Please Don't Tell my Brother!

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Adrian knew just exactly what he was doing to his boyfriend by his actions. He was making him shiver and he definitely enjoyed the entire thing. He allowed himself to also enjoy it. Adrian changed quite a bit when it was lust and not just his normal self that controlled his actiosn. He did things he usually didn't do, and he acted differently. For example, now when he was using a tactic to make his boyfriend do things to him that couldn't be spoken of, partly because of the teasing he'd gone through.

"Damn... that's what I told you, Kay... you know how it messes me up when you speak in foreign languages while we make out..." And Adrian knew that it was exactly what Kain was intending to do with him. When he looked down, his eyes met with that one, scarlet one and he blushed.

"Seriously, Kay..." He whined and he fell back against the wall as he was stripped naked. "How do you expect me to control myself when your voice speaking to me in those languages make me feel like I'm falling apart...? Please... I can't take it... no more teasing..."

((I think we'll have to fade soon, and god I love how Adrian has a language-fetish. xD))
"...Please...I can't take more teasing..."

A delicate blush painted his lover's face. His lithe body pressed against the cold wall. His mismatched eyes roamed his lover's body, greedily soaking his milky skin. He is absolutely beautiful. It pained Kain when his lover succumbed to his insecurities. He was perfect in his own way. Kain accepted him. His eyes glinted with admiration. After three years, Kain never got tired observing his boyfriend. His lips curved into a warm, loving smile.

"Your fetish is enticing, love," he teased.

Kain stripped in a painstakingly slow pace. His eyes remained fixated on Adrian's face, never losing eye contact. He moved in a provocative manner, increasing his sex appeal. A sensual smirk plastered on his face. His gaze glittered with lust.

"E cominciare," he muttered.

After he discarded his clothes towards the side, Kain dragged his lover in the large shower stall. He closed the door behind him.
Of course, he couldn't help his own words from coming at any time, it was so awkward.

The blush wasn't intentional either, he just couldn't handle the embarrassment of being so out of control in front of his lover... and yet it was so exciting. Adrian could feel those eyes roaming his body and every glance made his body heat up over and over again. Even if he was insecure, he trusted Kain more than anything, and he was going to keep on trusting Kain forever. After all, he was used to Kain looking at him, and thus he presented his body even more as he leaned against the wall, making sure he was provoking as well.

"Shut up... if you're not going to do it soon I swear I'll do it myself." He teased back.

Adrian's eyes followed as his lover stripped in front of him, and he bit his lip. It was provoking, but he couldn't get more aroused than he was already so there was almost no point in it. It wouldn't change his current situation, either way. The lust in Kain's gaze didn't help him much, either.

"Kain..." He whined at the use of another language once again.

Of course, he knew what was to come but he hadn't expected it to be so glorious. The things Kain had done to him after closing that door to the bathroom stall... he had thought he'd never get clean again. Of course, after the shower they were clean and smelled like shampoo, ready and good to go. Adrian rubbed his butt with a sigh.
"Great, I'm thankful your style of doing this has made me used to it... or I would've probably limped by now... and then god knows what Lucas would think of me..."
Twenty minutes later, the couple stepped out of the bathroom stall. Kain plucked a towel from a nearby rack and wrapped it around his waist. He grasped another and towel-dryed his messy fiery tresses. A laugh escaped his lips in response to his lover's comment. His expression lit up with endearment. "Love, I was going easy on you. I don't think it would make a good impression on Luke if you told him why you couldn't walk properly without assistance. Not a good way revealing our secret," he replied lightly.

He handed Adrian a towel before walking out the bathroom. He headed towards his room. Albeit, he slept in Adrian's bed, Kain possessed his own room. In order to maintain their secret, Adrian assisted Kain moved into the vacant room of the two bedroom apartment. As a result, he kept his belongings in that room, including his clothes.

