RANT Your Brains Out #98274

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"We're going to have people over any minute. I didn't say anything because I thought you'd be asleep"

...Seriously? *sigh* We've been through this. I've told you, I can't sleep through people talking (which is why I'm even awake right now, thanks) and I wake up if I hear people come into the apartment, what the fuck did you think was going to happen??? We all know I wouldn't have stayed asleep. The warning would have been fucking appreciated, holy shit.
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1. Dose of rizatriptan didn't work for the first time so headache just got worse. Perfect, an uncontrolled migraine is just what I need within 72 hours of moving when I still don't have all my shit done.

2. Apparently you shouldn't take rizatriptan with one of my antidepressants. Thank you doctor for not checking this out when you prescribed it to me. Cool great. Even better that this normally works super well unlike just regular ibuprofen and now I have to stop taking it.

Lol I hate pills
I hate medication
I so badly wish that I was even remotely functional without them. I've been on pills since I was 11 years old, I don't even know who I am without them!!! I hate this!!!!
Ugh!!! Seriously, why do I get myself into this crap? I am never being nice to another person for as long as I live.

One day that will be true.....
I don't have $3k on me, sorry-not-sorry. Take the payments or I'm getting a lawyer, you self righteous bitch. And what do you mean you don't know how to amend the documents? It's part of your job! You were trained to do this. And then later she calls and says it'll be an extra $1k for her services. WHYTHEFUCKSHOULDIPAYYOUFORAJOBYOUCAN'TFUCKINGDOINTHEFIRSTPLACE? *beluga whale noises intensifies*

That feel when you want to relax and just enjoy the thing that you were looking forward to but you're too stressed and anxious thinking about your responsibilities and wondering how the hell you're going to finish the semester... owo"""
Holy fuck. Why is it so hard for roommate D to remember to keep her voice down when someone is sleeping?? That's twice today that her yelling about something has woken me up, not to mention all the other times. It's a small apartment, she doesn't need to yell to be heard...

T-T I just want to go through one day without being woken up, is that too much to ask?
When you hired two new people after me explicitly saying many times that I was willing and glad to work M-F, you promised that all of the hours would be allocated evenly.

So why then, in the month of April, did one of the new employees get all of these extra hours, when I, who have been working here for seven years, wasn't even offered any of them? When my availability form said I was able to work M-S? Not even a fucking phone call?

What the flying fuck
Mother, I really don't care that you do a countdown - I get it, you're excited - but for the last couple years, I've asked you to keep it to yourself instead of announcing it to me down to the minute twice a day because it makes me more anxious about traveling then I already am. I am very much aware that in three weeks I will be on a packed train, surrounded by people I don't know for 6+ hours I don't need you to remind me.
"I don't give food to non-Christians." WHY?!? Not even joking, this is something I heard with my own ears. A grown man said this to a 10 year old kid, who happens to be an atheist. What the actual fuck?! You're an adult, sir. You are supposed to be the guiding hand for the next generation, act like it. I wanted to report him, but I knew that I was too angry to compose myself. If I spoke up, I would have screamed. I feel dirty thinking about it. Ick!
@Shiri Yikes. >.<" Not only is that fucked-up, but it's also basically the opposite of what Jesus preached anyway.

"Love thy neighbor", you're doing it wrong.
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I can't tell what hurts more; my lower back or my abdomen.

Body why???
The local news is such a drag sometimes. Alright, here we go. A year back a man committed rape on a minor; was caught, registered, released. He is still allowed to go to events with children, because I guess he had a great lawyer? Anyway, that aside, the one from this past week - a guy gets into a verbal confrontation at WalMart, company charges him, now he's in max security. Uhhhh what? Am I crazy or is that backwards? Welcome to backwater, I guess...

We really need our justice system evaluated, but none of the politicians seem interested. :/
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I guess I'm more stressed about this trip next month then I originally thought, I keep forgetting to eat and have no goddamn appetite. Fantastic
If people could stop just walking right into my fucking house, that would be fan-fucking-tastic! My daughter goes outside for a walk, doesn't lock the door, and some idiot couple looking at the apartment downstairs just open the door and walk right in, then have he gull to bitch about my dog growling and snarling at them! Like what the fuck? Of course he's going to snarl at you, moron. You don't fucking belong here! Has anyone ever heard of fucking knocking? Considering I live in a state where I could have shot them for just waltzing in my house without my permission, that's a pretty fucking stupid thing to do!

I swear, I fucking HATE stupid people!
I really need to find something to make work less unbearable.
Great, now even my parents don't want to listen to me. I have no one left so I have to bottle it all up inside. Apparently the mental breakdown I had two weekends ago meant they should fucking ignore me when I just want to bitch a little and talk to someone.
I seem to be pissing everyone off today. Well damn it's not my fault that your expectations are way above the fucking roof! I am only one human being with limited capabilities so please take a Xanax or something fuck.
(whispers) how do you expect me to function when I can't sleep for longer than 2 hours at a time

when you said that my apartment wasn't over another suite I assumed that it would be quiet
but my bedroom is right over the office
so there's talking and phones and buzzing all day




"just ignore her, you have to ignore her, she'll stop"
how long I gotta do this because it's been a week and I don't think I can handle it much longer

this was a mistake
Apparently I'm not allowed to eat lunch anymore. I can't deal with this constant chaos in my life. My job changes so much that the description might as well be "fix anything and everything and do everything.". I'm always alone both at work and at home. I keep breaking into tears at work, my parents don't want to hear it and I can't keep living like this. I need to change something. I need some kind of outlet and someone who respects me, even just a little would be more than I get at work.
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