Rescuing the Young(Katherun&Halie)

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"I taking you on a quest." Griffin told him honestly. He wished there was a way to help X. But he knew that there was only so much he could do. Especially given their time constraints. "We will travel far. I am trying to rescue my son from pouches before he gets sold. Once they sell him I will have a harder time getting him back. They will be expecting me. So I need you."
X listened to what was needed of him incredulously. He didn't believe it; couldn't wrap his head around it; didn't want to believe it. He knew he was broken. When it'd been ingrained in him every day that he was no good, that nobody would want him or need him, he doubted himself. Even his rational mind held that low self image. The more he listened to him, and the more he thought about what was needed of him, X slowly came back to his senses. The first thing he did when he realized what was going on was grip at the collar around his neck in an attempt to rip it off. When that failed, he tugged at his end of the leash in hopes of ripping it from Griffin's hand. "Why should I help you?" He barked. "Why should I give a damn about your stupid kid? It's not my fault you lost him!" He gave the leash another firm tug, trying to run off.
Griffin sighed. This was going to be harder than he thought. He stood to his feet. "Your right. It isn't you're fault that I lost him. And there is no reason for you to care." logic wasn't going to work. Hell he wasn't sure anything would work. Maybe he had made the wrong choice. But it too late now. He had spent his gold. He would have to live with the consquences. He pulled an apple from his pack and held it out to X. "Do you eat fruit or meat?"
X crossed his arms and looked away, turning his back to the man, whose name he didn't even know yet. "If you don't need me, why don't you take me back?" He questioned, still keeping his back turned to him. The demon didn't want to return to the slave market, but he certainly didn't want to be dragged long on whatever suicide mission this man was taking him on. His ears twitched once again as the man started rustling through his pack, and his head turned at the mention of food. He was pleasantly surprised to see the apple being held out to him, despite the fact he couldn't stand the taste of anything sweet. Still, he snatched it from his clawed hand and eagerly took a bite. X couldn't help but cringe at the taste, but he ate the apple without complaint; he didn't know when he'd eat again.
"If you don't like apples you should have said so." Griffin told him gruffly. He knew what it was like to eat food you didnt particularly like simply because you were too hungry to care. He reached into his pack again this time he pulled out a fish. "These are my favorite." He told X as he held the large fish out time him.
"And let it go to waste?" He asked hatefully, disgusted by the idea of not eating something while he had the chance. He finished the apple quickly- eating all but the stem and a few seeds that'd fallen from the core. He glanced at the fish from the corner of his eye, then back at Griffin. "Why are you being so nice? I'm not helping you." He took the fish from his hand, however, and took a bite of it, just as he'd done with the apple. It was much better in terms of taste, but he couldn't eat anymore. Years of neglect and malnourishment had shrunk his stomach and it didn't take much to fill him up. But he kept eating, even after his stomach started to hurt. "I don't even know your name!"
"I am being nice because I can be. You have given me no reason not to be nice. Sometimes you get more with kindness than you get with violence. I doubt that being rough with you will help win you to my cause. We'll see. I am hoping to change your mind between now and when I need you." Griffin chuckled. "You never asked my name. In fact you have given me very little chance to tell you anything. My name is Griffin."
X finished the fish quickly as he'd done away with the apple. He made himself sick with as much as he'd ate as quickly as he are it. But he wouldn't admit that. It didn't sit well with him- being told that the man had no reason to be cruel to him. "Bullshit." He turned away again. "I haven't listened to a thing you've said, I've yelled at you, hit you, kicked you..." He trailed off. 'I called your kid stupid.' He thought to himself. He didn't have any recollection of balling his eyes out, promising to be good. He was thrown off by how Griffin was treating him. And he didn't know how he felt about it. "And you tell me I've given you no reason not to be nice?" He couldn't understand the other man, and it bothered him.
"That's what I said. You have given me no reason to be cruel to me. You havent said or done anything that other people havent said or done to me." Griffin repeated. "Do you have a preference about what you eat X? We should get supplies before we leave town."
X stared at him, mouth slightly ajar. In his experience, everything he'd done would've earned a beating or a kick to the gut, or a slap to the face, something. He didn't know what to think or expect and it bothered him horribly. The demon didn't want Griffin to treat him roughly, but he was tempted to ask just to maintain a sense of normalcy so he could hate him without feeling guilty for it. "...I'll eat whatever you give me." He said slowly- apprehensive. "Where are you even taking me?" He knew they were after the man's kid, but he hadn't a clue where they were going to get him. "And what are you going to do with me when we even find your kid?" He asked. But before Griffin had the chance to answer, X cut him off. "NO! No I'm not helping you! You're just going to trade me and get rid of me! I won't do it! You can't!" He'd gotten the idea in his head that Griffin would trade him over with the traders for the release of his son.
