Return of the Dragon Tamers: The Plague of Ogual [CHARACTER SHEET STORAGE]

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Please note that this signup thread was last used most actively about a year and a half ago. Please ignore the current collection of messages and the CSs that are plastered throughout. I will be creating a list of all CURRENT Cs's for your reference. Much has changed since the time of this signup, so do not hesitate to ask about things that you don't like or want clarified because they may well have changed by now!

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Note: I'm still trying to establish myself on this site so bear with me!

Return of the Dragon Tamers

The Plague of Ogual
The time has come for the dragons and the humans to join forces once again...

There is a dark plague spreading across the lands; tainting the minds of man and beast alike, making them rabid and feral. The plague could only be the work of one: Ogual, a dark, evil man bent on using dragons for destruction rather than protection. For thousands of years he lay in hiding but now, years later, during a major shift in civilization he has finally chosen to strike. The world will fall to him if no one steps up to defend it.

The descendant of the Dragon Lords of old was summoned when he turned 5 years old. His parents took him deep into the basements of their family estate and where he met the oracle. Though he looked like nothing more than an old, travelled man, he had great wisdoms of the higher events converging on the world. It was that night, so long ago that Merrik recieved a black egg, the size of a football. He was told to protect the egg for a year and to talk to it and become friends with it for when it hatched he would greet a life long friend, and through the conversations shared while in its egg, the drake would hatch knowing all there was to know about him.

Together they would train and grow, sharpening their minds and physical abilities for in 20 years the oracle would return to set them with a task that would change the world.

20 years later.
Merrik stood in the dusty underground chamber he first visited as a child. His dragon stood at his side, neck craned over to fit in the human sized room. He was a majestic, massive beast, standing an impressive 18 feet tall, with a wingspan of 30 Ft. The two waited patiently for the witching hour to arrive. At the moment it did; an orb of green light appeared in the center of the room, from it an old man appeared; the oracle.

Merrik bowed his head in respect for the man, Obsidian Nova doing the same. "Oracle, you have returned, what is my task?"

"Young Merrik, and Obsidian Nova, the time has come for you to fulfill your destiny. The world is falling into shadows and a great plague sweeps the lands. It is time for the dragon tamers to rise again, the dragons must return to these lands. You will find these people; their destinies already in motion, and bring them together with their dragons. The eggs I will give you today are due to hatch in a few hours; raise them to adulthood and prepare them to bond. With this new order of Tamers you will combat the great plague and eventually Ogual himself. Do no fail, for this planet will fall to darkness if you do."

With that he disappeared. A strange chill rushed over Merrik and he suddenly knew felt a rush of purpose flow through him, it was like all his questions had been answered and he knew what needed to be done. He would not fail.


2 years later.
The time had come. Merrik had gather a group of people to become dragon tamers; he did not know what led him to choose them, but he instincts told him he had chosen correctly. They were now in a large coliseum in the woods on his estate. The recruits stood in the center, staring at the large doors that lined the walls. The eggs that Merrik had received two years ago were now hatched, young dragons. Together with Obsidian Nova, he had taught them ho to fly, how to breath fire, and the basics behind bonding. Today was the day they would choose their tamers. The question was: would the tamers be able to gain the trust of the dragons? It would not be easy as the dragons would test them; establish their worthiness both physically and mentally. He hope deeply he had chosen correctly, if even one dragon did not bond it would be at risk for being affected by the plague... and a rabid dragon was NOT a force to be reckoned with.

"Well, here we go. IS EVERYONE READY?" He shouted down from his place on Obsidian Nova's back, high in the air above the coliseum. "I'm releasing the dragons; be swift, be sure, and be sincere. Now on your guard!"

Welcome to Illos.

The great continent of Illos is known well across the world as the land of origins; it is believed to be the spawning grounds of all life. As the great lands of old began to shift, all other continents broke off and drifted away from Illos, but the great land mass did not move; it was as if it was anchored by some invisible, powerful hold.

Vast geographical diversity allowed for many creatures to thrive and evolve. Filled with usual creatures, the powerful hoofed steeds, the howling canines and stealthy cats, but there is a magic in this land that fuelled the evolution of colonies of unusual creatures not found in the rest of the world. Great winged drakes, charcoal souled humanoids, clashes of species offering wings and paws to their offspring. Yes, Illos is an enchanting land indeed, filled with wonder and spectacles beyond one's imagination, but with great magic comes great evil sulking in the shadows, tailing the progression of the land. These shadows now grow stronger, and a great evil rears in preparation to strike.

Sylvis was once the land of the high elves of the old days. Many millennia ago the fleet footed humanoids wove magic into the young forest with their eerie songs, ghostly wisps of this old magic still dances across the thick-wooded landscape. The great Bohdra mountain range worked as a divider from the rest of civilization, leaving the elves to manipulate the land in whatever way they chose. There is a mysterious island off the western coast that, on nights when the colors of the north dance about the skies, has been said to provide illusions to any weary travellers journeying along the coast. There is a small town nestled in to southern edge of the rolling hills named for the eerie melodic projections that can be heard from the deep woods of the island. Song Town has birthed many philosophers and adventurers who seek to truth behind the mysterious island dubbed Origin, none have succeeded and so the great wonder lives on.

Within the ancient mountains that separate this great country lies the Lunate Monastery. It's monks have devoted their lives to studying the ancient teaching and writings of the elves. Their halls contain ancient script held in secret from the eyes and minds of outsiders. But they have always provided refuge and aid to those involved in The Path.

As the lands began to darken under the whispers of a great evil sweeping the land, myth and legend and lore soon became a reality as a great evil lord took hold of the once great city of Kuhl. A shroud of evil and illness hovers about the eastern edge of Sylvis, but with each cycle of the moon, that shroud thickens and stirs, drawing ever nearer its urge to drown the land in its darkness.

To the south, in the shallow shores of the great sea, lay a cluster of islands no longer traversed by man. There are tales of witchery and trick magic filling the grassy plains of the Forgotten Islands and the rumours of an old tribe of dark magic users strike enough fear into potential visitors that their geography has long since been forgotten. Only a few brave travellers from the town of Deltan are said to know the ways about these eerie lands.

In the thick of the great Ancient Woods lies a grand estate, once built by a philosopher and adventurer named Merrikhai Tetra. Few enter the thick woods of eastern Syvlis as many have been known to enter without return or to wander for months before finding themselves in the very place they entered. Elven magic still lingers in the trees that cover these grounds; it is legend that the Tetra family descended from the ancient elven house of Tereltra Kuvana and that they family never left the lands, but instead, many years ago, a son, positioned as heir to the house, fell in love with a human woman. By offering his heart and soul to the maiden, he gave up his magic and immortality. They lived a long and fulfilled life, bearing many children. Nearly 20 generations later, the birth of Merrikhai was announced. The first great dragonlord spent the entirety of his life expanding his mind and skills and developing a safe haven for the great drakes, along with Cosmaur Sarpe, the king of the nightmares whom he met on a journey to ponder a distant illness he felt within the air in the Bohdra Mountains.


Since the formation of these lands the northern edge of Galidus has been frozen in an everlasting freeze. It is this everlasting winter that bestowed the country's name. The icy mountain range in the frozen region harbours a deep, unexplored cave, unreachable on foot. Legends say there are great hordes of treasure, stored by the beasts that lie deep within the gemstone caves. Across the vast valley that separates the peaks lies the sister monastery to the Temple of the Moon in the southern Bohdra Mountains of Calidar.
Vast plains clothe the mid and southern regions of Galidus, where winds and large tornado storms sweep the grassy lands all the year round in effect of the warm air sweeping down off the moutains in the west and colliding with the cool air drifting off the lakes. Nomad settlements dapple the landscape, offering rest and refuge to less experienced travellers trekking across the great prairie.
On the southern boarder lies the largest trade post in all of Illos, offering a treaty of exchange between two once feuding countries in the days when war cloaked the lands. To the north, there is a dead zone of land, once thriving and vibrant, surrounding the now fallen city of Otamur. A great king once sat at the throne, ruling over the country until the dark lord swept in with a dark plague. The once majestic lands quickly dissolved under the toxic magicks, the proud herds of stallions who offered their aid to the king and his men fell rabid and could no longer be controlled or of any assistance in the fight against the dark lord. Without a mere steed to aid in the fight, the king's army stood no chance on foot and quickly fell to Ogual's crooked hand. None but the bravest trek into those lands anymore, even the nearby villages and towns have grown desolate and empty as the citizens each packed up their lives and set on their way to escape the vile air that thickened in their lungs and took their children's young lives. Many were overcome by the evil illness and became shells of men, no more than mindless, vicious beasts who stalk the land and prey on anything with blood flowing through its veins, be it beast of the land or air or a loved one, now forgotten.
Far in the south, in the warm water bay that lay nestled between countries, lays an island, once greatly known and respected by all. It was the resting place for the dragons and their tamers of old. Utilized after long journeys across the vast oceans, the piece of land was honoured for it symbolized the return of the protectors the Illos. At one time, a portion of the Kuva Tribe took homage on the island and appointed themselves servants of the Order. They build a great resting place and stalked the island with herds of beasts as prey for the scaled kings. It's meadows once smelled of the scent of a thousand rare flowers and the sap of ancient trees sparkled like precious stones with each new sunrise. But as the days changed and the time of the tamers passed, the island slowly lost its aura of greatness, and the Kuva Tribe recalled their positions as less and less traffic fell upon the resting place. Now, there are but mere ruins of the ancient resting place; though the structural beauty will forever lie in sleep, there to be looked upon any who wish to wade through the waters of the bay and climb the cliffs to experience the ghostly memories of a proud, noble time.


The warmest of the three countries, Calidar's thick wooded forests are humid and filled with life. Most untouched by the effects of the dark lord, one could pretend there was no danger filling the land, for all seems well and untouched. The third precious monastery of Illos lies within the treacherous peaks of the southern Bohdra Mountain Range. Down the slopes and to the east, lies a peaceful town on the edge of Mystic Lake. Those who get the chance to visit this dear settlement will leave with the most awe-inspiring memories, for the people of Mystic Lake Town have chosen to return to the past, building their halls in the image of the elven lords of the northern forest. They do not consume flesh, for this would be considered an insult to the great creator, but they keep vast herds of magical beasts as companions and guardians of the pristine lake. For the lake itself in a pool of strong magical essence. It is thought that Mystic Lake is the anchor that kept the continent of Illos in its place while the rest of the world split off and journied away. Any who would step foot in these waters would struggle to argue with this old tale for there is magic to be felt all about the tides.

