Recon One: The Phantom Ghosts

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"I can see it in your eyes. Go get some sleep. It's not like we are on standby for a mission."
Cam hesitated a long moment. "I don't know.." She said quietly. "How about I stay here until after you explain?" She said with a slightly stubborn tone, not wanting to leave or go to sleep.
"You're half falling asleep as it is. Go get some sleep. I can handle it."
Cam hesitated again, but sighed, letting go of his hand. "Fine..." She stretched a little. "Just send Ace to come get me or something if you need me.." She stood, pausing and turning to leave. Just as she reached the door, it flung open and she barely dodged, catching it before it hit the wall. In came the Commander and Ace, Hawk behind them. She paused, but knowing Luke had already told her to go, she slipped out, closing the door. She went to her room and collapsed on the bed, yawning and curling up under the covers. She kept the door unlocked in case someone came to get her.

Ace stood at the foot of Chip's bed, the commander stood at Luke's feet. "What the hell were you thinking?!"
"Permission to speak freely,sir?"
The Commander nodded, crossing his arms.

Ace didn't say anything, just wanting to know what all this is about.

Chip sighed. The Commander had woken him up with his yelling, and he knew he wouldn't really get to sleep unless they quieted down, so he just pulled the sheet over his head.
"Sir, since the mission in the city, my sniper, Cam, and I have had a bad feeling. On the helo out, we saw a man in the street, watching the chopper. A man was following us here at base, and upon questioning, we found out that he and his family were being threatened. I'm sure you heard we got Marcos to fly us in and out. As we flew out, we saw the same man from teh city watching the base. We got to the man who was following us house, and we encountered 60 heavily armed hostiles. They had set up an ADWS turret.

"Sir, we followed our guts. That's why you picked us for the Ghosts, and why you put me as it's leader, because I know how to get the job done, and damn the consequences. We did our jobs."
The Commander listened intently. "60 heavily armed guards?" He asked, frowning.

Ace suddenly felt uncomfortable. All three of them had noticed someone follow them? He wondered if they were actually safe here.

"That sounds like quite a bit more than a rag tag group of rebels we'd been informed about." The Commander said, glancing at Ace.
"Why do you think we went off alone, on an unauthorized mission? Sir, when we arrived, they were about to start killing the civvies, executioner style. We engaged, because our duty is to the people. That means if me and my team have to bend the rules to do it, I will in a heartbeat."
The Commander sighed. "I'm going to need to talk with Intelligence... this is a lot more complicated than we thought." He glanced around a second. "Where did Cammille go?"

Ace had been looking at the ground, but now he looked up. "Sir, Cam left when we came in." He said quietly.

The Commander looked at the door, then back to Ghost, thinking.
"I sent her to her quarters for rest. She has been up nonstop for twice as long as I have. She was falling asleep in the chair, so I sent her to bed."
He nodded. "I see. I'll let her be then. " The Commander said calmly. He knew that pushing a soldier could only go so far.

Ace glanced back at the door. "She was falling asleep in her chair? Sheesh.."

Chip yawned. "Yeah, she didn't want to leave." He said sleepily.

Ace nodded. "Chip, you should sleep too. And you too Ghost...both of you need some rest. We all probably do." He said calmly.
"Sorry we didn't tell you before. We knew you would've said no."
The Commander nodded. "Though it was wrong, you didn't have much of a choice. You're pardoned for your actions. Next time though, at least a heads up or something would be nice." He said, much calmer now.
"Yes sir. Now if you'll excuse me, i'm going dow......" He is asleep before he finishes.
Ace sighs softly. "Sir, we should probably get some sleep to." He said quietly as not to awaken the two injured, sleeping men. Chip had fallen asleep under his blanket and Ace pulled it off his face gently so he wouldn't wake up.
"Yeah. Lets go." They walk out.
Ace followed the Commander out and silently closed the door behind them. "I'm going to check to make sure that Cam actually went to sleep, then I'm going to bed. Goodnight sir." Ace said calmly as he started to Cam's room. He noticed the door was unlocked. Peeking in and seeing she was asleep, he shut the lights off and locked the door before silently closing it. "Sleep well." He whispered as he headed towards his own room to sleep.
Luke wakes up a few hours later, and just stares at the roof of the building.
Chip is still dead asleep, snoring slightly.

Cam jerked awake from a nightmare, but after realizing it was calm, she sighed. Getting up, she decided to walk around for a while. She tucked her hands in her pockets and walked semi-silently down the dark halls. She was still tired, but knew she needed to walk off the dream before she could sleep.
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