Return of the Dragon Tamers: The Plague of Ogual

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    Return of the Dragon Tamers
    The time has come for the dragons and the humans to join forces once again...


  • Hunting the Blackshire Stags

    Narien, Illyria, Avren, Pomona

    Reverie, Xylia, Alder, Saira

  • Terria has been rescued and returned safely to the meadow. Her retrieval came at the cost of another talented tamer: Goliath, and his dragon Hezekiah. Terria slumbers in sickness of the body and the mind even as Merrik has spent more than a week at her side, healing her thrice daily, doing everything in his power to bring her back to the Order.

    The party that ventured to eastern Galidus to sort out the issues in Kibran returned with a new stranger who turned out to be the bondmate of the Valor dragoness, Andraste. Alder Grey has joined the ranks of the Order and now works to find his place.

    Shortly after the Order's reuniting in the meadow, a council was called the a vote was ordered for the army's next tactical move. With the votes in, the Order is now set on unlocking the memories of the strange man Bren and travelling to Galidus to meet with the new king, Kylvest Brohn of Trespa while simultaneously meeting with the People of Dragons elders.

    Before the Order sets off once more, they are taking time to return to their training at the meadow and heal their hearts and bodies. At current, Merrik has chosen to mix things up and brought the Order out to the north-eastern woods to hunt for Obsidian Nova's favorite game: Blackshire Stags. After a great deal of drama in Kibran regarding Merrik's decisions on leadership, he hopes that the Order will begin to sort itself out within the ranks and grow to trust each other more deeply in a time when trust among comrades is a necessity.

  • Character Hex Colors
    Aerarya is #800080
    Saira is #33cccc
    Merrik is Red
    Nova is Black with Shadow and Italic.
    Avren is Green
    Viridian is Yellow Green with Italic.
    Terria is Dark Azure
    Taega is Medium Gray with Glow and Italic.
    Requiem is Maroon
    Aleria is Dark Green.
    Agni color is #999999
    Narien is #0092b3

    Soulserenity20 ---- Merrik Tetra ----- Obsidian Nova, Nightmare Dragon
    Soulserenity20 -----Terria Tetra ----- Ataegana Kuu'iah, Lunar Dragon
    Soulserenity20 -----Avren Lebram ----- Viridian, Forest Dragon
    Rainjay -----Saira Rinien ----- Aerarya, Atmosphere Dragon
    Rainjay -----Illyria Rowena Renthir ----- Mirazh, Desert Dragon
    Firejay1 -----Narien Ki'ila ----- Angi, Arcane Dragon
    White -----Rèverie Gray ----- Celeste, Celestial Dragon
    Mowkie ----- Pomona Ayelet Muldell ----- Katla, Vanity Dragon
    Mowkie ----- Alder Balthazar Grey ----- Andraste, Valor Dragon
    Crimson77 ----- Xylia Kalei Iwalani ----- Deventh, Swamp Dragon

  • Tetra Estate - Coliseum, 8:17am

    The morning air was cool and crisp, the last signs of Winter nipping at Spring's hold on the lands. There was a deep fog rolling in over the eastern forest, blanketing the ancient trees with an eerie, chilling veil. A pair of deep green eyes scanned the surrounding landscape from a hundred feet in the air. Their owner felt no fear, no discomfort of the altitude, being as much at home in the skies as he was on the earth. While the height and the crisp morning air did not bother him, a deep concern was festering within the corners of his mind. It was not unusual for worry and concern to waft about in his thoughts, but the intensity of today's concern was unprecedented.

    There was a silence that surrounded him, cocooning him in its peaceful tendrils, broken only by the steady whoosh of powerful wings. With each heavy downbeat, the man in the sky would exhale, taking in the pristine air the ancient woods provided and letting it out in a meditative manner. His dark hair swayed gently, not by breeze, but by wing-beat. The man was concentrating on the legend that was about to begin a hundred feet below him. The man was sorting out his thoughts, organizing his concerns, perfecting his plan of action. Worrying. Concerning himself. Stressing.

    The mind is of no use when it is tangled and knotted with stress and worry.

    Merrik Tetra opened his eyes as a wave of reassurance swept into his mind, settling what had been stirred up, putting his last lingering thoughts in the right place, and shouldering the mental burden that so commonly threatened to crush him.

    "Your wisdom could not have been more welcome. But to execute concern would be unwise. Today the stories of the world will shift mid-sentence, a new chapter forcing its way into a tale of growing darkness. Today the legends of old will be reborn, history repeating itself at the hands of peril upon these lands." Though his lips did not move and no sound rang out into the air, his words found their way into the mind that commanded the wings beating powerfully at Merrik's sides.

    The man in the sky was not alone.

    A hundred feet above the Tetra Estate, a creature of myth lingered in the air, sustained by the grip of its thick wing membranes on the cool morning air. The creature was massive, larger than any common animal of the lands, and it wore a cloak of scales as black as a night sky devoid of any stars. Blood red eyes that made every onlooker feel like prey blinked slowly as they stared at the distant fog bank. It's vast wings, cloaked in the same obsidian scales that coated the beast's muscular body, wore rings, red as the most scalding lava.

    The creature was a dragon. A Nightmare Dragon, to be specific; a beast of legends and fairy tales from a time long ago, long before the memories of even the oldest human. For hundreds of years the sound of heavy wing-beats parting the air could not be heard in these lands, or any other for that matter. For hundreds of years, the great draconic race was thought to have been extinct, perished by the hands of elves or man or even time itself.

    Few would believe their eyes. But Merrik Tetra would not so much as blink at the site of such a creature, for the dragon of nightmares and terror that claimed the skies was his dragon, and Merrik was its human. They were soulmates, best friends, companions, one.

    More than 2 decades ago, when Merrik was just a little boy, he was brought down into a damp, dark cellar in the depths of his family's manor. There, he received an egg. From within that egg came a voice, though not one any other person would hear, unless it so chose to be heard. Within that egg was a hatchling nightmare dragon, the same drake upon which Merrik sat at that very moment. The dragon was given to him by a strange, mysterious old man who called himself The Oracle. This man changed Merrik's life, shifted his path of fate to one of severity and ultimatum. His life for the next two years was leading up to this moment, this cool spring morning.

    Today, Merrik was going to form an army, a re-birthed order of old, summoned up again to bring forth a the great protectors of Illos. Today, Merrik was going to change the lives of a group of individuals, the very same individuals that stood a hundred feet below him in the center of a coliseum. Behind the doors that lined the walls of the coliseum were more dragons. More disbelief shattered by flesh and blood. Two years ago, Merrik had once again been summoned into that musky cellar where The Oracle appeared once agian. This time, Merrik didn't receive one egg; he received an entire clutch, each one a different color, texture and size.

    From those eggs hatched dragons, one of each of the draconic species, apart from the Nightmares. Those hatchlings had spent the last two years of their lives growing and learning from Merrik and his dragon, Obsidian Nova. They were being trained and prepared for this very day, this moment. Each of the drakes behind those heavy wooden doors lacked a piece of its soul, a part of it that could never have been filled. Not until now.

