Reality Getaway: Beach House Living (OOC & SignUps) ALWAYS OPEN

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I'd love to request a female character for room 5 or 6, if that's okay!! :)

Kathrine Christine Miller ~AKA KC~
KC, or Kat (to those close)
✮Age and Birthday✮
22: Unknown, but celebrates on September 1st
Heterosexual (Straight)


✮Part-time job✮

Escort through Foxes' Escort Agency
Unknown/Probably Irish
✮Eye Color✮
✮Hair Description✮
Long, Auburn
Usually straight, sometimes wavy

✮Marks✮ Including Tattoos
Heart shaped freckle on her lower back
✮Health Ailments✮
✮Personality✮ Paragraph please
Kathrine tends to be an introverted person despite her career. She hates people who are too clingy, who talk all the time, and those who create excessive drama. Her outlook on life is very realistic and she sometimes comes across as pessimistic, but she just doesn't like to get her hopes up. Her past (see below) has taught her to be very self reliant and independent. This allowed her to focus her time on solo activities, like writing, reading, painting, and daydreaming. At times, she may push others away simply to prevent codependency. She takes her work seriously, but keeps her personal life separate. Although she works as an escort, she has a strong sense of her morals. She has never slept with someone before and she's never even been in a relationship. Kathrine is kind to others and will help anyone if they need it, but will not seek out kindness or help for herself. She never went to college, but she's intelligent and witty. She can be quite empathetic and sensitive towards others, but hates it when people pity her. Kathrine doesn't really believe in crying, but she can be caught shedding a tear while reading emotional stories or watching emotional movies.
Katherine doesn't know her real parents. She was abandoned at an orphanage when she was a year old and spent several years in the home. When she was seven, she was finally taken in by a family, but they couldn't get used to her quiet nature. They simply cast her as being cold and ungrateful and returned her to the orphanage two years later. From then on, she was sent from one foster home to another. At seventeen, she left the system and began working part time. She started working as a waitress and was recruited into the escort services by a man who frequented her restaurant. It didn't take long for her to learn the ropes and soon she became one of their top escorts. She had to become a different person for this line of work though, and being lively, engaging, and flirtatious all the time just made her more introverted in privacy. Self defense became very important to her after she was almost attacked by a customer she was escorting. Katherine has a basic level of self defense which is usually enough to deter clients who get overly familiar. She was in desperate need of a vacation when she got the message on facebook.


Animals, chocolate, jokes, music, & poetry.
Popcorn, drama, excessive noise, horror films, & clubs.
Reading, writing, taking walks at night, & painting.
Listening to others' problems,
flirting to get her way,
making up stories.

Thunderstorms & being abandoned.
She's an orphan. [Doesn't tell others so she doesn't receive their pity]
Keeps her job a secret. [Doesn't want the drama associated with telling others]

Open. PM me if interested. :)

✮Room #✮

Katherine is very excited to get away and go on this trip. She figures that it won't be too different than being in the foster homes; lots of people being watched by others. She may want to start a relationship with someone just for the chance to make some money. Also, she's worried about getting sunburned, so she'll pack extra sunscreen.
She comes from New York
Just woke up! Gonna start updating stuff in about an hour
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@Mocking_Jayy room 6 is open for girls and room 1 3 and 5 are open for boys
Alright. Alice will go to room 6 and Carter will go to room 1
Name: Jujube
Age: 30
Occupation: Host of Reality Getaway and Professional Drag Queen
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Jennifer Rae Walker

Jenn or Jenny

✮Age and Birthday✮
18 {September 12th}



✮Part-time job✮

Australian and American

✮Eye Color✮
Chocolate Brown

✮Hair Description✮
Jennifer has thick dark brown hair the descends past her shoulders and is naturally curly



124 lbs



✮Health Ailments✮

Jennifer is a fun loving and out going girl who works hard in everything she does. She teases her friends a lot and likes to have a good time. Jennifer prefers to live life to the fullest and has made that her life goal. She always tries her best and isn't afraid to stand up for herself or others. Jenn is a total risk taker and has been known to be quite the daredevil. She is as loyal as one can get and everyone knows they can trust and depend on her. Gentle and kind, Jennifer always tries to make people feel accepted and welcome, even if it takes years. She is very persistent and doesn't easily back down which works well with her stubbornness. Jennifer, despite her personality, is actually very smart from studying during a lot of her free time which leads her to getting high grades in most of her classes. She takes responsibility for her actions and owns up to her mistakes which has shown her to be rather mature



-Her dog
-Pop, Hip Hop, and Country music
-Being with friends
-Good movies
-Her foster parents​

-Being put down
-Tight spaces
-Fast cars
-Being forced to do something
-Animal abuse

-Star Gazing
-Playing drums
-Watching movies

-Complete darkness

-Amazing singing voice
-Great actor
-Pretty good at playing guitar

-She watched people be killed
-She shot a man with his own gun
-She never knew her real parents
-She was abandoned by her real parents
-She can understand animals in a way others can't [Actions and such]

Kathy - Mother - Loves
James - Father - Loves
Summer - Dog - Loves


✮Room #✮

"I can't wait! It's a new adventure just waiting to be seized!"

