had a way about him that commanded submission and trust. There was no one else in the world that could calm and reassure Merrik in such a way as the black dragon. Nova had an ancient wisdom to him that came with being a direct descendant of one of the first bonded dragons of the Order of Old. Though merely 21 by age, the dragon's wisdom went on for centuries. Merrik agreed without a word or thought.

    With perfect intent-directed synchrony, the dragon descended, lowing the pair and coming to rest on a great stone perch that sat at the head of the coliseum. As the dragon's talons touched down on the stone and his great wingspan retracted to a resting position, Merrik stood up from his place at the base of Nova's neck and slipped down off the dragon's back without a sliver of difficulty, landing on the thick, stone perch below.

    The attention of the visitors in the centre of the round mass of earth focused on him. Some eyes shone with excitement, others with a sly intent, and others with a plain annoyance. There was too much personality within that circle for Merrik to handle all at once. He silently thanked the gods of old that he didn't have to get up close and personal with the entire group just yet. For now, the focus of attention was on dragons, and Merrik was completely at home in the realm of dragons.

    "You have all be told of your purpose for standing her today. I can understand if some or many of your minds linger in disbelief, this is an event of dreams and myth. But make no mistake, you are here to become heroes, legends, and leaders. You are here to become one with beasts of old, powerful creatures not seen in these lands for hundreds of years." He walked to the end of the perch, balancing casually on the round, stone hold.

    "The doors that surround you are the temporary dens of the dragons of Illos. The doors will open in a few moments. You must all be strong, be fast, and be brave. Today, you become dragon tamers."
    Then, Merrik's deep green eyes became twice as vibrant as any human's and he swirled his right index finger in a curious manner, concentration clear on his expression. The doors slid open, lifting up to reveals cascading plumes of steam as the temperature difference made itself apparent. The cool morning air welcomed the sound of wingbeats, too many to count, as a mass of dragons shot out of the dark spaces and soared up into the air. Flames of every color decorated the skies, scaled beasts of every shape, size and color bolted about before peeling off from the group and honing in on select individuals.

    One of the dragons shot a jet of colored flame down at the ground, nearing searing one of the soon-to-be tamers. The tests had begun.

    Merrik and Nova watched silently as the young dragons they had raised from hatchlings attacked, questioned, chased, scared, and tested the group of visitors. Each was seeking a human worthy of their soul, of their life, of their bond. Each would find a human, though they did not know it, and until then, they would test their worthiness endlessly. Merrik pitied the men and women below, for they had not been informed of what the bond was, nor were they informed of the fact that the tests the dragons subjected them to would look more like an attack than anything, despite the fact that the drakes would not actually harm them. This pity went away mere moments after it arrived as Nova's presence in his soul shifted with the drake's emotion. Any amount of terror and confusion was worth the bond of dragon and tamer.

  • Combat Event Guide
    1. GM Scenario Introduction.​
    2. Player Response. Combat Begins.​
    3. GM Response to Combat. Required die roll will be presented.​
    4. Player Response. Player Roll. Player may close combat.​
    5. GM Combat Close Response (if necessary)​

    +Basics Behind the Rolls+

    Three Types of Opponents: Basic, Challenging, and Boss.
    Basic: Just classic battling. It is generally expected that your character can handle this with general ease.
    Challenging: These will require higher rolls and a bit of strength in whatever technique the character uses to attack.
    Boss: These will require the best rolls, the most creativity, and the best weaponry/spells/approaches suited to the character.

    Three Types of Character Approaches: Strength, Weakness, Long Shot.
    Strength: The character attacks within their class/strength/ability.
    Weakness: The player attacks in a class/ability that they are not necessarily comfortable or entirely skilled at.
    Long Shot: The player is being an idiot and doing something that would never work unless the die gods are on their sides.

    +How Opponent Types and Character Approaches work together+
    Strength Base Roll: 12
    Weakness Base Roll: 14
    Long Shot Base Roll: 16

    Strength Base Roll: 14
    Weakness Base Roll: 16
    Long Shot Base Roll: 20

    Strength Base Roll: 18
    Weakness Base Roll: 20
    Long Shot Base Roll: 25 (requires stat bonus)

    NOTE: In a boss battle, there will be much more discretion for creativity and teamwork between players. Successful rolls will mean successful hits, NOT kills. Furthermore, for boss rolls, because they are much more difficult, the player will get a 'second chance' roll if their first roll is not successful.
    In Step 3, where the GM presents the required roll, it will have the relevant stats already added in and will be presented in a manner to explain the reason the roll is what it is. Stats are applied by level of skill, as portrayed:
    5% = Beginner ----> No Mod
    10% = Applicable ----> No Mod
    20% = Novice ----> +1
    30% = Adept ----> +2
    45% = Advanced ----> +3
    50% = Expert ----> +4
    65% = Sage (Mortal Mastery) ----> + 5

    Shirin Vs. Challenging Opponent, Strength (Longsword)
    Base Roll: 14
    35% in long sword, +2 Bonus
    14% in valor, +1 Bonus
    14% in strength, +1 Bonus.

    14 - 2 - 1 - 1 = 10 Required.

    The player will then post a blank post with "Rolling..." posted and then roll a 20 sided dice (D20) on that post. Then the player will post a SECOND post with their response in accordance with how their roll went. They can wrap it up themselves (Step 4), or the GM can add a post in at the end to wrap it up accordingly.

    WARNING: If you delete ANY POSTS in these events, I will assume you're trying to cheat and get a better roll. I don't want any explanations, I won't believe a word you say, and I'll roll FOR you with a penalty of 5 added onto the battle. This means, for example, Shirin would need a 15 instead of a 10. If you make a mistake, for example, roll a D6, or roll twice. LEAVE IT. I have eyes. I can see the mistakes.​
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[Eyvria's Plight]
[Asa to Shirin, Goliath, Dalaith, & Beast]

While everyone seem preoccupied with their own courses, Asa slowly vanished from sight. She needed to gain an advantage, and if you can't beat em you join them. By joining them, I mean you copy their moves. If it works for them, then it should work for you. Asa originally had been running behind Goliath to aid them in their pursuit of the blood eagle, however, when this thought came to mind she stopped in her tracks. Her platinum bangs brushed against her nose as a breeze blew past, and she silently slipped from her shoes. They were noisy, and would give away her position in seconds. From there she slipped into the shadows of the underbrush and proceeded to search for some wet dirt. Coming across a muddy area she proceeded to lay in it, and roll around. Her beautiful locks becoming brown and messy. She even slicked her bangs back with it so they would stay out of her face. Standing from the mud bath she would wipe away any excess mud that could possibly slow her down. Then picked up her bag, and bow and arrows. Stalking silently, she returned with in the vicinity of Shirin and the others just in time to find the creature violently attack Dalaith. Though the sight pained her she refused to give away her position. She climbed the hard bark of the forest tree until perched unto a thick sturdy branch that could support her weight. Hidden in the shadows of the tree Asa lifted her bow and pulled back on the string until she couldn't pull back any further. The string dug into the flesh of her fingers as she aimed, even when the creature's dark voice pushed into her mind she remained steady.

"You.... refuse to leave this hunt.... you don't realize you are not the hunters...." The voice spoke as the beast stepped forward and advanced on Shirin, but viewing from the side she couldn't see the creature licking its teeth. "The fledgling is mine. Leave now, or you will be too."

Asa smiled as his words repeated in her mind "You don't realize you are not the hunters". That was laughable seeing as at this very moment he had let his guard down. At this moment, Asa would prove him wrong, or so she thought.

