Project Genesis - OOC Chatter

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Works for me.

And by you saying the fleet statistics as of 2002 that means I'll be able to use the Arleigh Burkes on up the the USS Oscar Austin.
Okay. I'm just going to assume that's some sorta large missile thing.

Just no nukes, that's all I'm going to ask from you this time around. I've never been a big fan of their use in fiction. Again following Orwellian logic, nukes would be too much of a counter balance for a nation that wants to maintain a constant state of war to control a populace's wealth.
Looks like it is time to prod more people soon if they don't post.
I'll try and get a post up soon.
Thanks TK, I appericate it.
Okay. I'm just going to assume that's some sorta large missile thing.

Just no nukes, that's all I'm going to ask from you this time around. I've never been a big fan of their use in fiction. Again following Orwellian logic, nukes would be too much of a counter balance for a nation that wants to maintain a constant state of war to control a populace's wealth.

Arleigh Burke class Destroyer

Aegis type Guided Missile Destroyer. Can engage air, surface, land, and subsurface targets.

And don't worry about nuclear ordnance. It takes a lot for the Old Man to decide to want to use one of the Trident D-5s and even then Semile's pretty close to Norfolk. Can't have that fallout blow over the home, now can we.

See also: Ohio class SSBN
Okay, works for me. Just make sure you limit the amount of missles of that nature to one or two ships since Semile is still the "Imperial Russia" of the former US.
Carl, can i get a reaction from the Texans, or do you want Yuri to open the conversation (it will be a very short post if he did)
Okay, to make sure we aren't all going to be interacting by ourselves Vay, your guys will "hook" up with Sahar and Zion later in this chapter to help sew the seams of the new Resistance. Ryker, you'll be doing a "three" front plot, the "Ada and Chetile arch", the war, and then Steiner and crew with Vay and myself. TK, you are also stuck with me. Piro and Jack, I'll need you guys to start putting more effort to post so Asmo doesn't keep talking to himself. I don't know where Diana is but since she hasn't posted in ages, I'll need one of you two to play Rhia since the character is too important to kill off. If you guys have any comments or concerns please post them, again I cannot stress enough that we need to communicate more often so the entire RP isn't just Asmo and myself making a fancy sci fi epic. Over all, I'd like to thank everyone that has continued to post for all these months. You're doing a great job so far.
My intention is for the Brotherhood to fragment, which while it may look good for survival, without cohesion pretty much everyone will go underground and the brotherhood will cease to exist. Yuri will try to keep the core group together and the arrival of Zion and Sahar and a deal with Norfolk could give him the means to do so. Stikes/intel on Crusade supply routs/reinforcement convoys would be currency with this


found at every scene (Dante's bloody hand-print)
A nicely chosen symbol. ;)
Vay, Lonestar's the only Texan among the three SEALs. The name should be a dead giveaway.

Working on some postage.
>:( Wut? You all brain dead now?
That's understandable but I was making the statement as a general term; so I'll exempt you from this one.

We have at least 10 people still involved with the plot, I get promises of posts but nothing. It's been nearly a week since anyone posted and if we aren't careful we'll end up being just like the Legacy were we push towards an end that some will gripe about. Again, while I'm a GM I can't read your minds. Are people just becoming too dependent on Asmo and myself to post or are you guys just out of ideas in general? Or all of you just busy with real life?

Like I stressed earlier in this thread we are having a lack of communication between everyone again and problems cannot be solved if we decide to lallygag on addressing these issues.

Edit: I don't want to sound like I'm attacking people but it would help me a lot if you addressed what's up. Thanks for understanding.
I'm waiting for Carl, but like he said he has RL problems, my condolences McCarthy
Death to my free time with sickness and work. I was working all weekend until about last night when they sent me home because of something upsetting my stomache. Today has been pretty much recuperation with lots of orange juice and rest. Then tomorrow I gotta go to the bank, get things straightened out with my rent, then also fullfill other promises made and finally I work at the end of the day. However, Wednesday and Thursday I have off so here's hoping I can do something then. If not well then I guess whoever needs Setem to do something make him do what he needs to do and I'll get caught up once things cool down.
Okay, could I ask for people to be more willing to say when they think they are going to be bogged down by various issues then?
My only excuse is work. And unless we can go ahead with Zion's clones showing up, it's just more boring dinner time.