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Full Name: Ailesh Elgin Eachan

Aliases/Nicknames: The Unicorn,

Preferred Name: Ailesh

Titles: Raven's apprentice

Age/Date of Birth: 24 December 1st

Gender :Male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Occupation: Guardian of the Tugley woods.



Facial Structure: Thin shallow and pointed.

Body Structure: Thin yet strong

Eye Color : light blue

Hair Color : snow white

Height : 6'0"

Weight : 180 lbs

Skin Tone: extremely pale

Scars: NA

Tattoos :NA

Piercings : NA

Marks : NA



Five Good Traits: honest, brave, intelligent, Organized, caring

Five Bad Traits: superstitious, over cautious, paranoid at times, judgemental, anxious

Details: Ailesh is a nice man and a guardian of the clover fields along with the Lion. He is honest, kind brave and intelligent. However he is very superstitious at times and paranoid as well which causes him to be over cautious. When he sees something he doesn't understand he tends to err on the side of over cautious and tends to insult people due to his cautiousness. He has been known to call people and things he doesn't recognize a monster but after he get's to know the new person or thing a bit better he is very kind.

Quirks: He is very OCD things need to be organized in a very specific way or he'll go a bit crazy.

Hobbies: He enjoys playing the harp and the flute. He also enjoys whittling things out of wood and other objects.

Interests: whittling new things, making new songs to play on his ocarina and harp.

Likes: Music, flowers, creating things, nice people, beautiful things.

Dislikes: the unkown, mean people, reckless people, dangerous tings.


Arsenal: His sword, a collection of throwing knives, a magic horn.

Abilities: lightning bolt: using the horn he is able to summon a bolt of lightning to strike his enemies.
Light: using the horn again he is able to summon and throw small orbs of light to light the way on dark nights.

Physical: enhanced strength speed and stamina: being part horse his strength, speed, and stamina are enhanced making him a powerful guardian for the clover fields.
Sword skills: He is highly skilled with a sword and uses any advantage he can get in a fight.
throwing knives: he practices daily with his throwing knives and is deadly accurate with them.

Mental: strong mental fortitude. good memory


Fears: the unkown, dangerous things,

Physical: Agility his agility is very poor

Mental: His paranoia is his biggest mental weakness. He can also get distracted fairly easily.


Ailesh was born on the first of December. It is said because it was so cold the day he was born that his hair and skin turned snow white permanently. As Ailesh grew older he grew to understand many more things. However he also began to fear them as well. Some think it was another effect of that the cold had on him during the day he was born. Others just think it's his own personal issues but he was paranoid as ever that was for sure.

Once he reached his 20's he somehow found himself in the Tugley woods. While he was wandering through the woods he came across the Chesire cat. Ailesh being his paranoid self freaked out at first thinking that the cat was going to eat him or something. But after some talking he realized that the cat was actually very kind and helpful..in his own unique way. It was the cat that brought him to see the King of Spades. While meeting with the King the king found Ailesh a very honest and bright person so..he asked him to become the guardian of the Tugley woods. Ailesh eagerly agreed.

When he's not busy protecting the woods he is either whittling away at trees or stones to create amazing creations. When he isn't whittling he's playing music on his harp or flute. He is happy with where he lives and the life he has. He sees no reason to change anything about it and never wants it to change no matter what.
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finally finished with both my cs's hope you like this one too @Vio :)
Guardian of the clover fields.
He would be the Guardian of the Tugley Woods ^^
Those do not exist in wonderland.

Everything is going to be fine, but you might have to change his history around a bit as there is no field of clovers.
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kay I'll fix all of them :P
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kay I'll fix all of them :P
The raven, the cheshire cat, and the king of spades are all closely related to the Tugley woods if you need some people to focus on. ^^
The raven, the cheshire cat, and the king of spades are all closely related to the Tugley woods if you need some people to focus on. ^^
I honestly don't even know who "the raven" Is XD the other ones yes but not the Raven lol. I'll work on it and let you know when I finish again :P
@Vio finished changing his history hopefully that works a bit better :P
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One issue with your post. The white rabbit isn't in human form in the human world. In fact no one knows that Alicia's pet rabbit bun-bun is the white rabbit except for Madam Rooke.

So that's the only thing you have to change.
Okay, I'll get on that. I was worried about posting it, I hate having to kick stuff off on a regular basis.
I'll have my first post up soon.
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Okay, I'll get on that. I was worried about posting it, I hate having to kick stuff off on a regular basis.

No need to worry, its really just small stuff. Rarely would ever say "you have to change all of your post or make a new one." XD
hey everyone! I'm going to be busy the upcoming week due to school, but those of you with volunteers please don't forget to post!
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Finall finished Rillow..
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Remember our humans need to post~

Alicia Rooke | Mission Leader | @Vio
Ian Knox | Resource Investigator | @kimsim12
Mabry Knox | Monitor-Evaluator | @kimsim12
Britt Heiden | The Implementer | @SugaarCereal

And a thank you to our humans who have posted already <3
@Saint Allison
Thank you!

I will try to post tonight or some time this week. This up coming week ended up becoming really busy for me cuz I have training for my new job and two school assignments that are due.

Counting on you to get the others to post <3
I will hopefully be able to post sometime soon...I have a busy day today X,3 , but I'll work on everything I need to
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