Pokemon Diversity Reloaded

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A Questionable Mishap

Jay was pleased to know that Bee's journey had been lively so far, and he was grateful that she tried to make him feel at ease about the crash. "Thanks, I just wish it never happened." He dismissed the horrible incident from his mind, and looked to Buneary when Bee explained how the bunny came to be Clavies' pokemon. "Oh I see. I've heard that sorta thing is pretty common." Jay replied to Beatrice, regarding how her and Clavies met their particular pokemon. Once he thought about the subject further, he looked to Litleo and realized the same was happening with him and the little lion. When Bee had answered him about her hometown, Jay adjusted in his seat with an interested look.

"A place where night always prevails..." Jay had read about the village in the local library years ago. He had always been curious of Shadowveil, but he never had the opportunity to actually visit. "My little brother always wanted to go there.. He actually prefers the dark." It was a strange revelation to state since most kids were afraid of the darkness. When Bee mentioned the sun as if it were some foreign thing to her, Jay felt fascinated. He turned his head for a light hearted chuckle before returning his eyes to Beatrice, "Funny how a completely natural thing can almost seem... surreal to someone else." The girl's reply had intrigued him to learn more about the mysterious village.

...Once Jay had risen to study the boy in the Battle Pit, he drew in a sudden breath once noticing the necklace around the kid's neck. He had made no mistake... The necklace had been given to Robbin as "safety from wrongdoings" by their mother, Sapphia. Jay immediately looked to Beatrice and couldn't believe what he had just discovered. "I thought he was Ben to you?..." He looked to the side with peeking mistrust and tried to make sense of this all. Then the explosion of questions seemed to unwillingly pour from his mouth, "How is he here?? He has a POKEMON? Did he mention me??" Jay realized that he was beginning to freak out and he took a few steps away to collect himself.

Jay grew silent for a few minutes before speaking up again, "Does my uncle know of this?" Before Beatrice could answer, he answered himself, "...Probably not." Litleo had followed Jay along the bench and looked at him with a curious expression. "This doesn't add up... Robbin just turned NINE. My parents would not allow this." He looked back to Bee for some kind of explanation. He then looked to the side again and wondered if Bee had covered for Robbin all along. Jay wasn't sure if he should feel offended in this moment, and he prepared to be disappointed if it were true. Beatrice had seemed like a nice, trustworthy girl, but people could often be misleading. The unthinkable discovery distracted him from Astrid's match, but he forced himself to look back toward the arena to witness the new reality before him.

While attempting to make a guesstimate on Purrloin's attacks, Robbin noticed Astrid using her handy dandy Pokedex before the match. He sulked in jealousy as he thought of how convenient it'd be to have a Pokedex himself. As Astrid seemed be lost in a daydream, the boy was visualizing the moves he saw Purrloin use when battling Chespin. Purrloin's Scratch move was easy to guess, as he had experienced that attack firsthand.... The claw marks on his face throbbed as the boy tried to guess the other move Purrloin had used. It was like a really loud and obnoxious cat cry. He knew it wasn't Growl, because the move actually did physical damage. Drats.. Heck if I know!

The announcer asked them if they were ready to start, and Robbin gave an unenthusiastic Ok sign. For some reasons, Robbin's hype from his previous win with Igglybuff was no longer present. On the waiting bench, Igglybuff was bouncing up and down with smiling waves out of support for her master. Robbin used his hand to try and stop Iggly from drawing attention, but then was distracted by Astrid's first command. The Eevee was charging for Purrloin and Robbin yelled out the only command that he knew of regarding the cat, "Outta the way, and use your Scratch!" As the boy demanded this, Purrloin just gave another lick to his chest fur and looked to it's paw carelessly.

"SCRATCH, CAT!" Robbin demanded once more as if checking to see if the mauve feline was deaf. Purrloin did not respond to the boy, but watched Eevee somewhat cautiously with it's emerald eyes. Astrid's Eevee was drawing near, and for a second it seemed as if Purrloin was going to make a move... but instead the unconcerned cat let out a nonchalant yawn from it's furry lips. Unknown to Robbin, the Yawn was actually a pokemon move that was meant to make it's target drowsy and fall asleep in the next turn. Once doing so, Purrloin sprang up to elegantly roll to the side mid-jump in order to evade Eevee's attack. Welp, at least the idiot did something.. Robbin thought angrily. He realized that Purrloin was the wrong choice, and he couldn't take it back at this point. If Purrloin wouldn't obey, then how would he have a chance at winning? Robbin became on the verge of panicking.

"You are too kind, Merlin!" Jolesa gave a bright smile to the deserving man. "I know!-" The showgirl exclaimed, before retrieving a decorative pamphlet from her purse. "Here's the info on the next showcase! I hope to see you there!" She gave another smile to the gentleman with a giggle. On the cover of the pamphlet was a picture of the Epica King and Queen as well as other flashy things. "That's Quentin and Alouette. Aren't they just wonderful?" When she said the name Quentin, her cheeks turned pink and her eyes became dreamy. "Farewell, Merlin! Best wishes! Let's meet again!" She waved him off before preparing to leave herself for the Festival Hall.

Meanwhile at the lab, Kylie walked into the Pokeball room and checked on all the remaining pokemon. She released each one from their balls and then returned them to the stand. As she did this, she wondered if any others would come to claim a pokemon. When she got to a particular pokeball, however, she became quite frantic to see that the ball was empty. She looked to the name plate which read 'Chespin' and her eyes widened in worry. She immediately went to the office to contact the Professor about the missing pokemon. When the ringing ended and Atlas answered, Kylie addressed him by his first name, "Liam, we've got a problem..."​
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Astrid and the Sleeping Eevee

As Eevee charged towards Purrloin, it yawned towards her. Eevee rushed on ahead and tried to slam into him, but the cat dodged at the last second. It may have missed, but Eevee was craving for more.

Astrid noticed something about Purrloin, it ignored it's trainer's command and just dodged. Did Ben train this Pokemon before entering the tournament. This seems to confirm the theory that Ben didn't register his Pokemon after he caught it recently, due to the lack of obeisance it had to him. It seems I may have lucked out here. Astrid thought. She was going to give Eevee her next attack, until she noticed something.

Eevee yawned.

Astrid was confused. Why was Eevee all of a sudden yawning. Did one attack cause her to be tired? Astrid then realized what the Purrloin just did. When it yawned, it wasn't yawning. It used the Pokemon Move, Yawn. This move makes the opponent's Pokemon sleepy and cause them to go to sleep shortly after.

Ah! Astrid realized that Eevee is going to fall asleep soon. Another attack would be risky. Astrid needed to figure something out and quickly. Eevee did know Growl. Maybe it would be best to weaken Purrloin a bit so that the damage can be at the least, minimum.

"Use Growl and come back to me!" Astrid yelled. Eevee opened its mouth and let out a loud, piercing scream that distrorts the air towards Purrloin, hopefully weakening it's attack power a bit. Afterwards Eevee ran back to Astrid and curled up on the ground. She then went to sleep soundly. I hope Eevee wakes up soon, the longer she stays asleep, the more damage Purrloin can cause. Astrid worried. The only thing she can do is hope Eevee wakes up from an attack from Purrloin and get back up before she takes too much damage.

Merlin and his new Pokemon

"I see. Yo wish to invite me to your next Pokemon Contest." Merlin happily said to Jolesa. He took the pamphlet that Jolesa was holding and looked at it. The pamphlet was filled with information. The next contest was an intelligence contest in Thunderlight City, in which the winner would receive a smart ribbon for their victory. There were also information on the Epica King and Queen, who were both nicely fashioned. Merlin didn't want Jolesa to cry if he said no to her invitation. Merlin decided to be nice to her and go to the Pokemon Contest in Thunderlight town "Alright, i'll try to be there. I hope to see you win." Merlin give a smile that could kill as he gave his word to Jolesa to be there. After a few more words, he said his goodbye to Jolesa, promising her he'll be there at the next contest, even though he had no interest in Pokemon Contest and decided to return to the lab, hoping that somebody was there to allow him inside of the lab and help him get his Pokemon. Luckily for him, the lab was filled with lights inside. Merlin proceeded in, not realizing the situation that has befallen the lab.

Merlin opened the door to the laboratory and walked in to the lab. Merlin looked around, seeing many of the Pokemon standing around in the lab, looking at Merlin, who just entered the lab. He noticed a woman inside of an office, talking on the phone with someone. Merlin probably guessed that she is checking with someone about the Pokemon. He walked towards the woman as she hung up the phone. Kylie noticed Merlin and walked over to him feeling a bit panic in her eyes.

"Oh, hey. I didn't see you there." Kylie seemed to be upset about something. Merlin could see in it her eyes. Something did happen and Merlin might have had a good guess for it.

"It's fine. Is there anything wrong? Anything that I could help you with?" Merlin asked in a polite manner. The woman didn't say anything for a little bit until she responded.

"It's confidential." She replied back.

"Ah, no worries. Perhaps a young and elegant woman should relax and try to take things slowly before doing something rash." Merlin tried to make the woman feel flattered and help her feel calm, but she ignored his compliment and continued on with solving the issue. She looked back at Merlin, wondering if he was here to get a Pokemon.

"Anyways, you're here to get your starter pokemon is that correct?" Kylie asked.

Not easily flattered. Noted. Merlin wrote that down in his head. "Yes." Merlin responded. Kylie went back to the office and looked around for something, being more aggregated than usual.

"You'd think he would take cleaning his office more seriously." Kylie criticized Professor Atlas' messy room. She knows that Lian works hard as a professor and takes his research seriously, to which she enjoys. But sometimes, Professor Atlas can be soo busy he forgets to organize his room every now and then. After a bit of searching, she finds what she was looking for and returns to Merlin. "Could I get your name." She pulls out a pen, ready to check the list for the young man's name.

"Merlin Adrian. I came from the Kalos Pokemon Acedemic School." He said as Kylie checked the list for Merlin's name. The name of the school surprised Kylie a little bit.

