Recon One: The Phantom Ghosts

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"Hard to say. Doc said we'll start physical therapy in a week. I say three days. We'll see who wins." He smiles, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Cam smiled and laughed softly. She pat his hand gently. "Just don't overdo it okay? We can't do much without out brains." She said gently.

Chip rolled over to sleep.
"I'm a Navy SEAL. If I say I'm gonna do something, I'm damn well gonna do it, no matter if I kill myself in the process."
Cam sighed, but was still smiling. "Okay, okay." She said softly. She heard the door and looked over. Ace was coming in. He looked a little down, but was silent upon seeing Chip try to sleep. He walked over to the bed.

"Hey.." He whispered softly. "How are you holding up?"
"Pretty good, given everything. Doc says we're starting physical therapy in a week. I told him three days." He chuckles, then get's serious. "Commander pissed?"
Ace nodded slightly. "Quite a bit. He kept asking why." Ace looked between them, as if expecting an answer.

Cam looked down a little and looked to Luke. "Seems like everyone wants an answer." She said softly.
Luke sighs, and bows his head. "Ace, can you get Hawk and Commander Burkhart here? Cam and I owe you all an explanation."
He nodded and turned to get them.

Cam fidgeted. "We had a good reason, and we learned some very important facts." She said calmly, leaning forwards to rest her head in her hands, rubbing her face.
He reaches over and lays a hand on her shoulder. "Yes, we did, on both accounts. We are an elite group who answers to the president himself. There is not much Burkhart can do."
Cam looked up at him and nodded. "Right." She said as she put her hand gently on his. She relaxed a little, nodding again. She stretched her legs, but didn't move much more than that. "Would you like to explain to them or should I?" She asked softly.

Ace walked up to Hawk. "Ghost wants to see you in the infirmary." He said as he glanced around for the commander.
"I'm the leader. I dragged us into the mission, and gave all of the orders. I will." As an afterthought, he says, "Do you know what happened to me and my team in Baghdad, why I seized up like I did?"
Cam was quiet a moment before she answered. "I know that you were the only one who got out, but I don't know anything else." She said softly, her head rested on one hand as she watched him. She was curious, but she didn't want to make him feel sad or anything.
He sighs. "We were the best Team on base. You might have heard of us, cause some say we were the best in Iraq: Zulu Team. We were sent on a mission to eliminate a key Taliban leader, Al Fulani. My team and I were positioned on a roof across the street from the compound. My sniper, Nathaniel Balisong, callsign Bali, got a bead on him and was about to pull the trigger when an RPG blew us off the roof. I blacked out when I hit the ground, but Bali....Bali listened to the rest of our 4-man team die. Nate died in my arms.

"My Team was dead, Fulani had escaped, and I was the only one alive."
Cam listened intently, nodding slightly at the end. She rubbed his hand gently. "That's... I can see why you froze up." She said softly, unsure really what to say.
"That's why. I'm sorry I seized. It happens every once in awhile since that night."
Cam wrapped her hand around his. "Don't be sorry." She said softly, rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb. "It's not something you have a lot of control over." She said in a gentle tone.
"They tried sending me to psych, but I told em hell no."
Cam nodded. "Why be forced to talk to someone who you don't really want to tell all your feelings to? That's no use." Cam said softly. She hadn't let go of his hand, her head down a little. She was doing well at hiding the fact she was beginning to feel slightly tired. She looked back up at Luke.
" go get se sleep. I can explain to Burkhart and Ace. You need sleep."
Cam shook her head. "No... And besides, what makes you think I need sleep?" She asked, surprised he had read her so easily.
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