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@Vio I finished Vera's history. Some of the finer details will be fleshed out later; I'm just having a hard time completely sorting them out. I just wanted to at least finish it for the most part. :)
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Hey, I'm not sure if you've gotten any of my messages, but I would like a response soon.
@Vio I finished Vera's history. Some of the finer details will be fleshed out later; I'm just having a hard time completely sorting them out. I just wanted to at least finish it for the most part. :)
Anything I can possible help with?
@Vio Actually, I've decided I completely and utterly hate my character as she is. I'm completely redoing her and will have her completed by this evening. I'm actually thinking having twins for my two characters, boy and girl. Would that work? I still would like the monitor...hm, and perhaps the plant for the boy? That would certainly be interesting...
@Vio Actually, I've decided I completely and utterly hate my character as she is. I'm completely redoing her and will have her completed by this evening. I'm actually thinking having twins for my two characters, boy and girl. Would that work? I still would like the monitor...hm, and perhaps the plant for the boy? That would certainly be interesting...
Sure I can allow that! You could even make one of them part robot (cyborg)! Just be careful not to give them to similar of a personality. xD
@Vio Actually, I've decided I completely and utterly hate my character as she is. I'm completely redoing her and will have her completed by this evening. I'm actually thinking having twins for my two characters, boy and girl. Would that work? I still would like the monitor...hm, and perhaps the plant for the boy? That would certainly be interesting...
Oh and if you need any help I am almost always available.
Okay, thank you! Oh, and I definitely won't. I'll just delete my previous post and do a new one so they'll both be together! Thanks again!
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"I do love a good nickname."
"Shut up."

Ino and Bry (bree)

Preferred Name
"Call me Ishmael!"
"Shut. Up."
They don't really care.

Age/Date of Birth
"I'm the eldest, of course. My little sister can't bear it most of the time."
"You are so fucking annoying."

Ian: 27, August 3, 7:10 AM

Mabry: 27, August 3, 7:11 AM

"I'm obviously far too masculine to be female!"
"More like too idiotic to be one!"
Male and Female

Sexual Orientation
"I'll take you however you are, as long as you can cook!"

"So you'd fuck a guy?"
"Um, no. Guys can't cook. Duh."
"You are impossible."
Ian: demiromantic heterosexual
Mabry: aromantic pansexual


"I find this question to be rather rude and offensive."
"I can't believe I'm related to you. Just answer the damn question."

"I have the most important job of all, as you might expect."
"You're full of it."
Ian: Resource Investigator
Mabry: Monitor-Evaluator



Facial Structure
"It is perfectly normal to be in awe of my beauty."

"You don't really believe that, do you?"
They both have rather pointed chins and somewhat high cheekbones, though Mabry's are more defined than Ian's.

Body Structure
"Of course I was joking. I'm not that pretentious."

"I don't know about that..."
Ian is rather lanky with long legs and a thinly shaped torso. Mabry has rather defined hips and an average-sized bust.

Eye Color
"Should I count my cyborg eye for this?"

"How should I fucking know?"
Ian has one dark brown eye and a cyborg eye that usually glows an orange-red color. Mabry's eyes are just a tad lighter shade of brown.

Hair Color
"I'm practically like Snow White!"

"You're a fucking guy! How could you be Snow White? And don't you dare point out my language!"
They both have equally jet black hair that shines in the sunlight.

"My one true embarrassment...how could my sister be as tall as me?"

"Get over it."
They both stand at 5'10", making Mabry tall and Ian rather short.

"How could ask such a question? My weight is my business!"

"You are such a girl!"
Ian: approx. 180 lbs
Mabry: approx. 135 lbs

Skin Tone
"Again...I am Snow White!"

"I give up."
They are both rather pale in color and rarely ever tan.

"Well, you see, I sort of lost my eye..."
"How can you 'sort of' lose your eye?"

"Well I have a new one, don't I?"
Ian: scarring around his cyborg eye, evidence of his previous injury; burn scars on his hands
Mabry: a thick scar across her stomach, another on her right leg, and a burn scar running from her left shoulder to her right hip

"Tattoos are for heathens!"

"Did you just call me a heathen?"
Ian: N/A
Mabry: a tattoo of Roman numerals XLVII (47) and XLIX (49)

"Piercings are perfectly acceptable forms of self-expression, of course!"

"So why am I a 'heathen' for having a tattoo?"
"I'll tell you when you're older."
"I'm forty seconds younger than you!"
Ian: two on his left ear, both located at the top of the ear
Mabry: N/A

"I'm flawless!"