Ten minutes later, Kain walked out of his room, dressed in black slacks, a dark blue silk button up shirt, and black blazer. His fiery waves were tamed and pulled back in a low ponytail, secured by a black ribbon. He slipped into his black shoes. Kain padded towards the kitchen, intending to whip up a simple breakfast. Based from the time, Lucas will be arriving any minute.
Adrian wasn't really complaining. Despite the pain afterwards, the action was... definitely worth the pain. But of course, it would be a bit of a problem if Lucas were to figure out the reason he wouldn't be able to walk properly for a while. When Kain laughed, he pursed his lips and rolled his eyes. "You know what! You'd just enjoy it wouldn't you... even if it wasn't the best thing I know how proud you are when you see me unable to walk... god you're such a perv." Adrian said with a pout, though he didn't mean it and leaned up to kiss Kain one last time.

When he was given the towel, he quickly dried his body and wrapped it around his waist, drying his hair with a hairdryer. When that was done, he styled it as it usually was, covering his right eye. He smiled in satisfaction as he went back to his room while Kain was changing in his own room. The reason they slept in Adrian's room was that it was the largest room and could fit their bed.

At the time Kain came out of his room, Adrian was dressed as well. For the day, he was dressed in a white button shirt with a sweater pulled over it. The sweater's sleeves were a bit too long for him, and it made him look smaller. He wore tight, black pants and... well, pink socks. It was a habit for him to wear that color where no one payed attention to it. Like his underwear. Kain found it quite adorable. When Kain was making breakfast, Adrian hugged him from behind.
"Can't you fix some for me too, you're the cook of us two." He asked in a cute voice as he blinked lightly up at Kain.
A pair of slender arms wrapped around his waist, a lithe body pressed against his back. Kain tilted his head back, gazing upon Adrian through his peripheral vision. A chuckle emitted from his lips. "Oh? If I recall, you implied I couldn't live without your cooking. Wasn't it you that complained being the one that cooks when in fact, it's me?" he teased gently. Kain twisted around and kissed Adrian softly.

"I'm making three omelets and bowl of chopped fruit. Knowing Lucas, he didn't have breakfast. Set the table, love, he will be here any minute," he informed. Kain turned around and focused on cooking. He possessed a natural affinity due to his grandfather. In his childhood, his grandfather taught him everything about cooking and baking. It became a hobby later on. Despite his skill, Kain never desired to pursue a career as a chef. After he enrolled in the same university Adrian attends, Kain majored in Fine Arts. His true passion lies in the creative world. He intends to become a profound artist. Fortunately, the university obtains a remarkable Art program.
Adrian whined in complaint as his arms wrapped tighter around his boyfriend, only the tips of his fingers visible from the long sleeves. He pouted slightly against Kain's back. "Yes yes I know, but you also know that I'm lazy and I love to eat food you cook... and you know how badly I handle kitchen equipment." He mumbled as he snuggled against Kain, though knowing that his boyfriend was definitely teasing him.

"Yeah... the poor child always takes care of the small ones first and forget himself... geez that boy, I swear I'm going to force feed him..." Adrian grumbled as he carried plates, utensils and glasses into the living room where there was a table way too big for two, so he just put the plates around one end so they could be close together. As he was about to be finished, the door bell rang, and he decided to go get it. As he had expected, his slightly taller, lanky little brother was standing in the entrance, looking more than surprised to see him. "A-Adrian? What are you doing here?" Adrian smiled timidly as he beckoned for Lucas to come in. "It'll... you'll know soon enough, now come on, we made you breakfast, midget." It was a weird nickname considering that the "midget" out of the three males were, well, Adrian himself.
"A-Adrian? What are you doing here?"

Kain poked his head out of the kitchen. He presented his best friend with a wide grin, sealing his eyes shut. "Bonjour Luke. Breakfast shall be ready in a few minutes," he greeted. He stepped back inside, walked towards the stove, and checked the omelettes. He padded towards the refrigerator, opened it, and retrieved a variety of fruit; strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cantaloupe, and grapes. He returned to his station and grabbed a cutting board from a drawer. After he planted it on the counter, Kain picked up a knife and diced up a large amount of fruit. He washed the freshly cut fruit and deposited the bunch inside a large bowl. Kain moved towards the table, placed the bowl in the center, and walked back to the stove. He checked the omelettes one last time before deeming them finished. Kain picked up the skillet and returned to the table. He dished each plate. He sauntered towards the stove, turned off the burner, and set the skillet on top. Kain glided towards his seat and sat down. He picked up his glass of orange juice and sipped it slowly.