Kalos Pokemon Acedemic School? Wasn't that a private school in which students are fully trained about everything about Pokemon? Why is he going on a journey then? Well, I suppose I shouldn't really ask him anyways. She shrugged it off and continued looking. She finds Merlin's name at the bottom of the list. She marks a check mark on his name and put away the list. "Alright, you're good to go. Pick a Pokemon and hurry on your journey." She was still a bit stressed out from the recent kidnapping that she doesn't have time to talk to Merlin.

Merlin turned around to the group of Pokemon and looked at them. There were still some Pokemon left to take, but which one would Merlin have the most connection with in terms of fighting and skills? Merlin observed each and every other Pokemon's habits and quirks. While some of them don't interest Merlin, he did, however see one Pokemon that caught his interest.

The fire monkey walked up to Merlin and nodded with excitement. "Chimchar!" He happily exclaimed. He punched his hand as it was ready to go for a fight. Merlin saw potential in the fire monkey and realized, this may be the Pokemon he'll take with him.

"Are you wanting to join me on my quest around Epica?" Merlin spoke out to Chimchar as it seemed happy to Merlin's request for him to join. "Chimchar Chim!" The monkey danced around in happiness as the other Pokemon watched with a bit of jealousy. "Well then, welcome to the team Chimchar." Merlin petted Chimchar as he chose his first pokemon for his journey. Chimchar jumped on Merlin and smiled at him from across his shoulders. Kylie went over to pick up Chimchar's pokeball and a Pokedex and then handed them over to Merlin.

"Here is Chimchar's pokeball and a Pokedex for your journey. I wish you the best of luck." Kylie quickly said as she went back to work to try to solve this issue as quickly as possible. Merlin put Chimchar's pokeball and his Pokedex in his backpack and left the lab.

Merlin returned to the festival to look around, with Chimchar on his shoulders. The monkey looked around astonished at the sight of all the people and the many food around him. Merlin wasn't too interested in the festival himself, but it was nice to have around for a time killer. He still wondered if that man with the Kecleon was still here. As he got close to the Battle Pit, he heard a loud voice inside.

Let the fourth match...BEGIN!

The sound of a match going on interested Merlin. Considering his long past with Pokemon Battles have been rather good. He was always up with watching matches against other people and learning from their experience. He entered the Battle Pit and took a seat close to the front, where he wouldn't be too far from Jay and Bee. He looked at the two opponents currently battling. One of them was a short kid, who looked like he was too young for Pokemon Battling. He had a Purrloin who was just watching the battle. And the other opponent...

Ahh, the sweet redhead from the museum. Merlin smiled. She had her Eevee out in the battle too. It seemed the Pokemon returned to the woman's side before falling asleep. It was probably some kind of move that made Eevee fall asleep. He wondered how the redhead would get out of this situation.​
"Yeah, I understand." He didn't seem to want to talk about it much anymore, which was fine. The subject changed to finding Buneary and Slakoth, and Jay mentioned that it was a pretty common occurrence. "Wow, really?" She never would have guessed. Then again, in a time before Pokeballs, it would make sense that people would have to befriend Pokémon without them. There was no reason people couldn't do so now, right?

Bee was relieved when Jay didn't get worried or upset at the mention of Shadowveil. Instead, he seemed rather intrigued by it. "Oh? He'd probably like it there, then. Although some people find it unnerving." That was unsurprising, really. They were used to daytime and light, not a constant state of night. "Yeah, it really is."

Wow, three words in and she had already slipped up. Fantastic. She set Slakoth on the bench and stood up, trying to quickly put together what was going to be a poorly thought out statement in her defense. "Well, about that-" Before she could finish, Jay exploded with a barrage of questions. She did her best to answer them as they came, which was easier said than done for her. "I don't-" Okay! Next question. She try didn't answer the second, mostly due to the fact that it was clear that Robbin had a Pokémon. Three, in fact. She decided not to mention that for now. As for whether he'd mentioned Jay? Well, no he hadn't. But Jay was walking away, and for a moment she thought he was leaving. Instead, he stopped only a few feet away.

While Jay walked away, Bee stood with her hands behind her back and gazed down at her feet like an admonished child. However, she took this as an opportunity to breathe and think. Breathing came first. Naturally. Once that was taken care of, she began to put organize her thoughts. Was Jay mad? It seemed like it. Then again, that was completely understandable, given the circumstances. When he finally spoke, it was a question that she didn't need to answer. What he said next caught her attention, and she picked her head up to look at Robbin's brother. "He's only nine!?" She hadn't realized that. It never really come to mind to ask, actually. She had just assumed that he was ten; after all, how else would he have gotten a Pokémon from Atlas's Lab?. "I...I didn't know. I'm sorry... For what it's worth, anyway."

Could she leave? She kind of wanted to leave. Then again, it wouldn't have been a good idea. Bee bit her knuckle and looked to Treecko, who, frankly, seemed a bit confused about what was going on. She dropped her hands to her side, sighing before she spoke. "Look, uh... To answer your questions earlier... I really don't know much. I don't know how he's here. He has three Pokémon; you've seen them all. And... He never mentioned you once... Sorry." She felt kind of bad about that. "Uh... Listen. If you don't have any more questions, I think I'm going to go for a minute. Take a walk or- or something." She didn't know why she was so set on leaving, but she was. She go somewhere where it was less crowded and noisy, just to think. Maybe the place with the statues. She just wanted some time to think.
"WATCH-" Robbin began, but his purple cat was already reacting. As Eevee's growl pierced through the air, Purrloin jumped high over the noise to land safely ahead of it. "-out.." Robbin finished, as he began to feel like a bystander. After the landing, Purrloin ran fast toward Eevee who had retreated to fall victim to the cat's Yawn. "Wait.. Is this for real?" Robbin said aloud once seeing that Eevee had lay down for a nap. He didn't realize that his defiant kitty had actually accomplished a move. Once arriving to the sleeping fox, Purrloin returned a similar scream toward Eevee. ROWww! The feline used Copycat to Growl back at the helpless fox and then walked close to sit over her.

"NOW'S YOUR CHANCE! ATTACKkk!" Robbin shouted desperately as he saw they were at a clear advantage. Once Purrloin saw that Eevee was sound asleep, the carefree feline began to walk away. "AY!" Robbin exclaimed once he saw that Purrloin was beginning to leave the field. The boy was completely taken off guard at the sight and tried to think of what to do. Before Purrloin could take another careless step, Robbin was now sliding across the dirt to snatch the cat's tail. Big mistake. PURRLOIOWww! The cat's cry was so loud that it caused echos across the stands. "WE'RE IN A- BATTLE!- AUHh!" The purple head yelled as he withstood the hellish struggle that followed.

Like a psycho feral beast from hell, Purrloin whipped back to bite Robbin's hands and clawed rapidly at the boy's arms with his front and back paws. "Ahh! SH@#! AH!" Robbin held on with all his might and he wasn't about to forfeit in front of all these people. The distressed cat managed to slip his tail free and climbed up his master's arm to take a slash at his cheek. Once doing so, Robbin threw his arms up to pin Purrloin against his face which caused him to trip backward and fall onto the dirt. Purrloin was latched onto Robbin's face like a leach once they hit the ground.

"Well folks, there seems to be a complication on the arena..." The announcer said somewhat awkwardly.

"Fughh..ugh." Robbin winced in pain as Purrloin released him and sprang a few feet away.
He was actually hoping Eevee had awoken for another attack on Purrloin, so it might piss the cat off enough to finish the battle.

Jay returned his eyes to Beatrice and was taken aback by her exclamation about his brother's age. It sure seemed genuine enough. Her apology that followed seemed sincere too, but Jay still felt confused. When she spoke again, Jay listened to her explanation which caused him to remember "Ben's" gym battle against his uncle. His brother had used an Igglybuff?.. and some starter pokemon he wasn't familiar with. Igglybuff was the last pokemon Jay ever would suspect Robbin to have... Did Uncle Liam really not recognize him?.. Jay recalled Robbin being a good distance away during the gym battle and the disguise worked pretty well since Jay wasn't expecting him to be there.

When Beatrice revealed that Robbin hadn't mentioned him, it stung him on the inside a little more than he'd allow himself to outwardly show. I guess I AM dead to him... For a moment, Jay let his head drop and looked away with a breathy sigh. For many months, Robbin had ignored his calls and stopped visiting Jay and their mother. It was like they were forgotten, and Jay had began to really miss him.

Once hearing Bee's last bit of statements he almost kept silent, but then spoke up, "Wait... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. If you need to leave, then go ahead.." Jay realized that he was standing for many audience members to see, so he sat down slowly with a low spirited expression. Litleo placed her paws into Jay's lap and gave him a lick on his cheek with a worried look. So many questions raced inside Jay's head, but he refused to ask anymore questions in the moment. He didn't want to seem like he was aggressively interrogating the girl who could be completely innocent. He just felt bewildered and wounded in this moment.


Every audience members head seemed to simultaneously turn in the direction of the noise, including Jay's (and maybe Bee's). Jay witnessed his brother being attacked by the feral-like cat pokemon and all he could do was just stare at the sight with a few blinks and a cringe. He's certainly not ready... Is the first thought that entered Jay's head after Purrloin was finished with Robbin. Jay then noticed that Eevee was sleeping beneath Astrid's feet which surprised him. For the time being, the match actually claimed his focus and he wondered how the two were going to deal with their seemingly hopeless situations.​
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Tᕼᗩᑎᗩ ᖇᙓTᙀᖇᑎᔕ
Tournament ☼ Evening ☼ Seats ☼ Borderline Irritated
"Alright! your pokemon are all ready to go! Have a nice day!" The giddy voice of Nurse Joy had said. Two pokeballs were placed on the tray of the short haired female, whole flashed a bright and cheery smile. "Thank you!" She chimed, taking her two pokemon and leaving with a wave and a smile. However, once the light of the pokemon center was long behind her, the girl's eyes rolled, and she didn't appear to be the most impressed at the moment. This girl was wearing a green sweater, rather baggy if you ask me. A light, yellow stripe right across her chest and above her stomach.

