Pokemon becoming The Champion

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"Dont be so sure. Axew, attack with a Sratch!" Kokierra shouted to his Pokemon. Axew charged at the Venipede with his claw in the air.
Axew managed to Scratch Venipede before he managed to curl up. Venipede lost 11hp. 6hp remaning

Venipede got thrown back and finally curled up raising his defences.

"Come on Venipede you can do this rollout go"
Beali nodded. "Uh, Cyndaquil use...tackle!" Her voice shook as she shouted the command.
Cyndaquil charged and tackled quickly before Sentret could curl up. Sentret lost 13hp. 3 hp remaining

Sentret managed to curl up and raise his defence but quite out of breath.

Wayne looked over at Beali "Come on Beali show some confidence no need to be afraid, Cyndaquil will obey you no matter what, show your enthusiasm you might need it with other pokemon. Now Sentret use your Scratch NOW"
"R-Right!" She was excited about the battle and having her pokemon but actually being in a battle just made her nervous. It was her first time after all. "Oh no, now it's going to scratch Cyndaquil... Dodge it and use tackle again!"
Cyndaquil was too fast for Sentret and and managed to dodge the attack and landed another tackle knocking Sentret out.

Cyndaquil beat Sentret and gained 5xp

"Sentret return, you did well" Wayne said to Sentret inside his pokeball.

He walked over to Beali "You did well there, I'm sure you'll do fine out there Beali. It was a pleasure doing a battle with you. You didn't even get a scratch on Cyndaquil". Wayne offers his hand "Good Battle and I wish you the best of luck"
Beali cheered as Cyndaquil came running back to her after the fight. "Wow, you were great Cyndaquil! That Sentret was scary, huh?" She looked back up at Wayne as he approached. She laughed nervously when he complimented her. "Thanks..." She shook his hand then looked back down at Cyndaquil. "Looks like it's time for us to go little guy." She picked him up, earning her a confused look from the little pokemon. "Thank you and Professor Nick for everything! I can't wait until I can start sending pokemon back to you guys. See you around!" She walked out of the room and back through the building to the exit. "Alright! Let's go become the greatest!"

Her next destination was home to show her father her new pokemon before heading out. As soon as she walked up a gathering of baby pokemon ran up to her crying loudly. "Hello everyone! Where's my dad?" She followed them back inside to the kitchen where he was preparing to make something cool for them to eat. He smiled at Beali when she walked up next to him. "Look who's back!" Cyndaquil looked past him to the tray of cold, sliced poke fruit. "Would you like one?" He handed Cyndaquil a slice and the little fire pokemon took it gladly.

"Looks like you're all ready to go," he said. "This is a nice pokemon. Take good care of him while you're out there."

Beali nodded. "I will, don't worry. I grew up taking care of pokemon after all."

She hugged her father tightly with one arm, as the Cyndaquil was held in the other. "I'll be sure to write whenever I can and call every time I reach a new place. We'll keep in touch."

He nodded then petted Cyndaquil. "I'm counting on you to protect her little guy. Okay?" The little fire pokemon nodded. "Take care you two." He hugged her one more time then let her go.

Beali said goodbye to all the little pokemon at the daycare then headed towards route 30 with Cyndaquil still held in her arms.
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"Careful, Axew! Dodge then try another scratch!!" Kokierra hollered to his Pokemon.

A Man in a Judo outfit stands in front of you and starts doing squats. "Hey pretty lady How's do fancy a duel huh? Winner gets 70 gold"


Axew dogged successfully and landed a Scratch behind him knocking Venipede out.

Axew gained 5xp

Kokierra gained 70 gold

The man threw the money at him "You cheated you must of done just you wait I'll be back, Venipede return". With that the purple haired man ran off into the distant
"Ooookay." Kokierra said. "Great job, Axew!!" Kokierra said as he put his Pokemon onto his head. Kokirra walked into the PokeMart. "Excuse me, Id like to buy some potions, please." He said to the clerk.
The shop clerk smiles as you enter and says "Welcome, That is no problem Potions are 300 gold each you have 1070 gold how many would you like to buy?".
Beali stopped when a man in judo attire stood in front of her. "Hey pretty lady How's do fancy a duel huh? Winner gets 70 gold"
"A battle, huh? Sure, I'm up for it! You ready Cyndaquil?" He nodded and she let him down. "Let's battle!"
"Good I'll show you my strength GO Timburr". The Judo man threw his pokemon and Timburr appeared ready for battle
Cyndaquil fired up the hot spots on his back. Beali took a moment to think about a strategy. She took out her pokedex and aimed it at the Timburr. A fighting type, huh? We're not his weakness, but we're gonna have to find it. "Alright Cyndaquil, give it a good leer!" she commanded, pointing at the opposing pokemon.
"Timburr use Leer as well"

The two pokemon looked like they were having a staring contest

Both pokemon had their defences lowered.
"What?! Use tackle Cyndaquil!" She clenched her fists. So both were still on equal playing fields...
"Just two, please." Kokierra said, laying out the 600 gold
"OK Timburr Focus Energy get your build up going"

Cyndiquill went for the tackle and landed on target, Timburr lost 9hp..16 hp remaining

Timburr slid backwards after the hit then took a stance and concentrated.
Kokierra gained 2 potions losing 600 gold..... 470 gold remaining. "Thank You, come again"
"While he's charging up use leer again!" He can't come back while focusing this time! Beali looked quite focused now and stood much more confidently.