"This is Adrian's apartment, mate. Why did you sound so shocked?" Kain drawled, staring at his best friend whom entered. He opened his eyes, revealing his mismatched orbs. He tilted his head towards the side, observing Lucas silently.
Lucas was, mildly speaking, dumbfounded. He hadn't known that Kain and Adrian even knew each other.

Honestly, he had thought that their relationship was strictly Lucas' brother and Lucas' best friend. Putting them in a box together with some sort of relationship confused him. "H-hi Kain, long time no see. Alright." He said as answer to the question about breakfast, and he turned towards his brother who was also smiling. Frankly, Adrian was a mess but of course Lucas couldn't see that. He was too caught up in his confusion and he was even more confused when the food was ready and he was told that it was Adrian's apartment. So why was Kain the one cooking? They never spent time at Kain's house, and it confused him as to why Kain acted as if he lived there. Of course, that was, until he saw all of the framed pictures. They looked to have been taken in France (Lucas briefly remembered Kain talking about that trip...) and Adrian was in every single picture with Kain. All of them. Kain hadn't informed him that he was taking someone, and he turned towards the two males, still not knowing what to say. "Uhh.... w-what's going on here, Kain, Adrian? Why are you here, Kain? I mean... if it's Adrian's apartment..." He asked, revealing how confused he actually was. This made Adrian blush and he sighed slightly.

Lucas watched in, well, not horror but something that went beyond just "surprise" as Adrian's head leaned against Kain's shoulder, getting close to him in a way that wasn't suited for just "friends". Adrian sent him a strange smile.
"W-well... it's really a long story, but let's just say that this started the night where I turned 18... he was persistent and we ended up dating... that's really all there is to it... Kain kept it a secret because I told him not to tell you, so please don't blame him." Boyfriends. Dating. Living together. That was a bit of a lot for him and he just stared at his brother and best friend, not knowing what on earth he should say.
"...if it's Adrian's apartment..."

His expression became unreadable. His eyes darkened a few shades, becoming liquid sapphire and blood red. "I moved in here a year ago, Luke. After..." a lump formed inside his throat. "...Toni and Danny died, I couldn't handle it anymore. Father never forgave me for what happened. Since my mother passed away, there was no hope for me. I left. Ian offered a place for me and I took it," he explained. He wrapped his arm securely around Adrian's shoulder, pulling him closer to his side. He pressed a chaste kiss against his lover's temple. His expression remained neutral. "I respect Ian's decision. You know I would never want to keep secrets from you without a good cause," he murmured.

His eyes peered into the living room, observing a few photographs. A faint smile painted his lips, recalling the trip to France. On their second anniversary, Kain surprised Adrian with a trip to his birthplace, Paris. He visited his grandparents, introducing his grandfather to Adrian. It warmed his heart to witness his grandfather accepting his lover. His paternal grandparents from his mother's side were different, not your typical aristocrat. His mother was a vibrant, kind woman. Unfortunately, she passed away when he was 15, a few months before he met Adrian. A part of him is grateful she wasn't alive to witness the aftermath of his brothers' death. It may of killed her. Or worse, fill her with contempt. He couldn't stand the thought of his mother hating him. As a result, he never indulged her about his dark past. His family remained completely ignorant, until a year ago. A part of him wondered why his father didn't disown him. A bitter smirk plastered on his face.

It would ruin his father's appearance if he openly admitted his own son is involved. His father hid every trace connecting Kain to the incident, claiming him to be another innocent victim. His father was never a loving type. After his mother passed away, Kain endured a cold, stoic man. It became a main reason why Lucas or Adrian never visited his home. He never wanted to involve them with his aristocratic lifestyle.

"We're happy together, Luke. I love Ian. I'm willing to accept whatever you have to throw at me. Just don't hate Ian. I don't want your relationship to be strained because of me," Kain informed. His gaze shifted to Lucas. His expression softened slightly. "Ian is happy, Luke. That's what matters," he added softly. He presented his best friend with a small, reassuring smile.
Of course, Lucas wasn't aware of the impact of his question.