"That's funny. I've been a hunter since I was ten." Asa thought as her lips curled upward into an even wider smile, but she hesitated from releasing her arrow. The sight of Shirin's dragon caused Asa to waver in her actions, however, she remained diligent. Her aim never faltered as she watched. Unsure if the dragon was here to aid in the fight Asa kept her self from firing out of fear of possibly hitting the dragon if it dove in to attack. Though it wasn't Byriarti who attacked, no, it was the giant blood eagle from before that swooped in. The trees toppling over by her might as she lunged at the creature covered in bone. The sudden burst of wind from Eyvria's wings nearly knocked her back from her post. Asa released her Arrow on accident due to her loosing balance and it lodged just inches from Bau'grugh back hooves. Regaining her posture Asa began to fire Arrows from her perch along side Eyvira's attacks, keeping the creature on it's toes. Unfortunately due to their quick movements Asa was never able to really tell if her Arrows landed into the bony hide. Eventually she was starting to run low on arrows and as a result decided to stop her fire. From the looks of things the great blood eagle didn't need her aid in this fight since Asa could clearly see Eyvria landing blows to Bau'grugh that Asa would never be able to inflict. Even with Asa's inhuman might it would be difficult. Soon enough the mighty bird drove away the horrid creature, but not before he left them a blood curdling warning and a promise towards their fallen comrade.

Asa wasn't sure if the creature was courageous or foolish for threatening the member of a team of dragon tamers, surely he alone could not withstand the might of several dragons at once. Especially after receiving such wounds from the battle that just occurred. Never the less, that was a battle for another day. A future concern. As of right now, Asa's concern should be aiding Shirin and Goliath. Hoisting her arrow back unto her back as well as her Arrow holder she descended the tree with ease. Leaving the shadows and stepping before Eyvria to whom she immediately bowed to in respect.

"Where is my child?" The blood eagle bellowed calmly to them, but Asa shook her head in response. She hadn't really pin pointed the location, however, she did see Goliath press onward at some point during the battle. Assuming that he knew where he was going, Asa simply pointed in that direction. Of course Shirin confirmed this when she approached them with Dalaith strapped to her back. Asa took a quick glance at Shirin's handy worked and sighed with relief at the thought of Dalaith being okay. She would have to give Shirin praise for her quick thinking later. She looked up at the large blood eagle again and lifted her arm in the direction of where Shirin was walking. Almost as if to say "After you" and let the greate winged beast move along before her. Asa preferred trailing behind anyways.
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[Eyvria's Plight]
[Eyvria and Etyrn to Goliath, Shirin, Asa, and Dalaith]

Simultaneously Eyvria was pointed towards a portion of the woods behind her and the call of her child met her ears. She skipped into the air, her massive wings lifting her body with great ease as she half-flew-half-jumped through the woods to a where a large thorn bush grew. It took seconds for her to clear the space between her and her beloved Etyrn. The fledgling was pecking at the human male who appeared to have cleared the bulk of the sharp vines that ensnared her offspring. The great avian took one final leap forward and scooped up her child, cradling the flustered chick in her wing. Seeing the blood the small child had drawn from Goliath made her proud - that she had defended herself from a stranger - though she wasn't surprised, given her daughter was the size of a large pony already and her beak was as sharp as could be.

After a few moments of affectionate exchanges and nuzzling, the great bird put her child down, though kept her close to her side. Looking at Goliath and Asa, the bird dipped its head in respect, if even just slightly. "I thank you all for your assistance. You refused to back down in the face of a mighty, ancient foe, and furthermore, you found my beloved Etyrn. I offer you my deepest gratitude."

Then, the eagle turned her head back on herself and began digging about into the plumage where her breast met her right wing. After a moment, she turned to the two tamers again and set down a small pile of feathers, each about two feet long. The child bird looked Goliath in the eyes, and though no words were exchanged, a deep, sincere thanks was offered.

"These are four of the oldest feathers on my wings. Should you ever need my assistance, tear all the fibers from the shaft and blow into the end. You will not hear it, but I will. These feathers will call to me directly and I will come to your aid. But do not think this is more than a favor for a favor. One feather for each of you, one assistance for each feather. Use them wisely, for the allegiance of a blood eagle is among the rarest of things a human can possess. Again, you have my thanks, and remember: one feather, one favor."

With that, the pair bowed their heads and took to the skies, mere seconds and they'd climbed beyond the canopy and out of sight, leaving nothing but silence and four feathers behind.


Lady Eyvria has given each of you a single feather. Remove all the fibers and blow into it like a flute: she will come to your aid. Remember, one feather for one favor, use them wisely.

Despite the wound she gave you, you've earned the true, honest, deep respect and thanks from young Etyrn. She may not be much now, but she will grow, and she has pledged herself as your ally.
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[Dinner Plans]
[Saira to Merrik]

Saira could only smile in return to Merrik's own. She remained against the forest floor for a few moments after he rose, enjoying the peace of the forest and the quiet around them. Either the noise or perhaps it was the fact that they won against the boar had chased off any other nearby animals, and so they were left to the hush of the trees and brush in the small clearing. It was serene, and she was happy.

She rose to her feet once she saw the movement of wings against the skies; Obsidian Nova and Aerarya, she saw, as they drew closer. She smiled at the great black drake, feeling a bit of pride at his approval, and then at Merrik. "My muscles were already aching at the thought of dragging the boar back to the festivities; I feel rather blunt to not have thought of calling our companions for help. Thank you again," she repeated the words. Aerarya landed in a much more dainty way than the elder drake, and leaned forward as if to give Saira an affectionate nudge, but seemed to think better of it.

I wish I could have been there to see it, although I suppose I would have ended up killing the beast myself. And I told you, you would find something fun to do. Was it not worth it?

The redheaded girl climbed to her position atop Aerarya's back. "I know, Aerarya."

"I'll be sure to stop by, Merrik. Although this event itself was quite the reward," she answered, eyes bright. "I suppose I'll see you again then; I'll try to find some other way to help with the preparations. I cannot wait for the festival itself!"

She hung on tight as Aerarya began her ascent into the skies, carefully maneuvering around the tree branches as not to catch her wings on them. She followed Nova back before descending into the meadow and grasses.

I think that was more social interaction then you've had in a week.

"Hush, you. I hope you've been doing something other than sleeping all this time. Come on," she said, turning off to return to the preparations.

It wasn't that much later than their arrival back home that Saira had noticed that her brush with the boar had left a wound, not very serious though still alarming at first, along her arm. It was when the tusks of the beast had scraped against her arm. In the action of the moment she hadn't realized it, but once she took notice it began to throb. She patched it up before she took the time to wash up and dress for the festival- in clothing not torn up by the fight in the forest. Then, she approached Merrik's quarters, and she did her best to knock on the grand door, not wanting to intrude on his privacy although unsure if the small knock would even be enough to gather his attention of her presence.

"Merrik? Are you there?"
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[Merrik to Saira]

The woman's voice caught Merrik's attention, he quickly turned from where he stood at his desk, facing the redhead, knocking a few papers off his table in the process. Cursing under his breath, he motioned for her to take a seat as he knelt down to tidy the mess he'd created. "My apologies, I'll be just a moment."

Several moments later, for he seemed to have lost dexterity in his hands that evening and knocked at least two other things over, he straightened up and looked at Saira, a half smile on his face as he checked to make sure everything was in its proper place before he moved to where the woman sat, claiming a place next to her on the sofa. On the coffee table sat a long, wooden box. It looked old, and it was. Resting a hand on top of the old container he looked at Saira and spoke. "This estate is as ancient as the first of the dragon tamers. There are memories all across these lands, carved into the stone and wood of the buildings, hidden in cellars and high on dusty shelves. I've tried to explore all the stores on the property but they are vast in numbers. But as I've worked my way through I come across mementos of the past, memories of the men, women, and dragons who once roamed these woods and this meadow."