Honestly, it's only been a few days since she had returned to this time; the time where she was still a child, only had two pokemon, and yet it was right after that incident. To make matters worse, she had lost her Carbink, the pokemon that she had poured so much research in and effort in order to mutate into Diancie. At the moment, obtaining her Carbink and Diancie were her main objectives, as Diancie was the one that played a large effect in her life. However, as appealing as it sounded to plow through her journey to obtain it, she had to go slow and steady. If she didn't, then it's possible that she may change the future, and she wanted anything but that. She only knew what happened in one timeline, however, she could only remember bits and pieces; she wasn't so good as to remember every little detail. She knew that it was around this time where she had gone to watch the tournament, met two people, and then carried on. "Tsk.. Just be patient.. Thana.." She mumbled. One foot in front of the other, just one foot in front of the other.

"Wait for me!"

A childish voice called out, panting a little bit from the speed that the other female had gone. "T-Thana.. You're too fast.. I can't keep up.." They said, however, the young trainer could only smile and spin around. "Stop being such a cry baby! The tournament is starting soon, and I wanna watch it! You promised me that you would watch with me!" Thana had chimed, and the other figure could only let out a sigh before smiling. Realizing that they had lost, they followed Thana along, a tiny Togepi in their arms. Once they had caught up to Thana, they had both slowed down and started walking. "So.. Thana? What do you want to be when you grow up?" The voice asked, but Thana took that question as some sort of joke. "Isn't it obvious? I wanna become a pokemon master! I"m gonna meet every pokemin out there, go on a journey, and battle with my pokemon! Like in the tournament!" Thana had replied, a determined sparkle in her eyes. A small pokemon was following behind her, smiling as they followed along.

"What do you want to do?" Thana had asked, looking at the other figure. They only smiled brightly, turning to look up at the sky for a moment.

"Well.. I wanna be..."

Thana had snapped herself out of it, shaking her head for a moment before pressing on. Once she had finally entered the Arena, it would appear she was right on time for a battle. She had found an empty seat, walking over and sitting down. She had found that one of the battlers, the one in the Charizard mask, was actually fighting with his own pokemon. Oh, Venipede would take a bit more pleasure in watching. Espurr? She was just sitting inside her pokeball. Her eyes wandered over and up at an older male, who looked.. familiar. What was his name again? She had met him in her future past, and he looked eerily familiar. The majority of her memories were messed up during time travel, and these people.. She hadn't seen in years. "Are you alright?" Her voice chimed out, a bright smile forming on her face. Thana had the face of a kid, or, more of someone that you would be abel to relax around, to speak to. "The battle is pretty.. Interesting, right? But you look a little troubled." Of course, it didn't take an alakazam to figure that out.

@True Self
Astrid and Eevee, Go For Broke!
Astrid watched as the feline pokemon jumped over the attack, hoping it would connect and weaken its power, but to her luck, the cat proved to be more of a nuisance then Professor Atlas' Shuckle during her training battle with him a while ago. No good Astrid frowned. Realizing she's in a predicament. Astrid had to brce for the worst. The feline pokemon used growl and weakened Eevee's power, putting her in a more stressful situation. Purrloin walked over to the sleeping Eevee as it stared at her sleeping. Astrid felt nervous, Eevee could be in serious trouble if she doesn't wake up soon.

...But the cat didn't attack.

Huh? Astrid had so many questions to ask about this plot twist that she wouldn't even figure it out. Of course, the feline pokemon was a carefree cat so maybe it just doesn't feel like fighting. If that's the case, why did Ben even choose this Pokemon. Ben seemed to be infuriated at the cat, even to go as far as to grab the cat's tail. Oh no! You're not suppose to do that Ben! Astrid put her hands over her mouth as the feline pokemon used Ben as its scratching post. Astrid wanted to help Ben with the situation, but what could she do? She doesn't have any type of berries to give to the Purrloin to quench its thirst for blood.

However, Astrid realized something.

With Purrloin focused on attacking Ben, Astrid could use something to wake Eevee up without any problems. Of course using items was banned in the tournament, but she could do something to wake up Eevee forcefully. I hope this works. Astrid put her thumb and her index finger together at her mouth and blew as hard as she can, making a powerful whistle tone from her mouth. The sudden loudness of the whistle caused Eevee to jump up on her feet. "EEVEE!" The surprised fox jumped up in surprise as it turned around to see what was causing that loud noise. It was her own trainer. Eevee gave a bit of a glare at her, but realized it fell asleep during the battle and gave a soft smile to Astrid for waking her up.

"You still got more fight in you?" Astrid gleefully said to Eevee as the fox pokemon responded back with a confident look. "Eevee!" she said back to Astrid, still having much more to go since she didn't take any damage. "Great." She gave Eevee a thumbs up. While the feline pokemon was minding its own business, Astrid tried to call out an attack, but the Eevee proceeded to attack without a command. "Wait a..." Astrid held out her hand to stop Eevee, but she was way gone by now. Astrid gave a rather confused smile and cheered for Eevee. "Go get that Purrloin!" Astrid yelled as the Eevee began the glow in a white light charging at full speed towards Purrloin, who just finished punishing Ben for grabbing its tail. Lets see what the feline pokemon is going to do now about the unsuspecting Take Down attack.
Merlin and Chimchar
Merlin watched as the battle unfolds. Merlin seemed to be rather displeased with the way the fighting is turning out. The young kid seems to have no understanding in pokemon at all. At least the redhead is doing a good job in her battle in his eyes compared to the kid. Chimchar was getting in to the battle by dancing on his shoulders and throwing punches.

Merlin and Chimchar later got distracted by the conversation between a man and a woman about something (Jay and Bee). The woman seemed to have left the area while the man continued to watch the battle. Did something happen between the two about something. Merlin wanted to help the girl out with the situation, but for now ignored the situation until the battle was over and continued watching to see is the redhead he was wanting to win succeeds.

Chimchar looked at the woman leaving the stand as the young monkey felt a bit sorry for her. Chimchar decided to help cheer up the sadden woman. Chimchar jumped off Merlin, surprising not noticing something off his shoulders due to the match he was so focused on and followed the woman to where she was going. @EchoRun
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"...Alright." Bee hesitated a bit, but in the end decided to go. Retreat, if you will. If only for a little bit in order to piece all of this information together. She felt really bad about all of this, especially seeing how Jay reacted to a lot of the information she had told him. Even if a lot of it was out of her control, she wanted to help out somehow. Well, assuming she even could. Maybe it was something that the two needed to work out between each other. But the least she could do was answer any questions Jay had. At the moment, though, she needed to retreat. That was something she was pretty good at.

Bee took her Treecko's Pokeball and returned him to it, then picked up Slakoth and checked to see if Buneary was following before she quietly started on her way. Before she could go too far, a loud yowl echoed throughout the arena. Bee jumped, and turned to look at the battle that she hadn't really been watching due to circumstances. At some point, it had gone downhill for both trainers, and Purrloin had turned on Robbin, while Eevee slept near Astrid. She could hardly imagine what series of events could have possibly led to this. Of course, she was worried about Robbin. But after a moment of watching, she remembered why she was leaving, turned, and kept going.

So the green-haired trainer left the arena and walked outside, skirting around the edge of the festival crowd in a search for a quieter setting. Guided by memory, she found her way to Monument Square, which, fortunately, wasn't nearly as crowded as most of the town seemed to be. Despite having only been here once, she liked it. And now that the sun had fallen, it sort of reminded her of her parents' garden back in Shadowveil. It was probably the general atmosphere of the two locations. The garden had always been one of her favorite places to go, ever since she was little. When she was young, she'd go out and romp amongst the carefully tended flowers, pretending to be some great explorer discovering some distant forest or jungle in a fantasy world. As she got older, she began to help with the garden, learning how to gently handle and care for the various flora, and retreated to the garden if she ever felt the need to.

The Night Gladioluses (Gladioluses? Gladioli? I think it's Gladioli) were her favorite.

She paced through the Square much like she used to pace through the garden, taking advantage of the calmer, somewhat (or at least as close as she could get to) familiar setting to think. Robbin and Jay were brothers. That much was clear at this point. Robbin was in Numera for some reason. She chalked it up to many children's desire to go on adventures. Apparently he didn't live in the city like his older brother. But Jay had no idea Robbin was even here. That would help explain Robbin's sudden strange behavior at the Gym, what with the odd disguise and both Jay and Atlas being there. Then there was the fact that the kid was only nine! Bee mentally kicked herself for never thinking to ask or thinking anything more of his odd behavior. No, she had just made an assumption, which, to be fair, was pretty logical. After all, he had gotten Chespin from Professor Atlas's Lab... which he shouldn't have been able to do in the first place.

"My parents would not allow this."

Jay's words came back to her. Surely if Jay and Robbin's parents wouldn't let it happen, Professor Atlas would know, right? He's their UNCLE, after all. "So how did he-"

As she turned around, something caught her eye, and she allowed herself to lose her train of thought for a moment. It was a small orange and cream colored monkey, with a tail made of fire. It looked familiar, too, but she couldn't place it at the moment. "Oh, hello... Where did you vome from?"
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Eevee vs. Purrloin -The Real Battle Begins-

Robbin rose from the ground at the sound of a high pitched whistle, and gave his stinging cheek a rub. Meanwhile, Purrloin stood ready toward Robbin with his back arched and eyes narrowed. The cat had been slightly startled by Astrid's random whistle, but he kept his focus on the boy who had grabbed his freshly cleaned tail with his filthy human hands. Purrloin had spent all day at the festival cleaning himself and indulging in good eats and this annoying two-legged creature had to go and spoil the fun. As the feline crouched lower to make a leap at Robbin's face for round two, a startling force crashed into his furry side which sent him painfully rolling upon the dusty earth.

