Plot Discussion (Chapter 1)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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@DotCom Armed to the fucking teeth, that's how.


Also! We are still spamming a lot in this thread. It is a hard habit to break, because most roleplays don't have their own super special group solely dedicated to this *points to the shiny Ilium Lounge link*. The reason why we are being strict on this is the sheer number of players in this roleplay (60 players as of right now!). We want to keep this OOC thread 'all business' so that all 60 players can find important info without having to scroll through pages and pages of spam. Even posts like: I'm posting tonight! are not really necessary. We assume that active members are doing their best to stay up to date, and trust that they are doing so. And if posting is a problem, a quick, "Hey, I will probably be inactive for ___ amount of time" PM to one of us is fine. We won't even ask you why you can't post. Because we are all big boys and girls who know what it is they have to do to manage their own lives. We'll just hijack your character if we have to.

So! Anything that doesn't directly relate to what it is you are doing in the plot at the moment, please direct to the Lounge. :)
@fatalrendezvous & @ReaperOfFlames - that's more like it. Some strange caverns in the wilderness between Aldus and Barvelle would be awesome. We could delve deeper into the individuals who are in this convoy and how they survive in the middle of nowhere. Plus it allows us to discover some things without being a super-narrow-focussed-expedition.

Any objections from the floor?
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No complaints on this end, that's for sure.
I guess I should have clarified this in the IC post, but the 'persons' method of removing the 'something' is 'noninvasive.' The poor nocturne isn't dead, and when I write that his hand 'dipped into the skull,' imagine a weird CGI scene where the skin becomes as liquid and the hand submerges into it. Er, like that FLCL scene where Haruka (?) pulls the guitar out of the guy's head.
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@fatalrendezvous & @ReaperOfFlames - that's more like it. Some strange caverns in the wilderness between Aldus and Barvelle would be awesome. We could delve deeper into the individuals who are in this convoy and how they survive in the middle of nowhere. Plus it allows us to discover some things without being a super-narrow-focussed-expedition.

Any objections from the floor?
No objections here.

Was reading through the IC for Pegulis again, and was thinking that alternately the expedition could arrive in Barvelle to bring those characters together with Eirene, Ethelwen and Siris? And MAYBE resolve Eirene's concern of the doctored/altered letter? Or is it still too soon?
For my Viridosi folk

Refresher for the ninnybits we're all unfamiliar with:





Three Sheets to the Wind: Nautical Slang in Common Usage

Origin of Navy Terminology


E-1 is lowest, E-9 is highest; based on modern U.S. naval rankings

Rob Ossian's Pirate Cove - Ship Duties/Rankings
Like legit, his shit is real thorough, make some time to peruse his shit.

INDEX of Poisonous Plants
Balms, Ointments, Creams & Salves - What's in a name?

What the fuck is a 'poultice'? If someone is breaking out into a rash do you give 'em tea or a balm? CLICK IT TO FIND OUT, FOOL.


Remember: USE THE WHOLE PLANT. Not really, but there's more a plant can be used for than just its roots or leaves. Also: Growth stages, there's a reason Lipton makes a big deal of selling tea made from young tea leaf buds.
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@Asmodeus Is something about to happen along the Nils's and Delesia's way to Czar, or it will just be a time skip?
*squints* Er... yes... I'm going to talk to them.

@dunruffle and @Ritual Lobotomy - you can either post yourself arriving or I can do it. Chapter One will be wrapped up tonight, so I could just make one post about our conversation.

*knocks out FoetalRandySpoon before she can change the ideas any more*

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Haha, sure thing, sure thing.

"And to be honest, I am not the strangest soul on this ship. At the very least I don't reek of explosives, I can promise ye."

I feel I need to nip this in the bud before other players pick up on it, and Malachi is inexplicably outed as a saboteur. It would suck, too, because this is a case of player knowledge. It would be one thing if Malachi were discovered by a character just being clever and working things out from the start. That is fair and is considered a risk in roleplay. But he and several other players have been working hard with us to get a good scene rolling in the next chapter. It isn't fair to undo all they have done because Rosie needs to somehow prove her worth after threatening an innocent sailor's life.

There is no way Rosie could say that Malachi 'smells like explosives' for several reasons.

1.) Rosie is an innkeeper with no skill set in explosives or alchemy what so ever.
2.) Malachi didn't even handle any explosives. In his post, he uses charcoal and other compounds to render the gunpowder inert.
3.) There are plenty of very good reasons why a sailor would have charcoal on his hands, or even smell of gunpowder. Maybe his duties involve maintaining the canons and the gunpowder stores. That's why Ironblood didn't dwell much on it when she saw him in the corridor.
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@Asmodeus Alright, I can post the arrival to Czar, then you take over.
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Wait a minute, how many people are out in the gardens with Draegal. I know Amalia, Takeda, and K'jol are there, but is Nassad out there as well?
Nassad is out there too. I had to fix the post because I was in a rush this morning to get it done.
Yes. EVERYONE in Avarath has noticed Amalia quietly slipping out of the room and have followed her. The party has now effectively transposed itself to the garden, and there is only one blind hipster left in the feasting hall, talking to a bust. He is way cooler than all of you.

Right, I'm now releasing the Conclusion Bots into the threads. If any of you are writing long-winded posts that recap the previous posts and add nothing but internal monologue that reflects on previous events, WRAP THAT SHIT UP!

*shoves everyone into the Sar Chasm*
Tegan, when was Chapter 2 going to be written? I was going to throw in one more Kozoul post

I have one more post to make, to wrap up the conversation between Valyrin and Aela. Will try to get it finished in a bit, if I have time. Recovering from Easter dinner food coma right now x_X
Not sure how we're gonna wrap up the caravan / ice golem thing but uhh, okay! I have been busy so haven't had time to put a post together.
I have the perfect solution to that.
Karma Kick for Delesia there. Just because they're an NPC doesn't mean you can casually insult and threaten them without consequence.

Kaustir is wrapped up. Zen will be leading the expedition to Dorgrad in the next chapter, while the Czar will be hanging around in Avarath and perhaps eventually marching back to Zirako. So there'll be plenty for Red Nation players to get involved in.
Do you have an idea of what the kaustir monsters look like? Like the magra monsters for example. Im just making sure so that I dont accidentally change anything
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