Power is Slavery [CLOSED]

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It's fine, I'll make a master then and you can make a slave. :D
Ah, you don't have to do that though! You obviously already have a slave in mind, and I wouldn't want to get in your way!
I wasn't trying to force you to give up your position, just putting it out there that if anyone had a good idea I wouldn't keep @Chromatic all to myself.
I tried to word it in a way that you wouldn't feel you had to, but I guess I didn't do a very good job.
I try really hard not to be a pushy person, since I know pushy people are annoying! AND I DON'T WANT TO ANNOY YOU
Ah, you don't have to do that though! You obviously already have a slave in mind, and I wouldn't want to get in your way!
I wasn't trying to force you to give up your position, just putting it out there that if anyone had a good idea I wouldn't keep @Chromatic all to myself.
I tried to word it in a way that you wouldn't feel you had to, but I guess I didn't do a very good job.
I try really hard not to be a pushy person, since I know pushy people are annoying! AND I DON'T WANT TO ANNOY YOU
Well, first off, thank you.

Second of all, I didn't really have any character in mind, I just prefer the superhuman role over the regular human role, but I can play both equally. You most definitely didn't push me to do anything, I decided on my own so don't worry about it. Really!

Just make your slave character, I'm fine.
Well, first off, thank you.

Second of all, I didn't really have any character in mind, I just prefer the superhuman role over the regular human role, but I can play both equally. You most definitely didn't push me to do anything, I decided on my own so don't worry about it. Really!

Just make your slave character, I'm fine.
Ah, well I mean, if you're completely, absolutely, positively, entirely sure, then I guess I shall make a slave character.

HOWEVER, I'm going to write my post up in the IC before I even start on the CS, so, if you change your mind, LET ME KNOW! I'd feel bad making you roleplay a character you really didn't want to. :O
Ah, well I mean, if you're completely, absolutely, positively, entirely sure, then I guess I shall make a slave character.

HOWEVER, I'm going to write my post up in the IC before I even start on the CS, so, if you change your mind, LET ME KNOW! I'd feel bad making you roleplay a character you really didn't want to. :O
I'm not going to change my mind, don't worry.

I'll get started on the Cs now.

Speaking of the IC, @Sinful you still owe me a post.
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@Ananfal - Okay, thank you again! You're too nice! I need to be more nice. TEACH ME

Um, @Chromatic the CS will be up sometime later today!

Also, @RainDash and @kimsim12 -
I forgot to tag you the first time in my post in the IC.
I added the tag in, but since I know the tag doesn't actually work if edited in (i mean, the person doesn't get a notification), just figured I'd tag you here to say POST IS UP! If you didn't already notice, that is. >:I
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Super Human
(( @Chromatic ))

Phoebe Kairis



"My kind aren't meant for love."
Unsure and disagreeable - at this point in her life, Phoebe just doesn't care.



If Phoebe Kairis had to be described in one word, it would be jaded. Years of strict routines, disappointment, and hiding who she was has left her feeling tired and bored with life. She often finds herself annoyed with the hopelessness of having any sort of future, but even more with herself for allowing herself to turn into what she considers to be a terribly mediocre individual. She could be called an adrenaline junkie in that she's constantly looking for any sort of excitement - whether it be pleasant or unpleasant - as she feels anything is better than the boredom she feels on a day-to-day basis. One way she copes with her lack of enthusiasm is a big imagination and romanticized view of the world, often dreaming of things she can never have, and viewing people as characters in some sort of story - with herself as the oppressed, disillusioned, and dethroned princess.

Going from pampered to destitute within a few days would be hard on anyone, and she's had difficulty adjusting, causing there to be times her upbringing slips through, and she acts much more haughtily than anyone of her social standing is entitled to.

She's not the most emotionally stable of individuals, with the combined effects of her trauma over her brother's death, her parents abandonment, her enslavement, and the stress that comes with controlling her ability having sent her over the edge. This instability is most directly reflected in her inability to keep her power entirely under control, her more self-destructive of habits, and the fact that she's taken to talking - often out loud - to her dead brother (Cyril, nicknamed "Cy") on a regular basis.