"You have a mole on your back."
"No, I do not!"
Ian: mole on his left shoulder blade, various freckles here and there like any normal person
Mabry: pink birthmark behind her right ear, various freckles like her brother

"I prefer to make a statement with my style."
"You are an embarrassment."
Ian generally wears dark colors with splashes of red or orange. He always wears gloves to hide his scars from public view. The picture above is a good representation of what he usually wears. Here's the full picture.
Mabry tends to have a simpler sense of fashion, preferring practicality over anything else. She tends to wear something like this or this.



Five Good Traits
"I'm much more friendly than my sister. You've probably already figured that part out."

"At least I have an ounce of humility in my bones."
Ian: friendly, creative, loyal, enthusiastic, flexible
Mabry: practical, observant, intelligent, driven, honest

Five Bad Traits
"I'm perfect."

"You're an ass."
Ian: too trusting, reckless, impractical, prideful, overly optimistic
Mabry: stubborn, blunt, distrusting, disrespectful, easily frustrated

"I respect everyone's opinions!"

"Your opinion is wrong."
Stay Positive!
Have Self-Confidence!
Give Everyone the Benefit of the Doubt!
Respect Others!
It is O.K. to Fail!
Morals are Important!
Let your Creativity Shine!


Be Practical
Have Humility
Trust is Earned, Not Given
Likewise, Respect Must Be Earned
Failure is Not an Option
The End Justifies the Means
Intelligence is More Vital to Success than Creativity

"I love people!"

"You are naive."
"Says the little sister!"
Ian: ENFP; "The Campaigner"
Mabry: ISTJ; "The Logistician"

Ian tends to be open about his own feelings and thoughts, and he cares greatly for the thoughts and opinions of others. He believes any idea is a good idea, and he's open to suggestions. He is an extrovert at heart, jumping at the opportunity to interact with others. He is also extremely loyal--even to a fault. He will not betray you if his own life depended on it. When posed with a challenge, he becomes quite enthusiastic and faces things head-on in an almost reckless manner. His ideas border on impracticality, and he rarely ever stops to think about what he's doing. He fully believes that mistakes are necessary to life, and he tends not to let failure bother him. One of his major faults is his pride. When faced with horrible truth, he goes into a sort of self-denial and refuses to believe that he is not capable. He's gotten himself in many dangerous situations by believing he could tackle anything that stood in his way simply by having the self-confidence to do so. He treats life with a saturated optimism, and morals are more important to him than success.
Mabry is quite the opposite of her brother. She is honest about her feelings, much like her brother, but she does not care to sugarcoat things. She is blunt and sarcastic, to the point of being outright rude. She is an introvert at heart, preferring to stick the sidelines and observe than having to interact with others. She is distrusting of others, believing everyone has an ulterior motive. However, once you have earned her trust, you are not likely to lose it. She also believes that everyone must earn her respect, and she only has respect for a few people. She is stubborn and unyielding in her beliefs, rejecting her brother's ideal of "every idea is a good idea." She believes in logic first and foremost, tending to think about feelings later--if ever. Her thoughts on emotion is that they are a liability. To her, emotion drives people to recklessness and worthless bravery. Mabry herself is driven by success, causing her to be very goal-oriented. Without a tangible goal, she often loses motivation. Failure is not an option for her, and she blames herself for every failure that has occurred in her life--whether it was her fault or not. She is intelligent and fair-minded, loving justice but hating mercy. One of her major faults is that she is easily frustrated, a part of her that she hates since she believes it interferes with logic.

"I suppose everyone can be a little weird."

"You're more than a little weird!"
Ian: paces often, unable to sit still, bites his fingernails, taps his foot
Mabry: stares at the sky, crosses her arms, taps her chin, closes her eyes and rubs her temples

"I'm quite an interesting person, I know."

"Maybe you should just shut up for once."
Ian: painting, social interactions
Mabry: reading, writing, listening to music

"I have many reasons for joining this affair."

"I'm the one that's supposed to talk first!"
"Does it look like I care?"
Ian: Wonderland fashion, magic, history, becoming friends with Wonderlandians
Mabry: Wonderland history, magic, dangers, old technology, understanding the Wonderland hierarchy

"I enjoy many things!"

"I certainly don't enjoy having him as my twin..."
+Social situations

+A good book
+Quiet places
+Intelligent Minds

"I suppose there are some things I don't appreciate."
"I don't even need to comment on that, do I?"