The island to the south is the homeland of the ancient Kuva Tribe which still flourishes to this day. They are keepers of the old ways, holders of secrets long since forgotten by the new world, and guardians of the Silent Mountains. Lore tells that it is to these peaks, that the dragons of old would journey to when their time had come to an end. It is the burial place of the tamers and their draconic counterparts, and is considered by many to be the most sacred land, most highly offended by those who do not have a sliver of respect in their hearts. The Kuva Tribe have zero tolerance for trespassers, and only the most highly worthy may enter onto the sacred island. Within the Silent Mountains, lie the graves of each member of the ancient Order. And they shall not be disturbed by man, or time, or fate. Each year on the Festival of Fire, people from all over the continent travel to the shores of Calidar, to the twin cities of Arinar and Freya, and release burning boats filled with offerings, to drift to the island in respect for the fallen protectors of Illos.

The Dragons

A detailed list of dragon species to choose from may be found here, on my roleplay information website:

Note: There is only one dragon of each species, therefore, first come first serve.
The following dragons have been claimed:
Black - Nightmare
Pewter - Lunar
Brown - Mountain
Pink - Regeneration
Orange - Solar
Gold - Intellect
Silver - Atmosphere
Blue - Deep Sea
Iron - Noble
Green - Forest
Pearl - Dream
Red - Inferno
Platinum - Arcane

Available Dragons:

Tan - Desert
Yellow - Lightning
Amethyst - Vanity
Rainbow - Jungle


  • 1.a. General
    1.b. Posting
    1.c. Absence/Inactivity
    1.d. Interactions
    1.e. Gameplay
    1.f. GMs

  • I don't have many rules and the ones I do have are basic and meant only to avoid conflict and unease in my roleplays.

    +No god-modding: This will get you warned and potentially removed from the roleplay if you choose to ignore my warnings
    +No "Perfect" Characters: None of us are gods, and even the gods have flaws so it wouldn't matter if we were. I expect your characters to be human. Mainly because they are human. They are not perfect tamers, they are not legends (yet), they are not gurus, they are not yoda's at swordplay. They are human. They may be good, but they'll never be perfect.
    +If you're unsure about details, ask me. If I find a post that goes completely against what's happening or is an attempt to create a new section of the RP that I haven't even heard of, I'll likely make you remove it.
    +This is not an open world roleplay. There is a plot. We will be focusing on said plot. We'll make it our own along the way, but this is certainly a Point A to Point B kinda thing, though we might visit a few other letters of the alphabet on the way.
    +No mutiny. I love you all dearly, don't betray me :3

    +Most importantly
    [rainbow]HAVE FUN. I love you all. [/rainbow]

  • +I expect at minimum of two well written paragraphs consisting of 6-10 sentences each. There is no limit on the other end of the spectrum.
    +I understand that grammar and spelling won't always be used perfectly, I myself, am victim to occasional over use of commas, and verb tense agreement, and a number of other grammatical vices, but I expect you to know whether you should be using "their", "there", or "they're".
    +I don't have a posting order because I understand that sometime people get into conversations with other players that would take weeks to finish if they always had to wait their turn to post. I'm going to assume you're all nice people and have fair judgement. "Leave no one behind!"

  • +I typically give a one week window for every one to get their posts in for a certain "scene" before we move on. I find it to be reasonable to assume that you all have enough time in one week to make a post.
    +If you're inactive for 3 weeks without any notification prior to said inactivity, it will be assumed that you've dropped this role play and your character will have a heroic death and will be greatly missed.
    +An informed hiatus, however is perfectly fine and as long as you tell me a general estimate of your time back, your spot will be saved, so long as you return when you said you were going to.

  • +I greatly encourage interactions between characters as well as relationship building. But please, and I mean please do not lock another player in an interaction with you and then disappear for 2 weeks. It's rude and it's no fun for the others.
    +That being said, I, as GM, give my players permission to use neutral statements on your character's behalf in the case of a character lock. "Neutral Statements" being things like "The two conversed for a while and then parted ways." or "She noticed his mind was elsewhere and she decided it was time to take her leave." These statements must not imply any alterations in the absent player's character, their appearance, their personality, or any of aspect of them. They must be neutral.
    +Intimacy is fine, encouraged to a degree, and expected. Please keep it simple and no more than high PG. This is a fantasy RP, not a "mature" roleplay.

  • A few things on how I expect you to conduct yourselves in this roleplay.

    +No progression preventing rebellion. Yes, yes I understand you all want to be unique and "no chains can hold me!" but let's be real. These dragons are wise beings who were raised to be mature and mindful of their duties. They were raised well. You may not have been, but that doesn't mean your dragon is going to fly off with you to burn down your childhood bully's house. I won't step in unless I direly need to. Let's hope I don't need to.
    +You're not the Dewey Cocks of dragon taming. You don't understand magic the first time you try it. You can't do a loop-the-loop after a week of flying. You don't know how the land this thing. Give it time, your character will learn at a humanly pace.
    +Merrik is the boss. If you don't like it, don't RP here. I'm sorry, but I have a wonderful plot planned out for you guys with enough excitement that there should be no reason for you to have to rebel and get into a drunken fist fight with Merrik because he's a Dragonlord and you're not. No, you don't get to do what you want, when you want. Merrik won't let you burn down the stables. He won't let you skip your training for a week. He won't let you tell him to fuck off. .. Okay, everyone is probably going to tell him to fuck off at least once. So that's okay.
    +While your dragons are wholly yours to mold as characters, please respect their prewritten past of being raised and trained by Obsidian Nova and Merrik. No, none of them hate Nova and want him dead. No, none of them think Merrik is a joke. All these dragon's were chosen as eggs thousands of years ago to be the bringers of the new order. They have their shit together ;)

  • Respect me, talk to me, don't hesitate to ask me questions or share ideas and opinions.

    Erranruin is my right hand maiden. Respect the Lady of Dragons.

Character Sheets

  • Name:
    Bonded Ability:
    Dragon Name:
    Dragon Gender:
    Dragon Species:
    Dragon Personality:
    Dragon Strengths:
    Dragon Weaknesses:
  • Pretty straightforward. Try not to make names that are similar to other characters to avoid confusion.]
  • Minimum of 18 for characters please, gender is pretty self explanatory.
  • If you look at the maps above, you may select any of the towns or cities to be your hometown. The only exceptions are the temples, Origin Island, the forgotten isles, etc. Stick to the mainland towns and cities.
  • Appearance is pretty straightforward. Though I will say; for female characters, there will be no armoured bikinis or any other lack of clothing. This is an army and if you think Merrik is going to let you prance around in your skivvies then you clearly don't know Mr. Tetra. Personality is completely open of course.
  • Again, open game, create what character you want to. However, if you add an event into your bio that conflicts with the plot or the lore in any way I may ask you to change it. For example, your parents did not get the disease and then miraculously recover. That doesn't happen. I'm sure you'll all fair pretty well here though, so hopefully there's no problems.
  • Mandatory for you character, optional for your dragon. This is to ensure that we all remember we're playing human characters. Nobody is perfect but we love you anyways :3
  • Feel free to form pre-existing ones, but I expect an acceptable back-story on how it formed. You may also choose to list family members, childhood pets, whatever you'd like :)
  • You are to choose a handful of traits that your character has in his or her arsenal. These can be things like archery, dual wielding, acrobatics, quick wits, strength, stealth, etc. If I think you're going overboard and maxing out your character you'll be receiving a pm of kind suggestion for changes to be made :)
  • The way bonding abilities work is as such:
    When you bond with your dragon, you gain access to the mana within their soul.
    Your bond instils in you a single magical ability that is unique to your dragon species.
    This is not the same as draconic magick which all bonded tamers have. (will be discussed later)
    Your bonded ability must be either A: an adapted version of one of your dragon's three abilities, or B: a made up ability to be approved by me which relates to your dragon's element or species.
    You will have no idea how to use this when you first complete the bond. In due time my lovelies.
  • You may name your dragon, you may choose your dragon's sex.

    You may not make up your own dragon breed.

    You may select one of the available dragons from the site listed in the first tab. I try to keep the site updated but always double check on availability.

    You may create a unique personality for your dragon.

    I ask that you include and build around the traits given to the species as that is a part of your choice in species; the dragon's personality.
    ex)A deep sea dragon (blue) looks down on humans in general. You may have a blue dragon which has a highly judgemental personality, yet your dragon does not like that it's so judgement and constantly tries to remind itself to look at things from an other's perspective.
    ex) An inferno dragon naturally has a short fuse and sporadic temper. You, may choose the red dragon and build it to be a calm dragon with a specific trigger that sets off its anger. Something like improper grammar or tardiness.

    You can find breed images, descriptions and abilities on the site I've provided a link to. Yes, some of the images don't match the description. The description holds precedence over the image, feel free to PM me to clarify details.

    You may add a physical mutation to your dragon if you choose, but you will consult me in this as it must be a minor change and must be fully explained and reasonable. PM me for more info and approval.

    Your dragon is 2. Yes, 2. Deal with it.

    Link to dragon section of my RP info storage site:


☽Merrik Tetra☾


☩Home Town☩
Tetra Estate


Above everything, Merrik can be seen as a dedicated man. He's given up his entire life to serve this cause, to protect Illos from a great danger that slowly creeps closer with each full moon. At 5 years old, Merrik was torn from a life of relative normality and thrown into a life of vigorous training and study. He gave up his chances of friendship and love, knowing only his sister, beloved parents, and the various workers about the estate. He has never complained, even as a child. His parent's raised him to know full well what responsibility was and the importance of it. And so he left behind his life as a carefree, innocent child and took on a life of seclusion. Keeping only the company of his beloved dragon and family, Merrik trained, for one day he would be the leader of a great movement for the liberty of all of Illos.


Merrik's father was a noble man by nature and by nurture, he expected many things from Merrik as he grew but some things were taken more seriously than others. Methias Tetra lived by a strong moral code which he instilled into his children, one of honor, one of a true heart, and most of all, one of loyalty: loyalty to your family, loyalty to your comrades, and loyalty to your leaders. Betrayal was not an option, letting down was not an action, and abandonment was not a possibility. Merrik was raised to die for those he loved and therefore, to choose carefully to whom he offered his loyalty. Once he has given you his word that he will stand by your side, those words will ring true until his last breath.