Phoebe Kairis was the middle child, and only daughter, born into the affluent Kairis family. A significantly wealthy household, the Kairis family owned and operated a large business which dealt in a variety of different items - though they were most well-known for their cutting-edge technology. Due to their extreme wealth, and celebrity-status of sorts, the Kairis family was very much in the public eye - though they were in no way well-liked by everyone, especially not others of the upper class. Due to the fact that they had stepped on many during their rise to the top - having been plain dishonest, thieving, treacherous, and destructive at times - there were quite a few families who held ill feelings against them, some for jealousy, and some for good reason. They had destroyed the reputation and livelihoods of some families, frequently insulted and offended others, and there were even rumors of them using trickery and loopholes in contracts to steal others' inventions. Despite this, for the most part, things were swept under the rug and they were well-regarded and extremely influential in the community.

Phoebe's home life was not the most loving, nor was it unhappy. Her parents were distant, and more concerned with appearances than the feelings of their children. She was expected to be perfectly exceptional in every regard, and spent much of her life taking lessons and perfecting her talents. She was given the best in everything, from tutors to equipment, and was trained extensively in areas ranging from violin and singing, to ballet and gymnastics. Though her busy schedule would cause some to view the child as overworked, she had never known of a more relaxing life, and relished the opportunity to improve herself and uphold her family's high standards.

Her power first became apparent at the age of six, when, in the midst of a violent tantrum, her arm went straight through a nearby table. Her parents showed little concern, and went about their normal routine of sweeping things under the rug. When the time came for her ten year old screening, they simply used bribery and blackmail to have the true results of the test altered, and they went about their normal life. Such a large secret can only be kept for so long, however, as they soon found out.

At the age of thirteen, Phoebe's older brother met his untimely demise in what was said to be a tragic accident. His death hit the entire family hard, and Phoebe especially. Though what Phoebe really needed was time to grieve, her parents, in bad judgement, forced her to carry on with her normal routine - ignoring all signs of emotional distress the girl gave off. It was then, after being dragged to a large party, that the girl tripped and fell straight through a door - her anguish over recent events making her power too difficult to control. With so many around to witness the event, as well as the girl's continued emotional instability, the Kairis were no longer able to keep their daughter's ability a secret, and she was put into slavery.

Common human decency dictates that Mr. and Mrs. Kairis would have bought their own daughter, and allowed her to live the most normal life possible in her situation. However, common human decency was never something the Kairis family had paid much mind to, and unfortunately for Phoebe, this is not how things happened. Rather, the Kairis family seemed to vanish overnight. Their house was vacated within a few days, and their business was not sold, but rather shut down completely. It seemed the once prominent family had somehow found a way to disappear off the face of the earth completely - the embarrassment over their daughter apparently too much for them to handle.

Class (before slavery):
Upper class

Power (include the weaknesses of this power):
To put it simply, without any scientific explanation, Phoebe is able to pass through matter.

Her molecular structure is more malleable than that of others, and is able to become unstable, allowing her to pass through otherwise impassible solid objects. In addition, with concentration and effort, she is even able to make other objects temporarily unstable - thus allowing others, who are not graced with her ability, to pass through them as she does. In similar fashion, she is able to make some elements more stable, which, though it sounds unhelpful, allows her to do things such as walk on water. Her power goes even further, however, as she is able to rearrange her own structure - going so far as being able to change her own looks, though this not only takes a considerable amount of effort, but a very long time and large deal of concentration, and only lasts for a short time.

Despite the perks that come with her power, Phoebe would consider herself to have a largely useless ability. While she is able to get beyond locked doors and most security with ease, she has no need to rob a bank, and feels the cons outweight the pros.

There are certain substances she cannot pass through, such as other humans and living creatures such as animals, which for whatever reason she can have no effect on.