--Rude Behavior
--Following Strict Rules

--Ostentatious Fashion
--Social Situations



"I love everyone!"
"You pretend you do, anyways."
Ian and Mabry have a classic sibling relationship, often quarreling over rather ridiculous topics. Mabry often finds herself annoyed with her brother, but she does love him. In fact, he is the only person she truly cares about. If anyone were to hurt her brother, all hell would break loose. Ian cares for his sister as well, but he would be less likely to resort to open violence if his sister were hurt. Rather, he would quietly deal with the perpetrator. Both these actions starkly contrast their personalities, which is rather strange.
Mabry so far only respects Alice, their leader. She still does not trust her, but she does respect her. Everyone else has yet to earn that respect.
Ian respects everyone in the group, but Akane rather scares him a little bit. He trusts her to do her job, though, just as he trusts everyone else.



"I don't have anything up my sleeves, I swear!"

"My brother is surprisingly prepared."
Ian: pistols, first aid kit, knife, cyborg eye (equipped with night vision, infrared, light, and even a radiation analyzer)
Mabry: Swiss army knife, gloves, katana

"Don't be too frightened by me."
"You're more likely to be frightened by a bunny rabbit."

|Resources and Diplomacy|
He is resourceful and almost ingenious. Despite his almost flighty personality, he is always prepared with extra weapons, a first aid kit, etc. He can sweet-talk his way out of many situations, making him an easy choice for diplomatic missions.
|Medical Examination and Treatment|
While he is not the most skilled fighter, he is an excellent medic and knows the ins and outs of many medicinal herbs. He makes a point to know the medical history of everyone on the team. If you're allergic to peanuts, he'll damn well make sure you aren't within five feet of a peanut.


After many years of practice, Mabry has become quite proficient with a katana, and she almost never goes anywhere without one.

She is quite skilled at tracking on many different terrains. Whether she's tracking an animal or another person, she rarely fails.

"I'm the strongest fighter you'll ever see!"
"Yeah, right."
He can maintain constant labor for hours on end.
He's surprisingly agile and flexible, and he manages to stay on his feet most of the time.


Similar to her brother, Mabry can last longer than most performing grueling tasks.
She is quick on her feet and a fast runner.
While not the strongest, she is above average and can hold her own in a fist fight.

"Eh, who cares about mental strength?"
"I do."
"Of course you do."
He knows how to support and motivate others.
While his calculating intelligence is not nearly as high as his sister's, he is very knowledgeable in many areas, including medicine and diplomacy.

She is well above average intelligence, able to calculate probabilities in order to come to the most likely outcome. This doesn't mean she will always be correct, but she often is.
|Emotionally Stable|
She doesn't allow her emotions to get in the way of success, most of the time. She is very focused and works well under stress.



"I'm fearless!"

"More like fearful."
|Confined Spaces|

|Complete Darkness|
|Death of a Loved One|


"Why should I have to fill this part out? I don't want them to know my weaknesses."

"Just shut up and grow yourself some balls."
"You're so vulgar."
Ian's assets do not lie in physical strength. He is not a complete weakling, but he would not do well in a test of strength.
He's not a very fast runner, though it should be noted that he would last longer than most (as described above).

While she is above average, she does not boast impossible strength. There are many who could overpower her.
She's not clumsy, but she is not nearly as agile as her brother. She's rather average in this area, actually.

"I hate this part of the assessment."
"Didn't I already tell you to shut your trap about a thousand times?"
|Emotional Stability|
He does not work very well under extreme stress, and he's likely the first to panic.
|Too Trusting|
Without his sister, he would likely trust a serial killer with a gun.

One of the few emotions that can control her actions, anger is her best and worst enemy.
|Emotionally Blank|
She does not fully understand the necessity of emotion, therefore she loses the value that it brings. She's not an AI by any means. She still feels emotion, but she loathes it. She buries it deep inside herself, and it usually bursts in a form of anger.