    The group of people standing, uncertain in the middle of the coliseum, were chosen long ago, though they could not have known it. The Oracle had selected them at birth, when their souls entered into their bodies with their first breath. Each soul chosen, was the missing half of one of the dragons below. And today, those two souls would collide and fuse together, changing the fate of Illos forever.

    "They know so little of what is to come." Came Merrik's soundless voice from his own mind into the dragon's.
    The less they know, the less they can fear and fight what is to be. Though we know that each of the humans below is the soulmate of one of our yearlings, the yearlings do not know for certain. They believe that these are mere potential candidates for the bond. They will test them just as a wild dragon would have tested the first of the dragonlords so long ago. The humans will pass these tests, of this we have been assured by The Oracle. Everything is set into motion.

    Let their oblivion be their guide, for both dragon and human. Let the bond work in its natural ways, it will give them strength in the long run. The humans MUST prove themselves to their drake, not only for tradition's sake, but to unlock the power that hides within their blood. Tamers are not made, they are born at the very moment a dragon's soul awakens. In that moment, the two become connected, separated only by distance and time. The tamers have an ancient magic within their veins, though they do not know it yet.

    Today, the bond with unlock that magic and change their lives forever. We should not delay it any longer.

    Obsidian Nova had a way about him that commanded submission and trust. There was no one else in the world that could calm and reassure Merrik in such a way as the black dragon. Nova had an ancient wisdom to him that came with being a direct descendant of one of the first bonded dragons of the Order of Old. Though merely 21 by age, the dragon's wisdom went on for centuries. Merrik agreed without a word or thought.

    With perfect intent-directed synchrony, the dragon descended, lowing the pair and coming to rest on a great stone perch that sat at the head of the coliseum. As the dragon's talons touched down on the stone and his great wingspan retracted to a resting position, Merrik stood up from his place at the base of Nova's neck and slipped down off the dragon's back without a sliver of difficulty, landing on the thick, stone perch below.

    The attention of the visitors in the centre of the round mass of earth focused on him. Some eyes shone with excitement, others with a sly intent, and others with a plain annoyance. There was too much personality within that circle for Merrik to handle all at once. He silently thanked the gods of old that he didn't have to get up close and personal with the entire group just yet. For now, the focus of attention was on dragons, and Merrik was completely at home in the realm of dragons.

    "You have all be told of your purpose for standing her today. I can understand if some or many of your minds linger in disbelief, this is an event of dreams and myth. But make no mistake, you are here to become heroes, legends, and leaders. You are here to become one with beasts of old, powerful creatures not seen in these lands for hundreds of years." He walked to the end of the perch, balancing casually on the round, stone hold.

    "The doors that surround you are the temporary dens of the dragons of Illos. The doors will open in a few moments. You must all be strong, be fast, and be brave. Today, you become dragon tamers."
    Then, Merrik's deep green eyes became twice as vibrant as any human's and he swirled his right index finger in a curious manner, concentration clear on his expression. The doors slid open, lifting up to reveals cascading plumes of steam as the temperature difference made itself apparent. The cool morning air welcomed the sound of wingbeats, too many to count, as a mass of dragons shot out of the dark spaces and soared up into the air. Flames of every color decorated the skies, scaled beasts of every shape, size and color bolted about before peeling off from the group and honing in on select individuals.

    One of the dragons shot a jet of colored flame down at the ground, nearing searing one of the soon-to-be tamers. The tests had begun.

    Merrik and Nova watched silently as the young dragons they had raised from hatchlings attacked, questioned, chased, scared, and tested the group of visitors. Each was seeking a human worthy of their soul, of their life, of their bond. Each would find a human, though they did not know it, and until then, they would test their worthiness endlessly. Merrik pitied the men and women below, for they had not been informed of what the bond was, nor were they informed of the fact that the tests the dragons subjected them to would look more like an attack than anything, despite the fact that the drakes would not actually harm them. This pity went away mere moments after it arrived as Nova's presence in his soul shifted with the drake's emotion. Any amount of terror and confusion was worth the bond of dragon and tamer.

  • Combat Event Guide
    1. GM Scenario Introduction.​
    2. Player Response. Combat Begins.​
    3. GM Response to Combat. Required die roll will be presented.​
    4. Player Response. Player Roll. Player may close combat.​
    5. GM Combat Close Response (if necessary)​

    +Basics Behind the Rolls+

    Three Types of Opponents: Basic, Challenging, and Boss.
    Basic: Just classic battling. It is generally expected that your character can handle this with general ease.
    Challenging: These will require higher rolls and a bit of strength in whatever technique the character uses to attack.
    Boss: These will require the best rolls, the most creativity, and the best weaponry/spells/approaches suited to the character.

    Three Types of Character Approaches: Strength, Weakness, Long Shot.
    Strength: The character attacks within their class/strength/ability.
    Weakness: The player attacks in a class/ability that they are not necessarily comfortable or entirely skilled at.
    Long Shot: The player is being an idiot and doing something that would never work unless the die gods are on their sides.

    +How Opponent Types and Character Approaches work together+
    Strength Base Roll: 12
    Weakness Base Roll: 14
    Long Shot Base Roll: 16

    Strength Base Roll: 14
    Weakness Base Roll: 16
    Long Shot Base Roll: 20

    Strength Base Roll: 18
    Weakness Base Roll: 20
    Long Shot Base Roll: 25 (requires stat bonus)

    NOTE: In a boss battle, there will be much more discretion for creativity and teamwork between players. Successful rolls will mean successful hits, NOT kills. Furthermore, for boss rolls, because they are much more difficult, the player will get a 'second chance' roll if their first roll is not successful.
    In Step 3, where the GM presents the required roll, it will have the relevant stats already added in and will be presented in a manner to explain the reason the roll is what it is. Stats are applied by level of skill, as portrayed:
    5% = Beginner ----> No Mod
    10% = Applicable ----> No Mod
    20% = Novice ----> +1
    30% = Adept ----> +2
    45% = Advanced ----> +3
    50% = Expert ----> +4
    65% = Sage (Mortal Mastery) ----> + 5

    Shirin Vs. Challenging Opponent, Strength (Longsword)
    Base Roll: 14
    35% in long sword, +2 Bonus
    14% in valor, +1 Bonus
    14% in strength, +1 Bonus.

    14 - 2 - 1 - 1 = 10 Required.

    The player will then post a blank post with "Rolling..." posted and then roll a 20 sided dice (D20) on that post. Then the player will post a SECOND post with their response in accordance with how their roll went. They can wrap it up themselves (Step 4), or the GM can add a post in at the end to wrap it up accordingly.

