RANT Your Brains Out #98274

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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This post might get deleted but I really don't like the new forum update. The more I get used to it the more I find it tedious and just down right unnecessary. Threads no longer get bumped up in the forums when they're replied to and I really miss the actual relevant information like who last responded, how many replies, and thread views because I dunno at least there's people out there interested in looking at your roleplay. There's also no real way to tell if a roleplay has been read or not which I find particularly irksome. The rest is just overwhelming. In fact, I find myself spending less time in the forums than before, if I bother with them at all, or really don't feel the need to bother with anything I'm not already recieving alerts for. Don't even get me started on the side menue bar thingy. Why can't things be simple again?
Ummm... Normally I wouldn't respond to something like this, but... I'm pretty sure most of the features you mentioned still exist... :/

Threads definitely do get bumped when replied to, and you can still see things like who last responded, how many replies, etc...

I mean I can understand wanting to rant about aspects of the site that you don't like, but I literally don't see what you're complaining about. o.o
This post might get deleted but I really don't like the new forum update. The more I get used to it the more I find it tedious and just down right unnecessary. Threads no longer get bumped up in the forums when they're replied to and I really miss the actual relevant information like who last responded, how many replies, and thread views because I dunno at least there's people out there interested in looking at your roleplay. There's also no real way to tell if a roleplay has been read or not which I find particularly irksome. The rest is just overwhelming. In fact, I find myself spending less time in the forums than before, if I bother with them at all, or really don't feel the need to bother with anything I'm not already recieving alerts for. Don't even get me started on the side menue bar thingy. Why can't things be simple again?
Uhm... going by @Kaga-kun said, let me help a bit.

IN CHARACTER GROUP RP | IwakuRoleplay.com
ONE ON ONES IN CHARACTER | IwakuRoleplay.com

They are all updated and working as before the update as far as I am aware, along with all the other forums (Interest checks, OOCs, etc).
Ummm... Normally I wouldn't respond to something like this, but... I'm pretty sure most of the features you mentioned still exist... :/

Threads definitely do get bumped when replied to, and you can still see things like who last responded, how many replies, etc...

I mean I can understand wanting to rant about aspects of the site that you don't like, but I literally don't see what you're complaining about. o.o

Uhm... going by @Kaga-kun said, let me help a bit.

IN CHARACTER GROUP RP | IwakuRoleplay.com
ONE ON ONES IN CHARACTER | IwakuRoleplay.com

They are all updated and working as before the update as far as I am aware, along with all the other forums (Interest checks, OOCs, etc).

Then either it's a mobile thing or just something that occurs in Libertine threads because no matter how many times I've replied and seen others replied, the threads stay on the same page as the original. For example two of my threads won't leave the eight page while my most recent one won't leave the first. I'm not sure about my group but I saw someone say in the bug report thread the only way a thread becomes bumped is if it's an update that was posted. Correct me if I am wrong. The only way the last user, views, and post count becomes viewable on the forums is if the interface glitches out and the original is shown. Otherwise all I get are stars for the disabled rating feature. Threads do not get marked as read if they are viewed as countless times I clicked on a thread thinking there's an update only to find no new posts. The same goes for the group roleplays but I can't tell if they're stoic or not.

The only way I'm seeing the original format, is through those links posted.
Then either it's a mobile thing or just something that occurs in Libertine threads because no matter how many times I've replied and seen others replied, the threads stay on the same page as the original. For example two of my threads won't leave the eight page while my most recent one won't leave the first. I'm not sure about my group but I saw someone say in the bug report thread the only way a thread becomes bumped is if it's an update that was posted. Correct me if I am wrong. The only way the last user, views, and post count becomes viewable on the forums is if the interface glitches out and the original is shown. Otherwise all I get are stars for the disabled rating feature. Threads do not get marked as read if they are viewed as countless times I clicked on a thread thinking there's an update only to find no new posts. The same goes for the group roleplays but I can't tell if they're stoic or not.

The only way I'm seeing the original format, is through those links posted.
Oh, yeah, I see what you're saying now.

I'm not a libertine RPer so I never would've noticed, but, wow, yeah, the layout is completely different. o.o

Maybe you should make a thread about this in the help desk section, asking why libertine seems to be so different? Cuz uh... yeah, it's perfectly understandable why you would want all those features back, and I have no idea why libertine is without them when the normal group RP's are formatted in a way that makes sense.
That does sound like a help desk thing.

And it's time to get back on topic

>> Can someone please explain to me why several of the licensed music videos from the Beatles' own VEVO account are suddenly blocked in the US on copyright grounds...??

