Plot Discussion (Chapter 3)

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I'm totally up for rescuing the girl!

Even if I have to fly-kick Eimund to do it!

Ok.. second thought.. Darin can fly-kick Eimund.. I think Ture might do it to the dragon...

I'll make sure part of the wall gets wrecked.
Darin is not fighting Eimund right now lol. The man muzzle gripped a fucking dragon. While Darin had to use his weight to drive a sword through M'Vae. Avoiding Eimund while trying to rescue Amara who's in the same room as the crazy bastard, should be interesting. Please tell me she's gonna try and leave on her own so maybe Darin runs Ito her in the storm and not by Eimund.
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We'll just have to wait and see won't we =^.^=
Er... not really... @Noctis the Devious . o_o

You need to tell us. Because I'm about to have Eimund get up and notice you sitting there in the dragon dust.

So decide now if you want to be subjected to unspeakable rape and torture...

...or if you'd rather avoid roleplaying with Porg and just get captured instead.
I'm still working it out >:[ I've been up since six and just had my coffee.

I'm currently trying to figure out how much missing out on two nights of sleep, lack of food, and dehydration is going to effect her plus the energy her little gymnastic show and advent took up. I'll try to have a post up soon. The most I have planned thus far is making her hide behind some rubble and pray to dead things she doesn't get found.
I think it would be unwise for Darin to limp back there when he's just managed to shake his pursuers. Sure he's on painkillers, but infections, breaks and general exhaustion will take its toll. And Mister Neck Squid ain't exactly rooting for him.

Either Amara runs like a motherfucker, or eventually gets sniffed out by Eimund, Suvius or @OverCast
Two people dying in one Chapter! WOAH! It's like Game of Thrones up in here.
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Wait, @Torsty - was it Nassad and Gwendolyn who stabbed you? o_o

Or is there a Nocturne in that area with us?
Oh damn... Guess I need to rewrite my whole post. Good thing I didn't post it yet. It was epic.
Well, if you have a plausible way to do it then go ahead.
I like it limping back anyway. He's got his ass kicked a lot and well, heroics from a half dead man are kinda unrealistic. Chalk it up to adrenalin and pain killers woot woot.
Remember Tavark is very quickly becoming a Blizzard cos of that dragon. So we at least have pretty low visibility.
It was gonna be sneaking in under raider gear and a cloak to cover up the squid and to use as a mask in the blizzard.
*Flails* I almost forgot about the storm!

SlatersDeath, should I try to get a post in before you or will it not matter either way?
If she is running out it'll matter. I would so rather Darin not enter that damn building. Eimund will kill him for sure. I have him winning a fight in my post out of pure dumb luck as he almost dies just fighting a soldier. Eimund's a pissed off warlord who Darin openly defied AND he just lost his new toy. Gtfo and Darin can save her that way. Otherwise I'm limping him to certain death.
Okay-dokey :D
It'll make a great combination on the run too. A half dead Paly and an exhausted hunter what could possibly go wrong?
Nothing and everything. *Nods all knowingly-like*
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