Pausing, he unlatched the clasps on the old box and lifted its lid, revealing a beautiful, ornate harness. It was made of the whitest silver, diamonds and blue topaz set into the fine metal. It shone like nothing even he'd ever seen before. The purity of the diamonds and the silver made it seem unearthly. It was as if the sky itself was stored within the make and with each flicker of candle light the stones let of glittering relfections across the room.

"This once belonged to the first tamer of a silver dragon, her name was Ariana Akklerei, her dragon was Kyumia. Ariana was well known for being a woman of great luxury, though never allowing it to taint her. She was the image of elegance and grace, and her possessions certainly show it. As the heir to the line of silver dragon tamers, this belongs to you. While it is not suited for war, there will be a day when Aerarya will wear it with the same grace Kyumia once did."
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[GM to All Tamers]

The events of the day went well. All about the meadow happiness and cheer were seen and exchanged. The great boar feast was prepared, the entire property was decorated with the most beautiful, elegant dressings. Merrik recruited all of the tamers to help him build simple toys for the children of Meltha. In the dark of night, Obsidian Nova would drop them at each doorstep, hidden to human eyes by the shadows that would fill the streets.

It wasn't long before the time came for the real festivities to begin. The tamers dressed themselves in their finest attire, the drakes shined their scales and when the time came, they went their own way, leaving their tamers at the boundary of Meltha so they too could go off and enjoy a celebration all their own.

The people of Meltha couldn't know that the Order had returned, it wasn't yet time to tell the world. Once the world knew, many foes could rise up against them and until Merrik was certain the new tamers were ready, it would have to remain a secret. So for tonight, Merrik Tetra was bringing a roast hog just as he did every other year, only this year, he was coming with friends. That might be a little hard to explain.

The celebration was beautiful and bright, there was more cheer in the air than there had been all year and it was easy to forget about the plague in the east. The hog, combined with a flock of woodland fowl Nova had rounded up, fed the entire town and the poorer families were even able to take some food home for a later time. All was merry, all was well.

When the feast began to near its end, the true festival began as the townsfolk began to pair off and a band began to play traditional elvish music. The music was intimate, vibrant but brought a feeling of closeness to the people dancing in the townsquare. The evening had claimed the land and the skies were dim, pale lights surrounded the square and one by one the people began their dancing, paying respect to the God of bounty, showing him the beauty of humanity, the closeness of man and woman.

[Merrik to Saira]

When he had finished tending to his duties, helping to clean up the left over food and distribute it as he saw fit, Merrik found himself seeking out Saira, the woman who'd agreed to be his date for the evening. Merrik was dressed in his finest attire. A black leather vest over a blood red, silk, long-sleeved shirt. Dark, thick cotton pants and sturdy, calf high boots were laced tightly to his feet. When he finally found her, he sought permission to take a seat beside her, settling in once it was deemed appropriate.

"You look beautiful, Saira. This entire evening is filled with such beauty." He looked over to where Hakeem was, socializing, smiling, and he felt a warmth come over him. These tamers were his family now. He made a silent resolve then, to ensure he did everything in his power not only to bring up an army, but to bring happiness to these people in every way he could, for they were truly deserving folk. "This was a much deserved and much needed break for us, I think. You've all worked so hard in your time at the Forest Garden. How've you been enjoying yourself?"

At the Feriswell Festival

[Hakeem to Anyone]

Hakeem had not been seen for most of the day. In truth, he had been preparing things of his own, small presents such as carvings and poems and Yennefer had helped him find a biology book that she could spare, for which he thanked her greatly. In general he was oblivious to the dramatic events unfolding throughout the day. He was nervous too, as the sun got lower and the time came closer. Perhaps something would go wrong? What if they got hurt? But Veshna knew that Hakeem trusted Merrik's advice. What he was truly concerned about was Medea and Naila's reaction to him, how his children would greet him. He had not seen them in what felt like a life time, would they be angry? Veshna assured him they wouldn't be and Hakeem knew she was logically right but his own problems were mixing with actual ones and he wasn't quite going to be calm until he actually could hold them in his arms again.

And so the time came, he bad Veshna farewell and followed the rest of the Tamers into the Village of Meltha. He had worn a simple black dress tunic with a banded design, the only thing of any finery that he'd brought from home, but amongst the other Tamers he looked a little out of place. That didn't bother him and in truth he barely noticed it until he came upon the village. The place was certainly beautifully dressed with foliage and decorations and lights scattered all throughout the houses. A space in the centre of the village was opened out for dancing and many people had instruments and played music foreign to Hakeem's ears. Indeed this was all foreign. Trespa celebrated something on this day, but this was no ring of bonfires with dancing women in veils and the heavy sound of drums. It seemed... chaotic to Hakeem. He did not feel at ease in this celebration of a god that was not his own.

He did not focus on the festivities happening around him though, he let his eyes rake the crowd before they finally found a group of colourfully dressed individuals with dark skin and jet black hair and he felt his heart jump into his throat. Medea was beautifully dressed and made up as always, apparently a ride on a giant eagle was not enough to break her illusion of perfection, elegance and power. Naila still wore her hair as loosely as possible, her face aged with lines of strain that she was proud of and her eyes still the wisest he had seen. Her son, their son, Rafiq, seemed just as perplexed by Feriswell as Hakeem. He looked anxiously about him and kept still and straight next to his mother, his gaze flickering around as if gathering as much information as possible. Medea's hand was never unoccupied with her children. Zaeed and Thamina held their mother's hands tightly, their eyes bright with excitement but also too shy to properly do anything. Thamina was chatting animatedly up at her mother, the word 'eagles' clear on her lips as Medea tried to calm her down. As Hakeem was walking over, Thamina had to stop to draw some desperate breaths, a sight that struck a nail into Hakeem's heart, his feelings reflected upon Medea's face as she picked up her child and held her close.

It was then that Rafiq's questing eyes picked his father out of the crowd, his face immediately brightening with desperate joy as he tore himself from Naila's side and pelted towards Hakeem, all wild arms and gangly legs. "Aiba!" Rafiq called as Hakeem ran forward and bent to catch his son in his arms. He held him close, a nose in his hair, breathing in deeply and giving a quiet groan of relief and love as Rafiq clung to Hakeem's shirt and pressed his wet eyes into his shoulder. Hakeem heard Zaeed's feet stumblingly patter towards him and he opened the hug so that his other son could throw his arms about Hakeem's neck, Hakeem gathering the smaller boy close to his chest. "Fahtni Lekun hatah." He spoke in a deep and broken tone, his voice thick with emotion as the pair replied with a lot of 'We missed you too's and hugged him all the tighter. Shadows fell over the hugging Trio and Hakeem looked up to see Medea and Naila standing over him with warm, loving and relieved expressions, mirroring Hakeem's feelings completely. Thamina was making desperate sounds and reaching for Hakeem from Medea's arms and Hakeem quickly kissed both his boy's heads before rising to answer his little daughter's entreaty. Where his hands had been grasping with the boys, they were cradling with Thamina, his manner turning infinitely gentle as he drew her from her mother's chest and into his arms. She was so small, and so light. Hakeem could barely believe she existed sometimes. But her hands went to his ear lobes and massaged them in a strange comfort ritual she had developed when she was young and he knew she was there. She nuzzled into Hakeem's neck and spoke against his skin. "We came on an eagle to see you, Aiba." Her voice in Hakeem's mother tongue was quiet and a little hoarse after the breathing trouble, but Hakeem chuckled deep in his chest and made her smile. "Yes, I sent it to get you." Her face shot out of his neck to look up at him with wide eyes. "Really?!" She squeaked, accompanied by a chorus of the word from Rafiq and Zaeed.