Even more dissatisfying however, is the fact that her ability is extremely difficult to control, and largely hinges on emotion. In recent years, her emotional instability has caused her to be in a constant state of molecular disarray, causing her to seem not all there to others. (Not sure how to explain this... but... think of how a heat wave looks. How it sort of shakes and appears unstable - now imagine a person who was somewhat like that, and you have Phoebe on a regular basis.)
Though the way she looks usually doesn't have a large effect on her own interaction with the outside world (and if it does it's usually only one area of her body, so, for instance, one day her left hand might be unable to interact with solid matter, while the next it may be her elbow or right foot), there are many times when she completely loses control, and cannot interact with any outside objects, other than those she can have no affect on.

Power Strength (1-95):

Other Information:
Due to the ruthless family she came from, there are many of the upper class who consider her a particularly disdainful individual and an object of ridicule. In addition, because her family owned many slaves of her own, and she at times seems to forget she is no longer a master herself, this causes some slaves to dislike her as well. These two factors made some of her times in slavery particularly distasteful.
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I'm not going to change my mind, don't worry.

I'll get started on the Cs now.

Speaking of the IC, @Sinful you still owe me a post.
I do?
Wait, I thought I posted.
Maybe it didn't post. DID IT POST?!
No, it didn't. At least it saved it.
Hot dang.
I'll be having a post very soon that will speed things along to the party (basically a timeskip). I'm starting to feel ill again (just my luck, huh?). If you guys have any questions (and I'm not online), you can ask @RaineSensei :)

But, once I make my post, character interactions will be between everyone and not just master/slave pairings.
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I'll be having a post very soon that will speed things along to the party (basically a timeskip). I'm starting to feel ill again (just my luck, huh?). If you guys have any questions (and I'm not online), you can ask @RaineSensei :)

But, once I make my post, character interactions will be between everyone and not just master/slave pairings.
Aye, noted!

Does Phoebe look okay? D:
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I dun bite.

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Alright, let me quickly make a character, @Chromatic and then you can join up! Right as the party starts, too.

I look forward to it :D (to both the character and to the possibly spectacular train wreck that'll ensue)

@Cwolf0615 Chloe is wonderful. Like a Popsicle filled with rainbow flavored jelly. (Agh that was a lame metaphor of me trying to say that she's unique ^^;)
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I look forward to it :D (to both the character and to the possibly spectacular train wreck that'll ensue)

@Cwolf0615 Chloe is wonderful. Like a Popsicle filled with rainbow flavored jelly. (Agh that was a lame metaphor of me trying to say that she's unique ^^;)
The fact that you accidentally called Phoebe by the name Chloe had me cracking up for some odd reason, since my name is Chloe. >:I

But um, thank you! Glad to hear you like her! Your metaphor was wonderful, though I must wonder - what exactly does a rainbow taste like? I hope it's pleasant, though I find myself feeling it would be otherwise... I can't help but get the idea of the salty taste and disgusting smell of Leprechaun sweat and B.O. out of my mind....
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The fact that you accidentally called Phoebe by the name Chloe had me cracking up for some odd reason, since my name is Chloe. >:I

But um, thank you! Glad to hear you like her! Your metaphor was wonderful, though I must wonder - what exactly does a rainbow taste like? I hope it's pleasant, though I find myself feeling it would be otherwise...

*internally face palming* Agggghhhhh I just want to apologies for that mistake and an explanation. After I saw the picture I was thinking the whole time that Phobe looked like a "Chloe" to me.

Rainbow flavor=
Orange-orange *surprise surprise*
Green-green Apple
Blue-blue berry

Basically it tastes like Jesus' punch bowl.
It tastes like Skittles.

Taste the Rainbow.
The fact that you accidentally called Phoebe by the name Chloe had me cracking up for some odd reason, since my name is Chloe. >:I

But um, thank you! Glad to hear you like her! Your metaphor was wonderful, though I must wonder - what exactly does a rainbow taste like? I hope it's pleasant, though I find myself feeling it would be otherwise... I can't help but get the idea of the salty taste and disgusting smell of Leprechaun sweat and B.O. out of my mind....
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