"That should do it.." Robbin stated, when Eevee's Take Down had met it's mark. The boy had kept quiet when Astrid's fox was dashing for his unsuspecting cat, because he needed Purrloin to get engaged in the fight. After Purrloin had taken the blow, he had landed on his feet like most cats would from a tumble. His emerald eyes were widened now in surprise with his mouth slightly panting. The fiesty fox had awoken and attacked him from behind like a sucker punch. When the baffled cat noticed his deep purple coat had been dirtied from the ground, his unsettled expression switched to a infuriated scowl. LOISSsss! The Purloin gave a pissed off hiss toward Eevee.

A white aura began to glow around the furious feline and he shot toward Eevee with a threatening cry. PURRLOINnn! "Woahh. Isn't that the same-" Robbin stopped mid-thought, and just watched the cat's raging fury. He was grateful that it wasn't his face that Purrloin was going for. As Purrloin came close to Eevee, he cut a quick angle and then lept around to return a Take Down attack with the use of Copycat in Eevee's direction. Luckily for him, the fox's Take Down had been weakened by his copied Growl. Lucky for Robbin, Eevee's succesful blow had saved him from having to forfeit the tournament. A relieved, closed smile came aross Robbin's face as he watched what would unfold.


Nice going, Jay... The silvery haired trainer thought sarcastically, as Bee chose to leave the scene. I'm good at scaring people away apparently. The self critcal thought stabbed through his brain, as his younger brother crossed his mind again. He let out another solemn sigh before turning his head back to the match between Astrid and his brother. To Jay, it felt pretty surreal to see this happening. He didn't think he'd encounter his brother in this way. Then again... Robbin was pretty daring and unpredictable at times. Maybe with all their time apart, he had forgotten how his brother was.

Did Dad let him leave? Jay wondered, as he tried to think of who could've brought Robbin to Numera. He couldn't have gotten here on his own... could he?
The idea of his little brother hitch hiking all the way here on his own was unrealistic to Jay at this time, and he probably couldn't believe it if it were true anyway.

Before Jay lost himself in his thoughts completely, a voice seemingly came out of nowhere that brought his awareness back to the outside world. "Are you alright?"

"Um." Jay felt vulnerable to the new face's unexpected question, but continued, "Well, I've had better days." He replied shortly to the girl before getting a good look at her. He hadn't noticed her arrival and it felt to him as if she had just appeared out of nowhere. Maybe she used an Abra to teleport.. When he imagined that, he immediately thought of Alakai, his uncle's Alakazam. "I guess so.." He replied when the girl stated that the battle was interesting. He had been pretty distracted with the Robbin situation, so he couldn't really offer much opinion on the actual battle. He felt kinda bad that he wasn't able to give Astrid's first match his full undivided attention.

When the new girl stated that he looked troubled, Jay drew silent for a moment before he finally spoke, "Just family trouble I suppose." He stated this somehwat cleverly, as if subconsciously trying to make light of the present problem. "Who might you be?" He asked the brunette curiously. If he wasn't so caught up with the Robbin situation, he may have properly introduced himself before asking the same of her. While he wait for her reply, he thought about Bee and hoped he hadn't caused her to become too unsettled. That's when his brother and Astrid caught his attention, and Robbin's pokemon appeared to be pretty mad.
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Alvin and Thomas
Watching the Tournament
Alvin took a seat in the players' bench, and his Torchic took a spot on a wide divider between it and the arena, sitting down to get a good view. Curiously, Alvin noticed that Thomas had taken a seat next to him. Apparently, all the other seats had been taken, so Thomas did not have a choice in the matter. Thomas reached into his backpack, and pulled out a laptop along with a large, spherical camera, placed next to the Torchic. Alvin took a quick look at the laptop, it looked like an advanced model, and Thomas seemed to be running an complex program on it. "Recording program, also provides analysis of a battle. Should see if there's any valuable tricks in this battle." Thomas explained, mostly to keep Alvin from being an inquisitive Furret, like so many idiots he ran into. "All right." Alvin shrugged, and watched the tournament.

The starting match wasn't anything to write home about. It was a battle between a Pidgey and a Bidoof. Alvin could practically hear the snickers from the audience that someone would use a supposedly weak Pokemon like Bidoof. He did not see the problem though, with enough effort even a Bidoof could be powerful. He suddenly remembered a story he heard once about a place in Sinnoh that once trained some fearsome Magikarp and Feebas. The teen cringed a bit at the Pidgey though, remembering his encounters with them earlier in the day. When the match started, Thomas muttered "Advantage Pidgey. Actually a rather intelligent choice for this tournament, given how they can make winds strong enough to ring out opponents." Almost imediately after he said that, the Pidgey took the Bidoof out of the arena with a powerful gust. "Well, that was quick. How'd you know he'd ring the Bidoof out?" Alvin asked. Thomas straightened his glasses and said "Heh, even a child could see it, I'm surprised you missed it."

The next match however, promised to be interesting. That fancy girl Celeste was to fight against Tina. Alvin had seen Selena on TV plenty of times, as she was a fairly famous trainer. It seemed Celeste took after her quite well, as half of her sentences were something about love. Initially Alvin paid little attention to Celeste's love speeches, but then the fight happened. It was a Slurpluff vs a Hitmonchan. Strangely to Alvin, everyone seemed to think the Hitmonchan had the advantage, when it was clear that Slurpluff, being a fairy type, was much more likely to win the battle. Alvin practically expected it to be a massacre of the Hitmon by a fairy type. Thomas seemed to agree "Advantage Slurpluff...yeah the Hitmonchan's doomed."

What Alvin didn't expect was how that massacre happened. Wind blew the scarf off of the Slurpluff, just in time to dodge a Mach Punch. Either Celeste was ridiculously good at improvisation or she's some kind of wind sorceress, Alvin thought. As the match progressed more and more, Alvin became more and more astonished. Slurpluff had dodged so many attacks just by doing normal, everyday things. With just three moves, it took out Hitmonchan out of the arena. Quite impressive to the teenager. Thomas seemed strangely bitter about the result, despite matching his prediction yet again. Alvin was about to ask, when he overheard Celeste talking to Astrid:

"Hope you saw all of that. It takes incredible amount of love and care in your Pokemon in order to become a strong Pokemon trainer. I hope to see something like that in your battle."

Rude... Alvin thought. Still, it got him thinking Love my pokemon huh...? The teen looked at his Torchic. He had not really thought about it before, Torchic was a living creature, and Alvin had thought of it more as a tool to be used. It was here that he rethought his earlier decision to not nickname his Pokemon. Perhaps they would be more loyal to him if he loved them more? Alvin petted the Torchic's head, and said "How are you feeling buddy?" Torchic replied with a happy chirp, causing Alvin to ask "Would you like a nickname little guy?" Torchic chirped again, though it seemed he did not know quite what Alvin was asking.

Before Alvin could think of a name, he saw Thomas twitching, clearly angry about something. Perhaps unwisely, Alvin decided to ask "Uh, is there a problem?" Thomas opened his mouth as though he was about to shout at Alvin, but then paused, and continued in a somewhat quiet voice "Of course there is. That girl continuously spreads lies about how love wins battles. Contemptible!"

"Really? Love seemed to work pretty well for her right there. That seems to be plenty of proof to me."

"Ugh, there's no doubting that she's skilled you idiot. What the problem is is that she retards others' progress by saying that it is love, not skill, that let her prevail."

"People have different ways of looking at stuff like that. It's clearly working out for her."

"Yes, but it's the wrong way to look at it! If she really wanted to help people, she would give them advice on what Pokemon to train and how to train them-how to achieve progress-not this malarkey about love and kindness. Pokemon are but tools to be used for the benefit of humanity. Not mistreated mind you, but not thought of as family either."

He sure is a swell guy. Alvin thought sarcastically. At this point, he decided to end the conversation and focus on finding a nickname for Torchic. It took him several minutes, but then inspiration flashed in his brain, and he said "How's Johannes sound?" to his Torchic. "Tor? (Wha?)" he replied utterly baffled. "Yeah, that's not so good...how about Icarus?" Alvin said. Suddenly he realized he liked the name, and if Torchic's chirp was any indication he liked it too. "All right, that's what I'll call ya from now on Icarus."

Not exactly the brightest namesake. Thomas thought. He thought about saying something, but decided he did not need to.

The third match started up, and it seemed to be a bit of a snoozefest. The Numel and Slugma were going at it using their weakest attacks. "Clearly somebody forgot to teach their Numel Magnitude. Idiot." Thomas said. Alvin was about to just tune out of the battle, but then he thought of something that bugged him about Thomas. He turned towards the teen with glasses and asked "You keep using that word, what is it? Progress? What the blazes do you mean by that anyway?"

The question took Thomas aback. He never thought anybody would ever care to ask him that. When he recovered, he said "Everyone, or at least most people, have a way to contribute to society. Progress, as I use it, is a measure of how successful they are in their contribution. The problem is, the idiotic ideas of people, especially in the last fifty years, have caused everyone to abandon progress in the name of morality or fear. I seek to change that, to take the achieve maximum potential in my Pokemons' power, and change the world with it." A pause "Ah, but I'm rambling again. Never mind me."

"Interesting..." Alvin said. He then lost himself in thought, thinking about how he was going to battle Celeste once it came to that. He also thought of home, how his mother might worry about him, and how she was likely fuming from the ears at his sudden departure. Come to think of it, he was going to have to pass through Thunderlight to beat all the gyms...his mind raced as the realization dawned on him.

Before he got too deep in panic or thought though, the announcer stated that Maxie had won, and that Astrid and some guy named Ben were up next. As the battle started getting underway, Thomas closed his laptop and said "There's nothing useful to be gotten in this battle. Hopefully their idiocy will prompt them to change their ways." Alvin, on the other hand, likely would have busted out laughing if he was not trying to be respectful towards Astrid. As it stood, he let out some undignified chuckles when Ben got clubbed by a Purrloin. What a comedy of errors!