Hakeem was nodding and grinning when Medea leaned over her daughter to kiss Hakeem's cheek. He was actually surprised for a moment, looking over at her and seeming rather at a loss. She gave that half grin of hers and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Hm? What? Did you think I had fallen out of love for you and given you up as a faithless heathen because you were gone for a few months?" Hakeem tried not to let it show that that was exactly what he'd been worrying about. Unfortunately, all of the mother's of his children could read him like a book and Naila and Medea gave a peel of laughter, clutching hands as they shared in delighted amusement at their General.

Naila quickly recovered, clearing her throat and trying to keep down a smile. "Well, I know thats what I was thinking!" Hakeem rolled his eyes but before he could think of a retort, Naila's lips were on his and she'd stroked his hair back and he felt like he was home. The small group fitted together perfectly and surrounded their Hakeem as he allowed himself to relax and enjoy the company of his dearest, precious family.

Aranel followed the other Tamers into the village. All the other Tamers dressed up for the occasion and Aranel was lucky enough to have discovered her little sister had snuck a dress inside her bags before she had left. The sounds of joyous festivities filling the air. Aranel had longed to see her mother and sister as she watched the crowds reunite with family, laughing and chattering away. Aranel stood in a corner. She had promised Ethiriél she would attend the festivities and a promise she would keep but to have fun was a promise she would have to break. Though the day was still young and there was more to be seen.

Aranel watched as a two women and a group of children arrived on an Eagle, not something you would see everyday. Though a dragon cleaning the gardens was also included in that list. Aranel stood straighter when she saw their attire; they were from Trespa. And she was proven right when she saw Hakeem approach them, greeting the children as he did. That must be his family... Aranel thought, thinking back of the conversation she once had with him. She observed the family antics, one she used to share with her family and someone she used to know.

"You understand it is rude to stare, snow?" Ethiriél's voice hummed inside her mind to which Aranel waved off. Even without her dragon here, she could just imagine the look and antics the dragon would pull. Shaking her head, Aranel decided to follow some advice and approach Hakeem and his family.

[Aranel to Hakeem & Family]

Aranel walked over, figuring out what to say as she approached. She decided to be courteous and simple in the end. She bowed her head slightly and greeted the family. "So glad you could join in on the festivities. Are they your family, Hakeem?" Aranel asked, voice and face held little emotion but a small smile on her face to inform that she was no threat. Her blue eyes quickly memorizing the faces and soon returned to her former assigned leader's eyes.


[Tara to Hakeem]

Tara arrived at the celebration in good spirits; looking forward to the dancing and the new company. Having owned no clothes suitable for such an event in years she wore a dress Yennefer had made for her. Light blue and reaching to the floor it was simple in design except for a little decoration around the neckline. She hadn't considered the need until Yennefer had offered and was grateful and relieved that she didn't have to worry about acquiring one, being useless with a needle and thread herself.

Tara watched Hakeem reunite with his family with curiousity, trying to match the women to the reports she had seen of them ten years ago. As a high ranking general in the army, Hakeem had been watched by the spies of Otamur and his history investigated. After their first encounter Tara had looked through all the information on him, including that on his lovers and children. She had been surprised that he had found so many powerful and intelligent women to put up with him and that he had taken such good care of them though he never married. She had wondered at the time whether he had never married because they learned his true nature before then but now she saw the affection with which these women greeted him she found that unlikely.

She guessed that the two women were Naila - a former prostitute who was known for helping women and teaching them to defend themselves, and Medea - a Lady who controlled her own lands; a very rare thing. Tara had held a lot of respect for both since she had learned about them and wanted very much to talk to them but held back, not wanting to interrupt the reunion. She was unsure what they knew of her and how they would react to her. She had after all attempted to kill their king several times and permanently injured the father of their children. Who knows what Hakeem had told them about her.
[Hakeem to Aranel]

Hakeem had been oblivious to Aranel's approach, deep in jesting conversation with Naila as she teased him about his concerns while Rafiq and Zaeed questioned him relentlessly. They were obviously disappointed with his vague answers, but Hakeem had been involved in enough secret events for his family to know he only kept things from them when necessary.

He heard Aranel's voice and tore his concentration away from Naila to beam at her. "Indeed, Miss Aranel meet-" Medea cut him off with a wave of her hand, speaking fluently in the North's language. "I am Medea Ahkbadi, this is Naila Hikah and her son Rafiq," She turned and gestured at Zaeed, "this is my Son, Zaeed, and Hakeem is holding Thamina, my youngest. Hakeem's youngest too, unless he has something he would like to tell us all? I notice there are quite a few ladies in your company Hakeem.." She gave him a minxish look and he snorted before rolled his eyes at her gestingly. "I am exercising some control, Azhis. No more children." He drawled in a tone thick with sarcasm, before giving Aranel an apologetic smile. Medea sighed as she looked wistfully at all the powerful women gathered. "What a pity..." She grumbled in a disatisfied tone before turning back to Aranel with a brilliant and warm smile. "It is a great pleasure to make your acquaintance. I do hope our General is not giving too much trouble?" Hakeem had been translating the conversation to Naila and her face went from confusion to mirth and she nodded to Aranel amicably.

[Hakeem to Tara]

Rafiq had quickly gotten bored with his family's conversation, though he certainly understood the language, and his cunning eyes had wandered until they caught sight of a dark-haired woman staring at them all. He blinked and turned to Hakeem quickly without taking his eyes off her. "Aiba," he murmured as Hakeem bent down to listen, "who is that woman? Why does she stare?" Hakeem frowned and looked to where Rafiq was pointing. He saw Tara almost instantly and sighed, laughing with a slightly weary and trepidatious note. "Ah, do not worry, Ah'bani. She is a... friend." He rose back to his full height, holding Thamina with one arm as he ruffled Rafiq's hair before waving at Tara and beckoning her over. He felt slight concern at this meeting, a worry more about what so many powerful women in one place could do to him, than whether or not they would get along.
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Sairantha Rinien; The Festival, #800080

The gift Merrik gave to Saira was not quite what she had anticipated. She had not even known of Ariana Akklerei or Kyumia existed or of their history, and some part of her expected to feel a connection to the two, although she didn't quite. As Merrik spoke of the harness, she hadn't been able to stop herself from leaning forward and running her fingers over the flawless gemstones and the smooth metal, marveling in it's beauty. She could see the rider of a silver dragon using this harness, and she could envision Aerarya and herself using it the same. Her companion would be thrilled to see it, and Saira was ecstatic. Nothing so ornate yet filled with meaning and history had been passed into her hands before, and she planned to cherish it.

"Oh- thank you, Merrik!" she had exclaimed. Words had escaped her, but her expression and reaction told of how she felt and expressed her thanks. She'd looked up at Merrik with another large smile, beyond thrilled. "It's wonderful. I will be sure to take great care of it."

She'd returned to her own quarters after, distracted with thoughts of Ariana and Kyumia, and nearly went into researching the two when Aerarya reminded her of the festival. She had managed to find a solitary gown to wear- Sairantha was never one for finery, but she also did not expect to show up in simply a blouse and a skirt- of a fine green fabric and golden silk. She left her hair loose, lacking the skill to do much with it otherwise, but she assumed she appeared okay, and wouldn't stick out like the sore thumb she felt.

The redhead was even more stunned at the site of the celebration. This festival is so wonderful! I've never seen such a celebration; not like I've been to many. The last time Sairantha had been to a celebration was a wedding, and it was rather drab and more depressing than it was happy. This festival, however, was the complete opposite. Everything was decorated, and everyone was dressed their best, and there were many people, all of them with smiles and cheer. There was a wonderful feast, including the hog they had hunted and much more. And, for some reason, Saira did not feel half as uneasy as she had anticipated she would. Although she still found herself staying within view of the other tamers- the familiarity provided some comfort that she would not get herself lost in the crowds- she was at ease around the total strangers that had come to enjoy the festivities.