    WARNING: If you delete ANY POSTS in these events, I will assume you're trying to cheat and get a better roll. I don't want any explanations, I won't believe a word you say, and I'll roll FOR you with a penalty of 5 added onto the battle. This means, for example, Shirin would need a 15 instead of a 10. If you make a mistake, for example, roll a D6, or roll twice. LEAVE IT. I have eyes. I can see the mistakes.​
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[The Festival]
[To Anyone]

Asa arrived in good spirits due to the success of her earlier mission, in fact rescuing that young hatchling from that horrid entity of bone greatly lifted her spirits. Not only that but having met such a noble creature such as the Blood Eagle was like a dream come true. Asa stood under the star speckled night sky among warmly let lanterns, hand crafted festival decor, and cheery villagers with a small smile on her face. Asa stood casually at the sidelines, slightly away from the festivities near a buffet table. The platinum blonde girl was never really comfortable amongst the crowd during large parties and normally stayed away from the center. While it was true that she was feeling more positive, she took this small opportunity to mull over the recent events. It was true that she was having a rough time making friends, and the incident in the woods she should surely recover from after speaking with Merrik. Asa sighed softly, the smile on her lips never faltering as her pale womanly digits gently caressed the feather she collected from earlier. Her pale blue orbs, the color of the morning sky, gazed down at the feather as she became lost in thought. Today made her realize that she joined his little band of warriors for a reason. She was going to do right, this was her atoning for her sins. Her sister would be proud of what she was doing regardless of what happened in the past. She was positive of that fact. Her sister was kindly and understanding like that, and Asa needed to stop contorting the image of the deceased in her dreams. With one final sigh Asa tucked the feather away into a satin bag that Yenn let her borrow. It wasn't really something Asa would use, being quite fond of her brown and sturdy travel bag, but Yenn insisted that it would look lovely with the dress she made. Asa's gown fitted not only fitted her body nicely, but complimented her features such as her unusual silver-like hair well. Asa was never quite fond of wearing dresses, and the fact that people were sneaking glances at her from a far made her feel slightly embarrassed. Asa tugged at the long sleeves of her violet-blue dress , they were not set straight so she was fixing them. When she was finish smoothing out the dress trying to get more comfortable in the attire, she nonchalantly fiddled with the white bodice piece wrapped around her abdomen. The white thread matched with the criss-cross net like pattern embroidered into the collar of her dress and the sleeve details. Over all it was a fairly simple dress, but beautiful none the less. To complement Yenn's handiwork further Asa had undone her hair from her usual braided pig tails. Her long wavy platinum hair was down, reaching to a length just shy of her bottom, and framed her delicate looking face. She also adorned her ears with white gold studs, and her neck with a simple,matching white gold chain that used to belong to her grandmother. Asa's pale blue orbs watch the dancing crowd, quickly spotting Yennefer and Tara dancing as well as Merrik with a woman she did not know. Starting to feel awkward for not really immersing herself with the others she decided to turn to the buffet table and grab a small bite to eat. Its not like she can really talk to anyone here anyways, and she doesn't know how to dance either. She did wonder if she could find a memento for the evening, after all it wasn't like she wasn't enjoying herself. Seeing everyone else having fun was enough for her to feel content, and it was worthy enough for a memento to remind her of this miraculous night.

"Are you doing alright Asa? Not tired or anything?"

Slipping some shellfish into her mouth, Asa perked up almost startled at Verebera's voice sudenly echoing in her mind. Chewing slowly Asa responded casually. "Yes, don't worry. I am not scathed from earlier today." Asa mentions as she swallows. Grabbing a second shellfish Asa wait's for Verebera to respond back. She was taking her time with what she was going to say next, but Asa had a feeling she already knew what she was going to ask. It was kind of hard to hide what the both of them were feeling from each other.

"Alright hun. If you need anything do not hesitate to call for me..." Verebera offers, with her usual motherly manner of speech. Then it falls silent and the two decide to remain silent.

Asa moves away from the fish unto a large mutton which she gladly takes up in her hands. Asa ate carefully, as to not stain the wonderful dress Yenn made for her, and silently watched the crowd like she always does.

[The Flight]
[To Methuzar]

Finishing her small talk with her bondmate, Verebera finally turns her attention towards her brothers and sisters. Tonight is supposed to be a very special for them, and honestly Verebera always loved dancing in the sky with everyone. Normally Verebera would have asked Veshna to fly with her on this occasion but having taking notice that she had already found her partner for this evening left Verebera feeling a tad bit awkward. Not that she didn't mind, she was quite happy that her brother was so bold to ask her. Verebera beat her wings harder, raising her altitude slightly before letting a strong burst of wind gently push her back. Her white scales shimmered in the moonlight, and the celestial dragon concentrated for a moment on trying to illuminate the sky around her. A dim glow emitted from her being. but before really growing in brightness it faded quickly out of surprise when Methuzar appeared. Letting out a low and pleased pur she nodded a hello.

After listening to the lumbering goliath's gentle proposal Verebera mused to herself quietly. She always had a slight fondness for the mountain dragon. He was strong, dependable, loyal, and kind. His intentions always seemed to be from the good in his heart and she admired that. Holding her head high in a graceful and polite manner she pushes her voice into his mind. "Oh Methuzar, I'm flattered! I thought I wouldn't be able to find anyone to fly with tonight...," she coos quite delicately, with a hint of relief in her voice, at his kind words before pausing slightly. A golden orb glances at Methuzar, a quick look at the gentle giant before answering." I would be happy to fly with someone such as yourself. Don't be so hard on yourself. Maybe after our dance we could find a place to rest, and possibly chat for a bit to?" She inquires curiously with the hope of being able to have a nice long conversation with one of her kin for once this week.​
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[Goliath to Shirin]

The crusader winked and took a swig from his mug. He reached for an empty mug nearby and placed it in the centre of the table and then drew a silver coin with the Kraken sigil of Calidar on one side and flipped it to reveal the side profile impression of the Queen. "Ok, so the game is called 'Queen's Court', the goal of the game is to bounce this coin off the table into the empty mug. When you get the coin in the mug, you may order one of the fellow players to take a drink."

Goliath grabbed his mug and took a drink of his mead, he then placed four cards from his pocket onto the table; one depicting a joker, one of a knight, and two queen cards. "While the regular game is fun and gets some unlucky souls weightless, Queen's Court is more fun with these cards." he smiled at Shirin before continuing to explain the game. "The joker is placed on the south side of the mug and if the coin lands on the joker during your turn; you drink." Goliath moved the queen cards to the east and west sides of the mug "If the coin lands on either queen, the player must ask another player a question, it can be a simple question like 'where is your hometown?', though, if the other player refuses to answer the question; they drink."

"Lastly, the knight is placed at the north side and if the coin lands on that card; you get to try again."

Sitting on the right side of Shirin, facing the mug, Goliath placed the coin between his thumb and index finger, so that the flat surface of the coin is exposed and bounced the coin off the table. The coin hit the rim of the mug and landed on the joker card, Goliath looked at Shirin with a grin, "Guess I'm out of practice" and took a drink.

