Raining Blood

"That doesn't concern you. Go take care of the car," Brian said. He rummaged through Don's pockets, finding the keys, throwing them to his sister. "Trust me, it's better if you don't know."
Catching the keys she crossed her arms and glared at him. "You are not killing him I don't want you to do that he's my friend." She whispered looking over to Don then back towards her brother.
Brian hoisted Don up, using enough force to dislocate his shoulder, and Don screamed in pain. "Don't tell me what to do. I spared both of your lives, and I can take them just as easily. The longer you delay, the more I am going to torture poor Don here, and the likelier the police end up finding us."

To show her that he wasn't playing around, he ripped the sleeve off of Don's coat, exposing his arm underneath. He began cutting in to the flesh with his fingernails, causing Don to squirm in protest. No matter how hard Don tried, he could not escape the vampire's grasp.
She screamed as she saw his shoulder get dislocated and covered her eyes. Don did not have to get hurt over this she thought she was getting along fine with her brother now. "Ok I'm going please just stop." She cried out taking they keys and starting out the door she was going to jump out of the moving car and send it down a cliff. That's what she did and soon she was walking home since the cliff was a bit far away from the home.
While his sister was out dealing with the car, Brian hauled Don downstairs. No use keeping him in plain sight if the cops came looking for him. It hadn't taken Brian long to find the key to the collar, and moments later Don was chained to the wall, pleading to be let go. His plight fell on deaf ears as Brian walked back upstairs, ready to explore the mansion that he intended to call home.
About ten minutes later she came back not wanting to leave her brother he might do something bad to Don if she did. Opening the door she walked in and looked around for her brother. "Brian?" She called out after not seeing him in the room they were once half an hour ago. Where was everyone?
The house was magnificent. There were two floors, not including the cellar, and plenty of rooms. Thick layers of dust covered almost all of the furniture, a few select pieces showed signs of regular use. Up on the second floor there was a locked door. It was in front of this door that Brian stood, struggling to break in. The door was solid, barely budging when Brian started trying to kick it in. There has to be a way in. And what's on the other side of the door?

Brian heard his sister return, calling his name. He didn't respond, he just stood there trying to think of a way in. He had spent several minutes trying to find a key, but there didn't appear to be one. Sighing, he dropped to the floor, eyes on the door. His thirst was coming back.
When there was no answer she started to get worried and then heard someone kicking something like a door. "Brian?" She tried to follow the sound and ending up where her brother was. "What's going on where's Don?" She said moments after finding her brother near a door little did she know that his hunger was coming back.