I said you would. But go and enjoy yourself instead of rambling to me. I have some other festivities to do with my brothers and sisters. Have fun, Saira.

Eventually she began to talk to others at the festival; random people she'd never seen before. They had interesting stories to tell, and told her about places she'd never seen. In her youth she had rarely traveled, and never had seen the world. Their words painted fantastic images in her mind, and kept her amused throughout the beginning of the celebration.

[Saira to Merrik]

The food was wonderful, and after the feast was finished, music began to play. It was beautiful music, again like none she had even heard. People began to dance, and she watched from the sidelines until Merrik approached her. A faint flush rose to her cheeks at the compliment. "Thank you. And, yes; it's all wonderful. I've never seen anything like it, really. My family never had celebrations like this, nor attended any. The best we had was an errant wedding, and those were usually mere small gatherings of people. No decorations, finery, food- dancing."

She returned her eyes to the couples dancing. "I've never danced, either. Never had a reason to before. It's a bit funny. I learnt to fight, but not how to dance. My friend, Raya, and my youngest sister, Alya, tried to get me to dance with them once." she said, voice low. Her chest felt tight, but she imagined it was just the gown she wore. "They dressed me up in one of my mother's dresses. It was too big, but Raya's brother played music for us, and we spent hours outside, just dancing. It wonderful- almost as wonderful as this."

"Sorry," she looked back at Merrik, summoning a wistful smile. "That nostalgia was uncalled for. Do they dance for the rest of the night, the way they dance now? It's all very lovely."
[Tara to Hakeem and Aranel]

Tara knew from the reports that Hakeem's paramours got along and even supported each other but she was still somewhat shocked by Medea's light hearted questions. Hakeem's half evasion brought his relationship with Yennefer to mind and Tara worried about that for a second before realising Medea would probably approve. She wondered if they would get along.

Tara started when Rafiq pointed to her, berating herself for staring so openly. She held back a grimace when Hakeem beckoned her over, suddenly very nervous, but walked to them anyway. Eager to make a good impression after being caught staring Tara recalled old memories of Trespian manners and bowed to the women with an arm across her chest before making eye contact with a strained smile.

"Hello, I am Tara Rial. It is good to meet you." She spoke in somewhat rusty but understandable Trespish and waited anxiously to see what response if any her name would cause.
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[Aranel to Hakeem & Family]

Aranel was confused as to what Medea was implying until she heard Hakeem's reply and almost choked on air. Almost. She cleared her throat and nodded at her statement. "Hakeem is a wise leader. I have yet to have any qualms on his decision -making and leadership." she complimented, voice as calm and monotonous as ever. She bowed her head respectfully, "Although courting Hakeem would be a great accomplishment, madam, I am but half his age." Aranel joked with a smile. "Basically, he is, as you would call it, too old? For myself, of course." Aranel smirked as she joked it in their mother tongue. She doesn't know of it much but she's conversed with several people from her neighbouring country when assisting her mother in business. "However, I am curious as to how he has come to court two beautiful ladies such as yourselves." Aranel stated plainly, giving way for small talk.

"Forgive me for my foolishness, I have yet to introduce myself. I am Aranel Sérëdhiel of Telavar." she bowed. Straightening herself back up, she smiled, a smile that reached her blue eyes, "The pleasure is mine."​
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[Merrik to Saira]

As the woman spoke of fond memories, Merrik found himself smiling and enjoying the cool, calm tone that dressed her voice in her reminiscences. He enjoyed hearing about peoples' pasts and Saira's fond expression warmed his heart. At her abrupt apology, he shook his head in protest. "No, no don't apologize. Festivities stir up our emotions, our memories, our pasts. It's not a bad thing to enjoy recalling what once was. It sounds like you've some fond memories, you'll have to tell me more some time." He looked out at the cascading movements of the dancers as they glided across the town square in a display of intimacy and near sensual primacy, synchronized with the alluring, intoxicating tones of the orchestra.

"They do. The people of Meltha are a lively folk, they take great pride in their festivities. They'll likely continue the dancing late into the night and the festivities won't end there." He stopped, taking in the sight once more before looking to Saira with a bright smile on his face.

"Shall we join them, m'lady?" He rose from his seat and dipped into a bow, extending his hand for her taking.

[Hakeem & Family to Tara and Aranel]

Medea and Naila exchanged impressed glances, Naila particularly appreciating the shift into their own language for a moment. However the rustiness of Aranel's speech showed, meaning Medea continued in the Northern tongue. "Goodness! What a delightful and charming young woman!" Medea exclaimed, taking Aranel's hand in her own two gently. "Now now, you must not call an old woman like myself beautiful, or I shall start flirting after girls too young for me too!" She gave her a wink before stepping back and wrapping an arm around Hakeem's waist, smiling up at him affectionately.

"Now as for our General here, I was the one who did the courting." He sent her a half-grin and nodded demurely. "Yes, I ride in to defend your holdfast and find myself in your bed. I do not know quite how you did it." Medea chuckled darkly with a sense of superiority, leaning over to bring Naila into the conversation when Tara arrived and introduced herself. Both women blinked with interest, Hakeem looking up to the sky and praying to his own gods for strength as the light seemed to dawn in Medea's eyes.

"Naila, Tara Rial... isn't that-" Medea asked quickly in the Trespish tongue. Naila turned her clever and intrigued gaze onto Tara, a quirk of a smile spreading on her lips as she nodded to her friend. "Why yes, you must be the Assassin we heard so much about! Didn't she almost best you Hakeem?" Hakeem kept his face as calm and apathetic as possible, but nodded with a heavy sigh. "Yes, she almost ruined me for dueling entirely." His free hand went to the knotted scar on his side unconsciously, as though speaking about it made him remember the pain. Zaeed and Rafiq stepped up to Tara eagerly, looking her up and down with some caution but mostly interest. Medea looked up at him with a frown of concern but his gentle smile soothed her worrying and she let herself indulge in her own curiousity.

"So you are the one... You know for half a year Hakeem just couldn't stop talking about you!? He was quite affected!" She grinned almost maliciously, Naila nodding her head in agreement. "Yes, it is true. He spoke of you so much, I would have called him infatuated." She said it in a low and teasing tone, Hakeem sending her a dirty look. "Naila!" He exclaimed, prompting both women to send him incredulous stares that made him fall silent with a sigh pretty quickly.
[Aranel to Tara and Hakeem & Family]

Aranel had stiffened at the contact but forced herself to relax as they held hers so gently. Aranel laughed softly as the history of Hakeem's courting was revealed. It was a funny story and to watch the couple interact reminded her of home, what once was.

Aranel exhaled lightly, making it seem as though she was merely breathing when the attention was diverted from herself to her fellow Tamer. The assassin had sparked her interest several times but Aranel being her cold self refused to forge communication among the other Tamers. The one she was speaking to was only Hakeem and Yennerfer, not even Merrik had she communicated with; it was sad but at the same time it was also her defense mechanism.

As she listened in on the conversation, she realised she understood most of what they were speaking in their mother tongue and eventhough it took a while. Guess the conversations she listened in on back home had served her well. She also realised that Hakeem's wives had to qualms on him courting another woman. Well, it seemed that way but Aranel could never be too sure as she sharp eyes watched the adults discuss Tara's and Hakeem's duel from when they first met. They both had their pride on the line, and Aranel did not miss the way Hakeem's hand had gone to his side.

She was snapped back from her thoughts as she heard Hakeem exclaim his wife's name only to be silenced by stares. In the end, it seemed his wives had the upper hand against him. She watched as the children stared at Tara with curiosity written all over their faces. It was cute, it reminded her of her sister back home.​
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[Tara to Hakeem and family]

Tara sighed softly and relaxed her posture at the smiles on Medea and Naila's faces. She tried not to let the 'almost best you' annoy her. Her relief was short lived when Medea continued speaking. Tara blinked; her face frozen in a blank expression heated slightly by embarrassment as she struggled to decide how she felt. That was not the reaction she had expected. Were these women really...