Growing up in the manner which he did, Merrik's chances at bonding with children his age and after a few years he felt no connection with them at all. By the time Merrik reached the age of 10, he could not stand to listen to the childish ramblings of his peers and preferred the company of his draconic companion over that of any human. He grew up close to his family by closer to Obsidian Nova. The weight of his responsibilities quickly severed his close relationship with his younger sister as he found less and less time to play in the meadows of the estate with her. As Merrik grew into a young man, then an adult he never truly reclaimed his place beside those of his own kind, still preferring the thoughts and presence of dragons above other humans. He doesn't relate to others as he should, he doesn't have tales of past relationships or summer trips with friends. He has training, he has knowledge, he has responsibility. The price he paid for his calling.

+Calm & Collected+

Years of training his mind with Obsidian Nova has carried him to an elite level of meditative control over his mind. He does not "freak out", he does not "lose his cool", he does not lose his temper.... easily.


Methias Tetra was born of the bloodline of legends, the heir to the dragonlords of old. He knew all the stories, all the tales, all the facts. He knew that the dragons had died out before his own father's time. A childish, never seen or heard part of him envied his ancestors and cursed his time of birth. The stories told of magnificent scaled beasts bonded to the very souls of their tamers. Man and drake in an ancient treaty of peace, bound by the essence of their being. Methias studied every piece of writing in the great libraries of the Tetra Estate, quickly gaining an indepth understanding of dragons and the Order of old. He never thought he would have a use for this knowledge but to pass it down to his children.

At the age of 19 Methias met his future wife in a tavern while visiting relatives in Espella. She wore the clothes of a commoner but conducted herself with nobility. She bumped in to his amidst the excitement of the packed bar and when she looked up with blue eyes from behind long, brown locks to apologize, Methias fell in love. He asked for her name and bought her a drink, the rest was history. She didn't seem at all phased by his bloodline nor was she any more inclined to stay with him simply because of his family's wealth or title. She loved him deeply and truly, never caring about a thing besides his hand in her and the hope of reaching a ripe age with the man she loved so dearly.
One day, Sephira came to him speaking of changes within her body. It would soon become known that their first child, a boy would make his arrival 9 months later. Life went about as it normally would for a young couple expecting their first child. The nursery was set up, the midwife arranged, the house readjusted to encourage the safety of the child. Methias had almost forgotten who he was in all the hustle and bustle of the pregnancy. But one night, he would be reminded of what blood ran through his veins and find his role in one of the greatest legends the world has known.

The Oracle first appeared to Methias in the woods that bordered the estate only 3 months before the expected arrival of his son. Methias thought an old man, senile with age, had wandered off from one of the southern paths and found himself lost. But when Methias approached the old man, a rush of energy poured over him and suddenly he did not fear for the man's safety, but for his own. He looked into the eyes of the lost elder and saw that his irises shifted color, from blue to green to purple to yellow to red to brown to orange. And with each shift, he thought he saw a different reflection, not of his own appearance but of a great cities, crying children, singing choirs, silent forests.

Methias could not understand what stood before him, but it was not of these lands. He asked then, what the old man wanted, what he was doing here and what dark magic possessed him for Methias had seen many far away places in those ever changing eyes and knew in his heart that old magic coursed through this man's veins.

That was the day Methias Tetra was told of his not-yet-born son's future calling. That was the day Methias was told of his duty to his ancestors and to the Order of old. In 3 full moons, a boy would be born with the blood of the dragonlords in his veins. The boy would grow; he would grow strong and healthy and smart. Methias was to teach him of his heritage, teach him of duty, of honor, of loyalty for one day the little boy would be thrust into a world where disloyalty to one's cause could decimate lands and end eras. 5 years from the day the boy was born, Methias was to bring him to the deepest room in the estate and there, the Oracle would appear and assign him his task, which would be great. The old man said little more, and left Methias confused and concerned, but certain on the truth of the mysterious visitor's words.

When he told Sephira about the old man, he found that she accepted the wild tale quite easily. She said she knew she was carrying a child who's heart beat in line with a great fate. She knew she carried a strong blood within her womb and that the child would do great things. It had come to her in a dream where she soared across the lands, seeing forest, cities, joy, fear, loss, love, and every other manner of humanity and a faceless voice told her she carried within her, a change in the world. She carried the blood of legends. And she would nurture and raise up a boy who would one day lead a saving force across the lands.

That night, neither of them slept for their minds were filled with awe and dire concern for their future. Their lives had changed from normal to abnormal in a few days and they did not know if they were prepared for what may come.

When the child was born, he would be named Merrik, after a great ancestor, Merrikhai Tetra. The child had bright eyes and a smile gifted by the sun. Sephira and Methias could not have been more proud and anxious to continue their lives as new parents. But neither could they forget the day the man with the curious eyes arrived at the edge of their property. And so they raised Merrik with love and with support. They raised him to be strong and to be true. And on his birthday, 5 years later, they took him to the deepest cellar in the estate at an ungodly hour and waited in silence.

The room would light up with a strange green glow. The man with the curious eyes would appear through no physical entrance, and would reveal himself to be an oracle of the ancient energy that coursed through these lands. He carried in his arms a dark stone, covered in smooth scales, as dark as obsidian and too hot to touch. But when a young Merrik stepped forward to receive the stone offered to him, burns did not appear on his hands, and the weight of the stone did not apply. The boy looked at the stone, wondering what it could be and why it was for him. Then, from some unknown place in his mind came a voice. The voice asked his name, which he gave and asked for its name in return. The voice said it was called Obdisian Nova; light within the void, and that he and Merrik were to be great friends and companions for the rest of his life.

Merrik smiled, not knowing that his life had just changed, not knowing that the stone he held was an egg, and within the egg lay a dragonling, a creature of the past. Merrik did not know that this dragon would take the place of his friends, of his connection with humanity. He did not know the weight of the burden that had been placed on his shoulder, he did not know that his life had but one purpose now: to train and to learn. He would be a great leader one day, but he did not know. He would form a new order of legends one day, but he did not know. He would lead an army one day, but he did not know. What he did know, was that he and Obsidian Nova had a connection like nothing he had ever felt before. He knew with every ounce of his being that Nova was the same as him, that they were one. And together, as one, they could do anything.


As Merrik grew, he excelled in all his training and teachings; with no friends to distract him and Obsidian Nova as wrapped up in their lessons as he was, he had little to focus on apart from his work. His father taught him everything he knew about the dragons and the Order of old. He familiarized the young boy with the vast library that held all the scrolls, journals, notes, letters, books and legends written by or for the ancient order. Within the walls of the library was a priceless collection of knowledge that had served Mathias well and would serve Merrik as he grew. Mathias was well trained in the way of the sword, his own father insisting that any man of nobility should wield a sword as well as any soldier; he believed that one's class should not affect his ability to take care of himself in times of war. No Tetra would be caught being pampered and tended to when their bodies could still serve them.
Swordsmanship, hand to hand combat, draconic anatomy, history, and eventually magic, Mathias filled his son with abilities and knowledge. He felt he had finally found a reason for his name, for his blood. He was raising the first dragonlord of the new order, and nothing could have made him more proud.

While Mathias instilled skills, Sephira worked to instill love and compassion into her son's heart. When she gave birth to her second child, Merrik's younger sister Terria, she found herself working constantly to give the girl a more fulfilling life than the isolated, disciplined one her brother had been given. Merrik spent many days wishing he and Nova could end their studies for the day and go out and play with Terria in the meadow, but his father would not have it.

And so he grew. He grew from a boy into a gangly teenager and then into a man. His body matured, his muscles lining his body, his eyes dark with dedication and determination. At his side, Obsidian Nova grew from a hatchling to a yearling to a young dragon to a fierce mature drake. The two were best friends, that never changed from the day Merrik first received that black egg in the deepest parts of the cellar. Without Nova, Merrik would have given up on his destiny long ago, for in a lonely world of hard training and constant streams of knowledge rushing into his mind, the nightmare drake was his only refuge.

When Merrik turned 20, he said goodbye to his sister. She was leaving to find her own place, to gain her own experiences, her own knowledge. To Merrik's surprise, the day he said goodbye to his sister was the day he said goodbye to his parents. The night of Terria's departure, Merrik heard his parents' footsteps trailing down the stairs. Creeping out of bed, he silently followed them down to the deepest cellar of the manor. From beneath the closed door he saw an eerie green glow and heard his parents conversing with what sounded to be an old man. Was this the Oracle that his father had told him about? The man that had once changed Merrik's life with the offering of a dark stone?

Suddenly, the door opened and an old man with the most unusual eyes looked at him. "Your parents are leaving now Merrik. They have fulfilled their duties and now they must come away with me to a place where they'll be safe. You will miss them, but know that they are in danger if they stay. Continue your training, continue growing stronger. I will return for you in 4 years."

There was no explanation for what Merrik felt; while the situation was upsetting, something about the man's gaze told him all was as it should be, and his heart did not hurt as badly as he anticipated.

For the next four years Obsidian Nova was Merrik's lifeline. His isolation was climaxed as he trained and honed his mind, interacting with other humans only when he made trips to purchase supplies from tradesmen or from shops in the distant towns and cities. He changed more than he had in his entire life, though clung to the light that Nova brought out in him.

Four years later, a few months before his birthday he had a dream. In this dream he was told to be in the deepest cellar at 3 hours past midnight to meet the Oracle. And so he went.

That was the day Merrik learned the truth behind his life, behind his upbringing, behind his destiny. That was the night he truly became a Dragonlord. The Oracle told him of a dire evil that swept the lands, though Merrik had already heard rumors of a darkness engulfing the eastern lands of the Bohdra Mountains. He was given a mission and he was given a clutch of dragons eggs, each a different color, each with a different texture. The emotions that rushed over him from the mind and heart of Obsidian Nova were impossible to replicate for the drake had lived his life believing he was the last of his kind, the last of the dragons. Merrik felt, for the first time in his life, like he had a purpose, a definite mission, a destination to his lifelong journey of training and growing.

That night, he knew what he had to do. He would raise the hatchlings contained within the eggs. Together with Nova, he would raise up the young dragons into majestic young drakes and when the time was right, he would seek out those who were destined to bond with the souls of the drakes. He would form an army. He would form the New Order. He would severe the dark tendrils of the plague that grew in the East, and he would kill Ogual. Everything was as it should be. Everything would be as it was meant to be.



+Courage And Honor+
Merrik was raised with great courage and honor instilled into him. His mother taught him that being brave was one of the hardest things to do and yet, the most rewarding. Merrik grew up immersed in the legends and tales of his ancestors and their fellow tamers, he made it his personal prerogative to live up to the standards set by the heroes of old. His father taught him honor, for a man's honor is worth more than the finest gold currency.

