Rescuing the Young(Katherun&Halie)

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"Stop it oth of you!" Griffin scolded. "I think your both tired." It was the only thing he could thing of other than they were young and scared. He couldn't do anything about that fact. He pulled both X and Sam to him. "We ate family. We will have a home soon. Until than we have to watch out for each other. Family helps each other. They don't hurt each other."
X reluctantly let Griffin pull him close, though he stayed as far away from Sam as he could manage, because he was scared the boy would try to reach out and hit him. He was scared because he couldn't hit back. Griffin wouldn't get rid of or hurt Sam. But he could, and would, do both of those things to X if he tried to hurt him back. It wasn't fair. Griffin's speech about family went right through him; in one ear and out the other. "I don't like him and I don't wanna be his family!" X protested, pushing away from the two of them. "I wish you never found him!"
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"NOT FAIR!" Sam stomped his little foot. "I shouldnt have to wait for him! He's mean. He isnt a guest. You said he was family. Which means I should get to eat first!"

Griffin growled at both of them. He tried to be patient. Sam was young and X was confused. But he had about all he could take. "ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU! Sam I want you to lay down on this side!" He snapped pointing to his right side. "X I want you to lay down on this side!" He pointed to his left. "Neither of you is to say another word until the sun rises tomorrow!"
X turned his back to Griffin, making no move to cooperate and lie down beside him. He wasn't tired, he wasn't hungry, and he sure as hell wasn't willingly laying beside someone who snapped at him. The demon didn't speak, but it took a good bit of self restraint to keep from sobbing loudly. Practice made perfect, but there was a limit to how quiet anyone could be while crying. He sniffled a lot, and his breathing was heavy and irregular. He did as the man asked however and he didn't say another word.
Sam stomped his feet. He wasn't tired. He wanted to eat. He wanted his father to hold him. Tears filled his eyes but he refused to cry. He wasn't a baby anymore. He was a big boy. He was going to go to school.