She broke into a grin as the first emotion to win through was amusement (and possibly a little sadistic glee) at Hakeem's put upon expression as he let himself be pushed around. She didn't understand this new side of the man who had been horrified by the idea of a woman fighting but she liked it and she really wanted to know these women better.

"Really? Well I'm glad I made an impression, even if it was a bad one."
Sairantha Rinien; The Festival, #800080

[Saira to Merrik]

Sairantha looked down at the proffered hand as though in contemplation, but accepted it quickly, a matching smile on her own face. Perhaps she might have attempted more formalities if she hadn't found herself actually excited to try and join the dancing, although she didn't expect too much of it. She was not exactly clumsy- she could bode well hunting in the forest, quiet as the mice that skitter along the forest floor- but matching footsteps and movements in dance was not part of her skill repertoire. Regardless she wanted to try, and the sight of everyone dancing was too much to resist. She wanted to be a part of it. She just hoped Merrik wouldn't mind too terribly at her lack of skill; she guessed he had been doing these dances at these festivals for years. "I'd love to."

She let Merrik lead her towards the dancers, where they were able to meld into the crowd seamlessly. She didn't feel the press of staring eyes the way she had expected. She looked up at Merrik, smiling again, although a quick twinge of anxiety made her chest feel tight. "You might have to lead me in this, I don't know the dances." If she was lucky, she might catch on quick.
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[Merrik to Saira]
As the pair blended into the moving crowd without effort, the sheer emotion of the multitude intoxicated Merrik. The music caressed his senses, his body instinctively moving in unison with the rhythm of the flutes and harps. He'd done this before, perhaps a hundred times in his life. Growing up in a noble family could be tiring for a child, but as an adult Merrik was thankful for the skills and abilities his parents had given him. He recalled his mother teaching him to dance for the first time at the tender age of 8. The family was holding a ball, as they did each year, and Merrik had decided for himself he was ready to take part, rather than watch from the sidelines with his little sister. His memories fed his bliss and he quickly found himself consumed with the moment.

"I promise I won't lead you astray." He looked her in the eyes, sincerity hard-drawn in his own; he meant it. The words seemed to hold more meaning than what the, in themselves said. His urge to protect and lead strengthened in that moment. He felt a sense of responsibility still, but more than that he felt... he felt a sense of loyalty. These people, these tamers, these... friends of his, had put their lives in his hands. They had accepted him as their leader and had followed him with little to no questions asked. They had given themselves to his leadership, he owed it to them to give himself to their loyalty and do whatever he could to ensure he never led them astray. He would never lead them astray.

A renewed smile on his face, he pulled Saira closer to him, leading her across the dancing area, making each step pronounced for her to learn but fluid enough for her to enjoy. The night, the music, and the company seemed to consume him and as the song played on he felt his stress dripping away.

[Obsidian Nova to Etherièl]
The night air was perfect. Clarity consumed the black dragon, in as much a way as clarity could really consume. The sound of powerful wings slicing through the air filled his mind. His thoughts were perfect, as they always were on nights like this. The euphoria Merrik was unintentionally emitting through the bond fueled his pristine mood and as the weyr neared their destination he felt good, great even. While the humans had taken to their festivities, the dragons had a ceremony of their own to complete. It wasn't at all related to the festival held in the small town of Meltha, for the dragons did not believe in gods. Instead, the drakes annually took this night of celebration as a perfect time to preform an ancient ritual of bonding between the blood of the sky and of the scale. The dragons would pair off and preform intimate aerial maneuvers in respect for their ancestors and for the sacred bond their race permitted them.

During the years prior to the arrival and hatching of the yearlings, Obsidian Nova took this evening to himself and meditated upon and honored his ancestry. When the younger dragons came he escorted the weyr to the sacred mana pool and let them preform the rites for themselves. This year, however, he felt it was time for him to take part, something he had not yet done. This meant he was in need of a partner, another dragon to preform intimate ritualistic flight patterns with. At first this idea was of great concern to him, but he had decided a few weeks ago who he was going to ask, though he had waited until now to do the actual asking. Picking up speed, he moved himself ahead to where Etherièl was positioned.

"Etherièl, would you fly at my side tonight?" Straight and to the point: there was no reasoning in being coy and indirect.
[Etherièl to Obsidian Nova]

Etherièl had just parted with Aranel as her beautiful Tamer walked with the other Tamers to the village for the festival. If only her Tamer had smiled more, she shook her head and made her way towards the ceremony of the Dragons.

As she patiently awaited by the mana pool for the years ceremony to take place, she allowed herself a deep breath. It was a ritual they performed every year as it always would be. The flying always got to her, and it was the only time of the year where she would force herself to fly her very best and hope that her best would suffice.

As she exhaled a cool breath, she heard rustling from beside her and turned her head in the said direction. In a split second, Obsidian Nova was beside her as he spoke, "Etherièl, would you fly at my side tonight?". Ethiriel was lost for a split second. For a dragon labelled wise, she was absolutely dumbfounded. Her brother, a very respected dragon among the many of them has just asked her to be his partner for the nights ritual.

"Y- yes. Of-of course, Brother." she quickly caught her train of thought, stuttering at first but slowly gaining her composure. "It would be my honor," she bowed her head. "Forgive me for my stuttering, you caught me off guard." she explained with a soft chuckle.
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[BCOLOR=transparent][Goliath collab with Yennefer and Shirin][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Feeling tired from the 'good deed' helping the Blood Eagle Evyria rescue her daughter Etyrn from the jaws of Bau'gruhg, the blonde haired crusader looked down at his wound on his left hand. "[/BCOLOR]Guess I better go get a new bandage[BCOLOR=transparent]" looking to Hezekiah, sitting in the corner and humming as he *SCCRAAAAAPESS* against the boulder placed in the room for the iron drake to sharpen and shine himself. Goliath thought his partner's scales must behave similar to fingernails, but his thoughts were drowned out again by another piercing screech of metal on rock.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]<Oh, you were talking to me, you know we can talk in our heads right?>[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"[/BCOLOR]Yes I know, im going to get a new bandage for my hand, what are your plans for later?[BCOLOR=transparent]"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]< I'm hanging out with Master Nova and my clutchmates tonight, its supposed to be some sort of bonding experience.. I'm really excited>[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath stood still as a wave of excitement rushed through him and felt its pulse as it dragged him back to surface, remembering he needed to treat his wound and get some much deserved sleep tonight. [/BCOLOR]

"Have fun tonight friend, I look forward to hearing about it in the morning"