+Swordsmanship & Hand to Hand Combat+

Trained rather than raised, Merrik was brought up to be a warrior, though he did not know why for most of his life. He was an accomplished swordsman and fighter by the time he hit his teenaged years, and continued to excel, though at a much slower rate, through into young adulthood. Few can meet his standards in spar. He suffered many injuries through out his years of training, but the injuries gave him initiative to never endure those pains again.


Merrik learned quickly that acting rashly was a severe mistake, both in battle and in study, he learned that often times the best offence is a formidable defence. He has no difficulty biding his time and takes great care in formulating the best plan of action for any situation he is faced with. "A leader must know when to speak, when to act, and when to wait. Haste has lost many wars."-Mathias Tetra.

Years spent confined to the family libraries, Merrik has gained a vast amount of knowledge about the land, of war, of dragons and tamers, of magics, and evil. The Oracle stressed to his parents that knowledge was more important for his future than any amount of physical training. Merrik may be good at fighting, but his true talent lies within his mind..
+Experience as a Tamer+

Born and raised into a family who's name was established by the presence of dragons, Merrik is more at home with his place as a tamer than he is anything else. Being on Nova's back, hundreds of feet in the air is no more complicated than being on his own two feet. The mana coursing through his veins is as natural now as his own blood. His bond with Obsidian Nova has become his lifeline, his normality, his sanity.


Though not often visible, the decades of isolation Merrik experienced has left him with an internal struggle over his humanity. He puts up a good front, but he rarely feels like he belongs around those of his own kind. Each time he finds himself in the tavern, drinking to dim the blaze of thoughts that constantly tear about in his mind, he finds himself looking around at all the people. He hears them talking about work, normal jobs that everyone has, he hears them speak of their spouses, their children, bills, gossip, plans for trips, and he cannot relate.

He has nothing in common with the people around him, he has never been in a relationship with a girl beyond bedding the occasional maiden after a drunken night. He pays little attention to socializing with the women he does bed, and leaves at the first light of day, having no interest in their meaningless ramblings about their neighbors who have nicer garden than they do or their ex husbands that are now with ugly wenches. Merrik even gets to the point, at times, where he loses his urge to fulfil his needs as a man because it's so difficult for him to be in such settings to meet women.

On the outside, Merrik seems normal, he is charismatic, intelligent, and can put up a front to appear sociable. But inside, he is lost without his family, the few people he did trust and know, and he is empty being so far from Nova who waits deep within the woods for Merrik, away from prying eyes. This experience with the new tamers will be a difficult, but amazing opportunity for Merrik to find his place among man again.


His father's OCD habits in his training worked their way into Merrik's personality and his naturally keen eye for details elevated into an obsession. If he mixes a burn heal and it turns out to be a slight shade darker than it should, it is not acceptable and must be remade. If the angle of an aerial dive is off by a few degrees, it needs to be practised again and again until perfection is achieved. Merrik has unusually high standards and is too stubborn to allow himself to fall below the bar he set for himself. Lucky for those around him, this obsessive attitude in almost entirely self directed, though if given the opportunity, he would help anyone achieve perfection.

Because of Merrik's obsession with perfection, he has a tendancy to over do his training. There have been many days where Nova has had to use his flame to heat the steel of Merrik's sword to a point of non-handling just to get Merrik to stop trying to perfect a backspin slash. Lucky for Merrik, Nova knows his limits just as well as the drake knows his own and has served as a mediator and line-drawer for the length of their companionship.

+Muscle Pains+

After 2 decades of extensive training, it only makes sense that a man may have sustained injuries. Merrik is no exception. He has over done it a time or two before his body was fully healed from an injury and the result is chronic pains in his left shoulder muscle and right leg when he pushes himself beyond his limit. The pain does not affect him at all times, rather makes itself apparent when Merrik has surpassed his body's threshold for the day. Once the pains set in, they are not so quick to leave. Because of this, Merrik has to pay special mind to the extent and length of his training session.


☩Skills & Abilities☩

+Swordsmanship and Hand to Hand Combat+
Merrik has spent almost his entire life training to be a soldier, though he may not have known it at first. He is highly skilled in two-handed swordsmanship and won't likely lose a bare fight.


Merrik was well educated on the history of Illos, the Order of old, draconic anatomy, magics, potionmaking, and a wide variety of other subjects. His mind is his best weapon and he will gladly share his knowledge with any willing to learn.

+Aerial Abilities+

Years of training with Obsidian Nova and more hours in the sky than he can count have left him with a second nature in flight.

+High Intermediate Magic Use+

While Merrik has been using draconic magicks for many years, the complex art is still difficult for him to control. He has many more hundreds of years of work to master his abilities, but as far as relative ability goes, he is advanced. He does not use the mana he possesses lightly, for he knows full well that each drop of mana he draws from the bond is a drop of Obsidian Nova's life source, and in return, his own, being drained. He always allows at least a week of recuperation for himself and his dragon before attempting another session.

☩Bonded Ability☩

His bond with Obsidian Nova, a nightmare dragon, instilled upon him a curious ability to control the darkness that fills the spaces between matter. Much like Nova, he summons the dark plasma and can contort and control it to be used as a weapon or means of distraction or containment. Even for a nightmare drake this is a dangerous plane of existence to meddle with and so very rarely can either be seen harnessing this hellish power outside of private training and war.


Obsidian Nova, his soulmate of 21 years.
Mathias and Sephira Tetra, loving father and mother.
Terria Tetra, beloved younger sister.



Obsidian Nova

Descendant of Cosmaur Sarpe




Nightmare Dragon

☩Species Description☩
A Black dragon is a beast of the night, of the darkness itself. They are large, sleek dragons with noble features and extreme muscle definition. Their wings are powerful and thin, allowing for quick maneuvers and bursts of speed. Eyes as red as blood and black fangs that slice like razors, any who find themselves prey of these ancient drakes hold no hope of escape. These shadowy beasts were rare during the time of man, as they were nearly driven to extinction in the old times when they were hunted and slain by the people who believed them to be demons sent up by the devil. Long, long ago, before the old order had formed, the first drake offered up its soul to a human to form an alliance between the two races. Cosmaur Sarpe and Merrikhai Tetra, the first bonded pair. A drake cloaked in honour, nobility, and a terrifyingly powerful aura of power chose the bloodline of Merrikhai Tetra to bond with, and to bond with his offspring for generations to come.

Naturally Nightmare Dragons are loyal, intelligent beings with strong morales and even stronger bonds. They will defend their human fiercely; never has it been recorded that a black dragon let a Tetra pass while in its presence. They were once rulers of the darkest nights, evolved from the first dragons of old that took to the skies and melted into the night sky. Their blood red markings resemble blood stains, leading primitive humans to view them as omens. Leaders by nature, these great beasts were chosen, and chose themselves, to connect with the hearts of the pure blood of the Dragon Lords. Only they or their offspring may bond with these great creatures and together, the dragonlords and the black drakes will draw out the very darkness of the land. Their fire is black.

☩Dragon Abilities☩

+Shadow Melt+
They can melt into shadows, becoming invisible to all but other dragons. Such time spent in utter darkness has pushed them to evolve finely tuned night vision.

Can cause the enemy to hallucinate, these visions are different to each person to accommodate their worst fears.

They control darkness, the black dragon senses the lack of light and substance around it and can summon the void to create a powerful orb of manipulatable blackness. It can be hurled in attack or used to restrain those who do no understand the antimatter.


Since he was thrust into his life long duty as a Nightmare Dragon bonded to one of the Tetra bloodline, Nova has worked as a mentor for Merrik, possessing a wisdom that comes with the different workings of a dragon's mind. When the yearlings were first hatched, he felt an obligatory duty well up in him again and he took on his role as mentor and guide for the hatchlings proudly and with great care. He has never turned down a yearling's request for assistance or knowledge and he has never stopped working his hardest to raise them up into fierce warriors that the newly revived dragon race might be one of strength, wisdom, and pride.


To no surprise, a dragon in Nova's position has little tolerance for foolishness or rebellion. He was never easy on the young dragons and never will be. He is firm in his word and moreso in his law. He believes that the only path to greatness is one of self discipline, hard work, dedication, initiative, and a good level of respect for those above you.
Nova has raised these young drakes with a very stern "hand" and their skills and behaviours are what he has to show for it. While he is very much isolated from the flock of younger drake's by his place as "strict teacher", he happily pays the price for the sake of the safety of the lands and for the well being of his hatchlings.


Despite his "grumpy old dragon" demeanour during training and lessons, Obsidian Nova's love for the young drakes is no secret. Whenever he gets a chance to let loose and fly about in the night skies with the young dragons, teaching them new methods of flares, he feels such fondness for the yearlings within his heart. He often feels like a father to the younger drakes and he takes great pride in watching the younger dragons accomplish difficult flight maneouvers or complex flare bursts. He cherishes those of his kind and would fight to the death for any one of them and while it goes without saying, Merrik is guarded and loved twice as fiercely.


Obsidian Nova has long been a wise, calm dragon. Even in situations where the more rebellious of the younger drakes is trying to set him off, he knows full well that anger, shouting, and tail scorching will accomplish nothing. He is much like Merrik in the sense that he handles any situation quite well. He does not feed into the taunting of his temper, nor does he allow conflict to affect who is he or what his goal is. He understands that a strong mind can overcome a strong body in almost any war.

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❅ Name
Aranel Sérëdhiel

❅ Age

❅ Gender

❅ Hometown
Telavar, Galidus

❅ Personality
-Quiet. Reserved-
Aranel likes her quiet and peace. Basically, she prefers to be left alone. She doesn't mind some company but if it gets too crowded Aranel will shy away. Aranel will answer you if you speak to her, but the answers are short and straight-to-the-point; so she sets some people off pretty easily. Aranel doesn't really enjoy understand the comfort and "warmth" a person can give, that's why she tends give off a cold presence.

-Calm. Misunderstood-
Aranel tends to keep a blank face anytime faced with a serious or problematic situation. It's a way she remains composure. It is also a facade that allows her enemies to keep guessing what her next move might be. That's why, even with people who considers her a "friend", are incapable of trusting her and vice versa. People always misunderstands Aranel's real intentions. Mainly, because you can never tell why she does the things she does or act a certain way completely different from how one normally reacts. As you've read, Aranel isn't exactly clear ice.

-Trust Issues. Insecure. Diligent-
Aranel's been through a lot and because if that she hesitates on being attached or befriend people. She also doubts herself all too often. She despises not knowing if she's good enough. Even though she strives to be the best, she always falls back short. Thus, making her diligent or as some people would say, hard-working. So far, due to her traits, no one has taken notice of her insecurity and she hopes no one will.