I wanna get away


Dominick James Parker

Dom or Domin

✮Age and Birthday✮
18 {January 8th}



✮Part-time job✮


✮Eye Color✮

✮Hair Description✮
Dominick has thick black hair that stops above his ears



143 lbs



✮Health Ailments✮

Dominick is a pretty cool guy who keeps calm in most situations. He is a total troublemaker and risk taker which has gotten him into quite a lot of trouble. Many see him as a prick and while that's true, Dominick doesn't usually mean to. He just tends to be blunt about things and doesn't realize it. He speaks his mind without realizing it's affect on others so everyone thinks he's a total jerk. Dominick is actually a pretty nice guy who has a soft side for animals. Though when he's angered he can become fierce and even very dangerous



-Hanging out with friends
-Pop and Hip Hop music
-Horror Movies
-The supernatural

-Doing his own thing

-Being called names like Prick
-Animal abuse
-His family
-Being put down
-When people insult his friends

-Playing the guitar
-Watching movies
-Listening to music

-Rock on the guitar
-Amazing dancer

-Having his heart broken
-Hurting someone he cares about

-His father raped his sister
-His mother is in jail
-He killed someone with a knife
-He stole the first kiss of a girl when they were in Kindergarten

Amy - Mother - Lived with - Hates
Kyle - Father - Lived with - Hates
Jamie - Sister - Lives with - Loves
Karmin - Aunt - Lives with - Likes


✮Room #✮

"I can't wait to get away from home."

I wanna get away
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Lukas James Carison


✮Age and Birthday✮
21 November 22



✮Part-time job✮
"I work in a full time band, so yeah."

"Would you like a spot of tea?"


✮Eye Color✮
Grey Blue

✮Hair Description✮
Luke has light brown hair that he slicks up
because he feels like it.


175 pounds

One Lip piercing on the right side

Nothing but a scar on his upper back from a skateboarding accident.

✮Health Ailments✮

Luke is a bit of a crazy guy who is the leader of a band that is pretty popular in the US and England.
He tends to be the best hugger out of the group and is a generally sweet guy. He is funny, nice sweet, and is the
settling down type of guy. He sometimes gets a little caught under the pressure of the band but
he tries to keep a cool head as the singer.


Playing Music, Singing, Falseto, His band mates, Touring, Making others Laugh.

Long Work Hours, No Sleep, Rap Music, Critics.

Skateboarding, Playing Guitar, Singing

Guitar, Singing

His Step Father, Becoming Fat, Death, Dying Alone

-He was raped by his step father
-Parents Are Divorced
-He Lost his V card in a Broom Closet at the age of 13
-He Vomited on his band mate when he meet him.

Kira Vinter- Mother- 58-Remaried
Kamen Carson- Father- 67-Divorced
Davidek Vinter-Step Father-60
David Viter- Step Brother- 24


✮Room #✮

"All of my band mates have broken the no girlfriend rule, so this is a bit of payback."

Slightly dies inside, as I read your character sheet. @IceQueen
I had to, I heard their music, and I just had to XD
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Any of my characters are open for friendships guys. And a few are open for more.
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✮Name✮ Kayla Natalia Grant
✮Nickname(s)✮ Kaya
✮Age and Birthday✮ 19 | January 11th
✮Gender✮ Female
✮Sexuality✮ Pansexual
✮Part-time job (optional)✮ Music store selling guitars
✮Nationalities✮ Russian | Italian | French | Australian
✮Eye Color✮ Sky blue w/gray
✮Hair Description✮ Naturally Dark Brown, but dyed grayish white
✮Height✮ 5,7
✮Weight✮ 124
✮Piercings✮ Lip, ear, Bully button
✮Marks✮ Ear (Seen in piercing photo), Shoulder, Thigh / hip.
✮Health Ailments✮ ADHD
✮Personality✮ Kayla is a interesting human being, who sees the important things in life to be the simple things in life. She is very free spirited, and well doesn't like to be held back. She goes where the wind takes her and without hesitation. She is completely in love with all kinds of music, though post hardcore is her favorite. She never leaves home without her guitar, wallet, and mace...just in case.
✮History✮ Kayla grew up half her life in Boston, and the other half in Perth, Australia. Her father located in Perth and her mother in Boston. She was an only child, until her mother went and got herself knocked
up a few months back by some weird Koran guy, named Jeff. After finding out that Kayla was to give up her bedroom in order for the babies room to be put in, she left home and hasn't looked back.
✮Likes✮ Post-hardcore, Green Day, Music, singing, her guitar, MnM's, Starburst, books like Percy Jackson, The sound of rain, Swimming, ice cream, surfing, longboarding, fireworks, photography.
✮Dislikes✮ Being neglected, vegetables, children (some), Greedy people, Chocolate (dark), fake cheese, chick flicks, the sound of loud cars.
✮Hobbies✮ Guitar, Longboarding, singing, writing.
✮Talents✮ Guitar and singing
✮Fears✮ Never being who she wants to be, falling off a building, walking on a rope bridge and it snapping.
✮Secrets✮ Mother is a crack addict, Father is some rich dude in Perth, she just got signed to a record label.
Diane Sumpter | 35 | Mother
Harry Grant | 38 | Father
(If you want to be in one with one of the character, see them first)
✮Room #✮ 7
"Fiji sounds amazing! Especially a vacation before I go into my new line of work.
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Okay so random thought! I can't get over how much I love my twin characters! LIKE OMG!!! And I was scrolling through Facebook and I saw a status about my friend Georgie (Girl I used for Lynnette) and it makes me sad that my favorite twins are graduating in like 17 days! It makes me wanna cry like sooooo much @Autumn_Burns_Red Just a random thought I had
Getting love by ghosts xD.
Calling room 8 for girls
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"The name's Veronica. Call me Ronnie if you can. Which you will."

