Power is Slavery [CLOSED]

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*internally face palming* Agggghhhhh I just want to apologies for that mistake and an explanation. After I saw the picture I was thinking the whole time that Phobe looked like a "Chloe" to me.

Rainbow flavor=
Orange-orange *surprise surprise*
Green-green Apple
Blue-blue berry

Basically it tastes like Jesus' punch bowl.
Haha, it's fine! I've done the same thing multiple times.
Heck, I once kept calling my OWN character by the wrong name because I decided they looked more like another name.
Everyone would be like "Yo, dude, who the frickin' heck is that?"
And finally we just changed it, despite the fact it'd been another name for ages, because we were all getting too confused. :I

I see.
As someone who strongly hates fruit flavored candy, green apple, blueberry, and grape especially (also orange, because I'm picky) - SOUNDS DISGUSTING.
I might prefer leprechaun body odor...
But, I guess it is fitting a rainbow would taste fruity.
(The second I typed this my sister came up behind me, started laughing hysterically, and pointed out how offensive that could possibly be taken despite the fact I hadn't meant it that way at all. Stupid Liz. :c)
Yeah but I still said it...

I'm sorry, but... the deed has been done.
The hatred cannot be erased.
It just... that comment was too much for me...
I don't think this can continue on the way it has...
The group dynamic is ruined...

((Edit: Suddenly remembered the day I made a sarcastic comment about how I used to think trees were sentient, and after finding out they weren't hated earth day and didn't care about them anymore (it's a long story but it made sense at the time because of the conversation!), and then, despite the ridiculousness of the entire thing my teacher somehow managed to take me seriously, and gave me a long lecture on how our earth is important... so... THIS IS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SARCASM OH MY GOD))
Carolina Croft

"My name is Cari, fool."

"It shouldn't matter to you, plebeian."


"As if it wasn't obvious enough, idiot."


"Appearance and personality attract me, not gender. Don't look at me that way!"

blonde hair blue eyes girl.jpg

Carolina is stuck up and rude, and that's on the best of days. On the worst, the people around her would be lucky to avoid one of her famous (or infamous, depending on who you're talking to) temper tantrums that involve copious amounts of object throwing and verbal abuse. However, she never crosses the line to physical abuse no matter how upset she may seem. She's mean and sarcastic and doesn't have many friends. However, sometimes there are moments where she falls silent and simply walks away. When asked later if those were real tears, she vehemently denies ever crying.

"If you don't know me already, you soon will. I don't pull my punches."

Carolina grew up alone. Surrounded by nannies instead of her parents, she knew that she was different from the other kids when she wished out loud for a pony and the very next day, one appeared in front of the house with a bow around it's neck. She loved it for a couple of weeks, but in a fit of childish rage over the fact that the pony ate some flowers in the garden, she ordered it gone and once more, the very next day, her commands were obeyed. Carolina quickly learned to take advantage of this, and she became mean and spoiled. Everything she ever asked for was given to her, and her orders were obeyed without a single question. However, throughout her childhood, Carolina never saw her parents. She knew they worked, in far away places, and that was how she was able to live in a large mansion and get all of this stuff. But that didn't make it easier on the young girl. As a result she buried herself in the materialistic world and never cared for one moment about other people, only herself. She asked for, and received, a slave for her 18th birthday.

"My life is my own and you have no right asking about it. Now shut up before I get angry."

High Class

"I'm rich enough to do whatever I want. Does that answer your question?"
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: UnsightlyTEAstain
This OOC is so amusing.
Carolina Croft

"My name is Cari, fool."

"It shouldn't matter to you, plebeian."


"As if it wasn't obvious enough, idiot."


"Appearance and personality attract me, not gender. Don't look at me that way!"

View attachment 73146

Carolina is stuck up and rude, and that's on the best of days. On the worst, the people around her would be lucky to avoid one of her famous (or infamous, depending on who you're talking to) temper tantrums that involve copious amounts of object throwing and verbal abuse. However, she never crosses the line to physical abuse no matter how upset she may seem. She's mean and sarcastic and doesn't have many friends. However, sometimes there are moments where she falls silent and simply walks away. When asked later if those were real tears, she vehemently denies ever crying.

"If you don't know me already, you soon will. I don't pull my punches."

Carolina grew up alone. Surrounded by nannies instead of her parents, she knew that she was different from the other kids when she wished out loud for a pony and the very next day, one appeared in front of the house with a bow around it's neck. She loved it for a couple of weeks, but in a fit of childish rage over the fact that the pony ate some flowers in the garden, she ordered it gone and once more, the very next day, her commands were obeyed. Carolina quickly learned to take advantage of this, and she became mean and spoiled. Everything she ever asked for was given to her, and her orders were obeyed without a single question. However, throughout her childhood, Carolina never saw her parents. She knew they worked, in far away places, and that was how she was able to live in a large mansion and get all of this stuff. But that didn't make it easier on the young girl. As a result she buried herself in the materialistic world and never cared for one moment about other people, only herself. She asked for, and received, a slave for her 18th birthday.

"My life is my own and you have no right asking about it. Now shut up before I get angry."

High Class

"I'm rich enough to do whatever I want. Does that answer your question?"

Is that Hamish's master I see? ;p
Yup! Bitchy in all of her glory. But I plan on changing that throughout the RP, since it's super hard for me to RP mean people. >.<
  • Love
Reactions: RaineSensei
Things have felt slow, as of late!
@kimsim12 - Is @Ananfal character accepted?

Also, @RainDash - Will you have a post up anytime soon?
You will be having a post up, won't you? Or, would you prefer me to just progress things along to the party? Whether you post before I post, or I just go ahead and post, I'll be progressing things along in my next post anyways.
Just uh, wanted to know what you'd prefer. :P
I am working on a post Cwolf, I'm half done and I'll let you profess to the party. Work and getting distracted has led me to be kind of lazy. Don't worry, I am working on it!
I am working on a post Cwolf, I'm half done and I'll let you profess to the party. Work and getting distracted has led me to be kind of lazy. Don't worry, I am working on it!
Haha, okay! No rush! Things have just been a bit slow everywhere, so I was itching to comment something. :P
some people still owe me their replies
Sorry! I was just worried about my new character! I'll post for Fera right now!
you don't have to do it now
my eyes are dying anyways
i wont be up for much longer
Sorry for disappearing, everyone! Things will be picking up soon (I have a wonderful little plan xD). Anyhow, I'll have a post up tomorrow, and we'll start getting this little party started.

With Christina being a bitch, of course.
Ello fellows! Sorry for the delay, lots of irl issues x.x but I'm back and will be posting soon.
Apologies, everyone! A family emergency came up, so I was unable to post today. I will post tomorrow.

Also, all characters are accepted! :)
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