-Observant. Discreet-
Thus, leading to how observant she is. As much to her dismay, Aranel observes a lot during her time. Most of the time, it's when she feels hostile towards something, other times it's just plain obvious to her. However, due to her nature of keeping silent, she's not much of a gossiper.

-Impatient. Aggressive-
Aranel's cool and calm but she can be a real hot-head sometimes. She doesn't really do much when impatient except tsk or state the fact she can't wait a millenium. However, if someone constantly tries to tick her off or someone she knows and cares about is in trouble or gets hurt, don't expect her to hold back.

(Full body armor, of course. Just couldn't find it ><)​
❅ History/Bio
Aranel grew up not really having much. Her father had abandoned her when she was 1 along with her mother who was pregnant with her soon to be baby sister. So, she does not remember her father all too much, though to her, he would forever be the "selfish bastard who left".

One fine day, when Aranel was running around her village's market, as she would usually do.She couldn't help but be awe struck by a particular stall with very shiny objects of mutiple shapes and sizes. Each unique in their own way. There an elderly man spotted her, the stallkeeper if you will. Asking her if she was interested at all in the blades. Absolutely clueless to it's advantagea and disadvantages, Aranel nodded her chubby face in interest. The man simply chuckled and hummed as he scanned his eyes through the stall. Swiftly, he moved to pick up a blade on the other side of the stall and knelt down to offer it to young Aranel. The sunlight hit the blade and in a strange way it seemes to sparkle in Aranel's eyes. That was where it all began for Aranel.

As the years passed, the elderly man to her known as, Felik, took her under his wing and taught her the many different ways to wield a blade. As she was young at the time, he made that an advantage for her and built up her skills on accuracy and agility. Even taught her how to hunt. As for Aranel, Felik became more and more of the father figure in her life.

So, as her mother worked at the stall selling beads and jewellery, Aranel provided by hunting to help save some money. Her little sister, Sathael, helped her mother at the stall most of the time and took care of the home sometimes. Felik even thought her a game only he and she knew of.


One night, as Aranel was returning home after successfully capturing some dinner, she heard an ear piercing scream in the direction of her home. With eyes widening in fear, she abandoned the rabbit and squirrel in the snow and dashed straight for home.

As Aranel spotted the wooden building she called home, she stopped to see her mother and sister being dragged out from the home by what seemed like soldiers. They began yelling at her mother and sister and made them kneel on the ground.

Swiftly, Aranel grabbed her daggers from her boots and slowly made her way down the slope and hid behind some bushes. With her mother, sister and three soldiers in view, Aranel waited, just as Felik explained to her. However, when the soldier that was lifted his hand to slap her sister, Aranel cracked.

Aranel ran from her hiding and immediately took out the two guards in front of her. As she was heading for the "leader", Aranel was pulled back by a strong grip. Looking up, she realised it was Felik. When demanded to be unhanded, Felik only gripped tighter. As multiple soldiers began to appear.

The "leader" laughed and yelled out, "Good job, Athan. As expected, you are my most loyal soldier after all..."

Aranel's eyes then widened in shock, disbelief and disgust. As she forced herself off Felik, she turned and stared at the man she thought she could trust. "F- Felik...?" she called, as though trying to snap him out of a trance, "H-he's lying...r-right?"

Felik's eyes shone with guilt as he turned away. The leader merely laughed out loud and smirked, "Awww, that's cute." He chuckled darkly. "Is this the pet, "Felik"?" The man taunted. "What's your name, pet?"

"W-what did you do?" Aranel teared, ignoring the leader. Everything some how added up but at the same time, it didn't.

"Hey, brat! Show some respect to your superiors!" The man cried as he charged a blade towards Aranel.

"Aranel!" Felik/Athon called as Aranel turned around to see what was coming. All of a sudden, a figure stood in front of Aranel and blocked her.

"M-mama!" Aranel and her sister both cried, staring at their mother as she slowly fell.

The man pulled put the blade out violently and laughed. "How sweet... Family love. Such a waste though." He sneered as he smirked at the bloody blade then at Aranel.

That was it. Aranel snapped and attacked the leader along with the other soldiers who charged at her. Slashing each and every one hoping they'd lose a limb or never see another light of day again.

When, a couple of soldies finalyy go a grip of her, she thought it was over. Until she heard, "Aranel! Play a game!" And all of a sudden, she was playing a "Training Reflex and Accuracy" game with Felik again.

When she finally stopped, she realised that everyone was asleep and Felik was no where to be found. Filled with such turmoil and rage, Aranel felt lost. Falling to her knees beside her mother, Aranel cradelled her mother's head in her lap. When she felt shaky arms wrap around her, she broke down crying though her little sister continued to comfort her.


Even though her mother managed to survive the stab, Aranel could never forgive herself for even allowing it to happen. Even knowing Felik had warned her mother of the deal he had no intention of making, she still felt betrayed. Even though her sister said she looked "cool", Aranel knows she still gets nightmares.

Aranel didn't know what to feel anymore. So, she chose not to. Her mirror of trust had been shattered and mending it would never be so easily done.

A few more years passed and Aranel trained harder. The evil in this world was something she wanted to get rid off. Something she hoped no little girl as young as her sister have to discover or even experience.

Her wishes was about to come true when a man named Merrick wandered through her village.

That was when it all began again.

❅ Abilities/Skills ❅
❅ Strengths

-Dual-Wielder or Blades-
Aranel prefers holding two blades instead of one as it somehow ensures her safety in her own mind. Plus, she enjoys her sharp objects.

-Quick Reflexes-
Aranel's pretty quick on her feet. Her observant trait comes in handy, most of the time, during a battle.

She's also very light on her feet. Aranel dislikes noise, thus causing her to be as soundless and swift as possible when she moves.

❅ Weaknesses
-Lacking of Communication Skills-
As stated, she's not one to talk. And when she does, it's blunt, straight-forward but honest. Most of the time, it's not what someone would want to hear at a bad time.

-Low Self-Esteem-
Aranel constantly puts herself down. If she fails to do something, she will actually beat herself up about it. It's not something she shares to the world but it can piss her off; pretty badly at that.

Aranel isn't comfortable with working together with people. Don't get her wrong, she can do as told and help with strategies. It's just uncommon for her and weird. She used to play by her own rules, alone, in solitary but now it's different.

❅ Bonded Ability
Cryokinetic Constructs

❅ Relationships
Mother . 45
Little Sister . 16
Felik . 29 (Last seen)

❅ Dragon Name
- Ethiriél -

❅ Dragon Gender
- Female -

❅ Dragon Species
- Aurora Dragon -

❅ Dragon Species Description
These brilliant creatures are an icy blue color, with clear membranes on their wings that project the light in strange colors as it passes through. They are cold weather beings and do not seem to feel the effects of even the coldest winter chills. Once, long ago, they resided in the northern lands with the ancestors of the snow dwellers; they helped hunt whale and bear in the great north and come summer they would hibernate in icy caves to keep cool. They have light purple eyes and thick, stocky fangs and talons which they use for traction on icy lands. The people in the northern lands would call these dragons the Boreali, for the light shining through their wings at high speeds could duplicate the Auroras almost perfectly. When in their natural habitat they freeze over with icy crystals that act as a defence and camouflage in their icy surrounding. When they leave the chilly lands of the north their icy armour melts off to reveal a pearly cyan body.

They are solitary creatures and prefer the company of their human above everyone else. Though they enjoy their alone time they are indeed polite, and thoughtful dragons whom are always a pleasure to converse with, given the opportunity. Their fire is cyan.

❅ Dragon Abilities
❅ Ice Breath ❅
They can freeze things with the low tempertature breath that fills their lungs.

❅ Boreali ❅
With wings so magnificent, they have learned to use them well in the area of distractions. Few can avert their gaze when a crystal dragon sets to producing a beautiful display of colored lights.

❅ Bioluminsecence ❅
The scales on these dragons glow a pale, blue light in the dark.

❅ Dragon Personality
-Cold. Quiet-
As ironic as it sounds, Ethiriél tends ti give off a cold aura due to her natural form of nature. However, she doesn't exactly dislike company in general. She simply prefers her soltitude. She's generally nice but prefers the quiet and peace.

Ethiriél can get pretty protective over things she care about. Especially if they are most dearest to her. She may be an ice dragon but her heart is warm.

-Polite . Kind-
Ethiriél's manners betray her cold aura. When she speaks her voice is nothing but smooth and silky. The tone of her voice is always so gentle; unless said otherwise.

Ethiriél always holds great wisdom with her. Knowledge is essential no matter what the cost as thought by Ethiriél.

❅ Dragon Strengths
-Fast Flyer-
-Resistant to Cold Weather and atmosphere-

❅ Dragon Weakness
-Not easily compatible-
-Non-Resistant to Heat-

All is good except that ice ability, thats very op for the bonded ability. Number one you would need to describe it in the actual cs so I know what its like and what its limits are and number two... the aurora dragon isnt really an ice dragon, its more of a shining and shimmering dragon, about light and the manipulation of light through crystal rather than purely about ice. ^_^' I would rather you come up with a different bonded power entirely I'm afraid
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All is good except that ice ability, thats very op for the bonded ability. Number one you would need to describe it in the actual cs so I know what its like and what its limits are and number two... the aurora dragon isnt really an ice dragon, its more of a shining and shimmering dragon, about light and the manipulation of light through crystal rather than purely about ice. ^_^' I would rather you come up with a different bonded power entirely I'm afraid

damnit erran. You had to disprove my favorite bonded ability so far XD
Ugh, she's right though, the crystal dragon is more of a light illusion dragon with chilly features from its evolution in the north.

Still a bad ass ability though! I salute you on your cryokinetics :3
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damnit erran. You had to disprove my favorite bonded ability so far XD
Ugh, she's right though, the crystal dragon is more of a light illusion dragon with chilly features from its evolution in the north.

Still a bad ass ability though! I salute you on your cryokinetics :3

I'm bad cop remember :P

This is what I do -v-

Captain Ahab to you, lad."

Theme: Cobalt Corsair - HS Music Team
Name: Captain Ahab Haavs
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Hometown: Syntra


Skin is notably darker, comparable to someone from Caribbean. Has a strong tan that borders on reddish.

Note that he does not use the weapon seen in the picture, instead opting for a cutlass, strapped to his waist, beneath the coat. Three scales hand from his neck with an individual string each, all three being very similar to deep sea dragon scales, with the same sea-like shimmer to them.