"I SAID LAY DOWN!" Griffin grabbed Sam first. He dragged his son to his side and pushed him to the ground. "I am in charge and you will do as I say. I have tried to be patient with both of you. But I have had it with both of you." He grabbed X and pulled him to his side. He shoved the demon to the ground. "Now SHUT UP! If I have to tell either of you again you will both regret it."
X all but screamed bloody murder when Griffin grabbed ahold of him. He promised he'd be good. He promised he'd like Sam. He promised he wouldn't cry; that he'd be a good boy. But Griffin yelling at him pushed him over the edge. Griffin hadn't yelled often, if at all, before they found Sam. X didn't like it. The demon quickly got up from where Griffin had him laying, and he took off in the direction that Sam had went when he was hiding from him. "I don't like you anymore! I don't want to be family! You can't yell at me anymore!" X shouted tearfully from the bushes.
Griffin cursed under his breath. He glared at Sam. "DONT MOVE!" His son nodded. He stayed laying where his father had placed him. He rolled so that he could see what was happening. Griffin reached into the bushes and pulled X out. "You don't get to pick and choose your family. We are a family because I say so. Family's fight but that doesn't mean they stop being family. Sam and I care for you. Sam isn't showing it real well right now but neither are you. Now are you going to lay quietly or do I need to punish you?"
X ran as far as he could get before Griffin caught up, and again, he all but screamed bloody murder as Griffin dragged him through the brush. He fought back as best as he could. He kicked and yelled, throwing a temper tantrum entirely unbefitting of his actual age. "NO! No! No no no no! I don't want to! Don't! Stop!" Eventually he wore his voice hoarse and rendered his protests nothing more than incoherent, panicked babbling. The demon fell silent when Griffin spoke to him, but he was no less of a mess. "I don't want-" He rasped and choked on a poorly held back sob, "-to- to-" X shuddered. He could hardly speak. "I don't want to be your family! I don't like you! I don't like Sam!" He looked at Griffin with unadulterated fear in his eyes. Unlike previous days, there was no sense of underlying respect or hesitant trust. Only fear and anger that burned with an intensity far beyond Griffin's little one's age. He ripped his arm away from Griffin, not caring if his claws scraped him. "You're not my family! You never were and you never are!" With that, he took off again. X was determined that he could get away without fear of Griffin hurting him.
Griffin sighed. He threw up his hand in the air. "Fine! Go! Stay! I don't care." And he didn't. He was tired of tantrums that he could do nothing about. Tired of feeling guilty for not doing better. Tears shined briefly in his eyes. X might be difficult and complicated but Griffin thought of the demon as his. He moved away from both X and Sam not caring if he hurt them.
X got a little ways away from the man before it clicked in his head that Griffin wasn't coming after him. When he was no longer in eye sight, the demon crouched down into the grass and took a long moment to try and calm down. When fear of Griffin subsided, a new sort of fear took hold of him. He was alone. The realization led him to further panic. The demon didn't hesitate to call for Griffin now. He wanted him back. "Griffin! Griffin I'm sorry!"
Griffin didn't move. He didn't go to his sobbing son. Nor did he go to X when he heard the demon call his name. He just sat there with his hands in his head and wondered what horrible thing he had done to deserve this. Surely that was why nothing seemed to go right. He had been a cruel person in another life and now karma was kicking his ass. He didn't think he could do it anymore. What was the point? He sucked as a father and protector. Without Lily he was just another worthless slave.
X continued to call out for Griffin, even though the man made no move to answer him. He kept going, even after he could hardly pronounce the man's name, after his voice went hoarse and it hurt to raise his voice. He wasn't in the right state of mind to get up and look for him. He was lost, and scared, and alone, and he thought that Griffin would come for him. After dark, the demon gave up. It was a lot like being at the market; unsure of what was going to happen next. While neither chains or bars held him captive now, fear most certainly did. Griffin didn't want him anymore. The man abandoned him, just like everyone else. X realized now he'd been bad. Nobody wanted a bad demon. Nobody wanted a demon at all.
Sam cried himself to sleep. He had never seen his father like this. He had seen him be rude to others but never out right mean like he had been. And never to him. Part of him blamed X. If the demon hadnt been mean to him this wouldn't have happened. When he woke the next morning his father was still sleeping. Sam decided that he would find X and talk to him. It didn't take him long to find the demon. He stormed up to the demon and punched him as hard as he could.
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X had finally gone to sleep just a few hours before sunrise. He was still asleep when Sam found him. The demon woke with a jolt feeling the little boy's fist against him. For someone so small, he packed a surprising punch. When he opened his eyes, his vision was blurry, and it was difficult to make out where he was. But he recognized Sam. He recognized the boy and scrambled to get away from him, whimpering as his vision became more clear. "G-g-get away from me!" He rasped, his voice still hoarse from last night. When he tried to call Griffin's name, he hadn't enough strength to do it; his voice was gone entirely. He wanted to tell the boy that he'd be good, that he wouldn't hurt him or do anything mean to him anymore, because he didn't want Griffin anymore mad at him, but even if he could've spoken, it was unlikely Sam would listen. He was out for blood. X rose to his feet and tried to walk away from him, but he ended up tripping over his own foot. Back on the ground, he curled into a ball with his head buried in his knees and his arms wrapped about his head in effort to protect himself. He remembered running away from Griffin, and calling out for the man, begging him to come look for him. X knew Griffin never answered him, and that he'd spent the night alone wherever he was. Now, he desperately wished that he'd never said anything about Sam. He wished he could take back everything he said, even though he still meant every word.
Sam ignored X's words. Mostly because he couldn't make heads or tails out of what the demon was trying to say. "STOP IT! STOP CRYING! You are a big demon!" Sam shouted. He didn't know if X was big or small for a demon but X was bigger than he was so that made him a big demon to Sam. "We are trying to help you. Dad wants to love you. Why wont you let us be your friend?"
X couldn't stop crying, no matter how badly he wanted to. He was scared and tired, and none of it made for a good combination to calm down. Couple that with the fact Sam was yelling at him, and it really didn't help a thing. Despite what the boy said about wanting to help him and be family, the demon didn't believe him at all. Sam was mean, and he didn't want to be friends with someone who was mean to him. X shook his head, never lifting his face up from his knees. "I-I'm not big!" He sobbed. It was a painful, rasping cry that hurt his throat and his head. "And I don't like you!"
"Your bigger then me!" Sam snapped. He didn't want X to be difficult. He knew that the demon was the reason that his father was so upset. He wanted to get X to come back with him but he didn't know how. He stomped his feet. "Why are you like this? Why cant you just be happy that my dad wants you to be with us? Why don't you want to make a new home with us? Why don't you like me? I wanted to be your friend."
"You're yelling at me! You want to hit me, and- and- y-you don't like me! M-master" the word felt to burn his mouth when he said it, but that was what Griffin was, "likes you more! You- he- you don't need me!" The demon continued to cry, even after his tears had dried up. Harsh grating sobs were the only form of self cofort ge really had at the moment. "He- h- ge doesn't want me anymore."
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"He hasn't sold you, beat you, sent you away, or left you behind." Sam pointed out. "If he didn't want you he would have done one of those things right?" He assumed that one of those four options would be followed if his father decided that he didn't want X with them. "Dad says family fights. I wanted to hit you because I was mad. Im not mad anymore. I don't like it when my daddy is mad or sad. He is sad now because you don't want to be with us."
X shook his head in denial. He didn't know. He didn't quite know what it felt like to be wanted by someone. Griffin ignoring him last night, yelling at him and leaving him alone... all of it was grounds for abandonment in the demon's eyes. "I want to." He said slowly. "I want to come with him." Not him and Sam. Just Griffin. "B-but- you don't like me and he- he likes you more! I can't go!"
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