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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Life has me at it
Hi!! So I have an idea for a vampire RP but wanted to see if anyone was interested in the idea and I am open to adding ideas to the plot.

Society: Open and mixed of humans and vampires

Age range: college age (18+).

Time setting: current modern world

Location setting: large city, mix to NYC and LONDON

Vampire biology: humanoids, AFTER vampire transition between ages 20-23 gain retractable fangs, increased strength (humans with training can fight fairly evenly with a vampire) and mild increase of speed, mild sensitivity to sunlight, increased five core senses (hearing, smell, taste, touch, sight), live to be 500-1,000 years old (no one knows why some vampires live longer then others), regeneration-reversal (extremely rare)

Vampire procreation: vampire laws allows one child per vampire 'couple', single parents are not allowed. Vampire adopt a child and infuse the child with a mix of their blood (done after adoption at adoption agency by adoption doctor) and the child becomes genetically theirs and as they grow up they gain their parents features, hair color, eyes color, etc.

Regeneration-Reversal: at the moment of death a vampire can attempted regeneration-reversal where their bodies burn up and in the ashes is a baby. They returned to their original baby state and can live again. It is also called the Phoenix Effect. It is extremely rare for it be successful which is why the method is public knowledge at the Central Vampire Library. If done wrong the death is extremely painful and long.

General History: Vampires and humans lived in disharmony for centuries and finally in the early 1900s a peace treaty was made between the two species. Blood banks were set up where humans could donate blood for vampire consumption. The blood banks are controlled by a mixture of vampire and human to ensure human safety and blood quality. Humans can also become blood-partners for vampires via contracts issued by their state government. The contract protects the human donor stipulating care for the blood donor, contract term, etc. Universities have a mix of humans and vampire though there are some vampire only universities and humans only universities. Vampires and humans have separate governing bodies though vampires are still bond by standard human laws of safety and regulations, punishments however are carried out by the vampire government. In a mixed human and vampire case these are taken to a special court of mixed species and a blend of humans and vampire laws.

Vampire government: similar to England, royalty plus parliament

Plot: slice of college life, original royal vampire Queen vanished 20 years ago with 'apparently' no heir. An old vampire duke took over, not everyone is happy about it, some suspect he is the reason the heir vanished. There is discontent in the vampire society and under the table search for the missing queen and/or her heir.

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Character and Player Info
1. Post at least once or twice a week. THIS IS MEANT TO BE AN ACTIVE RP
2. Up to 2 characters only

3. Write detailed, descriptive posts (not an essay but one paragraph should be standard though I understand not always possible just don't always write one liners)
3. No text talk
4. color code speech
5. no crazy bbcoding (sorry its cool and everything but drives me up the wall after a while)
6. feel free to ooc ideas, requests, etc for myself and other players.
7. Rated R is accepted, sex is part of life just don't make it everything you write and please don't take 10 post to finish one sex scene, 4 posts max (meaning 2 posts per person if 2 people, 6 posts, if 3 people, etc), you can finish (continue) in PMs if you want. You can also fade to black, skip time, etc and then do the sex scene in PMs.

8. CLEARLY state where your character is currently located either via the post or by adding location: $^**(^$# before or after your post in any color, style you want


Character profile will be simple

Sexual Preference
University Major (if applicable)
University year (1st, 2nd (AA/AS), 3rd, 4th (BA/BS), graduate masters, graduate doctoral)
Short History
Appearance: debating on anime or realistic

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OK, so that is the general idea. So anything checking on interest and open to refining and adding ideas and details

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Oo can I Join?

Edit: actually tentative depending if it is real or anime
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Thanks for the tag, but this is unfortunately too fast-paced for my schedule and I've already got enough roleplays on my plate as is. Good luck on the rp though! :)
I would be interested but I can't be on every day to post with college still going right now. Sorry! Good luck!
Thanks for the tag, but this is unfortunately too fast-paced for my schedule and I've already got enough roleplays on my plate as is. Good luck on the rp though! :)

I would be interested but I can't be on every day to post with college still going right now. Sorry! Good luck!

Are you guys able to do 3-4 times a week (7 days)??
Are you guys able to do 3-4 times a week (7 days)??

So far I am comfortable handling multiple role plays (I believe five are active right now and another will be starting up soon) with one reply a week. I'm thinking that is all I can handle for weekly replies. I wouldn't want to hold up the role play though. Thank you for being considerate, I hope you find more people!
So far I am comfortable handling multiple role plays (I believe five are active right now and another will be starting up soon) with one reply a week. I'm thinking that is all I can handle for weekly replies. I wouldn't want to hold up the role play though. Thank you for being considerate, I hope you find more people!

Thank you for being honest. Unfortunately I have been in a few group RPs that are suppose to be once or twice a week and ends up being once every 2-3 weeks then I lose interest. Which is why I would like it to be as active as possible so I am ok with 3-4 times a week but not fewer. I am sorry I am so picky. >.<
Not at all! I used to be in plenty of roleplays that moved quickly (Sometimes posting twice a day), but when college started I had to sadly cut back. I completely understand! You're not picky! ;3
Still opened. Reduce activity to once or twice a week posting please.