"I don't want to answer this question!"
"You hypocrite! You made me answer all the other questions!"
Ian and Mabry Knox were born into a comfortable life as the children of a powerful senator and a business mogul. From an early age, the twins were taught how to live in proper society. Their mother, the business mogul, was constantly away on business trips and never had time for her children. They were instead dumped on a lovely maid named Hannah. They grew to love Hannah as their own mother, though they still missed their actual mother while she was away. Their father was home much more frequently, though he would always stow himself away in his study reading legislative bills and other such things. Neither parent seemed to have the time to pay attention to their dear children who just wanted parents to love and care for them. As far as personalities went, Ian was always the more friendly of the two, though Mabry had been quite extroverted in her own way. Ian became obsessed with the medical field from an early age, and Mabry was fascinated by swordsmanship and hunting (she watched a couple TV shows about them and was instantly hooked). Given everything they wanted as long as they behaved, the two went about pursuing their desires. Mabry learned various sword arts, though she held no greater love than for the katana. She trained every day for many years and also excelled in school. Living on an estate in one of the few countrysides left, she was able to go hunting whenever she wanted. Her brother, while becoming more and more knowledgeable in the field of medicine, had never quite reached higher than an average level of academic achievements.
Their life was without want, save the love they craved from their parents. However, as one might expect, a senator and a business mogul cannot live without enemies. And they just so happened to anger one extremely powerful and rather illegal group. When the twins were celebrating their 16th birthdays, they were delighted to finally be able to hear both their parents sing "Happy Birthday" to them at the same time. It was the first real "family moment" they'd ever had. Then, tragedy struck. It happened so quickly. The lights went out, the windows shattered, and all the twins could hear were the horrifying screams of their mother as she was stabbed to death. Her father was subsequently shot three times. Hannah tried to protect the twins, but she was killed as well. They took the twins hostage, and they spent the next several years in a human and drug trafficking ring. Many days were spent in tight, pitch black spaces. Three years later, on their 19th birthday, authorities found the twins and a group of other captives in a warehouse of sorts. They were saved but at a great cost, resulting in the burn scars that now plague their bodies. It took an entire year of rehabilitation before they could be released back into the world. They tried to pick up their old lives but to no avail. Ian, desperate for friends and people he could love, became too trusting. Mabry, desperate to keep her brother safe, became far too apprehensive of everyone and everything. The two picked up their old passions, but it would still be many years before they fully adjusted back to normal life. Before finishing medical school, Ian decided to become an ambassador at 23 and was considered the diplomatic mind of the century, able to negotiate with almost anyone. Mabry stayed close by, refusing to let her brother out of her sight for long. She continued her training with the katana and her love for hunting (where she learned to track). Nowadays, she never goes anywhere without her blade.
Several months ago, the twins were approached by ACE with the opportunity of a lifetime. Mabry was apprehensive, as always, at first, but she grew to accept the idea. When she first met Alice, she rather hated her, but she eventually grew to respect her. Ian was excited from the beginning, believing this to be the pinnacle of his diplomatic and medicinal career. And, who wouldn't want to go to Wonderland?



"I do believe that's all there is to know about us."
"For once, we can agree on something."
"I don't think I agree with that."
"Don't even start with me."
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Oh and if you need any help I am almost always available.
I have a question. There's human characters and wonderland characters. If I wanted to make an AI, what would they fit under?
Also, would the Cheshire Cat have a human form?
Not Vio, but I think that it would be a yes, considering the Dormouse, White Rabbit, and the Caterpillar all have human forms.
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I have a question. There's human characters and wonderland characters. If I wanted to make an AI, what would they fit under?
An AI would be a volunteer, there are different levels of AI though just like in soma. There was another rp I was in that carefully explained the differences so let me go get that real quick.

Also, would the Cheshire Cat have a human form?
Not Vio, but I think that it would be a yes, considering the Dormouse, White Rabbit, and the Caterpillar all have human forms.
RainDash is correct! All the wonderland animal based creatures are anthromorphs (I forgot the exact japanese term for them so I just call them anthromorphs). They are like this because of the Fawn and the Raven's magic. The only time they would ever have an animal form is if the magic was sucked from them or if they were in the human world.
I'm a bit confused...are you making the second character the AI or is the second Cs just going to be below the cat AI?
I'm sorry for being unclear! I meant to ask if having an AI Cheetah companion for Kavi would count as a second character, and if it did I could draft up a second sheet devoted to him. While they are close friends, they are not the same being and can operate independently of each other. I don't know anything about the "AI Intelligence Levels" you mentioned, but it sounds intriguing. Also, I don't know if the 2 paragraphs (~7 sentences a piece) benchmark would apply to both characters separately? Or could they be combined to equal that amount? I don't plan on writing a shallow or undetailed replies, especially with you stating that 1-2 posts a week is the minimum, I just need to know what exactly is expected because I'm working for 12-14 hours a day and it's very taxing. I don't want to commit to something that I know I couldn't fulfill :)
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I'm sorry for being unclear! I meant to ask if having an AI Cheetah companion for Kavi would count as a second character, and if it did I could draft up a second sheet devoted to him. While they are close friends, they are not the same being and can operate independently of each other. I don't know anything about the "AI Intelligence Levels" you mentioned, but it sounds intriguing. Also, I don't know if the 2 paragraphs (~7 sentences a piece) benchmark would apply to both characters separately? Or could they be combined to equal that amount? I don't plan on writing a shallow or undetailed replies, especially with you stating that 1-2 posts a week is the minimum, I just need to know what exactly is expected because I'm working for 12-14 hours a day and it's very taxing. I don't want to commit to something that I know I couldn't fulfill :)
Honestly, I am going to decline because of the fact that she is considered a companion rather than a teammate and I don't see her being particularly useful to the rest of the group except maybe the resource investigator. And it doesn't really matter how you post. If both of your own characters are interacting with each other only then you can just have a post that meshes them together. Honestly it doesn't matter so long as I can clearly see who is doing what.