Thomas sat there puzzled more than anything How did the tournament officials miss the nine year old contestant? Are they really that incompetent? It was then that, by chance, he saw a blue haired individual stand up in the middle of the spectators, clearly distraught by something. A girl next to him walked away, prompting him to think Oh, probably just a breakup. Teenagers. He waited patiently for the match to end, though the back of his mind was still worried something strange was going on here. Perhaps he should look into this more at a later point.​
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Danielle & Clavies
"So um.. This is where we sit, right?" The brunette sighed, trying her best to calm her nerves. She was actually really, really nervous about this, and she was practically shaking in her boots! Contests were one thing, but pokemon battles were a completely different story! My god, even now she was practically shaking at the thought of battling! She had lost earlier, yes, but she couldn't bare the imagine how hard Ralts would be on herself if she lost the first round, and all because of Clavies to top that off! Geez.. How embaressing it would be for herself, and Ralts for messing up in the arena like that... Oh well, her first priority! Don't let Ralts fall off the arena! Secondly.. Don't let Ralts faint! Yeah, that totally works out. It'll work out, it'll work out.

While she was walking down the hall and a different seat, she appeared to have bumped into another female. The girl was blonde, with a set of clear, silver eyes. Oh god, and she was followed by a pichu. This had to be the worst day of her life, having to bump into the same person three times today. Clavies had been staring up at the blonde, almost as though paralyzed with both shock and fear of the girl's outburst. "You!" She shrieked out, prompting Clavies to cover her ears gently, with Ralts mimicking her action. So that was her name.. Huh? Danielle? Admittedly, that was a nice name. Clavies personally liked it more than the weird name that she had anyways; sounded like a guy's name in her opinion. Clearly, it didn't suit her in the way that she had hoped. Danielle didn't suit the blonde either, but she would be lying if she said that she was expecting the competitive girl to be participating. "My darling Pichu had been down on the dumps after losing, all thanks to you!" She complained, resulting in Clavies wincing at the volume of her voice. She slowly raised her hands up to her chest, making a patting/pushing motion with her hands. "P-Please be a bit more quiet.." She mumbled, however, clearly Danielle wasn't listening to a word that Clavies was saying.

"Oh you little crystal headed, goody two shoes brat!" Danielle had pouted, crossing her arms and holding onto her Pichu. Clearly, that girl didn't really know how to speak to someone in a polite manner. The brunette seemed to be a little irritated because of this, but she didn't allow the girl to see just how agitated she was making her. In the mean time, she ignored the majority of her ranting to focus on the current battles.

The first battle was a Pidgey against a Bidoof, and it was clear that Danielle was holding in laughter. "Are you serious?! A Bidoof?! There's a reason why it has doof in it's name!" She said, covering her mouth as she was trying not to laugh her head off. "H-Hey.. that's a little rude.." Clavies mumbled, only to be greeted by Pichu's sparking cheeks. "Oh c'mon, it was obvious that the Bidoof was going to lose anyways! I mean, look at that thing!" She had pointed out. Clavies rolled her eyes, focusing her eyes back onto the next battle. Next up was a Hitmonchan and a Slurrpuff. Based off type disadvantages and the such, it would be obvious that Celeste would win. When Slurpuff had bent down and dodged the mach punch, Danielle rolled her eyes this time, and leaned back on the wall with a rather irritated expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" Clavies asked, looking to the side and at Danielle. The blonde girl had paused for a moment, she shook her head. "I don't like that girl." She pointed out, her eyes narrowing for a bit. "She clearly wanted her Slurpuff to dodge it. She has the nerve to disguise it in such a simple motion as well. It sets me off." She said, grinding her teeth a little bit. Clavies only stayed quiet, continuing to spectate the battle. She had found that Celeste was using simple movements in her battle, which further deepened hers and Danielle's suspicions. Once it was over, Celeste was declared the winner.

"See? They are all just overreacting, it's stupid." Danielle had commented again, puffing her cheek out. Pichu also didn't seem to be impressed, though, Danielle was probably just jealous that she didn't get as much attention as Celeste, just becuase the girl's mom was famous. Hah. Then, well, nothing noteworthy happened. They both almost fell asleep at the Fire type battle, and when that was over, Clavies was relieved. "They should put some sort of timer.. Like they do in contests.." She mumbled. "Agreed."

Next up was Astrid against a boy named Ben; but she recognized that mask anywhere. So Rabin decided to join too, huh? But why did he have to go under the name Ben? That was.. Odd. Never the less, Clavies was quietly watching, but she had become visibly worried when Purrlion decided to stop listening. "Pff.. That kid has no control over his pokemon, huh?" Danielle asked, clutching her stomach just a tiny bit. The brunette just ignored her, and watched the battle intently.
Eevee gets serious!

As Eevee charges towards Purrloin, he gives a huge leap and slams head on into Purrloin, sending the cat pokemon a few feet across the ring. Finally, a direct hit. Things were starting to look up for Astrid with the battle. Looking at Eevee, she noticed it was gritting it's teeth as it bent it's right front leg. That's right. Take Down is a fairly powerful move that deals huge damage to a pokemon. In exchanged for hitting the target, the user takes recoil damage. Eevee must been receiving the recoil damage right now. Eevee seemed to be struggling a little bit, but taking in a breath and exhaling it smootly, Eevee was able to lower the pain to about nothing.

All right. We're making some progress here. Too bad the growl Purrloin did on Eevee weakened his Take Down attack. Otherwise we would've been at an advantage. Astrid scratched her head. She looked around the field to find that Ben's Purrloin has gotten up. Astrid saw that Purrloin is now mad after that blow from Eevee's Take Down. Looks like the real battle is about to begin.

Eevee watched as the feline pokemon landed on his feet from the impact. Noticing that its fur has been dirtied cause Purrloin to go into a fit of rage. Eevee finally seeing that her opponent is taking the fight serious, means Eevee can get serious too. With a determined force in her eyes. Eevee prepares to go all out in this battle to challenge Purrloin's fury. The feline pokemon started to use a move very familiar to Eevee. The Purrloin now responds with its own Take Down. Eevee clenched her feets and prepared for a quick evasion for when the feline pokemon got closer. Then tried to trick Eevee and cutted a very sharp angle from Eevee before pouncing at her. The quick movement at the end surprised Eevee and, with instinct, jumped to the left to avoid it. "Eevee!" She wasn't able to fully dodge it as the attack managed to leave a cut on Eevee's face and leave a small damage on her face. Luckily not a deep wound and a wound that would take some time to recover.

Eevee sighed a bit, avoiding what could've been a disaster before turning her attention to Purrloin and chasing after it with a response of a well chosen tackle. Then, after it got close, jumped up in the sky and slammed into the Purrloin with a surprise attack. Astrid could only watch as the battle unfolds, not giving a command and letting the Eevee do its own things since Astrid seemed to be more distracted with each Pokemon doing some wicked and impressive moves rather than making the decisions herself. Also it may be from just not coming up with the right strategies or just taking too long thinking of one for her too.


Celeste watched the battle from the bench and she observed Astrid's Eevee. She seemed a bit disappointed in Astrid for letting her Eevee do all the work. While she's impressed that the Eevee is able to put up a fight without the need of commands. This type of behavior isn't really good for a Pokemon and its trainer. She wondered what Astrid would do in order to take back her Eevee in the battle.

Merlin and the Missing Chimchar
Merlin watched the battle unfold in his eyes. This battle just looks like a mess. Looking at the kid who's utterly getting destroyed by his own pokemon. Merlin got up and started to leave, until he realized his new pokemon seemed to have jump ship from his shoulders. Blast it. Where did that monkey go now. He seemed distraught now that his pokemon seemingly walked away from him without his consent. Merlin left the Battle Pit to look around for Chimchar He looked all around the festival for the monkey, but couldn't find him anywhere. Merlin continued to look around for him in the beautiful night filled with laughter and joy.

Meanwhile. The young chipper Chimchar followed Bee around the festival and into the Monument Square. The young teenage girl walked around the square in a rather worried pace. Chimchar looked at the girl with a sad expression on his face. "Chimchar..." He cried as he looked at the girl pacing around over something. He followed her all around the square until she noticed him. The Chimchar jumped around in a joyful mood. "Chimchar Chimchar!" He kept jumping around that the girl noticed him. After he finished jumping around. The Chimchar got into position and then...Started dancing. "Chimcharrr Chimcharrrr Chim Chim Chim Chimcharr...CHIMCHAR!" It did various movements with its dance. Then it started to do some monkey dancing and spinning around, hoping that it would impress Bee and make her smile. And at the end, jumped up to do his finishing dance to give the girl something to be happy about. He waited for the girl's response to the dance.​
-Purrloin's Balancing Act-

As the determined fox backed away for some distance, Robbin noticed that Eevee seemed to be hurt after her own attack. "He is kinda bony.." Robbin thought aloud, referring to Purrloin. The boy wasn't familiar with moves that had recoil damage, so he assumed something different. The full extent of Purrloin's attack had missed it's target as he went in for the pounce, but he managed to at least skim the Eevee a bit. "C'mon! Almost had it!.."

PURR! The flustered kitty cried once his Take Down had missed. He glared back toward Eevee with his narrowing eyes as he prepared to bolt her way again. As he did so, he noticed her charging toward him again as well. The cat shifted course, running passed the Eevee as she began to chase after him. It was almost like a weaving cat and mouse game at this point, but Purrloin wasn't running scared.. He was buying time to perform a stealth strike.