I mean... I can understand why all the illegally uploaded Beatles content would get hit with a wave of copyright claims like this... but... yeah. >_>

You know the YouTube copyright system be fucked up when it starts attacking the legal owners of the content it's trying to protect like some sort of cancer. =_=

Like seriously I ain't even that mad about the vids being blocked -- I'm mad because this makes zero fucking sense.
Why the hell when I stop what I'm doing, look at you and smile before saying hello do you look at me without saying a word but expect me to help your ass when you have no idea what to do because you didn't bother to give me the common decency. Dear customer, fuck you.
Nobody ever wants to pay attention to my pierced ear :(

There are so many reasons why mandatory group class advisement is a waste of time for me.

Please let me out of here; I have an art project I need to work on.
Was going to spend all afternoon working on role-play stuff. Dad asks me to take sister to soccer practice which lasts two hours....while I am sick. =-=

uuugh, maybe I'll just stay in the car ;-;
The books my friend ordered for me decided to come when nobody was home so they had to be sent back to a warehouse... except there's not warehouse in the city I live in so they went to the another city >:C
I am so tired. I need a break. I was so looking forward to a weekend off -- something I desperately need at this point -- but that's not happening at this point since I'll need to work my ass off on an art project this weekend -- which I'm only behind on because I was too busy doing other schoolwork to focus on it.

I so desperately need a day to sleep in, get off the meds, and cut the caffeine, but I can't afford to. I'm in a constant state of scrambling to do things and I'm just so tired. I'd love to just relax the rest of the afternoon -- not even the weekend, just the rest of today, but I can't even afford to do that.

I have no time to search for a job or even to have much of a social life, but I don't even care about that right now. I just need a mental health day. Just to refresh myself before going back into work-mode. I keep trying to give myself a day off, but, there's never time. There's constantly something I need to put all my time into because I've had no time to do it up until this point. I just can't fucking do this.

I am so sick of this semester.

Edit: And just as I was thinking that there aren't enough hours in a day, I remembered that this Sunday will be 25 hours long thanks to daylight savings.

There is a God.
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People are predictable assholes. That is all.
When someone doesn't read what you wrote in your request thread pertaining to having ideas instead of simply sending a pm expressing interest in a pairing with nothing more.
Our feeling of pain is ridicules -.- Like is the amount of pain we feel necessary? Well that's something I looked up ^^

1. No, it's not necessary. But we all probably know/suspect that. So why is it so overblown?

The reason is kinda interesting. Even without the below, we will still feel pain. But the reason why we feel THAT much pain is... A tad complicated XP (As all things relating to the body) Super long story short (And even then, only a part of the reason)

our (immune system) is insanely violent. A "Take no chances" attitude. It goes after and destroys perfectly healthy and strong cells just because it MAY be related to the wound/infection.

Pain has also been a slight struggle with evolutionist. Intense pain doesn't make any evolutionary sense. Pain does, but to the point where we can't even attempt to run away? Turns out, that wasn't exactly our personal evolution.

I can't quite understand if it's actually our immune system. The overly violent cell wasn't apart of us originally, but an outsider that became apart of our biology. It's technically an outsider, but our body lets it hang around due to how well it protects the body. Yet it still relates to the immune system all the same (It gets complicated XP)

Getting stabbed/getting shot on it's own isn't nearly as painful as we feel. The true overwhelming pain comes from this overly violent immune system part that just destroys anything and everything it even slightly thinks about the possibility of something relating to the injury/infection. if it wasn't for cell, we wouldn't be feeling nearly as much pain... But that also means that infections will have a MUCH easier time slipping through and doing some real internal damage. So it's a blessing and a curse.

It makes quite a bit of sense and explains why when I cut my self by accident the other day, I barely felt a thing until a bit later when it started to sting.
Dammit. I'm so fucking glad my cat killed that mouse who's been cheekily scurrying across the kitchen now and then. But did you really have to take the corpse behind my recliner? This chair is one of my coziest safe zones and I have a cat throwing a dead animal around behind me. Due to my phobia of dead things, I freak out. I panic, I scream at the cat, I keep grabbing at my face and crying and wondering what the fuck I'm supposed to do. The cat I had before this one killed things too, but it was always outside, or she'd leave them at the doorstep. Never had an indoor kill before except for bugs.

At one point I start breathing real shallow, then I get on the floor and just lay there. Anxiety's a bitch when I have nothing or no one to aid me. Eventually I wake up, chug down some alcohol, and cautiously get the dead mouse outside after throwing Sif in the bathroom. ('Cause she srsly wouldn't stop pouncing on that dead body no matter how many times I spritzed her, so I was just like 'gtfo, Sif.) I took a totally wuss approach to this task. I put on rubber gloves, held a sword in one hand, a dust pan in the other. Used the sword to gingerly move the body into the dust pan. Held the dust pan out as far as my lanky arm can reach, run outside while crying, and dumped it over the railing. Then I hug myself while I cry some more.

This is embarrassing as fuck, but I'm still sort of hysterical and figured typing in the good ol' rant thread could help. lol And well I'm drunk, because i chugged a bunch of wine without a second thought. I get chatty when I'm drunk.