Personality: The heartiest sailor seen this side of Illos, Ahab is a very cheery man, most of the time. He tends to see himself as a guide for the younger, and even the misguided of his own age, giving advice and help to those that accept it. If one treats him with the same respect he offers, they will find a good friend that will stick to their side through thick and thin, even if he can himself sometimes dismiss people's help, when he had offered the same thing moments ago. This is because while he always appreciated help, he always wants to be sure every part of a whole will hold through, even if he has to make every part himself. Notably, he's not as quick to abandon his own task to someone more skilled, but if he does deem you more capable than him (something that might take time and examples), he will leave with a pat on your back and an encouraging word.

On the other hand, he is not one to take disrespect towards himself or anyone else. If one is rude to him, or his crew, they will soon see why some fear him, more than adore him. He also happens to be a firm believer of the philosophy that a stick should be valued just as highly as a carrot, when disciplining and motivating. Furthermore, he is seen more often dealing lashes, than sharing treasure. Whether this is because he enjoys it more, or because he believes every superior deciding on a punishment should carry it out himself, is hard to say. It might be somewhere in between.


History/Bio: Born and raised in one of the greatest harbours in Illos, there is little surprise that Ahab grew up with a love and fascination for the ocean. With his father being a sailor for the military, there was very little stopping the boy from learning more of the alluring waters, and at the age of 13, he had already taken part in two voyages as a cabin boy, and countless more as a passenger. As he sailed more and more, he grew to even take part in his dad's voyages, serving as a powder monkey for the ships impressive artillery, a role that let him learn more not only about ships, but the cannons one would load them with.
At 15, Ahab was promoted to an actual member of his father's crew, serving alongside him as they protected the seas from monsters and pirates alike, the Sylvisian boy keeping
souvenirs from most of the creatures and crews they managed to bring down, storing them all in his father's own cabin. They both agreed they made lovely trophies, and even sold some of them as just that.

Sadly, all things must come to an end. Ahab - 18 at the time - beheld his father get burned alive by his superiors, accused of piracy, along with most of his crew, with the small
remaining group (a group which included the future dragon tamer) being lashed for association, then sent away. However, he did not simply return home to wallow. Instead, he gathered the lashed crew members at his home, where he spoke to them all with all the fury and sorrow that had gathered inside him, yelling that "IF THEY BELIEVE WE ARE PIRATES, THEN BY EVERY GOD WATCHING, LET US SHOW THEM RIGHT."

Ahab sold most of the trophies he had gathered with his father during the years, only saving a few scales of a fearsome sea beast, and a black flag, with a cackling, white skull on it. The money easily made for a nice ship, and the boy already had a crew loyal to him. All that was left was the flag, which was repainted to have swirling waves splashing around it, as if swallowing the skull into a watery grave. A flag to be remembered.

The following 5 years were full of plunder and revenge, damaging and plundering whatever naval vessel they encountered, initially killing everyone on board, if it was a military ship. The loot was spent on a greater ship, a greater crew, and then finally, on the crew's lusts. Such was the ways of things for a long time, and yet... Ahab did not feel he had truly had his revenge, nor did he know how to do so. After all, he was simply murdering innocents and claiming what was not his... So how did he stand above those who had burned his father and friends alive?

The next ship they plundered was left with survivors, and provisions were left to last them all. Anyone not killed was offered to join the crew, but had no obligation to do so. Only one man accepted, but as Ahab took his hand and pulled him over to his own ship's deck... He felt good. He realised he did not enjoy the brutality he had tried to bring, as much as he revelled in caring and protecting others, just as his father had done.
And so, it was decided that Ahab and his crew would only attack pirates and other murderous forces, in which case they would plunder everything, but always offer the chance of redemption.

As the years flew by, Ahab was known in his home port as a pirate, but he was always met as a friend. The fact that he often bought drinks for everyone around didn't hurt his popularity, and even the security of Syntra began to warm up to him. Many had even come to apologise for his father, who's fate had actually been at the hands of a corruption in the system that had finally been rooted out and destroyed.

His bounty was even lowered several times, and soon enough, even bounty hunters stopped attacking him to instead go for more valuable targets. Heck, there would even be times where someone would lead a very agreeable Ahab into the barracks, have a small amount of money to them given, and then waved off for the guardsmen and the captain to chat and drink.

On a visit to the port, the captain was celebrating with his comrades, buying drinks all around, when a man approached him, speaking to him in a private corner of the tavern as they spoke to each other of a terrible evil in the north. Ahab had heard of it before, but not until not did he hear specifics, and it was worse than he had imagined. Not even did he need to be shown the promised dragons, for he had seen enough strange beings in the deep to doubt their existence. Captain Ahab Haavs rose, slamming his mug of rum into the table, not even a hint of hesitation in his voice as he said that "I will go."


The Iceberg

Ahab is large and strong, able to heft heavy weights with relative ease. Some say he wrestled a sea serpent with one hand tied behind his back - this is of course an exaggeration, the man used both arms, and the serpent was not fully grown yet. None the less, it was an impressive feat to his crew of on-lookers - while others credit him for having carried half the cargo iron off his ship on his own, while his crew of over 100 men divided the last half among themselves.
The rough skin and powerful body also makes him very resilient. Ahab can weather several bolts into his chest, and has more than once been seen going to the tavern for ale, right after taking a dozen whiplashes to the front, simply mending the wounds as he went. We're talking Australian levels of "I don't give a fuck"

Having been on a ship for most of his life, he has developed a great sense of balance, and can manage his footing through the most violent of rides. While this is somewhat off-set by the way his balance is needed, from boats to dragon riding, he can still keep himself in the saddle with more stability than most tamers of his level.
Fights Dirty

"The most important thing is to win" is something one might hear the Sylvisian say. He does not fight conventionally, shamelessly throwing sand in his opponents eyes, kneeing them in the groin, and tossing anything he can get his hands on to distract.

The Seasoned Sailor

Having spent most of his life on a ship, Ahab has developed a great talent for a variety of things, varying between the most essential skills, like teamwork, all the way to mundane skills, like tying strong, durable knots. He has thus also grown a good sense of direction, and has a good depth perception (veeery useful when you're moving through shallow water).

A Crumbling Stone Wall

The Sylvisian is very durable, but not indestructible. He can grit his teeth and bear through a lot, but sometimes you need to give in and lie down, a memo the captain apparently did not get. Neither does he ever wear armour, thinking it encumbers him too much. As such, he has suffered a few life-threatening wounds in his life he almost caved in to, that could have been easily taken care of with a hasty retreat.
Also, his skin is rough, but at the same time surprisingly sensitive. Having a love for the sun, Ahab is heavily tanned, being sunburned in several spots that can be very painful, when he doesn't have time or supplies to keep them cared for with ointments and what-not.

Magic? What Magic?

Has an abysmally low skill in the subject of magic. Not only does he have problems with understanding earth and fire, the latter of which he initially would refuse to even attempt, but he also tends to question traits assigned to water and air, having spent most of his life only facing them in the form of seas and windy storms.

"Here, let me do it"

As previously mentioned, Ahab can sometimes be a bit too eager to take over someone else's job to finish it himself, sometimes even if he's worse than the person doing it. The way he speaks to people while taking over is overly patronizing, easily (but never intentionally) coming across as mocking and derogatory.
He's equally adamant in not giving someone else his own task, even if, again, they can do it better.
Leading the Charge

Despite his former rank as a captain, current rank as a dragon tamer, Ahab gleefully puts himself in the front lines, charging with his cutlass held high before most even have their hands on their handles. Unfortunately, this disregard for his own safety, while inspiring to comrades, is a good way to get impaled. As mentioned above, the old man is resilient, but not impenetrable, and his disregard for both armour and common sense often puts him out of order before the battle is over.


Abilities/Skills: Sailor, strength, durability, leadership charisma, hand- and sword fighting expert
Bonded Ability:
Merlungs/Siren's Kiss

Ahab will eventually learn to breathe underwater, just like Calypso. Also, while he will possess the ability as soon as he learns how to use his "merlungs", he will not learn until later that he can temporarily grant the same ability through a kiss (termed Siren's Kiss for convenience). It will only last for a few minutes, and cannot be given to more than one HUMAN at a time. No other creature will be able to have the ability passed on to them through a Siren's Kiss.​


Relationships: I don't know

Dragon Name: Calypso (abbrieved by Ahab as "Caly", much to her apparent displeasure.)
Dragon Gender: Female
Dragon Species: Deep Sea Dragon


Dragon Personality: Calypso used to be very true to her species' stereotype, seeing herself as above all humans, being one of the last dragons to finally fly out to look for a tamer, despite being convinced it would be a waste of her time. Fortunately, Ahab has managed to knock her down a couple of pegs. She has grown somewhat more humble, and while she remains adamant in Ahab being the only human worth her time, she has grown to at least affiliate with the tamers, without feeling sick. She is also much less arrogant of her own abilities, as Ahab will sometimes remind her of her faults, and as much as it bothers her to hear them, having to face them is making her more modest about herself. It's far from perfect, of course, and she's often caught feeding her own ego by treating what she IS good at as more important than what she is not.
She does remain quite possessive of Ahab and will usually try to steer him away from other humans (much to her frustration, these attempts never work, even a bit). At times, she can even scare away people to leave the two of them alone to talk.

Calypso believes her species of dragons is the most beautiful, even more so than vanity dragons, as she is under the belief that the sea holds more beauty than a few shiny stones.


Dragon Strengths:

Caly can think for herself, and tends to never be swayed by others, with the exception being Ahab, whom has the unique privilege of pure trust. If forced into a situation where she needs to be completely self-reliant, she will not only survive, but even prosper.

Can't Touch This

Calypso's single greatest skill is definitely her defensive manoeuvres, being able to dodge next to anything coming at her when airborne, and even quite a lot on the ground.​

Dragon Weaknesses:

No Sense of Unity

Unlike her very social tamer, the sea dragon does not have any drive to work together, and will occasionally deviate from instructions to do what she feels would work better, or to protect herself (or as of late, Ahab).​


Being able to dodge as well as she can is no coincidence. Calypso cannot take many hits, at least by dragon standards, and while her fire is nothing to roll one's eyes at, her muscular strength is far from impressive, leaving her to instead opt for the sharpness of her teeth and claws, if she ever does have to fight physically.​
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Ahab is Accepted!