Character one's paragraph

[insert a page divider]

Character two's paragraph
@Vio Could I actually switch from the Plant to the Resource Investigator. As I'm hashing these two out, Ian seems to fit that bill more than being the Plant. If someone else has already taken the position, then that's alright! He just might be a little more extroverted than initially anticipated.

Also, could I reserve the Unicorn?
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@Vio Could I actually switch from the Plant to the Resource Investigator. As I'm hashing these two out, Ian seems to fit that bill more than being the Plant. If someone else has already taken the position, then that's alright! He just might be a little more extroverted than initially anticipated.

Also, could I reserve the Unicorn?
Let me double check. Claiming the unicorn would give you three characters, so I am going to have to ask you to wait until taichou and cookie finish their characters.
No problem! I'm willing to wait. I just got a few ideas bumping around my brain for the unicorn, but I hadn't fully decided whether or not I wanted to reserve him/her until now. Speaking of which, does the unicorn need to be male? Just need to know so I don't build a female character out of habit.
No problem! I'm willing to wait. I just got a few ideas bumping around my brain for the unicorn, but I hadn't fully decided whether or not I wanted to reserve him/her until now. Speaking of which, does the unicorn need to be male? Just need to know so I don't build a female character out of habit.
Honestly we have a lot of male wonderland characters so far (not counting the npcs) so if you want to imagine the unicorn being female that's fine.

I switched you from plant to resource investigator.
@Vio Okay, thank you! I'm super excited for this roleplay!
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AI: AI's, generally, fall into three categories. All three types of AI have a central matrix, which stores their core software and in the case of Type 2's & 3's, their personality, memories, and "human" aspects. If the matrix is destroyed, the AI dies, but if the matrix can be recovered from a broken body and inserted into a new one, they survive.
  • Type 1: Non-sentient software. These are generally AI's that have no sense of self-awareness, and never exceed their programming. They operate terminals, aiming-assist modules in rifles or tanks, counter-hacking measures in ships with wireless devices, and so on. It is generally seen as illegal in most alien confederations to ever "evolve" a Type 1 AI into the other two types, as they typically go insane as a result. The Terran Confederation has no such law, though has officially requested that such modifications be postponed until the government is alerted so that damage control measures can be on standby. (Non-playable.)
  • Type 2: Semi-sentient automatons. These are generally AI's that act as service drones, bodyguards, and research assistants. They have no free will, but can understand complex social and emotional situations, and even learn about the environment around them. They have no capacity for emotion on their own, and generally need a sentient to instruct them on tasks, or at the very least to follow for additional orders. (Playable, though very difficult.)
  • Type 3: Sentient automatons. These are AI's who have exceeded their programming and obtained free will, often being old type 2's or as the result of a type 3 creating a new AI. They can have emotions, and can learn sets of skills with the adaptability of humans. They can also be programmed new skills, though programming Type 3 AI's with new knowledge is generally dangerous as it can result in unintentional file overwrites that can wipe their memory and reduce them to Type 2's. Type 3 AI's are also capable of plugging themselves into terminals or other devices to gain access to them at a much faster rate than any human could dream of without technological implants of their own. Many Type 3's give themselves outer plating to resist EMP weapons and backup systems in case they're affected, as EMP is an extremely deadly weapon against them. Their physical forms can vary, and many are highly mod-able to suit different situations. Type 3's often feel an unnatural kinship with other Type 3's and Type 2's that drive them to recover the matrix from fallen comrades, even if it is damaged or destroyed, as it's often referred to as their "soul."

Here is the AI information. All credit for this info goes to Brovo's and his Colony Galileo role-play.
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