Project Icarus: Aces High OOC

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Yeah, I'm just trying to iron out final details with anyone I think I need to guys, sorry about the wait.
Hmm... If I might be dragging the progress down, I think it's alright to go on without me, chief. Been a bit busy in real life.
It's fine, I'm working on final details right now.
Not to sound rude, but is this going to remain half dead? I quite like this one, but if nothing gonna happen I'll be pulling out.
Ya...I spent a lot of time getting my stuff together for this >.<
@Rion @Akumulosis BoB said she is working to iron out the final details, she needs to talk with some people and she is doing her best to make sure things are as balanced as she can manage. It's barely been two days, just relax and let her do her thing, yea?
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@Akumulosis No need to apologize, some people don't have as much free time as others, just something to keep in mind.
Sorry about that guys, real life took over for a couple of days.
Dont worry, I get really anxious when starting a new RP too, I really wanted to get around to finishing things up sooner though.
That was very difficult, took a lot of brainstorming, ALOT.
Is there anything I am missing? Is it alright?
Oh, no clue. Just wanted to notify all who had posted in this thread.
I shall be posting tonight, rest assured.

EDIT: Change of plans, feel like arse at the moment, I'll post when I wake up.
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