*siiiigh* Man I'm so lame. >__> On the plus side, I'm glad that furry little fuck is dead, and it pleases me to know that my cat is an evil sicko with hunters blood flowing in her veins.
This ones gonna be a fun one ^^ I guess the main theme is, pettiness.

Like systems are worthless-
Facebook, forums, message boards, likes have lost their meaning in most places. Why? Because of the pettiness of people.

I've seen people type something pretty damn cool, and it get a bunch of dislikes. So okay, they disagree. I guess it was a bit controversial. Then someone else types EXACTLY what that person with the dislikes said, and suddenly get likes and stuff FROM THE SAME PEOPLE. Way to discredit yourself like that. I'm sure your mother would be proud.

And congratulations on being so petty that you sacrificed what you stand for to get a jab at someone.

Even more magnificent, it gets to a point where they become predictable. It becomes easy to tell who their likes will go to, who their dislikes will go to, that's because there's a pattern, the same things to the same people.
Meaning it's not about agreeing or disagreeing, it's not about the subject at hand. It's about the person, not the words. A few forums ago, I had made a new saying "Read what I say, not what you think I mean" turns out they knew exactly what I meant, they were just too petty to care, and were mis-reading on purpose.
But due to those reasons, like systems have lost their meanings entirely, because it's not about liking a subject anymore, it's about liking or disliking a person.

Which is a shame really, it's a good way to measure how many people think something without cluttering a topic with the same thing. Too bad it can't be trusted due to these people.

Petty people-
I don't even know where to begin. People who don't care about evidence/facts/subjects/situations/reasons/others, only their feels with people. I'm sure we all have a grudge with someone one way or another, but some people take it to the extreme to a point where it just becomes sad. I guess my version of it going too far is when your grudge gets to a point where you sacrifice what you stand for, make yourself a hypocrite, just to get a small jab at someone you don't like.

That is sad for 2 reasons.
1. What that person is, their very existence is one I don't see of being particularly good.
2. They can't be taken seriously, because they can't even take themselves seriously. They have no consistent stances. They will change their mind in an instant if it means getting at someone. It's just sad and miserable.

Mass bullying-
I've seen people get bullied hard, completely wrecked to the point of insanity, and the MOMENT they retaliate, then suddenly they are the ones who are in the wrong, and suddenly they are the bad guys while the majority completely ignores what they have done to them, and ignores what others have done to them. These people will try to be nice, try to make amends with people and clear things up. Sadly, it's normally the petty people they are dealing with, so them trying to make things right gets seen as harassing. Which leads to the next part.
Notable groups are LGBT and Atheist. Both started nice, and both were driven to the point to retaliate. Now they both are seen as the bad guys.

Not facing anything head on-
YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE THE THINGS I HAVE WITNESSED!!!!!! Grown adults, outsmarted by their 7 year old kid, because the kid challenges things head on, while the adult just ignores, deflects, does everything in their power to ignore their own wrongs. And since they have that power, it is the child that suffers in the end.

Then when that child grows up to be over 18, the parent suddenly has no power over the child. They can't say "Go to your room", they can't deflect well, now, the child knows better and will make sure the parent hears exactly their bullshit. Too bad later on it's just excused/ignored.

Even ignoring that particular situation though, even people on forums. There's a very specific type of person that is protected. Mentally weaker people, people come off as soft and make people feel the need to protect them. Which okay, build up their self confidence, that's good :D
Except people don't know when to stop spoiling them. People will excuse their outright crimes/thievery, and then go after the person who calls them out on it. But no, the softer people don't talk it out, they go straight to someone in power, and then once they have the backing of them, THEN they go after the person who called them out. Too cowardly to face someone on their own, always needing someone else and if someone else isn't there, they don't say anything.

Why is that? I LIKE to think it's because they know they're in the wrong, and when you're in the wrong, the best thing to do is get people to argue for you to give the illusion that you're right through majority rule.

Majority rule- This has become an unofficial fallacy (If not a legit fallacy) to many peoples eyes. People who think they are right because more people agree. The strangest thing is, the few times that I have people for me on a point, are the points that I, myself was wrong about. I have no true explanation on this one as it speaks for its self. Nobodies fault really, it's easy to think you're right if you have like 20 people agreeing with you. But still a pet peeve none the less.
Dear Weather,

If you could please make up your mind whether or not you want to be unnaturally hot or normal, that would be freakin great!
So... My cell phone is broken and off to repairs, the phone they're lending me is so well worn it's an annoying piece of electronics that's slow and at times slightly unresponsive.
Sleep has been difficult.
Nightmares are annoying.
My room is a mess.
Got homework that must be done.
A whole ton of adulting to do.
I haven't been able to keep up with any of it.

... *sighs* Well, that is the not-so-fun things of my week. Now over to the fun things in the happy thread.
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