When the Eevee's Tackle was to be expected, Purrloin began to ascend into the air from a starting jump. That's when Eevee had jumped into the air as well to deliver the attack... Purrloin barely had time to react from this surprise move from Eevee, so he just threw up his paws to block the attacks full power. The slam from Eevee's Tackle caused Purrloin to slide back on his back feet and he now stood vertically on two legs. Loin. The cat breathed before looking up at Astrid's normal type with his injured front paws still raised in front of him. He then slung his legs out in a twirling flip to get close to the fox before sending a loud, damaging Snarl Eevee's way. PUROWWw!

Robbin took mental note of Purrloin's graceful-like movements as he recognized the cat's latest attack. Once doing so, he witnessed Purrloin take a back flip for some distance before landing on a single front paw. The cat winced a bit from the pressure upon his injured paw, but was able to keep his poise with grace. "Sweet.." Robbin said at Purrloin's acrobatic display.

Purrloin then began spinning on his paw and leapt upright to slide upon the ground before cartwheeling to land on both paws this time. He then began to work his paws around on the ground and hopping high upon them, moving his body all around while rotating. He repeated this cartwheel to spinning handstand process from side to side. His purpose was to make himself trickily evasive before his next move.
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A Commotion in the Tournament?!

The Eevee was able to succeed in landing the surprise attack against Purrloin as the feline pokemon fell to the ground from the tackle. While the body is still fine, its paws seemed to be rather injured from the impact of Eevee's attack. The cat may still have alot of fight in it left, but Eevee also had a good amount of energy left to spare too. As Purrloin jumped around the arena closer to Eevee, it used a quick Snarl attack against the surprised Eevee. She quickly clenched her body in order to minimize the damage done to it. It might've hurt a bit, but Eevee hasn't given up yet.

Astrid continued to look at the fight going on, forgetting she's suppose to be in control with Eevee and making the moves. While Astrid feels safe, knowing that her Eevee is helping her through the battle without making terrible decisions. The rest of the audience were not impressed on either trainer. Ben, for poor handling on his pokemon and letting the cat fight on his own. And Astrid, who at first was a decent trainer, for just watching like a confused child and just letting her Eevee do all the fighting. Even the announcer was starting to lose his patience with both trainers not issuing a single command. The announcer decided to step in for a bit and make a comment on both trainers and the current battle.

"The fight seemed to have turn from a normal match between two trainers to a cockfight between the two Pokemon. Both trainers are just lazily watching the battle as their Pokemon fight among themselves. Make some commands already guys! While the fight between the two pokemon is rather impressive I should say. Neither of you are contributing to the fight.

Astrid realized she's getting called out for not fighting with her pokemon. While Astrid has been watching the battle and taking mental notes during the battle for watching Eevee pull off some amazing stunts, this doesn't excuse her for not participating in the matches with her pokemon. Even some of the audience started to get restless and started shouting angry things at them.

"Yeah! We came here to see good Pokemon matches, not cockfighting between two pokemon. First the third round, and now this? Pick up the pace you idiots!"
"Are the both of you even trainers? You should know how to fight with your pokemon rather than just watch!"
"What a disgrace to all Pokemon Trainers!"
"You guys are a joke to this world!"

The huge insults keep coming and coming to Astrid and Ben. Astrid started to lose her composure and looked down to the ground, almost ready to fall to her knees. Were they right in their statement? Was she a horrible pokemon trainer for not learning how to fight efficiently? Even though she had a lot of problems battling, she was slowly improving to become a better battler every time. Luckily, the announcer decided to butt in during all the commotion before it got even worse.

"Alright, that's enough! No more or we'll have you kicked out from the Battle Pit. No need to rub it in their faces further than that." While he admits that both trainers are bad, he still cares for their well-being and doesn't want to see them desperately hurt from the insults. The audience wanted to continue throwing insults at them and ignore his response, but they agreed to stop and the audience stopped their insults. But it still doesn't ignore the fact that they were angry at how the current match is going right now. Astrid felt angry at herself for not being strong enough to fight alongside Eevee. If only she would've gotten the hang of fighting, she wouldn't be in this kind of mess. She also wondered how Ben was feeling after that mess. And what about Jay? Would he be disappointed in Astrid for this? She looked at the field again. The cat seemed to be doing some kind of aerobics around the ring, whatever it was doing, it must be trying to trick Eevee into attacking. Eevee watched the feline Pokemon dance around the field. She wasn't sure what it was doing, but she took this kind of tactic more cautious rather than rushing into danger.

Astrid needed to do something, but with the cat dancing around the ring, attacking head on would be risky. Astrid needed to try to do something to avoid taking unnecessary damage. She decided to use a command that would be the best choice in this kind of situation.

"Jump and use Growl Eevee!" She yelled as she pointed towards Ben's Purrloin. "Eevee!" Eevee responded with anger in her eyes to Astrid's command as she jumped up in the sky and released yet another loud piercing attack towards the dancing Purrloin, attempting to dodge or move away from the attack. EEEEEEEVEEEEEEE! Then Eevee would fall down towards Purrloin and follow up with another attack without Astrid's command and would attempt to Bite Purrloin at the body if she could connect the attack. The audience seemed to be a little bit happy to Astrid that she called out a attack, but they were still angry at her.

Celeste watched as the tournament started to go into complete chaos over the current results of the match. Was Celeste was a bit disappointed in how the audience was taking this, They should be trying to help them make better decisions and supporting them than just yelling at them for being failures. She didn't need to say anything at the current state of the crowd because they would probably retort back at her. She started to feel a bit of empathy for poor Astrid. was this her first official match ever? She thinks so, but she couldn't help but feel she had a bit of experience with this before in the past.
Who's That Pokémon?! (And if it has a trainer, that's be nice to know too)

Apparently the Pokémon was quite happy to have her attention. It jumped around excitedly as Bee watched, more than a little confused about what the heck was going on. Then, it stopped jumping, and started dancing around. While still confused, Bee watched its little dance, and slowly but surely, began to smile. By the end of the monkey's dance, she was grinning widely, and while the issue that had brought her out here in the first place wasn't forgotten, it was pushed from her thoughts for the moment.

"That was adorable." Bee complimented the monkey Pokémon's on its dance, a small smile still lightening her expression. Curiosity still plagued her, though; she could have sworn she had seen this Pokémon somewhere. Then she remembered that, hey, she has a Pokedex! My oh my, whatever could she use this Pokedex for? Oh, that's right: she could scan the Pokémon that was right in front of her and learn more about it! Boy! Isn't that helpful? She took out her Pokedex and scanned the Pokémon.

The Chimp Pokémon.
Fire Type
Chimchar easily climbs the sheerest of walls and lives on mountain tops. When it sleeps, its flames go out.
"Chimchar, huh?" Suddenly, Bee gasped. "That's right! You're one of the starter Pokémon!" That would explain why it looked familiar, although she hadn't really considered any of the Water or Fire Type Pokémon once she had decided on picking a Grass Type. What was it doing so far from the Lab? She didn't think anyone had gotten Chimchar, unless someone else came later on in the day. Yeah, would make sense. She was about to put away the Pokedex when she saw that it seemed to have more information, so she checked that out, too.
Owner: ???

"Well that's helpful." The young trainer commented on the lack of information provided. She put away the Pokedex and looked back at the Chimchar. Although the Pokedex didn't say it had a trainer, she felt that of all the options, that one would make the most sense. Then again, maybe it had wandered here all the way from the lab? Although, that didn't seem very likely. Nor did she think that Chimchar were native to Numera, but what did she know? Well, no harm in asking. "Do you have a trainer or something, little guy?" She saw no harm in asking, even if the Pokedex told her otherwise. Maybe it was glitchy or something. And she wanted to at least know that, since if it did, then they were probably worried sick and wondering where their Pokémon was. She knew she would be, if she hadn't been able to find Treecko any of those times he had wondered off. Then if that wasn't the case, she could check and see if it had come from the lab. If not that, then... well, maybe it could hang out with her and Slakoth and Treecko until it decided it wanted to leave.​
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The tournament was practically divided now during Astrid and "Ben's" match. Some within the audience were starting to feel cheated and irked by both of the contenders lack of participation, while some audience members admired Eevee's fiery determination and Purrloin's elegant battling style. "That's IT!" Robbin shouted once his mauve feline's Snarl made contact with it's target.

When the ever so professional announcer called out Robbin and his opponent, Robbin just nonchalantly popped a piece of sour grape bubble gum into his mouth and began to savor the explosive flavor. "Thanks, Captain!" He finally shouted regarding the announcers obviousness and gave the announcer a seemingly grateful, yet sarcastic wave. The cat wouldn't listen even when he tried though..

Once he heard the hateful screams from the stands, Robbin blew the biggest gum bubble he could possibly create before letting it pop and shoved a finger up his nose in their direction. He used his middle finger to act like he was "digging for gold" and then gave a cute, oblivious acting smile before lowering his finger slowly for the audience members to see and sank it in his pocket innocently.

As Purrloin kept up his dancing-like distraction, Eevee was jumping his way as directed by her red headed master. In that short instance, Purrloin's paw collapsed unwillingly beneath him from his prior injury which left him vulnerable to the fox's piercing cry. Purrloin scrambled upon the ground after being hit by the Growl, and looked up to see Eevee's approaching fangs.

He attempted to spring away before the fox could get him, but the fox's Bite tore into Purrloin's paw before he could completely escape. LOINN! The cat let out a distressed cry from the painful bite to his already injured limb. As the fox's jaws remained locked upon Purrloin, the cat used his other paw to Scratch at the fox's face outta instinct.

"Damn. What do I do?" Robbin pondered, as he witnessed his pokemon take two attacks now. If he lost the match, then it would just verify to the audience that he really was no good. "..USE YOUR CAT SCREAM!" He desperately tried to command Purrloin's Snarl move, but the name was way off. Coincidentally, Purrloin was using another Snarl in further attempt to get the fox off of his arm. PURLOW! "It WORKED?.." Robbin thought in disbelief.
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Tᕼᗩᑎᗩ ᖇᙓTᙀᖇᑎᔕ
Tournament ☼ Evening ☼ Seats ☼ Borderline Irritated
Where had she seen this guy before? It was bothering her.