[BCOLOR=transparent]Man and drake bowed to each other, a subtle exchange of honorable respect. Goliath left his loft near the edge of the estate and walked his way to the loft where Yennefer Macniell resides; inside the apothecary she had established.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Remembering his manners as he dumbly fumbled at the doorknob, he knocked twice…..[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Yennefer was calmly preparing the wreath she had gathered ingredients for that day, humming quietly to herself as Dalaith slept behind her. She heard the knock and rose to open the door, dusting off the twigs and dried herbs on her pinny before opening the door to find Goliath awaiting her. She smiled at him pleasantly, immediately she noted his scraped hand and quickly stepping to the side to let him in.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Come inside, I have just the poultice for that. Try to keep your voice down though, Dalaith needs rest." She gestured at a seat by her massive preparing table as she moved to her shelves of potions and concoctions to find the right one.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath had nearly forgotten about Dalaith and how her injuries would require further attention, he looked to the red-haired woman from Espella as she rummaged through her shelves for the necessary poultice.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"It's reassuring to know that someone else more skilled in healing is here at the estate, I doubt I would be able to aid Dalaith in the same manner you have…" he looked back at Dalaith asleep on the bed and returned his gaze at Yennefer and whispered "How many days before she can walk again?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Yennefer smiled at him with some warmth, compliments to her profession always something she appreciated. She found the poultice she needed and grabbed some bandages and scissors before pulling up a chair beside Goliath and setting to work. "Well, she should be up and about quite soon, possibly ready for tonight's festivities. I'll have to see how she is before letting her up, but its possible. The herbs around the estate are amazing, I've never seen their like and Veshna was kind enough to give me some of her scales. With luck, the rib fracture will be healed by this evening. Although I will have to prohibit dancing." She took his hand, gently cleaning its surface before applying the poultice with clever fingers. "What did you do to get this?" She asked, smiling up at him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath listened to Yennefer and winced as the poultice was placed on his injured left palm. He didn't recall hearing about any festivities and at the mention of 'dancing' his stomach felt like it thudded to the ground. "Ah, well that seems like the proper limitation to help her heal to her best capabilities…" and then he paused awkwardly. Goliath noticed that he was thinking but not talking, drawn back by the quick mention of some kind of festival tonight, so in order to avoid further awkward silence he coughed and resumed talking.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]" I… uh… the festival takes place where again?" his face turning a darker shade of red than the hair of the woman cleaning his wound.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Yennefer cocked an eyebrow at him, curious as to how he could forget such a thing when the festivities were being organised by the Village itself. "Its… in the Village, Meltha. I don't think it could be anywhere else!" She chuckled at him as she started binding his hand in the bandage.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Oh" Goliath responded and then erupted with laughter " Of course it would be in the village… how silly of me.." , then he remembered the question about his wound. " I got wounded during the rescue of a young blood eagle with Dalaith, Shirin and Asa. I was getting the noble creature out of some dense thorn vines and it pecked my hand… not the most noteworthy of battle wounds" the blonde haired soldier scratches the back of his head.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Yennefer shook her head. "I've seen a man who managed to impale his foot with his own sword, your wounds are perfectly gallant compared." She took her time with the bandaging, keeping it moveable but tight, also curious about Goliath's somewhat false laughter. "So, are you taking anyone to the Festival?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath gulped, of course he would like to go with someone to the festival but the thought of asking one of his fellow dragon tamers made his arms quake with anxiety. He knew how to dance, but that's not the issue, most of the time back at court he would bring whatever lady in waiting his cousin, 'her majesty' would command him to bring, having choices is one of many new things this dragon tamer life has given him. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I dare say the thought of asking a fellow dragon tamer makes me nervous, I wouldn't want to overstep any boundaries… and in truth…. I haven't thought about the festival until you mentioned it." Looking at Yennefer he calmly sighed " I haven't talked to most of the women here at the estate either… I tend to get lost in my training".[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Who are you going with?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Yennefer finished neatly and expertly tying the bandage before replying, checking her work over before relinquishing his hand and smiling at him. "Me? Oh, no one as of yet. But that is of no consequence to me, Tara and I will most likely go together."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She looked him up and down, he seemed an honourable and lively sort with a kind heart. He reminded her of Shirin in many ways and that lead her mind down a different path. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Hm, if you have not spoken to anyone, perhaps now is a good time to do so? I would suggest asking our Shieldmaiden, Shirin. She also has found socialising difficult and I'd say you would get along well. It is just a suggestion, of course." She let the matter go quickly, not really knowing whether this was particularly polite of her and finding these complicated social events difficult to understand.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]At the mention of Shirin, Goliath's face reddened. He did think it would be best to get to know all of the people at the estate better, but he and Shirin may have a lot in common… And she is an image of grace and power with a sword.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath stood up and straightened his shirt. "That sounds like a great suggestion Yennefer" locking his gaze with hers and giving a bow "Remind me that I owe you a dance" smiling as he turned towards the door.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"If it wasn't for you, I would have had an early sleep tonight. Thank you for treating my wound". Remembering quickly "I'll see you at the festivities".[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The flaxen-haired warrior was not a woman who oftentimes worried. She would not fret for her comrades or deal with the thoughts of previous battles if she could help it. But something about that moment with the strange, deadly creature earlier in the day made Shirin worry, even as she had been shooed from Yennefer's room upon dropping off a mostly-unconscious Dalaith. Even as the mud began to dry and crack across her hands, she worried and fretted and completely forgot about the festival. Fortunately for her, Merrik had left a dress as promised, leaving it draped delicately across the railing at the entrance to Byriarti's stall. The Solar Drake had long since been inside, grooming his thick scales until they gleamed. His stormy eyes had looked at her, and she could almost hear his laugh within her head.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]~[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Your comrade will be just fine. Go wash yourself and get ready for tonight. Do not let Merrik's gift go to waste.[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]~[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Shirin gave Byriarti a sigh, almost stomping off to the bath, emerging not long after completely scrubbed and much more relaxed, the dress hanging from her body like petals from a slightly drooped rose. The skirt was the perfect length, skimming across the grass to just barely show her bare feet. The sleeves were tight around her biceps and loose to dangle almost to the length of the skirt. It was a simple dress with a simple, golden-lattice sash. The color was not bold or brash, and the fabric was just the right texture, soft but not delicate. She felt comfortable, despite the fact that this particular dress would be the first she had worn since she left Televar to become a mercenary. Her hair was left to dangle around her shoulders, two simple twist braids tied back to keep the worst of the hair from her face.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]"Don't laugh, Byriarti," she muttered as she re-entered the stall, placing her dirty laundry, boots, and sword at the base of the ladder where it couldn't be seen from outside. The drake shook his head, smiling in approval towards his tamer before making his way out. He peeked back at her one more time, bowing his head.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]~[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Have fun, my pretty little human. I'll be listening[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent].~ Without another word, he took off to join his clutchmates, leaving his tamer to do the only thing she could think to do - check on Dalaith. It was mere moments before she was just outside Yennefer's door, raising her hand to knock nervously.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Yennefer had grinned and opened her mouth to accept the offered dance when there came another knock at her door. She blinked and sent Goliath a brief apologetic smile before rising to open the door.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Low and behold, speak of the dragon, there was Shirin. Yennefer was momentarily surprised but she still grinned at her friend with welcoming warmth and stepped back to let her inside. "Good evening Shirin, did you need something? Were you injured as well?"[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Barely able to get a single knock in, Shirin found herself backing up slightly to see the redheaded woman standing before her, a look of surprise on her face. A sheepish smile grew upon the corners of her lips as she looked down slightly, twisting some of the sash fabric between her hands as her hair fell around her shoulders lightly. "No, no...I'm not injured. I, uh...I wanted to see if Dalaith was alright. Oh, h-hello, Goliath. A pleasure to see you."