"Your turn" Goliath placed the coin in front of Shirin...
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[Etherièl to Obsidian Nova]

"Thank you, Obsidian." she uttered, almost a whisper as she was overwhelmed by his reply. Her heart warmed at the statement, and bowed her head once more in respect before following her partner's gaze to the Moon. "Shall we fly?" she suggested as the Moon finally hit it's peak and its glow as bright as ever. The floor of the clearing seemed to some-what shine as the lake sparkled.

ooc: Crap reply, I'm sorry.
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[Shirin to Goliath]

The bright hazel eyes of the young mercenary widened as she watched Goliath set up the table, even pulling out four cards as if ready at any moment's time to play, and explaining the game to her. Briefly, she had wondered if her brother had picked this up while living down in Calidar and that she would have to ask him if he and his friends ever played while telling stories of war and glory. Her face softened briefly before her mind once more focused back on Goliath as he flicked the coin into the mug, watching the silver piece land on the Joker card in front of her.

The warrior's grin before her made Shirin grin as well, natural as ever as she watched him drink heartily. Then, as his hand uncovered the coin before her crossed arms, she looked down at it curiously, pondering. Her hand unraveled itself from the crook of her other elbow, her long fingers picking up the silver delicately as she allowed her skin to feel the indention of the queen and then the sigil on the other side. "Huh, I never really noticed Calidar coins. Quite interesting." A blush. Then, she focused on the task at hand, her face twisting into a look of sheer determination.

"Right, let's see just how terrible at this I am." Taking the coin like she had watched Goliath, Shirin leaned forward and aimed before putting forced behind it, bouncing it from the table. Unfortunately, she didn't put enough force into it, and the coin landed on the Knight card. "That means I get to try again, right?"

Taking the coin again, Shirin focused on the mug, picturing the coin bouncing straight in. Her blonde brow furrowed, her hazel eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. Then, with a light clink sound, the coin was bounced again. And again, it did not land in the mug. Instead, it bounced from the left side of the rim and landed on a Queen card. Her brow furrowed more before rising with a thought. "Wait, does that mean I get to ask you a question? Or do you ask me one?"
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[Goliath to Shirin]

Goliath smiled at the shieldmaiden in moonlight. "I believe you asked the best question possible" Goliath remembered back to a time when he was first introduced to the game among other soldiers and asked the very same question, a fond memory. "I actually asked the same question the first time I played " he laughed "When the coin lands on a queen, the person who bounced the coin asks a question to another player" he smiled again and can start to feel the mead ease in to him.

The crusader felt in his element, the coals within starting to heat; he felt alive. Goliath didn't think anything could ruin such a great night. Now all he had to do was to get Shirin talking. Goliath grabbed the silver coin and sat up straight; focused. He pressed the coin lightly between his fingers and closed his left eye as he hit the coin against the table *tik*

*coin inside mug sounds*

Goliath could not repress a grin as he turned to Shirin. Shirin smiled and drank as the moonlight encased her hair and her colors stand vibrant by the fire of the festival.

At one moment Shirin had the coin, and then the coin was bouncing in the mug. Goliath turned to Shirin and moved in a little closer to her as he drank from his mug. The crusader moved his right hand at the coin and bounced it quickly off the table. It landed on a queen card.

"It's hard for me to imagine you as a mercenary in this setting" and grinned brushing some stray hair from his face before asking "Why did you become a mercenary?"
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[Zarketh to Aerarya]

Surprised and delighted by how little persuasion Aerarya had taken Zarketh followed her swiftly into the air. Around them other dragons started their climbs and Hezekiah's screech filled the air. Zarketh roared a response, the collective excitement and wonder of the gathered beings raising her spirits further. She turned to Aerarya, ready to start, but the hesitance in the other dragon's posture made her pause. How well had she learnt the flight only listening to Nova's instructions and not flying it herself? Zarketh didn't want to limit her own flight but neither did she want to leave Aerarya behind. Inspiration hit her and she congratulated herself on her own brilliance. Not stopping to ask for permission she began sending a constant stream of her thoughts to Aerarya. This way she could use Zarketh's experience and they could react to each other much more quickly. Happy that she'd solved that problem Zarketh shot upwards, pushing herself almost to the limits of her speed as she joined the climb.
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[Methuzar and Verebera]

For a moment Methuzar was entranced by her sound and her movements. The white of her scales made every colour around her shimmer against her hide and cast rippling rainbows down her body, the moonlight following her shape as if drawn to her pure beauty. Methuzar had a love for physical beauty, he could not draw his eyes from beautiful things. Her words finally breached through his reverie and he gave the deepest sigh of delight, stretching his wings wide to bank around her as she flew far more intricate circles around him.

It would be my deepest pleasure, dear Sister. That you would wish me to accompany you brings the warmest joy to my heart. He spoke truly, feeling his chest puff with happiness and he rumbled thunderously in gladness. He lead her into the dance, twisting into a slow upwards spiral and surging his massive wings down, the grass a hundred feet below being gusted and ripped at by the tornadoes he created with each wingbeat. These air currents billowed under Verebera's wings, giving her lift and ease to allow her to climb and dance in the sky without effort. It was a motion comparable to a Knight taking a Lady's hand and holding her waist to spin her gracefully across a ballroom, his steps perhaps looking cumbersome but that only accentuating the nobility and grace of his partner. That was generally what Methuzar did. He was brown and hulking and noble, but not graceful. He held back to accentuate and protect the beauty of others.

[Yennefer to Tara]

Yennefer loved dancing. It was a special thing that was done for special occasions and it held much nostalgic delight. Tara was an exceedingly good dancer and partnered Yennefer so well, she found herself whirling across the village centre with many people stopping to watch them and clap. The dance slowed a little when Tara spoke and Yennefer gave a warm expression to Tara's question.

"Oh, it is a delight to me. Such a warm way to raise a child. So many people to love and depend upon! I am glad Hakeem has so many powerful people to support him, he can be so stubborn when it comes to his own wellbeing." She huffed, obviously well acquainted with Hakeem's stubborness, but from the look of eager challenge in her expressions she had not been bowed by it.

[Hakeem to Merrik]

Hakeem managed to spare a moment to drag his eyes from his daughter and smile at Merrik, indeed like a man risen to heaven and back. Thamina was wide eyed and shy, her gaze unerring as she stared at Merrik and gripped the fabric of her fathers tunic. She curled a little into Hakeem's hold at first, Hakeem smiling down at her with heartbreaking warmth before leaning down to her ear and translating his Commander's words, his whispered voice full of a softness he'd never expressed before. Thamina blushed and her face slowly pulled into a beaming smile as her eyes flickered from Hakeem's face to Merriks before she buried her face in Hakeem's chest with a squeak. Hakeem chuckled, a low and comforting sound.