Well.. Regardless, Thana forced a smile on her face, listening to what he was saying. Rather, she gave him a soft smile, her eyes shut for a little while. The dark blue sweater with the purple stripes.. Things were playing out differently, huh? Though, from what she knew, key events cannot be avoided, and they will happen at some point in some shape or form. Oh well.. Just enjoy this battle, talk to the person next to you, in fairly the same way that you remember it. Just do it as someone else.

"Sounds pretty complicated." The child commented, looking up at the man who was rather troubled. If she recalled correctly, it was that this male and the one in the Charizard mask had some unfinished business to attend to, but she couldn't exactly remember what it was. Her memory was still a little foggy from the whole time jumping stuff, but hopefully she could recover the majority later.

Though, he looked as though she appeared out of no where like an abra.

Bah, just ignore it, Thana. Just use Viola for now, no one'll be able to tell the difference anyways; these aren't the same people from your timeline. However, she appeared to have frozen up just a slight bit, hesitating before answering the male who asked her name. Her name. Well.. It was such a small detail. Surely nothing would happen if she gave a false name, no? "My name.. Is Viola." She replied, smiling warming. She held her hand out to shake, almost as though in anticipation.

After having to shake his hand, her eyes returned back to the battle at hand, looking down at the Purrlion and Eevee who were handling themselves pretty well without their trainers. The crowd, on the other hand, wasn't taking it as well by yelling insults and all. Oh if she still had her Charizard; she would have gladly told him to roast the entire stadium out of rage.

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~ORIGINS~ (3 Years Ago) Numera Town - Evening (Post-Festival)

"Ma?," A silvery haired boy called out into a darkened hallway. He crept slowly along the hollow floor to find an archway that led into the kitchen. Standing with her back turned, Sapphia had her head lowered in silence. "Mom?" The boy called again, hoping for an answer as he lifted his festive Suicune mask. "Is Robbin here?- I lost him after the festival.." Once he was denied an immediate response, he looked around the dark house with a misplaced expression. "Where's Pop?" He returned to his mother, but his question was answered with more silence. Leaning in, he placed a hand upon his mother's trembling shoulder and he felt his heart begin to sink into his stomach.

A broken whisper finally came from his mother's quivering lips, "They left, sweetie... It's just- just us now." Sniffling followed which caused Jay's worry to intensify.

"Whaddaya mean? Where'd they go?," Jay looked at his mom with a tilt of his head and a confused look upon his face. His questions were replied to by heart tearing sobs from his mother. "Wait.. What's the matter? Where are they?" All he could do was hold his mother in that moment as she let out the rush of tears. With desperate eyes he spoke out once more in worry, "Please tell me what's going on?.... I'm feeling scared."

"Your father isn't ever coming back, Jay. He had to leave." Sapphia gave a kiss to her eldest sons neck before sinking her teary face into his shoulder once more.

"W-what? No, why are you saying that?" Jay's eyes grew wide with fear as his breath became caught in his throat. He lifted his mother from their embrace and dropped his hold upon her. "He wouldn't leave us. Robbin isn't gone either- we were just at the festival together..." Jay said as he began to study his mother's wet face. "We had a good time, and we were gonna come home and play video games."

"I'm sorry, honey... I'm very sorry." Sapphia said with a heart wrenching voice. "I wanted them to say good bye-"

Jay's nose began to burn as his tears began to blur his vision. "I don't believe this... I'll go find them, and bring them back-"

"You can't, Jay. They're gone, and I don't know where." Sapphia said with a destroyed look. With these words, Jay spun around with a light headed expression and Sapphia spoke out once more, "Jay, stop- Please stay here!" She tried to stop him, but he was already bolting out the front door. With this, she burst again into full blown tears and sank against the kitchen counter with her face against her knees. "Please, don't leave me.."

"DAD! ROBBIN?!" Jay screamed through the pouring rain and frigid night as he ran passed the townhouses. "DAD?! POP, WHERE ARE YOU?" The sound of the heavy rain concealed his desperate cries and welling tears. When he made it to the edge of town, he dropped to his knees and cried out one last time, "BROTHERR!" He dropped his head with a stabbing-like pain within his soul as the rain drenched his face and soaked his hair. "Come back." Jay choked the words out, and all he could do was sit alone in silence with the rain showering over him. For awhile he stayed like this, until the sound of a pokemon could be heard through the damp air. Vul?

Jay followed the cries of a lonely pokemon until he found him there in a log. A young fire fox was curled up inside to shield from the rain. "Hello. Did you lose your family too?" VULL The vulpix cried with a frightened expression as he looked each way. "Please don't worry." Young Jay said as he gave the fox a rub on the head to ease it's frantic state. "We'll find them together, ok?" Vulpix allowed Jay's gentle touches and made room for him to shelter himself from the rain. Jay paused for a moment, and the tears began to leak unwillingly from his face as he sat inside the hollow wood. The fox edged close to him in order to get warm and they closed their eyes to rest... (to be continued)


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Time to Finish This Eevee!
The Eevee plunged its fangs onto the cat's arm as it yelled in pain. Eevee attempted to keep her fangs shut tightly on Purrloin's paws. As Eevee held on to the cat's paws, the feline pokemon attempted to scratch Eevee's face as it tries to break free, but Eevee held her ground from the attack and kept her fangs secured on the cat. Astrid was impressed that Eevee was doing a good job holding on to the Purrloin after that attack. Keep at it Eevee. Don't let it knock you off. She cheered internally for her Eevee. Even though Eevee held on for as long as she can, The Purrloin's Snarl knocked Eevee off from Purrloin, allowing it to move again.

As Eevee got up from the blow, she started to show signs of weakness from the amount of damage she has taken. Not good. Eevee must be getting close to fainting. Astrid bit her lips. She would need to do something to finish the match. Both pokemon were showing signs of weakness now and One of them is going to win this battle within the next move or two. Astrid didn't want to wait around for Ben to make the first move and decided to yell out something.

"Finish this Eevee!" The crowd thought it was a bit lazy for Astrid to yell, but to be honest, it sounds cool and people want to finally see the end of this miserable battle. With Astrid's command. Eevee nodded her head with a serious smile and it was ready to deliver the final blow to the cat. "Eevee!" She joyfully said out loud to the crowd. Eevee begun charging at the Purrloin with another Take Down attack. Wait, don't charge after it. That cat will just dodge it. She nearly facepalmed from the decision her Eevee made. Perhaps she should've just yelled out a command and some sort of strategy to go along it.

Luckily that wasn't Eevee's plan. As it charged towards Purrloin, it angled the attack a little bit off, purposely missing the attack on Purrloin. After she passed the feline pokemon. It did a quick 180 turn and pounced at the cat. As soon as she got close to it, she canceled her Take Down attack and followed up with a bite to grab on to Purrloin's tail. Should the attack connect and hit either Purrloin's paws or tail, Eevee quickly started to spin around Purrloin with all her strength. After spinning for a good five to ten seconds. Eevee released it's fangs on Purrloin during the spin and send the cat flying. Then followed that up with a second Take Down, hoping to connect it before it landed and sending the cat flying home once and for all.

Should the bite attack miss, Eevee would jump back before the Purrloin would react and watch the Purrloin carefully for its next move.​

A Forewarning?

Merlin traveled around the festival looking around for his missing Chimchar. It seems the fire monkey may not be in the festival at all. "Stupid monkey! I'll make sure to keep you in your pokeball next time." He mumbled to himself in anger of his Chimchar wandering around the place without his consent. Merlin sat down near one of the benches and looked around the brightly lit and lively festival. He watched as some of the bypassers walked around eating ramen noodles and sushi from a nearby vendor. Others were walking around with the significant other or their pokemon and children running around the area. As Merlin started to relax, a voice called out to him.

"Why hello there dear." As Merlin heard the voice, he quickly looked around. A young woman wearing a dark purple robe with the hood up on her head and a veil that covers up her face slightly approaches behind Merlin. She was smiling behind the veil as he saw Merlin and walked towards Merlin. "May I have a seat young man?" She said in a charming voice. Merlin shook his head with a yeah as the woman took her seat beside Merlin. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am a well known fortune teller from Epica. You can call me Ariella." she opened her hand up to Merlin to give him a firm handshake. Merlin isn't sure why she is introducing herself to someone like himself. Either way, he isn't one to ignore a woman's request and went to shook her hand.

"Merlin." He introduced himself to the young fortune teller. "What brought you here to talk to me?" He wondered. The fortune teller nodded and pulled out a pokeball.

"I suppose you can call it fate." She opened the pokeball from her hand and released her pokemon. The pokemon resembled a tall green bird with white wings covering its body. It had a yellow beak with red and white feather crest on the back of its head. It's body had designs on it with two red eyes and three yellow lines

Xatu...the green bird said as it greeted her trainer for the first time today. "Meet Xatu. She is my fortune telling Pokemon." Ariella introduced the strange looking bird to Merlin. Merlin knew alot about this particular pokemon. It's a pokemon that can read the future or past with its eyes. Quite a rare and unique pokemon for a fortune teller to have. Fortunetellers stopped using crystal balls in favor of using these pokemon for reading the future and past. Merlin pulled out a Pokedex and scanned it.
Xatu, the Mystic Pokemon. The evolved form of Natu, Xatu is known to stand motionless while staring at the sun all day long. Some people revere it as a mystical Pokémon out of their belief that Xatu is in possession of the power to see into the future.

Merlin returned his Pokedex to his pockets and looked at Ariella. "Xatu huh? Not many Natu roam across Epica now thatmost of them migrated to Johto recently." He added. It would be quite hard to really find any of these pokemon wandering from around Epica now since they have returned to their native hometown in Johto.

