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Nonsense. Consider it your good cliche' deed for the week.

I suppose my alt plan would be to just wander my way into the paladin capital of california at high noon, but let's be real. Unless you'd like to update me as to another idea, it's either that or sneaking my way on to the box car via nightfall.

Personally I'd like to push for the more dramatic route.
So I sling your dead body across the back of my horse, then purchase a coffin and say it's some Christian ritual or your family wants yer bones back or some shit.
You wouldn't even have to sling it on the back of your horse, Tarr probably has a horse of his own. But yeah you get the drift. Ride his beat up carcass into town, buy the box, hand him over to the shipping crew and sell the horse for effect. You could even keep the change.
I'll box the horse in a coffin too. You may need it.
I'll be working on my post today :D Finally had a good idea!
*shoves his long, unwieldy post into a closet*
The drug-addled half-breed Preacher and the mutilated Devil-dealer need their own spin-off show. :|
I'll post when Ampoule isn't busy making me laugh too much to post in srs RP.
Still waiting on my partner. >.<
We'd need the guy who does Superjail to illustrate Hal's drug visions.
I'm on board with this idea.
I'll be posting on Tuesday-Wednesday

Sorry for the delay...thanksgiving prep and workload increase.
Finally got to posting- so sorry it took me so long ^^;
All's well. Holiday kept me busy.
Holidays AND wedding reception AND family visiting from the UK.

*snatches the trophy*
In all seriousness...

How the hell​ are you even getting yourself to a computer?

...cos... all that stuff has now concluded?
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