I'll get soul to come look at him -v-
A couple things I noticed were mainly on the point about the dragon. This is a dragon born only a couple years ago, so she- just whatever, whatever, movin on
Second, no regular human knows magic, or would even beleive it (in average. Some do beleive) Humans have no mana, and thus cannot perform magic in the slightest, unless bonded to a drake, and thus, at this point; everyone is in the same boat so to speak on the matter of having absolutely no magic skill.
A couple things I noticed were mainly on the point about the dragon. This is a dragon born only a couple years ago, so she- just whatever, whatever, movin on
Second, no regular human knows magic, or would even beleive it (in average. Some do beleive) Humans have no mana, and thus cannot perform magic in the slightest, unless bonded to a drake, and thus, at this point; everyone is in the same boat so to speak on the matter of having absolutely no magic skill.

The point isn't just that Ahab is bad at magic, the point is that he is terrible at it, even for beginner, and he will continue to have troubles for a long, long time. Add the discomfort with fire and earth, and spice it up with some dislike of definitions of the two elements he do like (water and air) and you get someone that, even if he does learn to use magic, will have a limited variety of magic to actually use.
@Shadicmaster I'd really prefer it for you to take any possible issues you see with other peoples characters to me in a PM rather than post them on the sign-up thread for all to see and make it seem like my accepting the character doesnt have any baring on the subject =_=

Hakeem is similarly bad at magic

That is actually one of his weaknesses too

So again please take any Game related concerns you have to a Game Master thankyou
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[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath Atreus and Hezekiah[/BCOLOR]

Goliath Atreus.jpg

[BCOLOR=transparent]Name: Goliath Atreus[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 28[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Hometown: Encilis[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Gender: Male[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Dragon Name: Hezekiah[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Dragon Gender: Male[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Dragon Species: Iron Dragon[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath stands at 6' 1 with just past shoulder length dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He has scars across his chest and one long white scar where his helmet lines up with his right cheek. He is a sturdy man of 28 and wields a spear and a round shield strapped to his left arm. Quick on his feet and fond of wearing scale or light leather armor in battle, though his helm remains tough steel. He also carries a short sword at his belt. Goliath has bandages wrapped around his hands for quick removal in the midst of battle. [/BCOLOR]



[BCOLOR=transparent](this is how the helm would look if archaeologists dug it up lol)[/BCOLOR]


Goliath's armor.jpg
[BCOLOR=transparent](Red sun in the centre instead of horses lol)[/BCOLOR]



[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath is driven by honor. He prefers to face an enemy that is prepared and dangerous. After extensive training from his combat leaders, he has learned to gauge the strength of an enemy in comparison to his own. If Goliath believes in the cause, he will fight it until his soul joins the hall of warriors who die in battle..[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Life is the ultimate test, Goliath rises to any challenge and desires to experience new things, especially if they are life threatening. Though some of his risks may seem unreasonable to some, he manages to pull through. Goliath has had numerous injuries and wounds as seen by the scars scattered across his body, but each scar is a story. Goliath will gladly answer the much asked question "How did you get that scar?"[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath is fond of good food and good friends to share it with.Goliath feels the strongest with people who want him around. He is influenced greatly by the moods of his friends and seeks to bring balance to each friendship. Accepting a challenge from Goliath to a drinking competition may prove to be unwise at first, but the bond it will form is one of unbending trust.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]+Exciteable Comedian+[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]When placed in the new situation or crisis, this is where Goliath truly shines. Gleaming with excitement Goliath is a light to those in the darkest places. Whether it be by a simple joke or smiling through his own stupidity, Goliath means to ease the minds of his friends and remind them that no matter the struggle; they will conquer it.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]From as far as the great Antioch Atreus, to his father Destris, the blood of the soldier courses through Goliath's veins. All he's ever wanted to do is fight. Winning feels sweeter than any wine he has ever tasted and as the cousin of the Queen, he has tasted nearly every wine. Goliath wasn't very active in "court life", he fooled around with a couple courtly women, and arrived to every gathering when he was 'expected' to be there. He doesn't recall the last time he has talked to the Queen, and Goliath doesn't really care. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Once he started to walk was when Goliath's training began, if you want to talk about having an active childhood; this is it. Always under strict supervision and guidance from numerous instructors across Calidar just so his father could produce his only living son into another soldier to bear the families crest sewn onto his tabard, A red sun on blue sky (i can photoshop this with time). Every man in his bloodline had served in a war, civil war, uprising, and sometimes got murdered. Goliath remembers at a young age the day when his Uncle Duncan was beheaded for treason against the throne for reasons unknown to him. Goliath's mother Helena attempted to grab him before the head came off but she was too late, her son had seen death. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]With no war to fight and his skills honed enough for a real challenge, Goliath began attending dueling, jousting, and archery (though he wasn't very good at archery :/ ) competitions across Calidar in various cities and towns. You win some, you lose some. This is around the time when he got mixed around in court after a couple gatherings with other sons groomed to be soldiers and knights. Two of these fighters he ends up taking with him North; Talone and his sister Cerra (think tom boy joan of ark). Talone was a skilled knife thrower and a horrible jouster, he much prefered playing cards and showing off his skill with a knife. Talones sister Cerra however had brought Goliath's horse down on two occasions, and she does not let Goliath forget either of them. She fights with more passion than men twice her age, and Goliath see's that first hand in the North. When the fight became reality.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]In his early 20's, Goliath was done with court and made a request to her majesty to leave and travel. Later that month, Goliath had his leave and began gathering other fighters to join him and his two friends. In total Goliath recruited 7 people to join him, all people he fought against. He stumbled across a commander in need of soldiers in Televar because of the war against The plague that has wrought Otamur, and agreed for the hell of it. One of the men Goliath took with him abandoned them at that moment to tell the queen, and Goliath has no time to care, and neither did the queen.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath fought with a spear in a variety of styles over the course of the war and lost many of his companions. Talone was slain. Arrow to the neck, and Cerra took his body back home to a small fishing town called Drendil. Other men died or left when they felt it was time to go back home and settle down with a nice girl from court. Goliath didn't care much for that, he still had a war to help win and stop this plague from heading south!!!!![/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Cerra wrote Goliath a couple letters, savagely asking him for every detail of the battles he had fought, and after sending a letters back and forth for a while; they became best friends. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath Atreus, a foreigner from Calidar became well known amongst the camps over some good drinks and gambling. The Crusader from Calidar with his red sun on tan sand; his new tabard crest [I ain't buyin' no blue dye] and Goliath rose up in ranks. He was eventually granted command of the battalion. Goliath figured he was given command for his leadership and honor on the battlefield mostly. Goliath saved many men from certain death just by treating bandage wounds and was thanked endlessly for it. He taught several other men how to treat wounds while on the battlefield before he started to get promoted.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]One day near the border between the plague and the forces of Televar, Goliath was fighting to defend Juna from the plague as troops from Trespa descended on the enemy and pushed the forces of Ogual back. During the assault the General of the army from Trespa was fending off against two formidable beings of dark magic. One was sturck down easily by Hakeem's curved blade but Goliath saw the other monster make haste for a killing blow. By hurling his spear at the creature and killing it before it could harm Hakeem, Goliath met a warrior he would call a friend during the upcoming battles against the forces of Ogual.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Fate lead Goliath into being introduced to Merrick, and then to the Iron Dragon Hezekiah; his entire life was changed.[/BCOLOR]




[BCOLOR=transparent]Combat First Aid[/BCOLOR]







[BCOLOR=transparent]+Spear Master+[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Being from a noble family has its benefits, one being that Goliath was trained under the guidance of some man at arms who have seen battle and fought with the spear. The spear can change the tide of a battle with a shift in stance, with each swing, and each thrust [lol thrust]. Spears thrown from a master's hand can also have devastating consequences for the recipient.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]+Combat Medic+[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]To Goliath the most daring feat in any battle is to treat the wounded on the front line. Not only does he get to fight anyone who attempts to interrupt him, but he also can aid a fellow soldier who can live to fight again![/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Arrows have grazed the side of his head, swords have torn through inches away from his organs, and Goliath sometimes bites off a little bit more then he can chew. Somehow he pulls through alive and grinning.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Like any Soldier, Goliath loves a good fist fight. In time he got really good at predicting the moves of his enemies and countering with his battle toughened fists.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Bonded ability: Mana Blocker![/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Mother: Helena Atreus [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A mother fond of her strong son but sought to teach him how to treat wounds in an attempt to stop Goliath from fighting… he just started treating his own injuries. She is very fond of games and court life. Goliath has many memories of drinking and playing chess with his mother in his teens. Cerra keeps her up to date on Goliath's 'travels'.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Father : Destris Atreus[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath's arrogant father only had a son to fulfill his duty to his father and the Queen. With no war to fight, or desire to fight any longer, Destris has developed a hobby doing masonry across Encilis. Destris keeps to himself and barely attends matters at court.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Friend: Talone Ny'del[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Friend: Cerra Ny'del[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sister of Talone, Cerra writes letters to Goliath about happenings in Calidar. Over time they have become very good friends and Cerra has yet to marry. Cerra is a skilled fighter but enjoys tournament fighting rather than fighting to the death against dark magic, so she stays in Calidar. Very energetic personality, striking red hair, and dresses in the attire of a man… unless she attends court (she's from a lower house), then she wears 'proper' attire.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Friend: Hakeem Ibn' Abihi[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Newest friend and fellow Dragon Rider. Goliath has met Hakeem's family on numerous occasion and has bought beside Hakeem against the forces of Ogual for many years before meeting Merrick.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Hezekiah The IRON DRAGON.jpg [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Name: Hezekiah[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Gender : Male[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 2[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Dragon Species: Iron Dragon (Noble Dragon)[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent] Just as knights rose up from the mass of man as the defenders of the land, a dragon of the same sort evolved from the strength of the mountains. Said to be descended from the mountain dragons themselves, these beasts bear hides of a dark, iron tone, a good representation of the strength of their scales and more so of the strength of their hearts. Nearly impenetrable, the Iron Dragon's scales resemble a thousand miniature shields set into place to defend the beast from the strongest of enemies. Their heavy armour extends at the tips of their wings, spine, and skull to give them blade-like appendages which they use to attack their foes. These dragons are, in every sense, knights in scalen armour. By nature their eyes stay within a range of grey and brown, but when bonded, these dragons' eyes turn the very color of their bond-mate's. Their endurance is unmatched in any drake their own age, yet they give up speed and dexterity in return, evolved to defend, rather than attack. The mindset of the Noble Dragon matches its evolutionary path, much like their cousins, the Brown Dragons, they are chivalrous as dragons can be and many are found to be pacifists. However, for the individuals who are not so quick to turn the other cheek, there are some of this species who display rash characteristics most often related to adolescent humans. Charging into battle in the name of honor, seeking revenge for centuries in the name of pride, these dragons live to defend - and defend they will, be it their pride, their tamer, or a mound of dirt. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]1)Metal Screech: A horrible metallic roar that uses some level of sound waves to dispel and mute any magical effects around the dragon for a radius which grows with mastery of the skill. Beyond the halt of mana surrounding the dragon, mortal foes will cringe in pain, immobilized by the blood curdling sound.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]2) Iron Defense: The Dragon hunkers down and channels its mana to strengthen and 'steel' its scales, greatly increasing its defense, especially against magical effects. Stronger dragons may even null magical effects all together. However in this state, the Dragon cannot fly and has slightly reduced maneuverability.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]3) Deliverance: Even if the Dragon should fall, perhaps their strength is failing and a loss seems inevitable, the Noble Dragon can spend its last reserves collapsing into a coma. In doing so, it imbues its fellows with greatly increased strength and resistance to magical spells.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Hezekiah is very bold and hot headed. Defensive when put into a corner and stubborn. He enjoys sarcasm and giving Goliath a hard time. In the weeks of training Hezekiah and Goliath have bonded so well that Hezekiah is feeding off of the excitement for unobtained glory. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Goliath trusted Hezekiah instantly, and Hezekiah wants to earn that trust by enduring the training, and rigorous side schedule set out by Goliath; which is really just time to hang out.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]+Iron Scales+[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]+Intimidating Presence+[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]+Sharp Wings+[/BCOLOR]