"Naila and Medea are, for certain. They missed tormenting me!" He grinned brightly before his expression softened. "I missed it as well.." As Hakeem spoke, Thamina slowly turned her head to peer at Merrik, her face still red, before she tugged herself up to her father's ear and whispered something in a high and slightly weak, breathy tone. Hakeem listened carefully, before grinning and turning back to Merrik. "She wishes to say she is enjoying herself, that she thanks you for the compliment and that ah-" He gave an awkward half-grin, scratching his beard until Thamina tugged on it herself and made an insistent sound. She obviously understood some of the common tongue. Hakeem chuckled again before continuing. "She asks that you look after me, as my friend, since all my Ladies are not there to do so."
[Shirin to Goliath]

Realizing that the question she had asked counted as her question to Goliath, Shirin blushed before giving a chuckle and a shrug. "Ah, least next time, I'll remember." She was feeling more relaxed, and her shoulders began to fall into place as she continued her time with the blonde warrior.

She had felt herself grin when the coin landed inside the mug for the first time, taking a hearty drink and feeling herself relax further as the mead slowly began to take hold. Looking down at her mug, she realized that it was nearly empty and paused to stand and grab two more mugs full of the savory drink. She could feel the joy of her dragon mixing with her own happiness, and the longer this continued, the more relaxed she would feel.

It would not escape her notice that the man she played this game with had scooted closer upon her coin landing in the mug. She felt her already blushing cheeks grow even warmer as she watched him take the coin and bounce it again, this time landing it on a queen card.

Then, he asked the question.

Her heart felt as though it would wretch itself from her chest. Her smile fell to a frown as her hands clasped her mug tightly, shoulders collapsing in on themselves. Taking a moment, Shirin took a good look at the man beside her, judging his integrity and honor. She knew deep down that Goliath was a man she could trust, and it wasn't as though her past was a secret to everyone. It simply was that she hated to speak of it. But, reading his face, Shirin knew that all he wanted was to get to know her. So, with a deep breath, she answered his question calmly.

"I was always good with a sword, from the time I could walk, I could wield a blade. But when I was still young, my father passed, leaving me only with my older brother. We did not want to continue to live our lives in a town where we had lost so much already, so I proposed we put our skills to good use. After our first run-in with the kind of men who would pay for us to kill, I decided we move north and make ourselves hireable to those who truly needed it. I knew of nothing else I could do."

She gave a sigh before shrugging off the weight of her burden and taking a drink. "I may have answered your question, but I need this one."

Their mugs emptied before another coin landed on a queen card. By the time Shirin managed to land her coin on a queen, she had already had a couple of drinks from her own mug, and when she saw the silver piece fall upon the card, she gave Goliath a smile. "So, crusader...did you ever desire to do something other than fight?"
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[Goliath to Shirin]

Noticing that the question Goliath had asked had effected Shirin's smile, the blonde crusader drank deep as Shirin answered. He felt like he had crossed some kind of line that he should have avoided, he assumed she enjoyed doing mercenary work at first, but now he knows so much more about the woman sitting close beside him; and listened intently.

Shirin followed with her question and Goliath thought deeply with a smirk "I really like mosaics and the process of making them." He looked at his hands remembering "Once when I was a child I visited a temple and there was a artisan who showed me the basics, he even let me add a couple pieces to the piece he was working on, the mosaic was of a great ship coming back from a bountiful exploration across the sea... Perhaps one day when the forces of Ogual are gone, I'll no longer have the need to fight."

"Maybe start a family"

Goliath tossed the silver coin lightly against the table and the coin bounced off of the rim of the mug onto the Joker card "I guess it's my lucky day" he laughed and looks into his mug to find that there was no more mead in it. Goliath then stood up, but stood up too fast and stumbled towards Shirin. Luckily the crusader recovered on Shirin's chair before causing an accident he would regret. Blushing furiously, Goliath coughed casually into his hand and composed himself, "It appears I lost my sea legs!" and he went to grab two more mug of mead before turning back and asked Shirin
"Would you like another?"

When Goliath grabbed the mugs he got a glimpse of several of the other dragon tamers having conversations and moments of laughter, he noted Merrik and Hakeem talking and he even saw Asa at one of the refreshment tables nearby enjoying the food. The crusader sat down in his chair and set the fresh mugs of mead on the table and looked into the warrior's hazel eyes dancing in the fire. He drank heartily and felt liquid courage warm his stomach as he awaited for Shirin to make her move.
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Sairantha Rinien; The Festival, #a453dd
[Saira to Hakeem and Merrik]
Sairantha watched Merrik's gaze wander, and followed his line of sight to where she spotted Hakeem, who was carrying a young girl in her arms. She hadn't known Hakeem had children, and a family, before they had arrived at the festival. It seemed a somewhat foolish assumption to make, that what she hadn't seen didn't exist. Soon, Merrik said something about going and greeting the family, and Saira found herself following him towards Hakeem and his daughter. Perhaps introductions could redeem her from her assumptions.

The young girl looked rather fragile, somewhat weak, but she looked positively delighted with the scene around her. Merrik approached the two and quickly jumped into conversation, dipping into a silly bow for the child's sake, while Saira smiled but didn't speak, instead watching the girl- Thamina- react shyly while Hakeem translated for her. Something about her reminded her of her own sister, perhaps in the way she held herself, or maybe the look in her eyes.

Then she allowed herself a laugh. "Rest assured, little one, your father is with many friends, and we will watch each other's backs." she said, pausing to give Hakeem a chance to translate whatever Thamina couldn't for herself. "My name is Sairantha, another.. comrade, of your fathers." She wasn't quite sure what to title their relationship, having never really spoken to Hakeem- but there is always time for firsts.

Aerarya; Flight, #b4e6e7
[Aerarya to Zarketh]
Aerarya climbed up into the sky alongside Zarketh, picking up speed to keep up as she sorted through the stream of thoughts the other drake sent as they began the smooth movements through the air. She followed Zarketh's movements and thoughts, occasionally sending her partner a few thoughts of her own, directing their movements as well. The inexperienced Aerarya caused their flight to begin rocky and stumbling, but as she adapted it steadied and they began to fly rhythmically, albeit with speed.

They began to twist in the air and glide on the gentle currents, their wing beats stirring up the air as they flew. They'd picked a spot a small ways away from the others, so they wouldn't collide and disrupt their siblings, and thus were free to move as fast as they liked, almost in the competitive way they used to, albeit more controlled. The coordinated patterns they made in the skies filled Aerarya with joy, and the cool wind against her scales.

She sent another mental 'thank-you' to Zarketh, truly grateful for her friend that night.
[Merrik to Hakeem and Saira]

Another kind smile appeared on Merrik's lips as he listened to his friend say what his small child could not. Merrik truthfully hadn't considered the child speaking in a different tongue, he felt ignorant and he made a mental note then to have Hakeem teach him the language of his people, that he might be more cultured in the Galdian people.