Lucas got worried and wanted to move over to the couple, but he knew that he would have to stay out of physical contact with the two. He really cared for them and just wanted them to be happy. His expression saddened as he looked at Kain. "I'm sorry, Kay, I... I had no idea, I didn't know that you... I'm sorry... I didn't know that it was something like that, I shouldn't have asked about it..." Lucas was obviously frantic and worried, and Adrian wanted to go over to him but knew that at these times, Lucas needed to be to himself, so that he could think. Lucas never did good with receiving comfort, after all. He preferred to be in no physical contact. "No that's alright... really... it's not like you're bound to tell me anything, a friend is also for respecting secrets... but don't keep things from me that worries me! Why didn't you tell me you'd had to move away? I mean... you could've still kept brother's secret if that was the case..."

Lucas wasn't even bothered by his brother and his friend dating. Of course, that wasn't his decision in the first place. Adrian's eyes followed Kain's around and seeing Kain smile at the photographs, happiness welled in Adrian's chest. He loved Kain so much, and this smile was his only reason for living on and trying to save Kain. He wanted to see that true smile more often. It had been from their trip to France last year, on their second anniversary. Of course, Adrian had not expected such a thing as a gift, a trip to his boyfriend's birthplace. He had met Kain's grandparents, and they'd treated Adrian like part of the family even if his existence meant that Kain was gay. Of course, the old people had been kind and accepting, and Adrian had helped them out to show his gratitude. Being accepted like that wasn't something he was used to, and it made him feel a bit more satisfied with himself and his life. He hadn't expected that anyone would want to accept him, as he had always been called bad for being gay and not into the sweet girls that his parents introduced to him.

But of course, Kain had a much, much harder situation, and Adrian had settled all of his attention on that. Because he didn't want to worry his boyfriend, Adrian had settled all attention he had on his boyfriend's problems instead of his own. Of course, Adrian was aware that Kain had a bad relationship with his father (and a bad father, at that) but he hadn't mentioned anything about it. Of course Kain kept his secret for a reason, and Adrian respected that reason.

"I'm... I'm sorry about all of this, Lucas. I was so scared... of your hatred... of your reaction..." Adrian said gently as he looked at Lucas. But Lucas went over and hugged them both, tightly. "If you're happy then... then it doesn't matter. But I swear, Kain, if you ever hurt my brother I'll definitely kill you." Lucas said sternly, making Adrian blush. He wondered if what his boyfriend did to him this morning count as "hurting"... of course he didn't voice that to his entirely innocent little brother.
"...but don't keep things from me that worries me!..."

His expression twisted with pain. "I...did tell you, Luke. I told you I was moving. I just..." A memory flashed in his mind. He winced openly. "I wanted to forget. There is a reason both of you never visited my home. After Toni and Danny were gone, I was in a painful place. I mourned for a half a year, Luke. You should know this. I never kept you in the dark about the experience," he elaborated. Kain tightened his grip, pulling Adrian closer. His expression became neutral, wiping every trace of emotion. His eyes averted towards his lover. His eyes glinted with warmth.

"...of your reaction..."

Kain stiffened instinctively. His eyes widened slightly, surprised by Lucas's affectionate hug. His best friend was never the hugging type. His expression softened completely. Relief washed over him. Lucas accepted them. A faint chuckle escaped his lips, amused by Lucas's threat. "I would rather die than hurt Ian. I would of been dead if it weren't for his support. I was in a dark place when my brothers died, Luke. Danny...he was only ten," he murmured. A bittersweet smile plastered on his face. His gaze shifted towards the clock.

"We better eat before hitting the floral shop. Today's forecast showed rain. It's rather fitting for this day," he mused softly.
Lucas was always a very worried person and he typically forgot things.

As Kain pointed out that he had forgotten something like that, he blushed awkwardly and looked down. "Well, you did mention it in a very subtle way... I really don't think I caught up on that..." He mused as he looked away slightly, biting his lip as he made up an answer, staring back at Kain. "That's not what matters here, Kain! What matters is friends and loved ones who care about you... I know how hard it must've been on you, losing someone so young and so important to you, but that's what you have friends for! I'm here for a reason, and one of those reasons are to help you!"

Lucas looked down as he caught his breath again.