Griffin sighed. He pulled X up so that the smaller man was face to face with him. Then he decided that enough was enough. He had wasted too much time on the demon. He wrapped his arms around the smaller man and held him tight. Then he pushed off spreading his wings out as he lived them off the ground. "Will you let me answer before you panic?"
X's heart beat rose when Griffin pulled him closer and he started to freak out when he was lifted up to be at eye level with the man. "P-p-put me d-down!" He stammered indignantly. "Damnit put me down now!" He screamed, when Griffin took flight. While the man might not have been more than a few feet off the ground, the demon got motion sick easily. Couple that with the fact he'd stuffed himself full and couldn't stand being touched, it was a recipe for disaster. "I'm not listening to anything you have to say until you put me down! Please!" He was already panicking and the stress of it all was enough to make the childish side of him resurface. "Please put me down!"
Griffin instantly felt guilty. He looked for a place to land. Damn it he couldn't do this. He landed just outside of town. He wrapped himself around X again. "I'm sorry little on. That was cruel of me. I swore I wouldnt be a cruel person." He began to rock the demon hoping to bring him comfort. He didn't want the man suffering because of him.
X clung pitifully to Griffin, and he didn't let go, even after they'd landed. Everything was spinning and he felt sick to his stomach. Being rocked was comforting, in a way, but it didn't ease his motion sickness. X pushed himself away from the man and darted off to throw up without being watched. He tugged the leash away from Griffin's hand and moved off behind a bush, where he coughed a few times to empty the contents of his stomach, before returning to the man. "I'm sorry." He apologized, wiping his mouth with his arm, before returning to the warmth of the other's chest. "I'm sorry." He didn't even know what he'd done that he was apologizing for.

((Omg, I promise, all these weird health problems X has are things he originally had. I know it's super coincidental that he's got all these problematic ailments, but I promise, I'm not adding them in just because I can.))
"Shh.. Don't be sorry. Its my fault. I should have been more patient." Griffin held X again. He rocked him gently since that seemed to help. He didn't know what to do no. He could afford to leave X behind. He didn't want to force him to come with him. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He didn't know what to do. He would have to free the demon and hope he could care for himself.
X leaned into the embrace once again, but it felt awkward to him. Griffin seemed... distracted. "You're not taking me back, are you?" He asked, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Please don't take me back! I'll be good, I won't get sick!" He made false promises in hopes the man wouldn't abandon him. "I'll help you!"
"I'm not taking you back." Griffin told him. He stood to his feet and unfastened the collar. He looked down sadly at the demon. X didn't know what he wanted. He would for years if ever. "I'm sorry X. You and I just aren't going to work. Your free. If you can care for yourself you should stay free." Tears filled his eyes. Hus chances of freeing his son was slim but he wasn't going to stop just because the odds were against him. He headed down the path.
X stared in silence, watching his collar being removed. Griffin's words run in his ears, over and over again but he didn't fully comprehend what they'd meant. The demon lived the entirety of his life in slavery- living as a subservient being to someone else. And while he'd dreamt of freedom, the concept now was terrifying and felt more like abandonment than a dream come true. "W-w-what? Y-you're leaving me?" X couldn't take care of himself. Not when the slightest bit of fear he had reduced him to a quivering, teary eyed mess. He chased after Griffin, scared of being left alone. "Don't leave me!" He begged, "I'll help you!"
Griffin ignored the demon. He didn't have time for someone who changed his mind every five minutes. "I'm leaving you because I don't have time to take you back. Ive already lost two hours on you." He shook his head. He knew that X was afraid. He didn't blame him. But Griffin didn't have time to easy the demon into helping him. He didn't believe X's promise to help him. He continued down the road.
X followed Griffin, even after he'd been told that if there was time, he would've been taken back. He didn't have anywhere else to go. He didn't know anyone; had no friends, no family, no money. There wasn't anything for him aside from more heartache and fear. And he recognized that. In doing so, he was starting to come back to his senses. By the time he'd caught up with the other, he was back to himself with little recollection of what'd just happened. "You took the collar off me...?" He asked, struggling to keep up with him. "Do you really trust me?"
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