He spoke to the small child once more, looking to Hakeem to translate. "Beautiful Thamina, I promise you, 'till my last breath be drawn, that I will protect your father. I will do everything in my power to ensure he will always come home to you and shower you with gifts and affection. I honor and respect your father and I'll do this, not just for you, but of my own accord, for he is a man worth protecting. As are all of my comrades." He cast Saira a glace and a look of truth. It didn't take him until that night to know he honored his fellow tamers enough to give his life to them, he knew this very quickly. But it did take him until tonight to relax enough to ever speak about it. He would pledge himself to each tamer, individually, before the war, this was certain. He would promise them his protection, his life, for they deserved it in their sacrifice, in their bravery, in their strength.
[Shirin to Goliath]

Watching as Goliath's eyes gazed into the distance for a brief moment, Shirin found herself smiling at the depth of his thought process before he answered her question. "Mosaics? I fear I have never seen such a thing." She listened intently, through the alcohol, to his story of how he came to love the art, and though she had never actually seen what a mosaic looked like, she found herself trying to picture it. An image put together by individual pieces...she would have to see one of these things some day. "Indeed, and I hope that day does come for us. Perhaps then, I can see what a mosaic looks like."

She was taken aback by his next statement, and her cheeks flushed slightly. But then, she pondered over it and nodded in agreement. "That would be a wondrous thing, indeed..."

The young warrior watched as the coin fell upon the Joker card and grinned at Goliath, even chuckling at him when he realized he had no more mead. Upon his rising to grab more, the blonde man fell towards her, and Shirin found herself rising slightly, glad that her full weight had not been pulled from the chair as he landed upon it. Her cheeks warmed again, and she noticed how close he had been to her. Why, she wondered through her warm stupor, was she acting this way?

Nodding towards Goliath, Shirin smiled again. "Yes, that would be grand."

She bounced the coin, listening to it plink into the mug at the center. Another grin grew across her lips as she watched her new friend drink once more a hearty swallow. His eyes reminded her briefly of Byriarti, dancing with a fire that could not be squelched, shimmering brightly against the contrast of the white scar on his cheek.

The moments ticked by with each plink of the coin. More and more, each tamer was able to get the coin in the mug. Finally, though, Shirin's coin landed upon the Queen card, and she smiled again at the man before her. "Would you like to fly with me some time? Perhaps later this week." She felt it a good question. It was easy to answer, even with the alcohol getting in the way, and it would grant them more time after the festival.
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[Goliath to Shirin]

The blonde soldier started to really feel the effects of the drinking game and was peaking with excitement with the great conversations he was having with Shirin. Moments during the game he would get lost looking at her face and forget about his turn. Upon the words "fly with me sometime", Goliath smiled and moved his chair close to Shirin's chair so the chairs were practically touching "Whether we're flying, sparring, or drinking, any time with a woman like you would be time well spent" smiling again and leaning close "I would be honored to fly with you".

Leaning back and laughing Goliath relaxed, watching Shirin's response as her flaxen hair was blown across her face. Responding quickly the man from the south brushed her hair from her face and moved the strands past her left ear. Still staring into her eyes, Goliath picked up the coin and without looking, bounced the coin off the table. The coin plink-ed off the rim of the mug and Goliath followed Shirin's eyes to the queen card the coin landed on.

The festival was still roaring with excitement, but the majority of the people at the festival started to gear down and move towards the tables as many of the musicians left their positions for a small interlude before the final songs.

Still looking at Shirin intently, Goliath asked "Would you like to go for a walk among the stars?" and the blonde haired soldier extended his right hand towards the mercenary. The extremely beautiful mercenary who has had nearly as much mead as he has...
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'Kalona...' The deep sea dragon nudged at her tamer's arm. 'Kalooooooooona!' her thoughts internally screaming, with no luck to wake her tamer. She let out a low grumble, 'Aha! I know.' Her body wriggled low to the ground, bringing her snout right up to Kalona's face. Her neck pulled back as she took a deep breath, pressing her lips together. With a quick release, a small stream of water jet out of her mouth.

"Ack! What the fu- Ugh, why am I wet?! Is it raining? Are the ceilings leaking? Did I fuckin' wet the bed aga-" Kalona's body stopped writhing when she realized she had come face to face with her dragon. Her brows furrowed. "What do you want..."

'Oh, Kalona! You were sleeping again! I was waiting so patiently, but...the dance. Kalona please, get up, you need to join the tamers. And I just can't wait to join my friends!'
Her body twirled excitedly as she let out a thrilled coo.

"Oh shit, it's that time already!" She shot up from the bed and hurried herself to get ready. "I guess I'm going for the...casually late look."

'Don't you always?'
Lyre teased.

Kalona stuck out her tongue, wriggling it at her dragon as she made her way to her closet. She pulled out a beautiful black dress with a sheer long-sleeved top decorated with intricate gold needlework. It was a gift she received from her friend Barnabas a few years ago, though she hadn't found the time to wear it until now. She slipped into the dress and placed upon her hair a headpiece her mother had given her.

'Oh wow...Kalona, you're...' Lyre wasn't used to seeing her tamer in such elegant clothing. The past few weeks, her tamer had been so busy with training, her appearance was very unkempt.

"Oh please Lyre, as if I don't already know," she smiled teasingly. "Alright, now off you go! Shoo!"

Lyre pounced out the door, playfully galloping towards the mana pool to join the rest of her dragon brethren. 'Enjoy your night, Kalona.'

'Oh, I plan on doing so,' she slyly mentioned to her dragon.

'Hey, don't be getting any ideas! You're mine, and mine only.'

'Don't be so jealous, Lyre. You can't always have me all to yourself.'
Kalona was still trying to get used to his whole...bonding thing. Never had she had to dedicate herself to another, wholly. She was used to sharing herself, no strings attached. So the feelings of jealousy were foreign to her. 'But I'll try and respect your wishes, my love. We will meet again tonight. Enjoy your dance in the skies, dragon.'

[Kalona and the festival]
Kalona arrived late to the Meltha festival, finding her way into the townsquare where people were happily dancing and feasting on the hog, fowl, and other assortment of foods.

She let out a sigh as she noticed many of her fellow tamers were already preoccupied, Yennefer and Tara had been in a dance, Goliath and Shirin were playing a drinking game. Her eyes latched on to Hakeem, and for a moment, she was going to approach him. But then, she noticed the tiniest of flowers dancing at his feet. "Must be his daughter...," she smiled. "How lovely."

Her stomach let out a low growl, her hand immediately placed on top of it. "Oh dear, if I'm going to be drinking...I might as well fill my belly first." Kalona made her way to the long table, grabbing a bit of hog here, some heaps of vegetables and greens there. Maybe a few desserts in-between. Oh, there were so many options to choose from and everything looked so delicious! By the time Kalona reached the end of the table, she had two huge plates of food.

Her eyes set out for a spot to sit, and naturally, they set on the bar. "Perfect." She pulled a chair up and plopped herself down, delving into the food immediately.

This was the first time any of them had any contact with the outside world since their training started. She had to be careful with her words as to not slip the secret of their order, which meant she had to watch her alcohol consumption tonight. But oooooh, the temptation was there. And to be frank, she couldn't resist. The beautiful liquid gold sparkled before her, rows upon rows bottled up in preparation for the consumption of the festivity.