Adrian also knew this. Lucas wasn't a hugger. He didn't speak up much, either. But here they were, hugging all three and it made Adrian's heart warm as he embraced Lucas back tightly. He was so relieved of the words that his brother said, he didn't mind it, he was okay with it. He kissed Lucas' forehead and smiled.
"Thank you, Luke, thank you so much..." He whispered with tears in his eyes. "And don't worry Kay... we'll make sure that you recover from that... even with Danny being so young, I'm sure he'd like you to visit him at his grave."

Lucas was surprised at the affectionate gestures between the two lovers, but it was also sweet in a way. He had never thought of them as an item but looking closer they did make a great couple. "Yeah, I suppose so, walking all the way to the cemetery on an empty stomach isn't the best idea."
"...but that's what you have friends for! I'm here for a reason, and one of those reasons are to help you!"

A chuckle emitted from his lips. His eyes glinted with warmth. Albeit, his best friend is reserved, Lucas expresses his affection differently. He developed a habit of forgetting details when he is filled with concern. Kain found that quirk amusing. He nodded his head in response, understanding reflecting his expression. He is aware of that concept. He is grateful for the support. Kain picked up his fork and began eating, savoring the delectable taste. His grandfather taught him well.

"No, it's not. You would disturb a moment of peace with your stomach growling. Quite rude," he jested. He beckoned for Lucas to take a seat, gesturing towards his plate. Kain continued eating, taking his time. After they finished breakfast, the trio will have to venture towards the local floral shop. His heart clenched painfully. His youngest brother adored flowers.
Lucas was feeling slightly flustered but also happy. He was finally with both his brother and his friend and everyone seemed remotely happy.

Lucas was well aware of his annoying little quirk. It was something that people would always remind him, how charming and cute it was that he was just consumed by his emotions. But now would probably be a good time... to tell about some things. He was going to wait until they were done at the cemetery, though. He wouldn't want to pressure on more after all of the things that had happened, and certainly not at this moment with all of these things happening. But he was really happy to be with the two most important people to him.

"Yes, yes, I believe so, it would be very, very rude to do such." Lucas smiled and took a seat at Adrian's side, leaning against his older brother as he said a few words. "I guess I did know... about you two, deep inside... I just didn't wanna admit it, I mean, it would be so embarrassing... but god, I've always thought you'd be a nice fit, and I did... hear you, at your birthday party, Ian. You weren't that subtle, you know." Lucas admitted with a blush, and immediately the Harris brothers were in the middle of a blushing contest.
"...hear you, at your birthday party, Ian. You weren't that subtle, you know."

Kain threw his head back and laughed. His expression lit up with amusement. A grin plastered on his face. "I guess I would be the one to blame," he replied cheekily. His eyes glinted with mirth, noticing his best friend and lover blushing. Both of them shared one aspect; fluster. It will never cease to amaze him how easily embarrassed both of them become after a few words and gestures. He secretly enjoyed teasing his best friend and lover together. He meant no harm. It was incredibly simple. He couldn't resist. Despite his doting nature, Kain is naturally mischievous. "I kind of caught him off guard," he admitted.

He continued eating, finishing the last of his omelette. Kain plucked a few pieces of fruit from the bowl and snacked on them slowly. He reached forward and ruffled Lucas's hair gently. His lips transformed into a smirk. "I haven't heard from you in awhile, Luke. Have you met anyone new?" He inquired.
Lucas felt like he shouldn't have said that, he didn't want to make the situation worse or anything like that.

When Kain laughed, of course he blushed. Thinking back to the day it was so embarrassing... seeing them pressed together like that, hearing all of those sounds... Lucas had been at a loss and just tossed it off as imagination, because he did certainly not see his brother and best friend passionately making out against a wall behind the house. "Damn right you did, you didn't even ask me..." Adrian mumbled as he blushed deep red. That also meant that Lucas now knew that he was a submissive. It was so embarrassing that he wasn't the dominant despite being older than Kain. "Well, Kain, you chose kinda... a bad moment, I must say. Just be glad that it was me and not our parents who saw you guys. Dad would freak out on you."

