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He looked to her "Really?"his eyes sparked up "I will check it out"he smiled at her and lightly he touched her cheek slowly cupping it in his hand."thanks for telling me"he whispered to her.
Her face quickly became pink. "It is no problem really. Hector told me to keep an eye out," she said quickly trying to make it seem like no big deal. "I am glad you get to try at your dream," she admitted.
He stared at her leaning his head near her"Whats your Dreams?....i am pretty Sure you have some"he stared deeply in to her amazing eyes.Slowly he breathed and how heart beat as steady.
She looked down at him holding her. "I had a dream when I was little to grow up and follow in my mom's footsteps. To do what you hunted me down for doing. Also, to have a husband that went with me on the missions. I had a dream to have a daughter and raise her like my mother raised me," she said with a light sad laugh, "My dreams are very similar to your second. They were made when I was a child and before I understood." She held her gaze down not wanting him to see the sadness in her lost dream.
He nodded as he understood her pain. He rested his head on hers letting her soft hair press on his face.He stared at her molding close to him he couldn't understand why bad things happen to good people the things that makes a good person lose them selves.JIn loosing his parents,being kidnapped,Being forced to kill...and for Isabella nearly the same.He wanted to protect her and hold her when She cried and joked with her wen She was bored he wanted to lay next to her for the rest of his life .....Jin wanted Isabella all together.
Isabella yawned lightly. "You are so different, Jin. I wish I could have met your parents because I am sure they have a lot to do with your way of heart," she looked up with a sad smile. She looked up into his strange eyes and got lost. Her thoughts were only of his existence. Her heart then dropped as reality hit her. She was a married woman who could not escape her husbands reach of a belt, and he was just very kind.
Jin felt him self cuddling close to her he haven't felt so cared for.Isabella was all he wanted he wanted her hugs and her jokes her smiles ...her kiss.Then Jin realized that he wouldn't happen She as trapped with her husband.he trembled in her arms he wouldn't let her go even if Jin was to walk threw fire for her he would.He pulled her head in to his chest.
She buried her face in his chest. His warmth made her feel secure on a way she was not sure she ever had. She felt him tremble lightly and used a hand to pull the covers around him also. "Thank you for your kindness, Jin. It was not something people usually return," she said softly and wearily. She longed for it to be more than just kindness, but that kind of thing did not happen to Isabella.
He kissed her head softly and slowly drifted to sleep with her in his arms. He dreamed of a day where both him and her would be happy with call their dreams come true.Her heart beating with his.
She felt her heart skip a beat when he kissed her forehead. That was the beat keeping their hearts out of sync. With that one beat gone, their hearts beat together. Her eyes quickly fluttered shut.
Slowly daylight pored in threw the cracks and night faded away.The light pored mover Jin and Isabella and slowly Jin started to wake His hair a mess.He looked to Isabella and hugged her "Morning Isabella"he whispered in her ear
Isabella jumped awake in a panic of sorts. "I am sorry. I did not mean to sleep in th-," she stopped noticing she was with Jin not jack. She took a deep breath and held her head for a moment. She felt shame rush through her. "Good morning, Jin," she spoke quietly. She kee she had to go inside again, but she did not want to go inside the house again. The barn with Jin in it felt more like a home than the walls that iccasionly held jack.
He seen her jump and shook his head as She greeted him he hugged her in return"its ok i got you"he moved the hair out of her eyes and he gently smiled"You and I both know you have to go ínside.....go i will meet you wen he leaves" he kissed her hand and smiled kindly to her"And because you like sword art so much i can teach you come....later on".
she smiled softly and stood with a groan. Her legs had dried blood on them and her night gown felt as if it were dried to her abdomen. For the first time though, she felt a little bit of hope. She said siftly, "I would like that." She then turned and walked out of the barn towards the house.

As she walked into the house, she thought of what she needed to ask him when side saw him next. She needed to know of he was just being kind because he was that type if person or if had to do wit something more. She sat down at the table and acted as if she was not the least but happy. She knew jack did not want her happy. They are together in silence as always. She escaped the morning without a knew bruise. It happened occasionally. She knew he would make up for it soon enough though. He left but she did not follow him out. She forgot to. Her mind was on talking to Jin again. She waited for him at the table.
Jin Walked in the kitchen with a blue button up shirt and black pants his hair was neatly brushed.He walked in with a slight limp but other than that was fine "Hey Isabella"he sat at the table calmly he rubbed his shoulder and leaned back in his seat and looked down to the table.He wanted to know if She was alright Jin was able to tell by the way She moved she was still hurt.
She smiled at Jin as Tate brought him some food. She then looked down at the table. "What do you think of me?" she asked shyly flushing a soft pink.
Jin looked at her his eyes scanning her.Jin had so many things to say to her She was Talented,strong,brave,caring,sweet,Amazingly stunning pretty.He blushed lightly as he looked at her eyes "Your amazing in many ways .....Isabella"he stared at her.
She became a much more proclaimed pink at this. That was not quite what she meant though. "Thank you, Jin. That was not what I meant. How do you see me? A boss, a friend? I need to know if you are just being kind because you think it is right. Or what?" she asked looking into his eyes. She wanted to drown in then but knew it was not a good idea. Her eyes trailed away in fear of tht drowning. Besides, he was probably just being kind.
He got up and sat beside her and gently tilted her head to stare in his eyes and kindly smiled"i see you as my match"he tilted his head"You aren't scared to tell me what to do,what is wrong,or ask me questions that i don't really answer and not only you match me in mind you match me in history and skill".
She smiled softly and looked right into his eyes. She was drowning for sure. It was nice. Her breath being gone was not a bad feeling but as if she did not need oxygen anymore. That was all it took. She leaned in slightly for a kiss. She was ready to take a risk.
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