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath lost his breath as Yennefer opened the door. In an attempt to regain his breath, he spoke staggeredly " You… uhh…. are… breathtaking this evening Shirin, would you like to go the festival with me tonight? I promise I'm not too terrible of a dancer and I am quite fond of good conversation" smiling and remembered what he was wearing; the same training clothes [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]from this morning…[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Shirin's eyes widened in surprise as her cheeks flushed unexpectedly. She could feel the chuckle of her watchful dragon, and again her face heated up, turning her ears red as well. Looking away towards the ground, she smiled slightly. "Thank you, Goliath." Taking a moment, she let her hazel eyes rise to meet his, pondering his question just briefly. "I think that would be nice. There is no need to waste Mentor's gift, after all, and I've no one to ask me before." Nodding with more confirmation, she reached out her hand to him, ignoring his somewhat bedraggled look. "Yes, that is a swell idea. If Dalaith is well this night, then I think we should all be out there celebrating. And honestly, I could do with a good dance and some nice conversation. Byriarti isn't much for either of those."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Taking the warrior maiden's hand in his, Goliath kisses the top of it and lets go after holding on for a couple seconds longer. "I better go wash up then" laughing loudly. "I'll see you shortly then" and he turned to smile at each of the women in the room. "Meet here before?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Yennefer cleared her throat delicately and smiled at the pair of them a little thinly. "I am very glad this has all worked out. Shirin, Dalaith is recovering well, she is [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]sleeping[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] at the moment and is in need of quiet so if you both wouldn't mind meeting elsewhere?" Her usually soothing and sweet demeanour seemed completely replaced, now she stood straight and assured with the general aura of 'shove off… respectfully'.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]If the young mercenary could have possibly gotten more red in the face, she did the moment Goliath's lips brushed across her knuckles. Her eyes widened further, her nostrils flaring in complete shock. A small wave of heat filled her as a slight noise was choked from deep within her chest. The moment her hand was released, she held it behind her back with the other, unsure of how to feel in such a situation. Her heart raced, her chest rising and falling in small pants, which she tried so desperately to hide. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Luckily for her, Yennefer cleared her throat, giving Shirin the moment she needed to calm herself down. She nodded gingerly towards the healer before finding her gaze on the strong man before her. Why was her face heating up again? Feeling flustered, she nodded to him. "H-how about we meet at the Grand Hall? Seems more r-reasonable." Nodding firmly and clearing her throat, she gave a slight bow to Goliath before sending a smile to Yennefer and slipping away. "I'll see you there, then."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]After Shirin left Yennfer's loft, Goliath waited for a short minute and then exited, trying his best to remain calm. Tonight would be the first night he could really be himself, no nobility hovering and watching his every move, her majesty the queen isn't anywhere to interfere with his fun, and he gets to spend time with a woman he would like to get to know better; Shirin. Remembering how she looked as Yennefer opened the door the blonde haired man thought worriedly, [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]I better get ready quick[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent].[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Hurriedly Goliath sprinted back to his room and then to the bathhouse, after bathing he returned to his room to see Hezekiah asleep in one of the most peculiar sleeping positions he had ever seen… shaking his head he returned to preparing himself. Taking a straight razor to his face he removed the accumulated fuzzy hair on his chin, neck, and under his nose. His hair has grown longer in his stay at the estate and he tied it into a warrior's topknot and eyed himself in mirror, noticing his scar, a deep white cut straight down on the right side of his cheek, close to his mouth and bottom of his nose; a story of a battle almost lost. Goliath shook off the memory and donned his navy blue tunic with silver trim, white buttons, and the red sun of the Atreus family hand-stitched on the right side of his chest. With his formal white belt and his silver grey pants with blue trim, one may get him confused with different man, and with that thought Goliath chuckled.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Without bothering to wake Hezekiah, Goliath exited their loft and pressed towards the Grand Hall.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Seeing as there was very little to do, the young warrior turned immediately and rushed off to the Grand Hall, where she sat heavily in the grass and sighed to herself, forcing herself to calm her shallow pants. Her breathing slowed, and she began to feel her face return to normal, even as she wondered just what had gotten into her. So much had happened over the course of the past couple of months, particularly with Merrik...and yet, there was something about that golden-haired warrior that had intrigued Shirin. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It wouldn't take much of her thinking and playing with the blades of grass before she realized a good amount of time had passed, and before she knew it, she heard the footsteps of Goliath coming to meet her. Rising to her feet slowly, the mercenary looked up, and once more she felt herself grow hot. If she had thought this man handsome before, she had been so terribly wrong. His chiseled face was framed perfectly with the lining of his golden hair, now tied up in a simple knot. His gleaming blue eyes seemed to fit perfectly with his tanned skin, as bright as the fleshy scar on his cheek. Shirin felt herself smile, slowly making her way to him and reaching slowly for that scar before pulling her hand back and finding herself blush once more. "You'll have to tell me how you got that some time...we can trade." The same hand that reached for his cheek pulled the seam of her left shoulder outward slightly, revealing a part of the scar that had marked her so terribly. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Calming herself with a deep breath and releasing her dress, she gave a simple smile towards the warrior before her. "But how about we try to enjoy ourselves tonight? We could use the time to relax." With that, she offered him her arm with a small grin.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"I found out about the festival today" scratching the back of his neck looking at Shirin's smile as it escaped from her small lips "I am extremely happy you agreed to spend this evening with me, seeing you throw yourself at the enemy really told me a lot about you today, and we successfully saved a blood eagle. Did I mention you look breathtaking? You make the Queen of Encilis look like a handmaiden, and I'm allowed to say that" chuckling as he accepted her arm.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Raising her brow at his comment, Shirin found herself laughing slightly. "You should pay more attention. That sign has been posted up for over a week now." Feeling as though her face was never going to stop blushing, she bowed her head in acceptance of his happiness. "I was simply doing my duty as a warrior and dragon tamer. It was truly Byriarti who was able to alert our Blood Eagle friend. I just distracted the creature. Yes, you did…" Her voice trailed off as he continued with his compliment, and once again, she turned radish red, even her ears and chest feeling as though it was about to steam. She looked away, even as he took her arm and began walking towards the festival grounds with her. "I-I doubt that...but thank you. You know, you don't look so bad, yourself. Quite handsome when your hair is up and neat." Looking back towards him, she forced herself to meet his eyes, even as her bare feet brushed the soft grass of the garden.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She let herself truly smile then, feeling her shoulders relax. Unsure of what it was about those blue eyes, the young warrior felt the same feeling as she had with her Mentor, relaxation flowing across her shoulders and back. A small laugh fell from her lips as she watched the warrior beside her smile. Before she knew it, she heard the sounds of beautiful, intimate music and felt the warmth of other bodies near her, having missed the great feast in all of the commotion with Dalaith. Her heart pounded, her eyes dilating much as they would were she in battle. Once more, she found herself feeling hot, even as the cool night air brushed against her fair skin.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"The music is calling us Shirin, let us show the villagers and other tamers how true warriors have fun".[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Yes, let's." Taking his hand, Shirin pulled Goliath into the square, letting all of her worries fall away like shadows in the night. The warm, dim light danced across her and Goliath like fireflies as, together, they danced a dance only the truest lovers of the sword could pull off. It was a dance that Shirin had not done since her Papa had died, since she felt her emotions fall away like droplets of water, since she lost all that truly mattered to her. The warrior wasn't sure why or how she was able to dance again, but tonight, she decided she wouldn't worry about it. Tonight, she was going to enjoy herself and laugh and smile like she had all those years ago.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent][Byriarti to Veshna][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Upon finally feeling the laughter and joy filling the soul of his rider, Byriarti pulled his mind from focusing on her and looked about at his other clutchmates. Tonight was a night of joy and celebration, if only to lighten the spirits of all that lived within the Garden. He decided that tonight, he, too, would find happiness with someone and not let his pride stand in the way as it had before. Raising his head up to the moon, saddened slightly that the sun was no longer out to shine upon him, he gave a small spurt of shimmering orange flame before looking out towards the others. Nova had already gone to Etherièl and asked that she dance in the sky with him. Byriarti, however, was unsure of who to ask.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His stormy gaze darted from drake to drake as his thoughts pondered on who would make his flight beautiful. And then his eyes fell upon Veshna as she fly towards the rear of the group. She was shy and nervous, as she always was, and Byriarti could not help but smile towards her. She was a kind and gentle soul, somewhat childish in some instances, and yet very mature and radiant. Her pink scales gleamed brilliantly tonight, and the Solar Dragon found himself slowing down to fly with his wingtip just next to hers. [/BCOLOR]

~Veshna, would you fly with me this night? You are very beautiful, and your flight would make mine look like child's play.~ Like his brother, Byriarti wasted no time and got straight to the point.