[BCOLOR=transparent]+Hot Headed+[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]*scratches head* feel free to comment!! I'm stoked to be a part of this wonderful RP.[/BCOLOR]

Welcome welcome Wytch.
But bro, you're gonna have to pick ONE nickname you want us all to use. To make it easier. Lol Toad? Wytch? Witch? DECEPTICON?
lol I'm happy to have you. Wanna start this week?
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Haha, Witch Wytch....


Okay, sorry. Excited to see this character in action!

*quickly darts back to pillow mountain to play with Shirin*
Toad is groovy, haha =p


TOAD a few things, could u pls write in the past tense? It makes it easier for the rest to read your posts, since thats the tense we're all using. Also your writing is coloured white, which is a problem for the rpers who use the white background. Remember to colour your text AFTER you've written the post so that you don't have to switch it back to white, OR if you dont wanna do that, choose the 'none' colour option for text you want plain, rather than the white option.

Other than that, yay! We have new blood.
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Name: Opharos Aiedos Rashi'ik Kranar (Literal translation: Rashi'ik, Blood Born, Wise One of the Plague Eater Clan)
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Hometown: Ofaros Village, The Drowned Marsh

Facial Appearance:
More or less like this:

Rashi'ik is a very loyal, determined adventurer. Wild at heart and ferocious in nature, he is unrelenting in his beliefs and suffers no insult upon his pride or those he cares for. His retribution is swift, yet his judgement is just. The mysticism of the swamp courses through his veins and he sometimes gets lost in trances or rituals during the day. At night, he is often plagued by nightmares of sickness sweeping across the land, which only serves to fuel his merciless search for the truth. In his interactions with others, Rashi'ik tends to withhold his judgement for a few seconds, and never says the first word. He feels as though everyone must prove themselves worthy to him, otherwise he might just walk away without so much as a comment. Given his rough demeanor and grave personality, he finds excessive revelry to be annoying and downright extraneous. As for the partakers in such reckless merriment, Rashi'ik has no love for them. For the most part, he is very quiet, opinionated and carries a heavy disdain for being trifled with.

History Bio:
Born to the Opharos Village in the Drowned Marsh, Rashi'ik lost his mother while he was but an infant due to an infection she contracted during his birthing. Despite the miserable conditions of the swamp, death during childbirth was rare thanks to ancient shamanic healing medicines and it was believed that his mother's life force was given (some say stolen) by Rashi'ik at birth, earning him the title "Blood Born". As he aged, dark superstition swirled around him as rumors and wild tales were woven. The wise men of the village knew Rashi'ik had not stolen his mother's life force, but that he was merely an unfortunate, misunderstood child. Viewed as a monster by some, he spent most of his days alone on the swamp, studying and observing the natural order of life. It was here he learned all that live, must die and carried that heavy burden with him from a very early age. Upon his eighteenth name day, he was summoned before the council of elders where he underwent a mystical ritual that would determine if he was suitable as a new shaman. After the elders threw a plethora of different noxious reagents upon the fire, Rashi'ik inhaled a hefty amount of smoke. The smoke was designed to incapacitate the weak of body and mind yet Rashi'ik stood firm and unwavering. After passing this test, he began his shaman training, learning the art of herbal remedies and maladies as well as how to live off the swamp. By the time he was 25, Rashi'ik had become the most talented shaman of the village, his knowledge of life and death surpassed those of even the village elders as he discovered new potions and ingredients that both healed and harmed. While Rashi'ik's potions could not stop the inevitable, he could help heal grave wounds and cure ailments with his salves remedies. The Opharos tribe became renowned for it's potent hand crafted venoms and soon they became feared and respected throughout the land. Some rival tribes became envious of the power the tribe had gathered and sought to bring the power of the Blood Born under their own rein. Many times the Opharos tribe was attacked in hopes of capturing the famed shaman, and so Rashi'ik learned the brutal lessons of combat. Due to his knowledge, he was revered by even the most venerable and learned elders who would come to him with humble reverence, seeking guidance on the ways of life. Women brought their sick children, hunters came to be healed of their mortal wounds. Word of Rashi'ik, the Blood Born spread through the land and people would traverse the treachery of the swamp to seek his guidance. Merrik was one such traveler who would take Rashi'ik on a journey far from the swamps...

Potent Knowledge of Nature
Savage Combatant
Wise for his years

Doesn't do well at parties
Can over exert himself without realizing it, causing more serious injury post-combat
Lacks traditional discipline
Unfamiliar with iron and steel weaponry and mechanisms


Alchemical Mastery: Rashi'ik can create potions and poisons to harm or heal from a variety of different herbs and reagents. He can pick up on different plant and animal traits very quickly for discovering new recipes.

Hunter's Prowess: Rashi'ik's years of living on the treacherous swamp and competing with hostile tribes has honed his skills as a warrior. He is proficient with most tribal weapons, but is most skilled with his Ironwood battle staff which he uses to deliver crushing blows upon his enemies.

Nature Sense: Rashi'ik is familiar with traversing treacherous terrain, determining (and to some extent altering) the disposition of wild beasts and being able to live off the land.

Blood Born - Rashi'ik's birthing circumstances gave him a unique resistance to wounding and illness, making him less susceptible to such ailments.

Bonding Ability (Indomitable Spirit) - Mandragor and Rashi'ik's iron will renders Rashi'ik immune to magical coercion which would harm him or otherwise leave him defenseless. He is also able to push through any pain to continue acting through injuries as if unharmed, although afterwards he will take the full toll of his wounds. Rashi'ik can still be stopped if he loses enough blood or receives a heavy enough blow.

Dragon Breed: Swamp (Olive)

Dragon Name: Mandragor

Dragon Gender: Male

Dragon Appearance:

General Personality:
They are strong willed, hard headed creatures that despise being dominated. The only living being they will answer to is their tamer, and even then they only agree to obey out of the love and respect infused by the bond.Truly one of the the more unusual breeds, these dragons make for interesting companions and unpredictable friends. Tamers who are chosen by the Olive dragon have more adventurous tales than most others thanks to the dragons' deep woven curiosity and inability to acknowledge warnings like "Do Not Enter".

Additional Personality:
Mandragor is slow to emotion and prefers to observe rather than act. He is very perceptive, picking up on the slightest of details that Rashi'ik may tend to miss. He is more down to earth than Rashi'ik, preferring his physical abilities over spiritual ones. He sometimes views Rashi'ik as superstitious or downright weird. He is more likely to study a situation, formulate a plan and then act. Sharing his partners stubbornness tends to mean he may not catch flaws in his own strategy, thereby causing him to get into some trouble. Luckily, he is very adept at adapting on the fly and is quick to learn his opponents strategy and accommodate. Mandragor is intrigued by Rashi'ik's expansive knowledge of the natural world, although somewhat skeptical of his overly mystical and spiritual approach.

Dragon Abilities

Hard Head: These animals have the strongest will power of any dragon. They can survive even the toughest blows, by focusing their unpredecessed willpower into preserving their life force. It is extremely difficult to knock out an olive dragon.

Immunity: These dragons have adapted a natural immunity to poisons, sleep spores, and other ailments from years of swimming in mucky swamp waters.

Instinct: The olive dragons have developed a strong sense of when danger is near. They can judge personalities with ease and cannot be deceived easily

Dragon Strengths:
Powerful Tactician

Dragon Weaknesses:
Not very good when it comes to faith
Inquisitive nature can land him in trouble sometimes
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  • Love
Reactions: Erranruin
AWESOME gotta love that face pic, super duper

Only one small problem

Mandragor and Rashi'ik's iron will renders Rashi'ik immune to magical enchantments which would harm him or otherwise leave him defenseless.

Can you clarify this to 'magical coercion' immunity? Cus otherwise it sounds like he's immune to a bunch of magic and I'm afraid if someone throws a fireball at him he's gonna get burned.

Other than that, FAB HOORAY LOOKS GREAT <3

OH yeah that's what I mean anyways :P I'm used to the DnD definition of enchantment. XD
SUPER DUPER alrighty then, Rashik is accepted!!

Ok a few things

1: we have a skype group for everyone to chat to each other and to keep in contact, which is totally optional but if you'd like to join then we have a few people wanting to fangirl over your character soooo

2: you need to PM me and Soul about how to get your character into the rp, we need to just work out a few things like relationships with the other characters ect ect

3: as luck would have it we're actually having a party right now XD poor Rashik like 'look at all these frivolous kretins'

4: If you dont wanna join the skype group, I'd suggest you still give either me or Soul or both your skype? We're lovely gentle people and we just wanna be able to contact you easily to know how you're doing and stuff, but again totally optional~
  • Love
Reactions: Soulserenity20
Erran knows exactly what she's doing and I second the motion of your acceptance. I'll add your CS to the OOC this weekend so you have a few days to make any changes. Welcome back!

P.S. 500th Sign ups post! *snickers*
  • Thank You
Reactions: Erranruin
Erran knows exactly what she's doing and I second the motion of your acceptance. I'll add your CS to the OOC this weekend so you have a few days to make any changes. Welcome back!

P.S. 500th Sign ups post! *snickers*

Soul have you taken a look at the Gallery? Its finished if you didn't know already ^_^
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