There was an internal struggle, fighting back and forth. And by internal struggle, her own voice and the voice of Lyre babbled in her mind. 'Don't drink. Drink! DON'T DRINK. DRINK!' Sadly, the struggle lasted only a moment and shortly, her arm shot in the air.

"Bring me some of that delicious mead!"

[Lyre and the flight]
'Errrrrgh, Kalona. So irresponsible,' she shook her head. 'You better be careful. I don't want to babysit you all night, I want to enjoy the night too, you know.'

Eventually Lyre made it to the mana pool, the thoughts of her tamer faded out of her mind as the distance between them was too great.

Many of her brethren were already up on the skies, wings spread wide as they twirled and spun around one another. The moonlight shone through their wings, each one emitting a color unique to their own.

Lyre transitioned into a quick run, her body low to the ground just before throwing herself into the air to join the others. Like water, she wove between the pairs of dragons, fluidly and effortlessly. Her song filled the sky, soft and beautiful hums fluttered through the cool night. Up and up she flew, until there were no others as high as she. None, other than Hezekiah. She gave him a respectful bow, and then joined him in twirling through the clouds, her body collecting the cool droplets that floated within them. It made her feel at home, as if the clouds in the sky were like the waters in the sea.

Hezekiah's screech startled her a bit, then momentarily realized he was responding to the wolves. She gave an excited shrill, chiming along in the song of the wolves.
[Shirin to Goliath]

Shirin's blush deepened until the young warrior had felt the effects would be permanent, and she took yet another drink from what now might have been her fourth mug. Somehow, somewhere along the way, she had lost count. And these mugs were not tiny by any means. She gave a startled, slightly drunk giggle ending with a small hic. The effects of the alcohol were finally beginning to take their toll.
As her damned hair flew into her face, she wondered why it seemed that she was never able to put it up properly. The breeze was soothing against her hot face, but that strand of hair made her grumble, if only just barely before it was swiped away by the hand of the warrior beside her.

Her brows rose high above her hazel eyes in response to his quick reaction, and her face heated again. Were she without drink, she would have wriggled nervously and full of odd discomfort. Then again, were she without drink, she would have never asked Goliath to fly with her. But this is Shirin, the polite young warrior who only asked someone to spend time with her if she had valuable questions to ask. In fact, thinking briefly on it, she remembered only asking one person to fly with her before. That was Merrik...or was it he who asked her? Her mind fell away to these thoughts. Thoughts of Merrik and his emerald eyes and dark hair...thoughts of Byriarti and his brilliant scales and blue eyes...and then of Goliath, the man who seemed to push all of the right buttons and just enough of the wrong ones. With blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes and the scars that made her feel welcome to share her own, the warrior knew that this was a man she could relate to at almost all times in almost all decisions. Or perhaps that was the drink talking.

Her eyes flicked to his hand as he tossed the coin on the table, watching as it bounced from the rim to land on the Queen card. Slowly, she looked back at Goliath, seeing how his brilliant blue eyes blazed with intensity as he asked her to walk with him away from the party. She blinked a moment, her thoughts a jumble of both doubt and excitement, mixed with a large amound of mead. She knew deep down that this night was going to change how she would see herself, particularly if she chose to walk with him, and that this particular question would lead to her opening herself to him, allowing him to see her scars. But would that be such a bad thing? Would it be bad to tell another the terrible deeds she has done and all the things she has lost? She could know him as much as he knew her...or at least as much as the mead allowed. The full effects of the drink, after all, had not quite hit her yet. And one more look into the man's beautiful blue eyes made her decision for her.

Taking his hand, Shirin downed the remainder of her mead and nodded to him. "Aye, warrior. I would love to spend the few remaining moments of our night of freedom beneath the stars with you." Shooting out of her chair fast enough she nearly knocked it back, she felt herself fall forward, a streak of dizziness quelling her senses for a brief moment. Perhaps she had a little too much? Nay, never could a warrior have too much mead.
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[Goliath to Shirin]

Goliath motioned to catch the shieldmaiden as she moved forward, his leg banged against his chair and it had a graceful fall with a sound only wood on grass could make. Her hands are cold to the touch, hands built from survival and swords.

The crusader let go of Shirin's hand and picked up the chair, he motioned for his mug and finished the final swirl at the bottom. Grabbing his coin and cards he caught eyes with Hakeem and flashed him a friendly grin before turning back to the mercenary. Grabbing her hand and grinning, Goliath thought openly; She's trouble.

Goliath moved and swayed as he stumbled slightly in the table. They ventured towards the edge of town without speaking a word as they listened to the music streaming from the festival behind. The crusader was about to say something he found witty to the beautiful woman still holding his hand, but Goliath got interrupted by the sensations from Hezekiah and his flight through the night.

[Hezekiah to Lyre]

LYRE, Hezekiah searched his mind for any time they have shared a moment and was ashamed he could not think of one. Majestic and pure as a cool breeze she flew beside him as they spun and turned in the night above the others. Hezekiah felt water droplets graze against his iron scales as the dragons crossed through the remaining light cast by the moon. Hezekiah led them both into a dive over a deep cut in the earth with large boulders cast across the gap, some covered in mossy overgrowth or protruding from the earth. Swiftly moving himself between the rock and Lyre, Hezekiah glided with a focused mind. He needed to gain the substantial speed to spend the new found energy flying with the sea dragon.

<Lyre, you fly impressively, I'm glad to be sharing the night with one as elegant as you>
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[Lyre and Hezekiah]
Lyre dove with him into the crack of the earth, the flickering of moonlight danced across their bodies. 'Trying to impress me, Hezekiah?' she winked as he made his way between her and the rock. Suddenly, the fin along her head flattened, and with her wings tucked close to her body she shot straight through the crevice. 'Are you sure you can keep up with the speed of rushing waters?' she teased.

Like arrows gliding through the air, the two flew through the crevice until suddenly stopping as the crack opened up revealing a cavern filled with water. A gaping waterfall hole from above served as the only opening, with the moon shining down on the water below. Moss hung from the earthen ceiling, connected to roots protruding from the surface. The small pool was clearer than the seas, for the rocks could be seen at the bottom.

'Beautiful, isn't it?'

She spun around and looked to him. 'Don't be so modest. You see...' Lyre flew in circles around Hezekiah, spinning as he spun with her and never breaking eye contact. 'We are very complementary, did you know? You are the iron dragon, metal. Strong and hard, the yang. Metal is nurturing and a supporter to his counterpart, water. Now water...' she giggled. 'Water is soft, yin. She is metal's energy, his power, his strength.'

She stopped the dance, the two floating in mid air as their wings wove effortlessly to keep them suspended. 'Though your comment is charming, you forget, my elegance would be naught without you, my counterpart. Not nearly as impressive without your presence.'