"True. Most of these birds did originate in Johto were they were discovered. Sometimes they will move from some regions, like Epica. But they do return to Johto in order to mate." Ariella added on to Merlin's statement. As she petted her Xatu, he looked back to Merlin with charming eyes staring at him. "Now then, may I tell your fortune?" She asked? Merlin didn't exactly have the time for a fortune since he was looking for his pokemon, but he was taking a short break from searching so the man agreed to it by nodding his head.

"Excellent! Xatu, give this man his fortune with a Future Sight." She closed her eyes in excitement as she gave the order to Xatu. While Future Sight is a move that would attack a pokemon after a certain amount of time has passed. When in used of Xatu, it can use this move in conjecture with it's ability to read the future, allowing it to see a person or a pokemon's future. Xatu's wings open wide in the air as her right eye began to glow blue as it read Merlin's future. After a few seconds, the bird's right eye stopped glowing and put it's wings back to the front of her body.

As Xatu collects all about Merlin's future through its vision, he then shares images of Merlin's important parts of his future towards Ariella through her mind. As Ariella watches the images come to her mind, her expression quickly changed to a surprised look and then with terrified eyes as she continued to receive the information from Xatu. After she finsihed relaying the future of Merlin to Ariella, she quickly turned around to Merlin with a stern look in her eyes.

"You best stop your journey before something bad happens." She warned. Merlin widen his eyes a bit, did the woman know something that she wasn't suppose to know about Merlin? Merlin wasn't happy about what she said to him and started to get a bit angry as his blood begins to boil like a Primape ready to thrash.

"Why's that?!" He retorted. "You think i'm gonna hurt somebody important to me? That my journey with my pokemon is going to cause some sort of major problem with the world?" He wasn't impressed with Ariella's fortune telling he received. Ariella returned Xatu to her pokeball and got up from the seat.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into with this journey of yours. I know who you really are Merlin. Do not think you can keep playing this game forever." As she finished, she walks away and disappears into the crowd before Merlin could chase. What did she mean, What did she know that shocked her so badly? Was she pulling his leg or did she see something terrifying in Merlin's future? Merlin decided to continue looking for Chimchar as he tries to forget what the fortune teller said to him.

Chimchar and Bee!
As the fire monkey finished its dancing to the woman. It gave a huge grin to the girl as it managed to cheer her up from whatever she was thinking. The fire monkey watched as the young chipper woman took out a Pokedex and scanned it. Chimchar jumped around dancing as Bee scanned it. He paid attention when the young girl asked where his trainer was. Chimchar recalled back to when his trainer was watching the battle inside of the Battle Pit. Perhaps Merlin was still there watching the battle without noticing him missing. "Chim!" He happily said as the fire monkey looked at the festival and pointed to where his trainer would be located. It was up to Bee to decide whenever or not to take Chimchar with her to find his trainer.​
"-IT WORKED! Yeh-HEAH!" Robbin hollered when the "cat scream" was accomplished. The purple cat wobbled upon his wounded paw and lifted it for a quick, tender lick. He and Robbin looked to Astrid in unison when she screamed for Eevee to "finish it", as if she felt she had already won the battle. "MOVE IT, and use your CAT SCREAM AGAIN.. with your glowing.. charge attack!" Little did Robbin know that Purrloin could only use the 'glowing charge attack' (Take Down) if Eevee had used the attack right before, because of it having to be copied with Copycat. When he gave the order, Purrloin prepared himself for his own set of actions as Eevee was coming his way.

The feline planned to circle around Eevee when she arrived close enough in order to dodge the fox's Take Down, and counter attacking with Snarl in the same instance. YESSS Robbin thought excitedly inside his own head, as he thought that Purrloin was actually going to listen to him now. The cat began to move "as ordered" (Really for his own self interest) and then began to bolt around the approaching Eevee, but hesitated at the sight of the fox ending her move and actually running passed him instead. Wuht. Wait a sec. Loin? The cat looked back just in time to see Eevee lunging back at him with her jaws agape for another pesky Bite.

Purrloin's emerald eyes enlarged slowly as he spotted his precious tail which was now completely vulnerable to Eevee's sharp teeth as he stood with his back facing the fox. LOIOWWww! Eevee's fangs snagged the yowling feline's tail and began to sling him around circularly as the Purrloin began to thrash around psychotically. "This is bad.." Robbin half mumbled at the sight. Astrid's fox flung the cat near the edge of the arena and was now charging towards him for a finishing move that Robbin immediately recognized. "QUICK, OUTTA THE-" Just as Robbin began to scream this, Purrloin was struggling to return to his feet - right in time to be smashed head on by the Eevee's final attack.

"NO!.." The desperate cry escaped from Robbin's lips as he witnessed his mauve feline tumble out of the ring and fainting soon after. In that instance, his surroundings and everyone in it seemed to spin around him quickly and he felt sick from the resulting outcome of the battle. Time seemed to freeze, and his heart began to pound in anxiety as he stood in shame in front of hundreds. The insults from the audience echoing in his skull.

After quickly returning Purrloin with a bowed head, Robbin immediately spun around to dash away from the Battle Pit with his face turned away in defeated embarrassment. The boy smashed into the doors of the resting station with a flustered sulk and shoved into them several times before realizing you had to pull them open. Igg? Igglybuff watched as her master fled the field and she hobbled off the bench to bounce after him.


"It really is..." Jay answered the girl as he agreed with Robbin's discovery being complicated. He had an odd feeling by the way she had been studying him with almost a look of recognition. She had also introduced herself in a slightly hesitant way as if he should've already known what her name was. What he didn't know is that she actually hesitated, because she decided to lie. "I'm sorry.. Have we met before?" He tried to think if he had ever seen her before, but her face wasn't recognizable in the slightest. If they had, he'd feel pretty crappy for not remembering. Leyy. Litleo noticed that Jay's attention wasn't on her, and propped her paws against his chest with a glance toward "Viola" as she noticed her. Jay pet the fire cub's neck with a slight smile before returning his eyes to the girl. As he conversed with "Viola", Jay stole glances to Astrid and Robbin's battle in the process.

Robbin's cat pokemon had been quite talented at balancing, and for a second, he wondered if Robbin had taught him those moves... He assumed not, and then Eevee took the spotlight with her fiery spirit. One thing he noticed was that Eevee really seemed to actually ENJOY battling. She didn't appear to have been forced or persuaded by Astrid to battle at all. Some of her attacks were even delivered by her own excitable choosing. It was one thing he'd remember so far from Astrid's match. It was an important notice that really made him feel better about Astrid's decision to battle. Robbin on the other hand... well that situation was the polar opposite.

As Jay began to hear the taunts from the audience, he began to bite his tongue. A burning sensation swirled throughout his body which alarmed him that he was growing angry. It's just childishness- Don't entertain it... He just sat in agitated silence as he struggled to keep his unkind thoughts to himself. He was already feeling on edge from Robbin's discovery which made him sensitive to his feeling of anger. Jay felt as if he was going to crush the edge of the bench with his hand as he sat there, but just took a huge breath to keep himself calm. The last thing he needed to do was get himself thrown out of the tournament over an impulsive outburst. It was unlike him to stoop anyway.

While trying to relax, Jay noticed Robbin give the audience members "the bird" which caused him burst into a shameless chuckle. That's Robbin alright... Jay began to feel a bit worried for Astrid after the audiences rude behavior, but she seemed to have brushed it off and actually used their taunts for her own benefit. Eevee now had the advantage with a successful Growl and a painful looking Bite. Jay's eyebrows furrowed in concern at the sight of Purrloin being bitten, and he started to feel uneasy as he normally would in any other battle. He looked away for a minute or so, and then looked back to see that Purrloin was now free from the bite with Eevee sprinting toward him.

After Eevee faked her attack, Jay winced at the sight of Purrloin's tail becoming bitten. Then to his surprise, Eevee slung and knocked Robbin's cat out of the ring for the victory. The crowd came alive at the sight and Jay felt conflicted about the outcome. While he was happy for Astrid and Eevee for winning, he was also worried for his brother who usually didn't take losses very well. "Ah, yep..." He sighed after witnessing his brother race from the arena.

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A Wild Goose Chase? (Is there a goose Pokémon? I don't think there is. There's 721 Pokémon, don't judge me.)

Bee followed the direction Chimchar was pointing. Oh, right. The festival. To be more specific, the Battle Pit. That kind of made sense. While she may have been interested in going there earlier, mostly to support her friends, something about it had caused it to lose some of its appeal. Maybe it was the fact that it was much busier now than it had been earlier. Maybe she just wasn't up for it anymore due to recent events. And as much as she'd love to stay here and avoid things, she'd have to go back there eventually. (And, you know, she might have FORGOTTEN BUNEARY SORRY CLAVIES I went back and fixed it, though, so it should be okay).

Besides, Chimchar had confirmed that it had a trainer, who was probably worried about it. That is, if they had noticed that their Pokémon was gone. And while the orange starter seemed to know where its trainer was, she'd rather not have it wander around on its own and risk it getting lost or hurt or stolen or just something bad happening to it. She'd rather see the chimp Pokémon reunited with its trainer, just to be sure that it made it okay.

"Ok," Bee said, slightly nodding as she came to her decision. She grinned at Chimchar. "Let's go find your trainer. They're probably worried about you, and I'm heading that way, anyway. We can go together." With that, she left the square, assuming that her temporary companion was following her. She wasn't really looking forward to going back to the tournament, but if she took everything one step at a time, she figured she'd be fine.

The Battle Pit itself was more or less the same as it was when she had left it. Except everyone seemed more excited. What happened? The green-haired trainer looked in the arena, only to see that the battle was over. Something told her that Astrid had won, seeing as Robbin was no where to be seen. That meant Robbin was probably upset, and had run off like he had with the Gym battle earlier. This only served to remind her that she needed to get back to talk to Jay soon. One step at a time. She figured it shouldn't be too hard to find Chimchar's trainer. Wouldn't take more than a few minutes, at least. With a deep breath, she looked to Chimchar. "So, they're here, right? Do you know where?"
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