It was partly true, but not completely. At the comment, Lucas' face lit up in a bright blush, and he shook his head a little too fast as he looked away, quietly eating his food before forming an answer. "N-no... I-I haven't...." He said, and it was really obvious that it wasn't true. He had met someone and didn't want to tell them about it.
Kain is more perceptive than he appears. He detected Lucas is reluctant about sharing something. Fortunately, his first assumption is correct; Lucas met someone. A soft smile painted his lips. His best friend deserved love. A chuckle elicited from his throat, eyes glinting with mirth. Lucas is a horrible liar. An eyebrow raised in response. "Oh?" Kain leaned forward, staring at his best friend in the eye. His lips transformed into a knowing smirk. His deduction is absolutely correct.

"You're stuttering, Luke. I never seen you blush this hard," he pointed out. He leaned back against his chair, resting his back. His hand subconsciously ran through Adrian's hair, tucking a strand behind his ear. A gentle expression adorned his face. His mismatched eyes softened a few degrees. "We just told you about our relationship, Luke. I want to meet this person. They are special if they're able to snag you," he informed bluntly. He pressed a chaste kiss against Adrian's temple.

"You better eat, Luke. Today is not going to be very easy for me. Same goes for you, Ian," he murmured softly.
Lucas hated that his friend practically noticed everything going on near him, and that was including the fact that Lucas wanted to hide something from them. He couldn't believe that it was so easy to guess that he had met someone of significance to his future and now his best friend already seemed to know about it. He blushed as he heard Kain chuckle, not knowing what to do. He didn't know if he should say something about the person he had met. "I-it's nothing, p-please don't stare at me like that..." he said as his blush grew deeper. Obviously he was hiding it and he didn't know what to say or do. It was just too ironic.

"I-idiot! I-I'm not blushing, I-I'm not stuttering e-either..." Lucas said nervously as he looked away, and even Adrian chuckled. He could see himself in his brother, and this was exactly the reaction he had had when Kain had confessed to him. Trying to play it tough and then giving in to the obvious. Adrian sighed in comfort at the gentle touches to his hair, and it made him so happy to be with Kain. Lucas blushed at this; they were really adorable together... "B-but... Kain... it's just too ironic and... I don't know how I should feel about it, I mean... I don't know what to do, I'm just... I don't know how it is being in love and this is my first time trying it..."

Lucas nodded slightly as he ate, finally giving up. "W-well... the truth is... that I... well, I..." He stuttered as he looked away. "Well... you don't dare laugh at this, but the truth is that I... I met a guy, okay?" He finally got out, blushing deep red.
"...don't you dare laugh at this...I met a guy, okay?"

A frown marred his lips. He presented Lucas with a disapproving look. "Luke, I would never laugh at that. I don't care about gender. Love is love. I fell in love with your brother, a man. I would never feel disgusted by your choice. Don't undermine me and compare me to those simpletons with narrow perspectives. It does not make you inferior to be homosexual," he deadpanned. Albeit, his orientation is bisexual, Kain always preferred men. He never cared about gender, but he found himself sexually attracted to the male population. A few incidents in his past ruined his preference for women. He rarely looked at a beautiful woman. Adrian was his light, his life. After they started dating, Kain never once checked out other individuals, including women. He dealt with desperate cases, but he brushed them off and directly told him he was playing the other team. In some situations, he would passionately kiss Adrian in front of those clingy damsels. His lover did not appreciate the surprise attack, but it worked its magic. Kain rested his head on top of Adrian's shoulder, sliding his arm around his lover's lithe waist. A gentle smile broke through his serious expression.

"I was terrified when I fell for your brother," he admitted. His mismatched orbs averted towards his boyfriend. "Something about him appealed to me. I was incredibly impulsive. I couldn't control myself. I really didn't make a good first impression," he added with a chuckle. His mind recalled a harsh slap he received when he caught Adrian off guard. "I could of let my feelings go, but I didn't. I felt the need to fight, to prove myself. After four months, I convinced Ian. I never felt so happy when he accepted me. It had to be the greatest day of my life," he murmured. He leaned and pecked his lover on the lips. He directed his gaze to his best friend.

"It's alright to be scared. Just follow your instincts. Don't give up too soon, Luke. Love is a dangerous game to play, but it's worth it. I found my light. This man may be your own light. You will never know unless you try," he advised. His smile transformed into a playful smirk. "I still want to meet him. I will find a way if you don't cooperate," he added.
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