She playfully smacked him with the fin of her tail before spinning around and diving into the water. She tucked her wings close and spun through the water, enjoying the way it felt against her body. She felt like she could breathe, fully, feeling the water regenerate her liveliness. She turned upward, thrusting herself out of the water and towards the waterfall opening. Droplets of water sparkled as they fell from her body, returning to the pool below.

'Thank you for the wonderful evening, Hezekiah, even if it was short lived,' and with that, she disappeared through the waterfall hole and made her way back to the stalls, eager to reunite with her Kalona.

[it is 1:40 am and my brain is huring. I'm sorry if this sounds at all weird XD]
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Asa watched the others go about their business silently as she nibbled on some cake that she found on the buffet table beside her. Taking a sip from her cup, filled with just plain pristine water, her gaze swept over the other party goers. Then something caught her eye, a group of men whom looked to be around her age were talking among themselves, but were giving her side glances. She rose a brow quite perplexed at their shadowy whispers, and one of them was foolish enough to look in her direction. Locking eye contact Asa narrowed her eyes at them, a indicator that she knew they were glancing at her, and the individual whom had her eye quickly averted their gaze. It was clear he told the others that she had finally noticed their antics, and as a result the other three men looked in her direction. One of which looked away and scratched the back of his neck looking nervous, and a man to the far right simple grinned at her. Asa rolled her eyes and shifted her body to face away from them, and she looked up at the sky to keep her attention else where. It was clear by her body language she did not wish to have their attention nor speak with them. Unfortunately they did not get that message for two of the men dressed in their finest attire began to approach her. She could hear the soles of their shoes click against the cobblestone paved path and come to a halt as they finally stood beside her. At this point it would seem rude to further ignore them, so Asa politely looked to them both and gave them a polite smile and nod to say hello. The first man was taller than the other, and had scruffy short brown hair. He decided to lean against the table right to her left, while the other boy stood slightly in front of her. The second man was blonde, his hair wavy and slightly longer than his friend. He was also shorter.

"Hey, are you enjoying the party so far? It was nice of Merrik to bring some of his friends along this time." The taller man said to her in a very husky but polite manner, however Asa nostrils flared at the strong scent of alcohol the two men wreaked of. Keeping a poised expression she simply smiled again and nodded. It was difficult to socialize when she couldn't speak, but she was going to try her best. Perhaps it would make Verebera happy. The brown haired young man reached behind him to pick up an apple to bite into. After chewing and swallowing the apple he continued speaking to Asa. "My name is Erikal, and this is my friend Garred. If I may be so bold, but what's a pretty woman like yourself doing over here all alone? Surely you have someone escorting you?" The man, Erikal, inquired curiously. Of course the comment caused Asa's cheeks to flare a bright pink but she knew just exactly they were doing. Frankly she wasn't interested. She had more important things to worry about over dating after all. Asa simply shrugged her shoulders and pointed to Yenn who was dancing with Tara.

"You came with those two?" The man asked, now he was perplexed himself at the fact that she hadn't said a word to either of them. Asa could tell by his furrowed eyebrows that he was starting to get frustrated. The other, Garred, exchanged glances

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[Falor to Yennifer]

Finally, he met a nice, young girl who showed Falor around the festival, it was indeed quite the sight to behold, the food was most delicious, and the dancing, "Oh! The dancing!" She would always say. She must have loved to dance, for eventually helping an old man walk the street became boring for her, considering the little to no words ever spoken to her from him, he couldn't really tell if that was reserved, or just plain creepy, nonetheless, she winked at the man, gave a kind smile, and ran off to do the dancing that she wanted....

After what seemed like an hour of wandering, Falor finally fell upon a familiar face, Yennifer, that's good, she's also with Tara, also good, he didn't want to be here forever at a festival alone? Especially with a bunch of strangers eating good food and dancing awesomely. He walked over to the two of them, deep in conversation, and waited until they noticed him and broke the conversation before politely asking Yennifer a question, "Excuse me, I don't mean to butt in and be rude, but about that family gift, what about it? Why the big deal? There's always a reason, I may not have been here for your answer, but I am now, so might as well have one good conversation tonight!"


Forest Garden - Friday - 3:00pm


Spring in Sylvis was something to be envied, this much was certain. The cool air that whispered about the meadow counteracted the warmth of the sun's rays, producing a beautiful afternoon for magick training. The tamers were standing around Merrik in a wide circle on the vast grassy field south of the center table. Behind each of them lay their respective dragons, each scaled drake at attention, though they'd be learning more from Obsidian Nova who himself sat at Merrik's side. The party had been at the meadow for about two months now and it was finally time to give them the tools they needed to survive outside the meadow. This meant protecting their most sacred and powerful features: the bond, the mind, and the mana. Ogual was powerful and prior events with Asa and Verebera had further instilled Merrik's perceptions of the dark lord's power. Now, more than ever, was the time to teach the young tamers how to protect themselves from the invasive presence of the dark one.

"I sense, even after the festivities at Meltha, that some of you are growing stir-crazy in these old woods. Beyond that, we can only do so much from the boundaries of these lands in a war that has yet to reach them. You all hold a powerful set of tools which, if overtaken, would result in absolute devastation for mankind. Ogual has power beyond our knowledge: the only thing I can imagine making that power worse is him having a dragon to leech mana from directly, or worse, a tamer and a dragon to manipulate. I do not know if it is within his power to claim your minds or your bonds but I will not risk it, for I do know he can enter your minds and drive you to act in ways beneficial to him. Today, you learn to protect yourselves from this invasion, the mana is there, the method is simple, but the mastery is something you'll all have to work on for yourselves. Think of this ability as a muscle, the more you use it and practice it, the stronger and more durable it'll become. The best way to test this ability is through the use of your dragon: if you can keep your dragon away from even one single thought within your mind, you're more than half-way there. Keep your dragon out of your consciousness for a moment and you've attained the ability needed to keep even the most skilled invading entities. The trick is keeping them out for extended periods of time. Now, I won't say anything more, for I want you all to give this a try on your own, see what you think is the way to seal your mind off. Sometimes the strongest mana comes from the uniqueness of the human mind."

Giving the group one last reassuring look, he nodded for them to commence and waited, Obsidian Nova's curiosity and amusement already becoming apparent. "This, should be good. Watching a human try and block out half their soul is one of the best things I've seen in my time. Do you remember your own attempts when you first learned defensive mana? The expression you had was nea-"

"Yes, Nova. I remember quite well. Now hush, let's see what they can do." The massive black drake chuffed out a slender plume of black smoke in protest at his being 'shushed'. Merrik simply smirked and returned his attention to the tamers. His eyes fell specifically on Rashi'ik, one who had had less than a week of experience with mana use. While he'd understood the control of the mana at a basic level easily enough, Merrik still worried. Luckily, Nova had spoken with Mandragor prior to the arrival of the swamp-dweller and explained simple but effective techniques to add extra protection to his life-giving mana stores, ensuring the olive drake would not lose its life to a mistake in the next few weeks.
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