Veronica May Evans

"I go by Ronnie I guess *shrugs*"


✮Age and Birthday✮
"I'm 20. Can't legally drink, but I won't tell if you want. *smirks*"

20// August 13th//

"I'm a girl. What do you want proof or something?"
"Love is love babe. But it's probably the last thing I want."


✮Part-time job (optional)✮
"I work as an entertainer, if you catch my drift. *winks* Well that and a pet store."

Stripper and PetSmart
"I'm a lot of things I guess."

Irish//German//American//French//Canadian//Native American//

✮Eye Color✮
"They're like a amber brown color I guess. I don't know."

Amber brown
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✮Hair Description✮
"It's long and colorful. I don't know what else you want me to say."

Long//Thick/Naturally curly//Dyed//

"I'm kinda tall."

"Average I guess, which is weird because I eat a lot."


"Oh you mean decorative holes! Yeah I have a lot of those. *plays with lip ring*

Tongue 1//Tongue 2//Bellybutton//Vertical Lebret//Ears (stretched)//
✮Marks✮ Including Tattoos
"Ooh my addiction!!"

Tattoo 1//Tattoo 2//Tattoo 3//Tattoo 4//Tattoo 5//Tattoo 6//Tattoo 7//Tattoo 8
✮Health Ailments✮
"I'm not normal, I'll tell you that. *chuckles*"

Depression//Insomnia//ADHD//Smokes cigarettes//

"Uhm, I'm kinda lame. A bit of a badass I guess."

Veronica is ver nonchlant and tries not to give a shit about much. At an early age, Ronnie started giving no fucks and she only really cares about her art skills, her mother and her best friend Alexander. Ronnie drinks and smokes to mask her depression and she feels like it makes her more approachable and fun. It takes a lot for Veronica to let you in and get on her good side because of her trust issues. Her exterior is stone cold and rock hard, but she's really as soft as a gummy bear.
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"Uh, I would rather not. *chews her bottom lip nervously*"
Veronica grew up in a mostly horrendous household, Her father was a drunk/junkie and the only love and affection she got was from her mother. Her father would drink and beat she and her mother. Veronica would do anything she could to get away from it all. When Ronnie was 9, her mother died of brain cancer, leaving her alone with her dad. When she was 12, her father came home drunk and raped her. After her mother died and her rape, Veronica fell into a deep depression. Four years later, when Ronnie was 16, her father remarried and Ronnie actually liked his new wife. Her sophomore year of high school, Veronica started smoking and drinking to cope.

"I like kind of a lot of things"


"Too many things to count."
People//Fake cheese//

"Um, I do a lot of things, but I'm not that good."

"I'm not that good. *shrugs*"


"I'm not scared of shit! *chews her bottom lip*"

Her father//Heights//Clowns//Being raped// Being alone//
"Why would I tell you?"

Mom died of cancer//Raped by her father at 12// She's a virgin/ Works as a stripper at Vanilla Unicorn in LA// Loves her dad's new wife// Wants to be in a relationship// Hates chocolate bars//

"If only I was born into a different family."

Rachel Marie Evans-Mother-49-Deceased-Love//Craig Ray Evans-Father-53-Alive-Hate//Addison Michelle Evans-StepMother-36-Alive-Love//


"Ew! *cringes* Why would I want that? I guess whatever happens happens. *shrugs*"

Room #✮
"I better have a cool roommate."

"Eh, I'll do anything to get away from my bitch-face dad. I'll kinda miss Addison though. *nods*"

✮Other✮ Anything Else I Forgot
"Uhh, there's nothing I can really think of."

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