Project Genesis - OOC Chatter

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I like those odds.
Ok with McCarthy MIA i'll jump into Asmo's assassination arc with Lars and Carlson. They'll be trying to make it look like the target were killed but smuggle then into Yuri's clutches. That is if they're not already too late.
Be sure to get some help from Old Guard politicians on the inside.

We need to rip of Valkyrie as much as possible.

*gives Yuri an eyepatch*
An eyepatch eh?

When can we expect an attack there are plenty of ways to lose an eye when the RPGs start flying
AN EYEPATCH! FOR AWESOMENESS AND BADASSERY! NOW POST DAMMIT! POST ALL OF YOU! Seriously. I watch days go by, then think OMG SOMEONE POSTED and then noticed they're just posting HERE.


You all are cruel.
Current plobjectives...

Dayne has to have sexy-grr-talk with Rhiannon and Eros. (Kitti, you can post yourself being transfered to the Ministry of Information and put in Dayne's bedroom, with drip and heart monitor and stuff. He wants to keep an eye on you).

Jerek and Setem need to get their arses to Mars the front line and start doing overly-strenuous acroynm battles with Ryker.

Yuri can start the Valkyrie rip-off.

Chestel, Heinrich, Ada, Sahar, Zion, etc. need to sort out... something.. that I'm not quite sure of anymore...

Talbot and Miss C can carry on their emergence as lol-villains by getting involved with the assassination plot and the High Priest political bollox.

Everyone else... doesn't exist.
Jerek and Setem need to get their arses to Mars the front line and start doing overly-strenuous acroynm battles with Ryker.

I have to be honest Asmo both jokes made me laugh. I'll see about doing something here, mainly filler until Jack posts, or Ryker making us work.
*Cracks the whip on Piro.*


Also, Heinrich's in the brig on USS Nimitz (CVN-68). I should probably have an NPC talk to him.
..... *Waits for a post to be made while she tries to think of a reason for her char to honestly wake up*
Okay, I need a general idea of if people want to continue with this RP. Too many of the key people aren't posting at a regular rate and I'm starting to loose motivation trying to force the plot along without more support from the over all community.
i was willing to go the last time, the same applies.

last time i was more active because i had more to do.

i KNOW i CAN GIVE myself stuff to do, but right now, but other than breaking out of the brig and generally fucking up my relations with the one faction i havnt already done so would be stupid.
I've been busy with a lot of shit as of late. Come next week I'll have something story related.
I'm waiting for others to post.
I'm still in this, just Yuri's stuck and I don't want to become an army of NPCs
Not enjoying it anymore. It's become a plot-grind, and I'm doing half the grinding.

We're all too scattered out, with HUGE plots resting on the shoulders of TINY groups of players.

I know it's supposed to be all anime-tastic with subplots about pancakes and falling in love, but that's not happening. Sahar and Zion are just a couple of irritating kids with no likeable qualities (unless you're a 12 year old bisexual). I feel nothing for Sahar and I don't want her to win - not one bit. Ryker's knocked out the largest thing in my army with a fucking hand-grenade, so clearly he doesn't want to be challenged in any way. The 00s are all emo loners who seem incapable of advancing the plot in any discernable way (probably because they don't know where they fit in). I'm being upstaged by NPC lolvillains and a frankly unconvincing farmer-turned-high-priest. Yuri has absolutely no support despite being one of the most interesting characters in the story. And the rest is just flashback and conspiracy.

I'd keep playing if there was a radical overhaul of the plot and scope.

For example: The Rebellion is put down and the Norfolkians are driven into exile. Semile becomes an unchallenged dystopia and Sahar is captured with the help of Novacorps. This is the darkest moment for the heroes. The Church plans a ceremony to present Sahar to the people and crown her as Messiah of the New Paradise. AND THIS CEREMONY BECOMES THE FOCUS OF THE REST OF THE PLOT.

Novacorps, of course, have their own agenda. They have helped Sahar to get captured because they want to use her as a weapon, to kill the thousands of humans coming to the ceremony. Setem works this out and realises that it has to be stopped. Dayne and Tobias don't listen to him, of course, so Setem has to form his own rebellion. He draws together a FEW Norfolkian soldiers, Yuri, Altaire and others and infiltrates the ceremony in a tense climax.

Against them are Dayne and the 00s who are still too afraid to oppose him (Jerek, Rhiannon and Eros). Dayne does everything he can to make the ceremony go ahead, despite the High Priest's doubt and the suspicious action of Novacorps.

Everything comes down to one day, one hour - one moment, where Sahar is brought before the people. Will the Church crown her? Will Novacorps unlock her murderous side? Or will the heroes help Sahar to stand again and rally the people against the Church and Novacorps?

A single location. A single premise. A single stake.

With this we can achieve pretty much all the plot outcomes we're looking for, like:

Will Yuri come into his own as a leader?

Will Jerek finally stand up to Dayne?

Will Eros love Dayne until the bitter end, no matter how many die?

Who are Talbot and Miss C and what do they want?

How will the Norfolkians define their place in the new world? Can they really remain as exiles?

Will Altaire give his life for Sahar in the final moments?

Will Heinrich remember something when he comes face-to-face with Dayne?

Will Setem and Rhiannon find a sense of identity?

What lengths will Zion go to to save the one he (apparently) loves?

With tension, stakes and clarity, we can get these character arcs to actually arch. We're supposed to be fucking INFLUENCING Sahar's opinion on humanity, and we can't do that unless we show our true qualities. Only direct conflict, physical and emotional, can make us shine through.

CONFLICT. DRIVEN. NARRATIVE. It cannot be denied.
Despite Asmo's brashness, he has a really good point. For the most part everything has been just wandering from chapter to chapter no real story taking place. (Besides say major events blowing up in all of our faces) I'd have to agree my biggest problem with completing the Setem sub-plot has been finding out where it fits in line with the main plot. The only thing I was able to draw with my given information is that we were all waiting for Sherridan to get back with Sahar and "shit" happens.

As for soldiers being inadequet against the Norfolkians I think I can help there. Asmo's thinking is this thing is what I have and Ryker's thinking is these people are what I have. I've played enough to know that thing vs thing is very linear but people vs. people has strange outcomes. That's why Asmo thinks his best thing was beaten by a hand grenade and not people. I said before I can help out with that. (ie Setem gives them a good pep talk because they need it and listening to him becomes a viable option.)

I'm afriad within my power is only a few answers, I can't adjust the main plot, but I can help balance the Norfolkian front with a little tinkering.
I'm sorry if I've not been contributing D;
I'll do everything I can to help this get back on track and make it something people like again. Overall, I think things do need to be brought together. So far, from my point of view, part of the problem is that this has been little bubbles of events, little character development between two or three people, and not much conflict or progression of anything big.